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    Friday, February 19, 2021

    Coding and 8 hour work days learn programming

    Coding and 8 hour work days learn programming

    Coding and 8 hour work days

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 01:48 PM PST

    I'm going to be honest, I struggle with motivation. But I need to get this off my chest. I spend 8 1/2 hours of my day dealing with the hell that is customer service, then I come back to a home life that isn't particularly great. I'm doing my best to try and practice when I can, but some days, I'm just mentally done after work. It's honestly hard for me to get into the mindset where I can focus on coding.

    Tell me if this is the wrong place and I'll remove it, but I honestly need some help here. I know this is the route I want to go with my career, but at the end of the day, I'm just tired.

    submitted by /u/saxxy_assassin
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    "Learn Programming: Python" released on Steam!

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 03:10 PM PST

    Hey! I'm Niema Moshiri, an Assistant Teaching Professor of Computer Science & Engineering at UC San Diego, and I'm the developer of "Learn Programming: Python", which is a game (more of an interactive course) that aims to teach beginners how to program in Python. I built the game engine from scratch in Python, and I have open sourced the code as well! (link in the Steam description)


    I hope you find it useful!

    submitted by /u/niemasd
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    I have no college degree, only mechanical/physical labor background. Can I break into web development/tech?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 06:01 PM PST

    Ive been studying for about 2 to 5 hours a day since January in preparation for attending a coding bootcamp on March 8th. Im trying to have a job which pays at least $50,000 a year by the end of 2021.

    What should I do to accomplish this goal?

    submitted by /u/AtticusKrass
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    I want to write both a self- celebratory and thank you post.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 06:05 PM PST

    Starting in the December of the last year,

    I started learning Python on my own.

    I used a couple of Udemy courses that aimed to teach Python in a comprehensive manner for a beginner. By the time I finished the first course and a good portion of the second course, I realized that it's going to take some more time if I am thinking about doing data science/analytics using Python.

    I was thirsty for experience and I looked for ways to immediately apply what I know into actual money-making activities. So I signed up myself as a free-lancer online.

    The first was web scraping stock information and delivering the data in Excel sheet.

    The Python library Investpy made the job very easy.

    The other, which I finished just last night, is processing the raw data into sales reports.

    It was a big project for me that served as a nice challenge.

    Throughout the journey, some of you have responded very kindly to my posts, helping me a great deal.

    I am not going to stop learning Python anytime soon.

    I am very interested in mastering the Pandas library because I reckon that I will find a lot of utility in it once I start working

    Thank you. Have a nice day and stay safe from the covid-19.

    submitted by /u/learnhtk
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    Software Security Fundamentals

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 12:49 AM PST

    Plan for security from the start.

    Keep it simple to keep the attack surface minimum.

    Model possible threats.

    Ask what can go wrong.

    Any user input is an attack vector.

    Never trust any input, always validate, always sanitize

    Libraries and network calls are attack vectors.

    Use well-known tried and tested libraries only,

    and keep them updated

    use HTTPS, don't allow HTTP access to secure pages

    Enforce strong passwords,

    never keep plain-text passwords,

    do not encrypt passwords,

    hash them with a salt

    Write exploit code to test your patches

    Don't try to roll your own security solutions, it's a community effort

    Log suspicious activity,

    like failed login attempts,

    invalid input,

    statistically rare or unexpected events

    Avoid security through obscurity

    Do not hide secrets in code,

    make sure they won't end up in public repos

    Be aware of buffer overflow attacks

    Consider all cases, allow, disallow, exception

    No system is 100% secure, security is an example of "unknown unknowns"


    Use 2-factor auth

    Add exponential delay to repeated login attempts

    Lock account after repeated failed login attempts


    Use authorization levels.

    Least privilege, never grant more access than required.

    Separation of privileges, so your system is not all or nothing

    Use allow-lists, not block-lists


    Parametrize SQL queries to prevent SQL injection


    They are mainly used for managing sessions, tracking, and personalization

    Prepend with __Host- to restrict cookie on a specific domain (no subdomains)

    Prepend cookies with __Secure- to prevent them from being overwritten.

    __Host- prefix is stricter than __Secure

    set an expiration

    Secure header make cookies HTTPS

    HTTPOnly header to prevent JavaScript access

    SameSite to prevent sending the cookie via cross-origin requests

    document.cookie = "_Host-username=Jane; Secure; HttpOnly; Path=/; SameSite=Strict"; 

    Cross-site request forgery CSRF

    CSRF is forgery of a valid request.

    It is possible to forge a fake request if

    1. the only mechanism to track user session is a cookie,
    2. all request parameters predictable

    To prevent it, we need at least one unpredictable parameter, a CSRF token.

