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    Thursday, February 18, 2021

    Anti-Cheat software? Red Dead Online Ask Programming

    Anti-Cheat software? Red Dead Online Ask Programming

    Anti-Cheat software? Red Dead Online

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 11:16 AM PST

    Long preamble, TLDR at bottom:


    For those who don't know, cheating/hacking is a HUGE problem in GTA Online and Red Dead Online.

    In RDO it is so bad that cheaters can follow you from session to session, harassing you 24/7. ALL they need is your in-game screenname (which is shown everywhere).

    They have incredible amounts of power, including:

    • -Spoofing their name (many use "R*ADMINISTRATOR" in a different color to pose as Rockstar support)
    • -Changing time of day, weather
    • -Killing you anywhere on the map
    • -Teleporting anyone, anywhere.
    • -BLOCKING the in-game cheat report, and seeing WHO filed it. This means if you use the game to report a cheater (Rockstar's official advice), they can see you filed the report and are guaranteed to harass you from that point on.
    • -And hiding most evidence of all their activity.

    Ok, so I would like an explanation from the technical side.

    Even if there isn't a "catch-all" anti-cheat system they could implement, I refuse to believe that Rockstar couldn't just hire a small team of people to keep track of the cheating programs, and reverse engineer them to provide protection or something.

    The only explanation I can see, is that the company doesn't care. I can't believe it would be that hard, especially for a huge company, to combat these cheating software.


    TLDR What are some of the common programming methods used in preventing cheating online, and is it really that hard to implement or does Rockstar not care?

    Thank you so much! I have had several "hackers" ruin a ton of my progress, and would at least like to gain some understanding, out of all this frustration.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/radiantcumberbadger
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    What is the right way to approach a coding problem?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 10:28 PM PST

    I've been preparing for coding interviews for a few months now, but I often find myself getting stuck on most problems which aren't quite easy. I start with trying to come up with an algorithm, but halfway through it, I try to instead think about what variables, data structures, and methods I will need. Because I don't even have a concrete idea of how my algorithm would work, I often end up getting stuck and going nowhere.

    For instance, given a Binary Tree problem, I'll start with a recursive algorithm but even before I figure out how the algorithm should work, I try to identify what methods I should create, how that method should call itself, what global variables I should maintain, etc. Eventually, since I don't even know what my algorithm should look like, I often end up getting stuck.

    So, what is the right way one should approach a programming problem? Should I perhaps write pseudocode first? Or maybe just list out what my algorithm steps should look like in plain English instead?

    If anyone has any tips/recommendations/resources, I would really appreciate it. TY!

    submitted by /u/walking_dead_
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    Bus Error Help

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 10:20 PM PST

    Hello everyone! I am currently doing an assignment involving linked lists in C++, and it compiles fine. However, when I run it, it throws a Bus Error. Can someone please explain what a Bus Error is? Google hasn't been particularly helpful, and I think understanding what this error is will help me fix the problem. I can provide more details/code if needed. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/n3onl1
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    How do large tech companies sometimes fail to handle spiked server load?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 04:07 PM PST

    As a recent example, when Best Buy, Nvidia, and Walmart started dropping the new RTX 3070 and 3080 GPUs for sale, their servers could not handle the load and simply crashed for consumers. Assuming nobody fucked up and they have load balancers and autoscaling instances or autoscaling K8-like clusters, how did these crashes happen?

    I've only worked in small to medium sized companies in the backend, so I'm only versed with the theories of large scale system implementations. Could it be because of the cold starts of new instances failed to keep up with the load if they had an autoscale group? Could their databases have been too fragile?

    If you have any relevant blog posts of postmortems that companies have posted that you learned a lot from, please share!

    submitted by /u/captainhango
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    Could someone point out the errors in this ER diagram?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 09:05 PM PST

    I have this ER diagram: https://imgur.com/a/07ZXZkC

    I would appreciate it if someone could take the time to point out the errors in it, so that I can learn from that. I'm looking at several videos that aren't making sense for me.

    submitted by /u/Blaafjell_
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    How to multithread efficiently - specifically, choosing the number of threads?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 12:42 PM PST

    When it comes to parallelising work on sets of data, is there a good rule of thumb or procedure for determining how many threads to use?

