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    Tuesday, January 26, 2021

    Secure voting systems Computer Science

    Secure voting systems Computer Science

    Secure voting systems

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 10:09 AM PST

    Hi All,

    Given all the controversy that happened this last election, I'm wondering what the CS community honestly thinks of the current state of voting systems. Most of articles I've read, and my own understanding of the concerns, say that the current systems are not really secure, have known flaws and that in general, no one has come up with or even theorized a secure system that does not compromise anonymity.

    So, real talk ... ethically, how can we allow these systems to continue to be used when we know they can be compromised? Also, if anyone is aware of theoretically how a secure system should be architected, I'm interested.

    While I "believe" that most of the current systems are doing their best to behave ethically ... I feel that until a provably safe and verifiable system exists, perhaps for the public good we should abandon the concept of electronic voting to re-establish public trust in our voting process. Thoughts?

    (relevant xkcd for fun: https://xkcd.com/2030/ )

    submitted by /u/NyPoster
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    CS related topics i should learn if i am interested in finance, economics and data?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:55 PM PST

    Not a CS guy at all and don't really enjoy coding and software development all that much.

    However I do like everything to do with finance, economics and data related. I also am strongly considering grad school in something adjacent to these fields so want to develop a deep understanding. I really want to learn how these big portfolio management companies like blackrock run their systems, how different trading algorithms work and how technology is leveraged by different hedge funds, how betting companies are using it to analyze and predict odds , how data science, modelling and analytics is helping businesses, and such.

    Even though alot of it is mostly complex math, nowadays it feels like a CS knowledge is pretty much required to learn any of these things at a deep level. Without it, even with a math and finance background its essentially a black box understanding which i think is not as rigorous.

    So far I can only think of Python and SQL (and excel lol). Is there anything else CS related I can self learn that would be of any us ?

    submitted by /u/aldjfh
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    What is the meaning of "words" in the context of operating systems?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 10:46 PM PST

    I'm reading a book on operating systems, and the author keeps using the term "word" when talking about memory, but never gave any sort of definition. I tried searching online, but it was hard to find a search query that matched my question. Here are some usages from the textbook, emphasis added:

    In the context of reading memory from a hard disk:

    [The disk] has to wait until the proper sector has rotated under the head and then start reading and storing the bits as the come off the drive [...] finally, it has to assemble the incoming bits into words and store them in memory.

    In the context of CPU functionality:

    All CPUs contain some registers inside to hold key variables and temporary results. Thus, the instruction set generally contains instructions to load a word from memory into a register and store a word from a register into memory.

    In the context of driver IO port space:

    On some computers, the device registers are mapped into the operating system's address space, so they can be read and written like ordinary memory words.

    The way the author uses this term leads me to believe that he's not referring to the colloquial usage of a "word." So is there some formal definition in low-level memory for a "word" or is the author just using it to describe some arbitrary-length chunk of memory?

    submitted by /u/NowImAllSet
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    Left Child Right Sibling Trie Data Structure

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 02:05 PM PST

    Is a program that contains while(randnum!=3) defined as halting or not?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:13 AM PST

    Consider a program "someProg" that contains something like

    x = randint(0,1000000) #x is assigned to a random number between 0 and 10000000

    while (x != 3):

    ⠀ x = randint(0,10000) #x is assigned to a new random number

    If there was a program that solved the halting problem (which there cannot be, but speaking hypothetically), what would the output be when it is passed "someProg"?, Though unlikely, it is possible that "someProg" will never stop, isn't it?

    submitted by /u/herklowl
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    I need an idea for my computer science a level programming project

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:29 AM PST

    If you have suggestions please comment on this post, I need a problem to solve and create a program for

    submitted by /u/FzlGamer21
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