    This token is a large random value, unique per user & per user session.

    Make sure your forms have CSRF tokens.

    CSRF tokens should not be sent within cookies.

    Use SameSite
    header to forbid sending the cookie via cross-origin requests

    more on CSRF

    Cross-origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

    an origin is a tuple of protocol:host:port

    Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://x.com:8081
    only the specified origin can access

    Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
    every origin can access

    By default, browser XMLHttpRequest or fetch APIs allows same-origin only

    Use Access-Control-Allow-Origin
    to manage CORS

    Use integrity
    to verify a resource is not modified on the way

    Use X-Frame-Options: DENY
    to disallow allow attempts to iframe site

    more on CORS

    Cross-site scripting XSS

    It is injecting malicious code into a website so the user's browser executes it

    To prevent, validate and encode. For example <script> would be encoded as &lt;script&gt;

    Set Content Security Policy header

    so the browser will run only allow the white-listed scripts and assets

    By using CSP to disable inline JavaScript, you can effectively eliminate almost all XSS attacks against your site.

    Disabling inline JavaScript means that all JavaScript must be loaded from script src tags.

    an example CSP response header

    Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; object-src 'none'; script-src 'self'; style-src 'self'; img-src 'self' 'https://i.imgur.com'; font-src 'https://fonts.googleapis.com';

    More resources




    Security books

    Pick a Vulnerability to Learn About

    security - The definitive guide to form-based website authentication - Stack Overflow

    Best practices for managing & storing secrets like API keys and other credentials [2020]

    submitted by /u/weownnothing
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    If programmers were writers...

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 06:50 PM PST

    We as programmers can learn a lot from writers.

    1. The first draft has a high chance to suck

    It doesn't matter if you are an expert in Django or Express or React or whatever. The first version of your code will suck. But don't worry, it's perfectly normal. And you will be refactoring that code later, won't you?

    2. You have to proofread your own work

    Other people proofread your work via pull requests. But you need to also proofread your code before doing that pull request! This is what I normally do. Start creating a pull request, but don't create it. Just look at the changes on those beautiful UIs in GitHub, Bitbucket or GitLab. Did you accidentally include a console.log? Don't worry, just remove it and start proofreading your work again. Start asking yourself questions. Should I move this variable to a constant? Should I move this piece of code to its own method? After you think your code is perfect, create that pull request!

    3. Let others proofread your work

    Ok, this one is pretty obvious. Your code needs to be reviewed before going to production right? Well, I just want to add something else here: never, ever, take a pull request personally. Pull requests are there for you to be better, not to harm your ego.

    4. There will be a second or third draft

    This is related to point 1. Remember I told you to refactor your code? Well, as Nike says: just do it. And if you are touching someone else's code, be that guy in the team to leave the house clean. That means, refactor other people code if necessary!

    5. A finished piece is better than a perfect WIP

    Again, just do it. If you are seeking perfection and never deploying code, then why are you writing code? Code will never be perfect. Just push that damn code to production already.

    6. Keep a cohesive narrative

    Write code as if you were writing a predictable yet exciting tale. In software development, predictable is in some sense good. You are writing your React app with class based components? That's fine. But please, don't start mixing functional components and class based components because YOLO.

    Just wanted to share this with you. Bye, bye! And also, don't forget to subscribe to my channel: YouTube Channel

    submitted by /u/darmendarizp
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    Can't implement anticaptcha when using selenium

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 12:40 AM PST

    Hey guys, im trying to use anticaptcha to sole outlooks fun captcha used to create a new email, I've looked everywhere but can't work out how to get the things I need to get anticaptcha to sole it for me, I have a api key and toped up the account, anything would help!

    submitted by /u/NOTSKFR
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    My first big big project in the making and start my way to fight this impostor syndrome.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 09:55 PM PST

    Background: Learned Java only in College at 2014 and never did anything till 2 years ago when I got my first programming job as a back end developer. Didn't know much of anything really. Consistently suffered through imposter syndrome where I would need to step away to calm down to continue to work. At this point with the experience I have I wanted to see what I know and if I could create this project I had in my head for some time. Granted the details are vague as of now as I need to groom over the parts but I feel that this is a good stepping point to validate what I know in terms of programming and hopefully continuously work my way toward of being fully confident in this field(any tips on how to deal with imposter syndrome would be greatly appreciated)

    Project: Hobby and Budget tracker.