    For example, my CPU presents 12 threads, though it only has 6 cores. I multithreaded some code that transforms big blocks of data and writes it elsewhere (so quite a bit of memory I/O), and although I see a big improvement if I use two threads instead of one, I don't see very much improvement above that - its speed remains pretty much constant up to 12 threads, even though CPU usage goes from 16% to 100%.

    Another bit of code sees some diminishing improvement up to 6 threads, but actually gets slower once I use 12 threads.

    Is there a different approach I could be taking, like: instead of breaking the data up into blocks and working on them in separate threads, would I be better off if I had separate threads doing different things - one thread doing multiplications, another following along behind and doing additions, and so on?

    My code uses a lot of SSE; I've got a vague recollection that that kind of stuff isn't good when you try and split it across both threads of a core, or something like that? But there doesn't seem to be a good way of determining the physical core count.

    Also, if I find out the code works best with X threads, either as an absolute number or as a percentage of the number of CPU threads, how likely is it that this will also be optimal on another machine with a different number of cores/threads?

    submitted by /u/wonkey_monkey
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    Why is my output written in the top line

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 04:22 PM PST

    Im making a simple kernel implementation, so i have my own semaphore and thread classes. Im just testing the wait(time) function, it should work like this:
    I call wait(10), it should block the running thread for 10 ticks, and write out 10, 9,8..etc and finish.
    For some reason it is writing some of the output in the top line. Any ideas why this is happening?


    In the photo you can see some of the numbers are missing thats because they are written in the top line and then the other number overwrites them. Ignore the 'trecilok je 1' .

    submitted by /u/Comprehensive-Gur860
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    Questions about the technical details of transfering files between 2 devices (http, https, mdns, bluetooth, etc.)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 03:36 AM PST

    Last weekend I wanted to send a few pictures from my iPhone to my friend's Android phone and it wasn't as straight-forward as it could have been. I also realized that I know surprisingly little about the technical background of sending a file from one device to another. I'd like to make a quick example to show what I (think to) know. Feel free to correct things I got wrong/add anything I missed to undersand

    Let's assume we have two smartphones. One iPhone and one Android phone.

    Case 1 - both smartphones are in the same Wifi:

    I assume that file sending happens over http(/https?). So one smartphone opens an http server and the other phone acts as the client and file transfer is handled via http. Not that hard. I think I could code that in Python fairly quickly. But what I don't understand is how does one smartphone know that the other smarpthone "exists" and has a running http server? I obviously googled and it seems like mDNS is what makes this happen? Is that correct or is there anything else I'm missing?

    Case 2 - both smartphone are out in the field and only have Bluetooth:

    This is much more complicated it seems. AFAIK I cannot just add another smartphone as a bluetooth device. Also my iPhone's "Share menu" doesn't have anything like "send file via bluetooth". Why does that not exist? Is there anything wrong with Bluetooth that this is not an option? (And yes I know it is not as fast as wifi, but let's ignore that for now). Is this a technical limitation of Bluetooth? Is there really no way to do this? It just seems very odd that in 2021 I still can't just send a file from an iPhone to an Android phone or vice versa and I'd like to understand what's so complicated about this.

    Thanks in advance for any input!!

    submitted by /u/booooomba
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    Need help getting started properly

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 08:05 PM PST

    Hey guys. I'm new to this subreddit and I needed advice to get better at the programming languages I know and maybe learn new languages if needed. I'm in my third year of college and the placement season is coming soon. Right now I know C, C++ and little bit of python. I've learnt a little bit of OOPS and did a course on data structures and algorithms. I think I know the theory on how to do it, but due to the lack of questions that I've done, I'm not confident in either of them. I get really tensed whenever someone talks about projects related to coding because I feel like I don't have enough knowledge to start off. I'd like to know what all you need, to be confident in these languages. Like for example, I have a codechef account, but it's empty. I don't know how to start. I have various other accounts like these but none of them have any projects. What are the projects that I need to be working on to be confident about the language that I'm learning? Any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/badumtss_77
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    I need help with creating a animated rainbow text on hover only in html/CSS

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 03:46 PM PST

    So I'm trying to edit my website text, and I have html, as well as CSS.

