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    Saturday, May 9, 2020

    What have you been working on recently? [May 09, 2020] learn programming

    What have you been working on recently? [May 09, 2020] learn programming

    What have you been working on recently? [May 09, 2020]

    Posted: 09 May 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    What have you been working on recently? Feel free to share updates on projects you're working on, brag about any major milestones you've hit, grouse about a challenge you've ran into recently... Any sort of "progress report" is fair game!

    A few requests:

    1. If possible, include a link to your source code when sharing a project update. That way, others can learn from your work!

    2. If you've shared something, try commenting on at least one other update -- ask a question, give feedback, compliment something cool... We encourage discussion!

    3. If you don't consider yourself to be a beginner, include about how many years of experience you have.

    This thread will remained stickied over the weekend. Link to past threads here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Does anyone else REGRET becoming a web developer?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    I'm a web developer and I hate it.

    I enjoyed learning how to code and making my own projects. It was fun, but ever since I got a job as an actual web developer (full stack) , I've slowly started to realize I messed up. Here is my list of reasons

    1. There is no creativity. Management tells you what needs to be done, what frameworks and languages to use, etc.. you simply follow orders and listen.
    2. There is extremely little "original coding". By that, I mean all you basically do is glue API's, libraries and services together. You hardly ever code anything from the ground up.
    3. A few of my other friends got into artificial intelligence, machine learning, embedded systems, etc. They are working on SUPER COOL stuff. I'm jealous. One of my friends who is an embedded engineer is now programming medical devices that screen for a bunch of stuff (cancer, etc).. like that is world changing stuff.. here I am gluing API's together for businesses?? Another friend is a data engineer who prepares all the data infrastructure to be used by biologists who are doing ground-breaking research on deadly diseases (including covid-19). One more who is working in game development, and creating video game engines in C++ and using a lot of math and physics. Ugh, I just think there are so many interesting areas of CS and web dev is the worst one.
    4. Everyone is going into web development these days, I fear that with all this competition there is going to be a huge saturation, and possibly wage decreases as time goes on

    Sorry for my rant, I just want to know if there is anyone who shares similar thoughts as me. For now, I will continue working in web development but am planning on switching to machine learning and working in a more interesting company

    submitted by /u/Dealoite
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    Programming portfolio?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 10:05 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm looking for some advice on making a portfolio. I am still in high school and I want to start putting together a portfolio for work experience and university.

    • What should I put on the portfolio?
    • Should I still put joke programs (Bullying app, ok boomer python program, email spam application)?
    • Should I keep projects that I have made by following a tutorial?
    • How many projects should I put on there?
    • Should I keep basic projects to show a timeline of my progression?
    • What should the portfolio be put together on (should I make a folder on my desktop or should I put it on Github)?
    • Should I put links to sites where my projects have been liked by people and have had positive feedback?

    Some help would be appreciated, thank you!

    submitted by /u/OpenSourcere42069
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    Should I get the Introduction to Algorithms (The MIT Press) textbook?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    Trying to improve my data structures and algorithms skills and I figured maybe should I try a book to see how that works. Should I get the Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein? It seems like a popular textbook but not sure if I should purchase it.

    submitted by /u/techsavvynerd91
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    Exactly What I Learned And Did To Get A Job as a Self-Taught Full Stack Developer

    Posted: 09 May 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    TL:DR I took every course in the list, got contract jobs, then was able to get real jobs. List is in the middle of the post.

    I am a fully self-taught web developer currently working in Texas. My stack right now is react + bootstrap and sass frontend, and laravel backend (JS, and PHP). I started learning to code on my own in college when I realized I would learn absolutely nothing of value from my communications degree.I would sit in the back of the class during lectures and instead of listening to the pointless lecture (on the history of the nuclear family in television), put my earbuds in and watch tutorials from teamtreehouse (this is not an ad, Jesus christ).

    I started with the basics: HTML and CSS. The first project they had me do was a little portfolio page that used flex box instead of the old-school table method. This was great and helped me to get the fundamentals of web-design down. The tutorials I was watching were useful because they were easy to follow and also threw in tests to solidify what I had learned, and forced to pay attention because I knew another test was coming.