    Overall it is to create a webpage to keep track of all my hobbies. Such as my Magic the Gathering collection, Warhammer 40k, books I've read, cigars, and etc. As well as have some functionality in terms of budget to keep track how much is available for each hobby. I am planning on using MySQL, Solr, Spring Boot, Javascript, heck maybe even some python automation script for running my jars for parsing data for this project and am super excited for it. Granted I have much to learn and much to work on but I know it will be an added benefit for my future.

    submitted by /u/easypeasylemonsqueez
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    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 06:05 PM PST

    day 0: restarting my #100daysOfCode challenge with httlacs chap 3... @100daysOfCode @python @freeCodeCamp @w3schools

    submitted by /u/rex_leo_6
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    C++ HELP!

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 09:15 PM PST

    I am trying to use cin.fail() to account for if the user enters a character instead of a variable. I have it in my "if" statement and when I compile the program it shows no errors, but when I enter "a" instead of a variable, instead of showing the one display of error, it shows all of my error displays in my other "if" statements? idk how to fix, please help :(

    submitted by /u/Chemical-Database874
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    C#/C++ or Python or PHP??

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 11:25 PM PST

    Which Programming Language is Less Competitive in terms of Freelancing. I am BSCS 3rd semester Student. Currently, I am a WordPress developer but I see too much competition. made 400$ in 3 months. its been month I failed to land on task/job. According to my research, C# is high paying/hard/less competitive but a number of jobs are low. not sure about python. I see plenty of PHP, React, Nodejs Developers and number of jobs are high too. which one should I master and the job should be easy to land.

    submitted by /u/LustyLionking
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    Coding on my phone

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 11:10 PM PST

    Been learning code on my dad's computer and dont have one of my own. Are there any good code editors on the app store or online I could download

    submitted by /u/Andile16
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    I dont like arrays, someone help

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 10:18 PM PST

    The idea of arrays isnt particularly hard to grasp, its kinda just implemeting them in programs lol.I also dont know when to use them, and sometimes just try using string or something, which doesnt work. And then theres 2d arrays... Help.

    submitted by /u/turtleneck9
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    What's the Next Step?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 09:48 PM PST

    Hey everyone, 22 year old who just graduated college with a degree in Informatics / Cognate in Human-Centered Computing and need some advice.

    To be honest, Informatics at my school was the easy way out of Computer Science. I chose the degree because I wanted to 1) graduate with a high GPA (which I did; 3.9) and 2) enjoy college without being overtly stressed.

    Well, I graduated May of 2020 and I landed a fantastic job at a Big 4 company doing Forensics starting at 80k and tons of room for growth. I'm a little over a month in, and I've found that surprisingly, I'm one of the few people I've met at this prestigious company that knows an ounce of code. I have been using Python and UiPath for some intermediate-level (skillwise) automation, and have been impressing my team.

    I've realized that, If I became very skilled at code I could really become an asset. However, I feel as if I've plateaued regarding my Python skills. I know all of the fundamentals and have a decent grasp on most concepts, and can approach most problems with an idea of what to do. With this being said; I've been stuck at this level for a long time. A year ago I could do the same things I could do now, albeit with a little more trouble and maybe without the knowledge of some problemsolving/built-in functinos.

    My question: whats the next step? Should I devote my time to learn a framework? Flask? Django? Learn a library like Pandas or Scikit?

    Truthfully, now that I'm working full-time I don't have a lot of time to learn yet I love coding and want to continue. But I must use my time wisely, and the thing about learning a framework/libray like the ones listed above is that it takes a lot of time and effort (so I've heard).

    I wish to feel good at Python one day, but I need some guidance on where to go to achieve that title. What do you guys recommend? I know a few of you may recommend learning something that will be helpful for my career, but truthfully, I don't have a clear answer for what it is I specifically do at my career; I get asked tons of different tasks, and sometimes I can incorporate Python into it.

    Sorry for the unstructured question, just trying to get my thoughts out. Thanks for anyone who took the time out to read <3

    submitted by /u/Satori_Orange
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    Phyton or Golang?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 09:41 PM PST

    Which is better to learn?

    submitted by /u/HebiPeche
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    I’m new to programming but how do people applying to jobs know everything?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 07:22 PM PST

    For example, I was looking through jobs and every job posting had a list of languages and requirements unique to that job. Do you have to know every language before you start applying? What if someone happened to get a call back from a job they applied for where they didn't meet all the requirements for that job and they got a call within the week and was told they'd also start within the week, how would you go about preparing for a scenario like this? Do you learn on the job?

    submitted by /u/imhypedforthisgame
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 01:10 AM PST

    I want to get this script to run on cookie clicker in tampermonkey but it wont work. It works when i run it in console but not tampermonkey.

    heres the script im trying to run on cookie clicker through tampermonkey


    submitted by /u/warus8828823
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    Software Developer - Unsure of How to Progress Career

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 07:04 PM PST


    I'll provide some background first before laying out my concerns. I graduated with a BSc in computer engineering from UofT about 2-3 years ago and since then I have been working in Toronto, Canada at a small-mid sized company that contracts its workers out to large clients. During my time working I've touched on several technologies/languages but haven't really had time to master any of them and can't post my achievements as the projects are confidential/proprietary. For the last year I've started working with a small team, about a handful of people, on technology that is fairly outdated (transition from greenscreens in mainframes...). Honestly, I've looked for another job that incorporates this technology I'm becoming more experienced with and I could barely find any demand. Furthermore, not once have I participated in workflow management processes like Waterfall/Agile/etc.. I'm 25, making 70k/year, and I feel like I'm destroying my career by being in this role. Does anybody have any tips on how I can get my career back on track and find a job despite my circumstances?