    I am trying to create a moving (animated) rainbow text for my HREF LINKs when you hover over them with your mouse. For example, when you put your courser over the word "Cat" it shows a animated rainbow "cat" link, as long as your mouse curser is over it. Here's the code i have written so far, as well as the problems I a currently facing :

    I'm having problems with the rainbow text hover in my body of my html/CSS...

    My html coding is this :

    <!-- seperate line for test -->

    <div id="boddy"> <a href>Hover over me 2!</a> </div>

    <!-- seperate line for test -->

    <p> This should show <a href>Hover Over Me!</a> </p>

    ^ For the html file I have 1 div id named "boddy" with a HREF link, and another HREF link inside a paragraph text (this should show).

    Here's my CSS:

    a:hover {

    color: transparent; }

    a:link {

    color: white;

    font-weight: bold;

    text-decoration: none;

    background: linear-gradient(90deg, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple);

    background-size: cover;

    background-clip: text;

    -webkit-background-clip: text; }

    a:visited {

    color: white;

    text-decoration: none;

    background: linear-gradient(90deg, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple);

    background-size: cover;

    background-clip: text; -webkit-background-clip: text; }

    #boddy { font-size: 2em;

    display: flex;

    height: 17vh;

    align-items: center; }

    So when run without the background-clip: text; and -webkit, I'm able to see the rainbow backgrounds on both of the text links as a box, but as soon as I add background-clip: text;/webkit-background-clip:text; to clip the rainbow background to the href link, it goes back to the white text with not even the rainbow background, and does not show the rainbow background when hovered. This should not be happening as i have a:hover { color: transparent; } I do see some sort of error or cation in my code runner though...It says for background-clip: text; it expected (<box>) but found "text" ~What does this mean?

    Also, how do I just change the text code with the id "boddy"? For example, if i wanted to only change the a:visited/a:link of the <a href> of the bobby div, how do i organize those variables to make it so that the a:visited/a:link/a:hover.etc only affects the boddy id Href link? Sorry if i have a lot of questions i am somewhat new to this. If anyone has a solution to my problem or even a better way please let me know. Thanks

    submitted by /u/ccvbnm3
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    Creating servers for my RPI

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 06:42 PM PST

    So currently, I am thinking of this project where the RPI receives data from the PC and then uses that data to create a display and outputs it on an LCD screen. However, I am not sure how the RPI can receive data from my PC. I tried doing my own research and it seems like I have to create my own server and connect the RPI to the server. Any suggestions on how to make servers? Are there any good learning sites? I'm not sure if this belongs in programming but I think it requires programming to create a server

    submitted by /u/Care-Reasonable
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    Cannot pip/conda install anything, "HTTP 000 Connection failed..."

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 06:25 PM PST

    So I'm guessing it's an ISP thing, since I live at a place where the internet is maintained by the landlord, I don't have access to my own internet info and such. Idk how to get around this. I'm trying to "conda update conda", "conda install numpy/wheels/bs4/etc" same error every time.

    I tried uninstalling and reinstalling anaconda, tried python 3 and still nothing. Also tried "conda config --set ssl_verify false" and then installing but didn't work, (I turned it back on again don't worry). I was hoping there's a way to fix this without some external installations so if anyone has some ideas I'm all ears. Should I just call my ISP tomorrow? What should I ask em? Thanks!

    Weird that the ISP would block the website even though I'm able to visit the page if that's the case.

    submitted by /u/Pleasant-String6715
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    Banking Error - what sorts of protocols should be in place?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 02:58 PM PST


    Apologies I am not a programmer but would like some help in how to respond to my bank. I paid a bill using my bank's app and for whatever reason it paid out twice. I phoned them and they confirmed that the timestamps were the same for both transactions down to the second. I have submitted a complaint but their response is that my internet connection must have dropped at the point of putting the payment through and I must have pressed the confirmation button twice. I'm not a programmer but fairly technical and think this is wrong, surely there is a certain protocol that deals with internet connection drops and the system shouldn't allow 2 transactions just because a user clicked something twice (I'm convinced I didn't press it twice anyway). So what are the terms I should be using to tell them they're either talking nonsense or their app/system isn't set up correctly?


    submitted by /u/Slakoth7
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    In order to learn for LPIC, I was thinking of creating a questioner that asks questions to certain commands in the CLI. Would this be doable in bash script? (xPosted this in r/learnprogramming)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 02:54 PM PST

    Since bash script is an elemental part in taking the LPIC 2 exams, I was thinking of writing a questioner. The application should access questions that are pre-written by me (e.g. what does chmod do?), preferably in a database like postgres, then access the questions at random prompting for an answer in the CLI. Given that there would be only one correct answer, also pre-determined, the application/script would move on with either 0 being false answer or 1 being correct answer, then asking the question again at a random interval. The interval then being determined by a) shorter if answered wrong or b) longer if answered correct.