    After HTML and CSS I learned Javascript in a week, it wasn't too difficult and the main ideas of If-elses, while and fors, all made sense to me eventually. To this day I still sometimes have issues with scope, but whatever, when u get stuck you just google it and eventually things end up working, thats what a large part of dev is TBH, just pulling shit together from other sources and adapting it to your needs. So I learned JS and then jQuery which makes interacting with the html and CSS way faster!

    After I finished those 3 courses I thought I was hot shit and actually ended up biting off more than I could chew. I was in college so lots of people were trying to get me to code things for them, and I was like "HELL YEAH!" but eventually realized I was in way over my head. I had no experience with any backend language, and ended up having to turn down these offers, and hang my head for a little while.

    At this point I got lucky, my older brother had already been teaching himself how to code, and got a job doing machine learning at a gaming company. My family was in really bad financial shape at the time so he told me that if I learned how to code properly, he would pay me $1000 to build him a webapp. He said firstly, that he was going to pay to have the app made anyway, and secondly, He did not want to be the only employable person in the family and wanted me to get into the job market ASAP. So I had a very good incentive to learn to code: money and stability.

    At the time I was so broke that I sometimes had to choose between taking the bus to class, and eating lunch that day, so I was ecstatic about the offer. He gave me a list of courses (which was removed in my last post) to learn in order to be able to complete the project for him. Heres the first project I ever built: https://didit-usa.herokuapp.com/ Its a project management system and it never went anywhere but there it is. Looking at it now its kind of obvious that it's a first project, but everyone starts somewhere.

    At the risk of having this post get removed again... Here is the list of courses that I took, in order, to complete the above project:https://teamtreehouse.com/library/htm... https://teamtreehouse.com/library/css... https://teamtreehouse.com/library/-ja... https://teamtreehouse.com/library/pyt... https://teamtreehouse.com/library/usi... https://teamtreehouse.com/library/pyt... https://teamtreehouse.com/library/obj... https://teamtreehouse.com/library/dja... https://teamtreehouse.com/library/cus... https://teamtreehouse.com/library/dja... https://teamtreehouse.com/library/dja... https://teamtreehouse.com/library/dep... https://teamtreehouse.com/library/jav... https://teamtreehouse.com/library/jav... https://teamtreehouse.com/library/pra... https://teamtreehouse.com/library/pra... https://teamtreehouse.com/library/aja... https://teamtreehouse.com/library/cal... https://teamtreehouse.com/library/jqu... https://teamtreehouse.com/library/usi... https://teamtreehouse.com/library/und... https://teamtreehouse.com/library/und... https://teamtreehouse.com/library/jav...

    This is not a promotion for treehouse, I actually do not like the direction that they went at all in the past few years. I'm just trying to share the shortcut with you all that was shared with me, so sue me.

    With the skills I learned to complete the first project I was able to take over one of my brother's contracts that he couldn't handle anymore for $7k, I had never had more than $400 dollars in the bank before and this was an unbelievable opportunity. That project took about 2 months of solid 9-10 hour days of coding, but what I learned and how I grew was invaluable. If you're interested heres that second project: http://www.lockaware.com/ Its the same stack, HTML CSS jQuery frontend (the jquery animations and pages were a fucking nightmare to manage), and Python Django backend.

    Side-note that doesn't fit into the narrative: throughout this whole process, to keep myself afloat, and food in my belleh, I had been doing small jobs in wordpress and graphic design. This becomes important in a sec.

    After I finished that second job I took the money I made and fucked off to Japan for a month, it was one of the best times of my life and really solidified to me the fact that I wanted to work remote and travel, so when I got back home I went on the hunt for a remote dev job. I sent more than 300 applications and took about 30 phone interviews but none of them worked out. (linkedin hire gave me the best results in my job hunt just BTW) After the 300th application I decided it was enough. The next day I got a phone call from a company who had just lost their web developer out of the blue, and desperately needed a wordpress guy who also had development skills IMMEDIATELY. I got lucky and the fact that I had both wordpress and full-stack dev jobs on my resume got me the job easy. Full disclosure I negotiated the wage up to $27.50 canadian which was awesome to me.

