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    Monday, October 26, 2020

    the most frustrating part of being a programmer is not being an artist

    the most frustrating part of being a programmer is not being an artist

    the most frustrating part of being a programmer is not being an artist

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    As a programmer, I can make things 'work' like no one else, lol. But when it comes to artwork I constantly struggle. I'm sure artist feel the same way when it comes to making their art functional.

    submitted by /u/azfrederick
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    I think we may have taken the name Overwatch too literally ��... Nevertheless, here is a great tutorial/breakdown sharing how to create Overwatch-style assets using Blender & Substance Painter. Enjoy!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    Announcing VkGuide.dev, a new free tutorial series to learn Vulkan, focused on iterative development and dynamic rendering.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:55 AM PDT

    How to stay motivated when you are only a programmer?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    I really like programming. And I really like programming games - I think its the most complex and the most rewarding programming niche that exists.

    However most of the time I abandon a project simply because I'm only a programmer - not an artist, a musician or a UI designer. I can make all those work together (or at least willing to learn how to) but I have close to zero interest in learning 2D drawing, 3D modelling or music production.

    So I find myself scrolling between the endless pages of itch.io / unit asset store / open game art / cg trader and etc. And while there are a lot of high quality assets there, even for free - none of them really sums into one theme - and its completely fine, I don't expect anyone to provide entire game assets packs, however at this point I simply loose motivation.

    I have a lot of ideas about cyberpunk themed games, zombie survival themes or a tower defense game that is not based on fantasy theme - but there are very few assets for such themes. And if there are - they usually lack other aspects like matching characters or environment, lack of animations, items or a matching UI.

    How do you, fellow programmers, stay motivated when you have zero interest for other game dev fields - to actually finish a game?

    Few disclaimers:

    1. Please understand that I do not complain that there are no free/paid assets out there. I don't expect anyone to provide me with free / paid, complete, asset pack for my future game / idea. I'm simply interested to know how other programmers overcome this barrier.
    2. I'm more interested in responses from people for whom game dev is a hobby. Obviously if you plan to release your game and make money on it you either use prototype assets for starters (and eventually hire artists) or hire artists from the beginning. Since I do not plan, at least for now, to make games as a source of income, but more as a programming hobby, I can not afford to pay an artist, especially since my side-project-to-completion-ration is close to zero.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/skwee357
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    I had to go back this week and finish what I started, and now I recreated the full Imposter Mechanics in Among Us from moving, venting, killing, sabotaging, and also controlling doors. check the comments for the full tutorial videos + the free Github Project. and if you needed any help let me know.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    Free Demon Pixel Art Game Asset! (Link in comment)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    3D development using Python

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    Hey folks,does anyone here has a recommendation about which 3D python game engine i should be using ?

    I tried Panda3D, it's a good engine, but i had problems displaying my blender models and that really made me hopeless, also tried using Ursina, same problem.

    I know Python isn't that good for game development compared to other languages, but i want to try making a 3D game using Python, so is there anybody who can help me with this ?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/QuantumCoder002
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    Should Games be $70 at Launch?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    If you don't know, the PS5 is launching with some $70 games as described in my YouTube video. On one hand, inflation and more expensive development costs makes $70 sound reasonable. But on the other hand, games have been getting cheaper and cheaper and maybe that's the correct trend to stay competitive. EA Access and Xbox Game Pass are a testament to that as well as the success of free to play games like Valorant, Fornite, and Apex Legends.

    What do you think and why?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/VectorSpaceYT
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    Game Development on Twitch

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    Hey Reddit, I am just looking for some advice on how the game dev journey can be captured over Twitch.

    Is this something that interests anyone? And if so are there any specifics of how you would like to see it done?

    The problem that I have been having is that new viewers have a hard time understanding the project and if I stop to explain it to everyone that joins, then it becomes repetitive for the people who already heard it.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks for reading this post.

    submitted by /u/MFMitchell
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    Alternative to FB and occulus?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    Tldr: I give up on fb and occulus, where do I connect to developers and make VR games?