    Now I have some basic knowledge of the fundamentals of programming but not nearly enough to write this from scratch. So I would go at it step by step. First writing a prompt that asks a question, with a possible yes/no variable, then trying to integrate the DB and so on. I was hoping to combine both the coding and the learning by means of repetition to study more effectively.

    My main concern however is that maybe this can't be handled by bash script (because of the complexity of where this is heading) and that it would be better to write this in something like python. But like I said, bash being an elemental part of the exam, I was wondering if this approach would be doable in bash script?

    submitted by /u/dontgonearthefire
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    Looking for a tool to CRUD AWS S3 like file storage

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 11:03 AM PST


    I'm using a 3rd party S3 provider. It is AWS S3 compatible which means you can use all S3 SDKs and API tools you just need to change the host url.

    As my provider has no web interface like Amazon to view, delete files e.t.c. I'm looking for some tool which provides this functionality as using the REST api is tedious.

    submitted by /u/firefall777
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    How to work out 'churned' and 'acquired' from a relational DB?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 02:14 PM PST

    I am building one of the Hackerrank projects to work with DBs.

    I have to work out which vendors have churned customers to other vendors, as well as which vendors have acquired customers from other vendors.

    There isn't much information about what churned or acquired means, but I tried to infer it from the DB:

    app | vendor | active --------------------- 123 | AGX | 1 123 | OTMA | 0 // AGX acquired from OTMA and PEI? 123 | PEI | 0 // while at the same time OTMA, PEI churned to AGX? 255 | AGX | 0 // AGX, MEI churned to MAG? 255 | MAG | 1 // while at the same time, MAG acquired from AGX, MEI? 255 | MEI | 0 675 | AGX | 0 675 | OTMA | 0 // no churn/acquisition 675 | MAG | 0 

    I'm wondering if my comments here are correct, or if there's something I'm missing (and was lost in translation).

    submitted by /u/dirtyring
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    Does this exist? HELP (dumby proof inventory management)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 05:47 AM PST

    (sorry in advance if this is the wrong subreddit)

    I work at a non-profit as a housing worker and every time we move a client we give them a full home of new furniture. In order to keep up with moves we buy items ahead of time and keep them in a storage locker and our BIGGEST issue by far is managing inventory. We suck at it. I created an excel sheet that uses this code for each item "=SUM(C32,-D32:D53)" but it isn't user friendly enough for everyone so it ends up falling on me and then I just end up neglecting it because I have a million other tasks..... I'm looking for something more user friendly and easy to manage, ideally I would like each worker to be able to click and select all the items they took for a client and then have our inventory sheet update automatically based on their responses.. Does this exist?? Thanks in advance!!

    submitted by /u/taylortpaper
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    How can I put a counter up in my form and add data in the databases using reactjs ,formik and axios

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 12:05 PM PST

    I need help I have this question, can one of you give me the answer and see what is the problem in my code

    I 'm new in react js I put a counter up in my form I have problem to put the result of counter with the form result in the databases I use for my Api mongodb and spring boot

    Count up function

    ``` export default function Index(props) { /* Server State Handling */

    const [count, setCount] = useState(0); const [delay, setDelay] = useState(1000); useInterval(() => setCount((c) => c + 1), delay); useEffect(() => { if (delay === null) alert(`Count ${count}`); }, [count, delay]); function useInterval(callback, delay) { const savedCallback = useRef(); useEffect(() => { savedCallback.current = callback; }); useEffect(() => { let id; if (delay) { id = setInterval(savedCallback.current, delay); } return () => clearInterval(id); }, [delay]); } 

    const [serverState, setServerState] = useState(); const handleServerResponse = (ok, msg) => { setServerState({ok, msg}); };