    Technologies/languages I've used (not mastered but I could depending on the new job's requirements):

    - Bash scripting

    - Java

    - Scala (very brief)

    - Apache NiFi

    - Spark

    - Spring MVC

    - Apache Kafka

    - Hadoop

    - LANSA

    - IBM System i

    - JIRA

    - Git

    - Maven

    Edit: Typo*

    submitted by /u/TendiesMeWant
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    How do you guys remember you code/Algorithm?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 12:54 AM PST

    I've been learning DSA and logical problem solving (the ones required for SDE role), leetcode questions and what not. I've solved many questions although I couldn't solve them by myself. Easy ones I feel like I can tackle, brute force a bit of the medium ones (can't really think of those clever solutions people post in comments so I look up their solutions and try to understand it) and doing the hard ones is like kicking a rock.

    After not being able to solve a significant chunk of medium/hard questions and looking up the solution to try to make sense of it, I often forget them when I go back to it a couple days later. It's like blank. I look at it and have no idea what I previously did and what solution/concept was applied in the particular problem.

    How do you guys remember these concepts/algorithms? There are tons of questions and not really possible to remember even half of them. Are you able to solve a significant chunk of the difficult ones? How do you guys do it/think of a clever solution? How to build good programming logic like that?

    submitted by /u/TheBenevolentTitan
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    What does Cloud services/computing people do at their job and what does it mean?(like Azure)

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 12:53 AM PST

    I've the chance to apply for Microsoft Azure academy, but I couldn't really find out what actually people do when working with Cloud/data/AI stuff? Are you a coder or just someone who's in charge of keeping things in order or what? I'd appreciate if it could be given to me as ELI5

    I'm personally more interested in learning to be front-end web dev, but I like to also give a try to other things, in case I don't get chosen to the coming "web dev bootcamp academy" .

    Thank you very much in advance!

    submitted by /u/Kihiri
    [link] [comments]

    How does a three-way mergesort work?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 08:50 PM PST

    I am programming a three-way mergesort but I can't visualize this in my head at all.

    So far, I know that the time complexity is (n*(log (base 3) n)). Is what I have below correct?

    [6, 4, 3, 7, 2, 9, 1, 5] [6, 4], [3, 7, 2], [9, 1, 5] [6, 4], [3], [7], [2], [9], [1], [5] swap [6, 4], [3], [7], [2], [9], [1], [5] [4, 6], [2, 3, 7], [1, 5, 9] [2, 3, 4, 6, 7], [1, 5, 9] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9] 

    so I know that the list is going to be split in three but if there is only two items in a list like [6, 4], would I do a normal swap? Wouldn't that cause the time complexity to screw up?

    submitted by /u/COFFEE_KEEPS_ME_SANE
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    How are applications compiled to work on devices?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 08:43 PM PST

    I have a very high interest in systems programming and compilers that will allow me to build new types of software SDKs. I am just a bit confused a what a compiler is, does it only allow for people to build new programming languages or can someone create a compiler to build new types of applications?

    For example when building an iOS app you have to compile the application so it can run on a phone, how does this work though? What do I need to start learning so I can build a compiler to make for example an SDK that will allow people to build desktop applications with. Is a compiler even what I trying to explain or is there a different way of doing this?

    Sorry in advanced for my very limited knowledge in computer beyond web applications and backend servers.

    submitted by /u/Red3nzo
    [link] [comments]

    Twitter captcha

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 08:32 PM PST

    I was trying to create an app with a 'tweet this' link to share some data, but Twitter blocked me and sent me through a captcha test. What's the underlying security concern that they need to resolve to reroute through the captcha test?

    submitted by /u/alienIntelligent
    [link] [comments]

    Why do there have to be braces here?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2021 12:01 AM PST

    printf("\nThe bigger number is %i",(x>y) ? ((z>x)? z : x) : ((z>y)? z : y));

    I mean ((z>x)? z : x) and ((z>y)? z : y)

    submitted by /u/mentallyillbluesman1
    [link] [comments]

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