    Facebook is worse than shit. I had an account for years and it disabled by FB for no reasons at all, then I made a new one last year and it was disabled as well for no reason. I created another one today morning and by night it was disabled...

    I used fb as a way to communicate with other game developers to learn, share and inspire from them. I kept fb ID because it was compulsory to have one to play occulus games, fortunately I haven't bought any VR yet. This not just my problem but I noticed that millions of people are having this issue. I no longer see a future for occulus now and besides... According to some survey people are using fb less and less. The only VR game I can make now is for PSVR and HTC which are expensive. Anyways I am not here to rant or complain which already did in frustration.

    I came here to ask if there are other forums or social sites where developers gather and are highly active so that I can connect with them, share my work, learn from them and get aid when needed? Also is there are alternative to occulus VR which people use? I'm not making games for occulus now, its just impossible since it asks fb login and ironically fb does not allow you to keep your account.

    Man I feel like crying, I wanted to make VR games in future.

    submitted by /u/sanketvaria29
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    Need suggestion for completing a project within 60 days

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    I have a very serious deadline here , have to complete a project within 60 days or my game dev career will be in danger so there is very little room for mistakes and failure.

    I want to make a game is genre of Metroidvania which i'm going to inspire game mechanics heavily from Blasphemous but in a lot shorter scale with my own twist on it.

    I'm already comfortable with Unity and C# programming however my main concern is art.

    I know 3D modeling , rigging and animating , but i'm afraid doing 2.5D will bring up a lot of complication along the way , on the other hand i have no familiarity with drawing 2D art.

    main game mechanics that I already have in my mind ( apart from jumping on platforms , attacking ) :

    1- Basic inventory system for using consumables like potions and getting items to pass the level

    2- Gathering points from killing and spending them on shop and skill tree

    3- Skill tree in with two style of combat ranged and melee

    4- Shop to purchase consumables and other items

    5- I don't know should i make it souls-like ? it will make the game lengthier.

    6- Text for showing tutorials and story

    now what are you suggestions based on what i explained! is it doable in 60 days ? my goal is to complete and publish the game.

    so what do you think? what pitfalls should i avoid?

    submitted by /u/Raminlich
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    Make AdMob work with Godot 3.2.3

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    Rendering Essentials in Unity for Software Engineers

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    Need help with engagement metrics in quests

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    We have a game with a quest system where each quest can be completed in parts (each part gives a reward that the player has to claim). As a player, you want to continue working through the parts to get the bigger rewards near the end.

    We want to be able to measure engagement in quests. Up until now, we've been measuring engagement by this metric: unique people who claim any reward for part of a quest / unique active users.

    However, this is heavily influenced by factors that don't truly measure engagement. Quests that have more passive parts (as in parts that have a higher chance of completion through normal gameplay) are going to receive higher engagement metrics. And quests that have more visibility (ie easier to see the notification badge when there's something to claim) will also have higher engagement.

    Is there a better method for measuring engagement in quests? Is engagement even an important metric to measure in a quest system? Quest completion doesn't seem like enough as it's generally very low for completing entire quests. We want to know if certain quests are driving gameplay more than others, but have no great way of measuring it. What do you guys normally look at when evaluating quest systems?

    I was thinking of something along the lines of getting the 10th percentile of unique reward claims, and using that in the formula: unique people who've claimed the 10th percentile and above of quest rewards / unique active users

    ...but not sure if that makes sense

    submitted by /u/funit49
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    Why do successful games stay on the appstores?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    Why don't very successful games in terms of revenue, like Clash Royale or Coin Master, take their game outside of the appstores and let it be downloaded from their own websites?

    That way they would dodge the 30% cut of revenue that appstores get.

    Is the distribution benefit of being on the appstores so huge that they cant be profitable outside of them, or is there something else?