    Function of submitting data

    const handleOnSubmit = (values, actions) => { axios.post( "/consultations", values, ) .then(response => { props.history.push("/listcons"); actions.setSubmitting(false); actions.resetForm(); handleServerResponse(true, "Thanks!"); alert("Consultation enregister avec succer"); }) .catch(error => { actions.setSubmitting(false); handleServerResponse(false, error.response.data.error); }); 

    ``` My form with the counter up

    I have problem here when I submitted my form in my databases the count value is always 0 (the initial value) how can I resolve this problem what is the problem of my code ```

    return ( <div className="container "> <div className="card-body bg-white"> <Formik initialValues={{count:0,titre: ""}} onSubmit={handleOnSubmit} validationSchema={formSchema} > {({ isSubmitting }) => (

     <Form id="fs-frm" noValidate > 

    <div style={{textAlign: 'center'}}> <h3>Count</h3> <h2> {count}</h2> </div> <div className="form-group" > <label htmlFor="titre">Titre</label> <Field id="titre" name="titre" className="form-control" /> <ErrorMessage name="titre" className="errorMsg" component="p" /> </div> <Card.Footer style={{ "textAlign": "right" }}> <button type="submit" className="btn btn-primary" disabled={isSubmitting}> Submit </button> </Card.Footer> {serverState && ( <p className={!serverState.ok ? "errorMsg" : ""}> {serverState.msg} </p> )} </Form> )} </Formik> </div> </div> ); }; ```

    The code is here in this link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66219096/how-can-i-put-a-counter-up-in-my-form-and-add-data-in-the-databases-using-reactj

    submitted by /u/Mghak
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    [HELP] New to C Language, an issue with opening source files

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 11:11 AM PST

    I am debugging a program and when I open the file in my VScode, I am getting this error:

    cannot open source file "sys/socket.h"C/C++(1696)

    cannot open source file "sys/wait.h"C/C++(1696)

    cannot open source file "netinet/in.h"C/C++(1696)

    cannot open source file "arpa/inet.h"C/C++(1696)

    cannot open source file "netdb.h"C/C++(1696)

    Is there something special I have to do to import these libraries?


    OS: Windows 10 Pro

    IDE: VScode

    submitted by /u/dylanboyz
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    Innovative Project Ideas for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 05:14 AM PST

    I want to ask for any suggestion for an innovative project idea for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. My classmates and I joined a country wide competition wherein we will propose some innovative solution in line with United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.

    United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals

    submitted by /u/LongHairChip
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    (advice needed) Form with spreadsheet

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 07:55 AM PST

    I used to work with a repetitive form and automated it on Google forms and some .gs . But now the company added a small spreadsheet (previous experience, company, years, role) and google forms doesnt cover it, nor office forms, nor any other template I found.

    Any suggestions? Or do I pretty much need to build it from scratch?

    Do I need to revive our beloved html table with all the tr th td?

    submitted by /u/slothordepressed
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    Finding missing edges so that the graph is connected

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 07:00 AM PST

    I'm trying to solve a problem where the function input is a list of current roads (edges) between cities (verticies ). The output should be a list of missing edges such that you can get to any city from any city (connected graph, 1 component).

    Example input:

    A B

    C D

    A E

    E B

    F E

    G G

    Expected output:

    A C

    F G

    The number of roads/edges should also be minimum. I'm new to graph theory, so I don't really know how to approach this problem, I think of it as a graph, but maybe there's an other way?

    submitted by /u/GCapablanca
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    Resources on (functional) testing?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 02:30 AM PST

    Hello, I'm currently working on an internship project and it's focused on functional testing (in PHP). So I was wondering whether any of you people have any resources you might recommend about functional testing? Doesn't have to be software related, though I'd prefer books / (white) papers, since my school is somewhat strict about what I use as references.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/dannypas00
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    How do I upload a basis python program somewhere so my friends can use it?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 12:58 AM PST


    I wrote a simple python program in Code Academy and I want my friends to try it. Is there a site that hosts programs where I can upload it and link them to? (Like Youtube for videos)

    *edit: typo in title, sorry

    submitted by /u/emerald_python
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