    Edit; title sucks, the question is why they dont scale BEYOND the appstores.

    submitted by /u/redditosaurusrex1
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    Blender 2.9 How to Use Experimental Features

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    A step-by-step guide to game localization

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    Human Subjects by PerfectPigGames a game I composed music for

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    How To Turn Your Hobby Into A Career?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Facebook Adds Cloud Gaming Feature

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    Looking for some insight from game developers!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    I'm a fourth year student at the University of Bristol and for one of my final year projects, we've been tasked to conduct a case study to find out how what impacts innovation in the sector/industry that interests us! I'm very interested in game development, but I'm not sure on which aspect of gaming development I should research and write about so if anyone has any insights from either in a solo effort for developing a game, or has worked for a company to develop a game, I would be most grateful if you could share some thoughts and information with me! Or point me in the right direction to look to!

    Some questions to help narrow the answers down are:

    • What are some of the biggest challenges in game development?
    • How important is solid leadership in determining the success of a game?
    • What are some of the biggest areas of innovation you've seen going on in the gaming industry?
    • How does feedback from players of your games shape your development after initial release?
    • The impact that Covid-19 has had on the game development industry, and how remote working has challenged the model of making a game?

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! Please feel free to DM me too, if you are interested in participating in my case study, or to have a chat with me about this! Thank you so much again!

    submitted by /u/Akkinya
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    Can you achieve a cohesive art style using store assets?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    I've been buying as many bundles and discounted 3D assets from stores that match the theme of the game I am making (fantasy). But since I am not an artist I'm wondering whether you think if it is possible to get a cohesive art style this way. In particular whether there are easy ways or shortcuts to reduce any gaps with style between assets? I'm referring to things like shaders and filters.

    Specifically I'd like to converge to a more cartoony art style than most of the assets I've bought (see the latest humble bundle https://www.humblebundle.com/software/ultimate-fantasy-game-development-software?hmb_source=navbar&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=tile_index_6).

    submitted by /u/gryzlaw
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    Is a degree even worth it?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    Im sure this question in particular must be hammered and tossed around in a miriad of ways, but since this does involve my future economic stability or lack thereof i have to ask it, is a degree in Game Design even worth it?

    Sure the demand for specialized professionals in the field is increasing drastically, and the industry moves around billions upon billions of dollars every year, but as a 19 year old that is about to finish the first year in a 4 year course, because 18 year old me had been fed the idea that "You can work in any area you want to, as long as your happy", i cant help but wonder if there's folly in the decision, or even if there's space for me in the industry.

    Sure im performing great at the course itself and im dedicated to the study of the various aspects that go into game design, but i sometimes feel like i should be getting a bachelor's in computer science instead, or engineering, despite having no real joy in those courses at least they're stable and proven to "work" since they've been around for decades.

    Since im sure the people here are at least more in tune with the actual inner workings of the industry i at least hope to get some generally good advice, no one wants to spend 4 years on a "worthless degree" after all, and i still believe there is time for me to choose wisely

    submitted by /u/Vlad_Son_Of_Dragon
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    What is the best way to animate basic run?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    Hello. Ä°m trying to learn really basic animation for my 2d platformer game. Can anyone suggest something basic? I need run and attack animations.

    submitted by /u/Keremy96
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    Unity rythym game help?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    Hey guys I am working on a VR rythym game, similar to beat saber and I am a little stumped on how to create a better.... Note map?? I currently have notes/objects coming towards the player, and they are all on beat in relation to the BPM that the song has. But it feels very bland. I can have them faster or slower and on beat but again it's just bland feeling.

    I'd there an efficient way to map out a song or have objects come towards you depending on what notes in the song are being hit? Like in beat saber, there are fast parts and slow parts and even parts with multiple notes coming at once... Is there a way to get this through code alone or will I have to map out every note in the song to get what I am looking for..

    Is there a way to make a beat map? Also, if I put in the objects manually would it be best to have every note in the scene where they all move towards the player? Or is it better(more efficient) to object pool the notes? I'm not entirely new to unity but I am new to making a rythym game.

    Thanks for any advice.

    submitted by /u/FreshBroc
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