    This was my first steady dev job and the concepts that I learned in python translated over to wordpress' PHP backend pretty smoothly. Of course there was a learning curve but it wasnt too bad. My boss was very flexible and a sweet guy so I took this remote job and this time I fucked off to thailand for a month and a bit. It was a beautiful time, I would wake up at 7am and work until around 12pm 5-7 days a week. Every day after 12pm was a fucking adventure and it was truly amazing, but eventually I got worn out. The work had gotten repetitive, the travel had become overwhelming, and everything started to weigh down on me.

    After 6 months with that company I knew i needed a change and gave my 2 weeks notice. This is when I moved to Texas. I came here to help an old friend of mine launch his mobile application. He had been trying for 3 years to get it off the ground and had been ripped off and ghosted by other developers. I was broke after having spent all my money traveling and he offered to let me live in his apartment and live his upscale lifestyle in exchange for fixing his broken app. I said well, its better than doing nothing and being depressed (my long term relationship had just revealed she was cheating) so I said fuck it. I fixed the app over time and after 6 months it launched. Its a hiring app and actually got its first few hires a couple days ago! Link if you're interested: https://apployme.com/

    The problem was, I couldn't work for free anymore. My family needed financial help, and I felt like trash having only 30$ in my bank account, I couldn't live that way anymore so I told my friend that I would be leaving to D.C to take the Flatiron School Code Bootcamp which has a placement rate of 93% and a median starting income of $73,000. I wanted to establish stability. My friend wanted me to continue working on his app and found a compromise. His cousins needed a developer (theirs had just quit) and they were invested in the company, so they had a financial incentive to keep things moving in his app. I used the flatiron school numbers as my bargaining chip when we spoke and they made me a fair offer. I now work full time with them. The last few years have been pretty crazy, but thats my story. I hope this one doesn't get removed. Anyway, if you have questions about dev stuff or anything, feel free to DM me.


    submitted by /u/OGChamploo
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    Can anyone tell me about your experience in cybersecurity?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    I'm going back to school to get my CS degree and my school offers a cybersecurity option. It sounds cool, but I don't know if it's worth pursuing or what the jobs are like. I'm also wondering what skills I should be learning in the meantime so that when I'm graduate, I'm ready to hit the job market.

    Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Colbymac92
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    In search of resources for learning about trees, linked lists, and similar stuff

    Posted: 09 May 2020 09:44 PM PDT

    I'm not sure if there's a better word for this, but a lot of problems I am trying to solve involve trees and linked lists. I want to learn more about this stuff, but I don't know what they're called. Data structures? Data types? Basically I don't know how to find answers because I don't know which questions to ask. Does anyone have recommendations for online resources or books to get an understanding of these things?

    submitted by /u/c-m-d-
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    Can anyone post website links that you’ve made by yourself after watching Colt Steele’s web developer bootcamp. Thanks

    Posted: 09 May 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    Just wanted an idea of how developers have created their websites after learning from colt.

    submitted by /u/NonBrownIndian
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    I'm writing a program in which i am to look generate a new version of a user-inputted word by changing only one letter in the world. i am supposed to keep on doing that until i reach the secon user-inputted word. Program compiles but crashes midway.. Can you please take a look at my code ?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    i have an assignment that involves inputting two words and to keep on changing one letter in the first word to make a new word and to keep doing that for the least possible amount of times until i reach the second word entered.

    to do that i am first trying to do the easy part which consists of entering a word and having the "neighboring words" exist. I tried writing the code and the program does compile, however it keeps on crashing midway.

    here's the code of the program : https://pastebin.com/pn42xKey

    I would really appreciate it if you can help me troubleshoot the problemm!!

    Thanks in advance!!!

    submitted by /u/Joee00
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    I'm a complete newbie to programming, and could use some guidance...

    Posted: 09 May 2020 06:41 PM PDT

    So lately I have gained interest in learning how to code/looking into different programming languages, and I'm trying to teach myself some basic languages to cover different branches of programming (website design, basic robotics, videogame design, ect.) To keep my options fairly open. At the moment I am putting together a rough course outline of beginner-friendly languages to pick up and I have HTML/CSS and PYTHON.

    I would really appreciate it if anyone with some decent knowledge in computer programming could give me some tips as to where I should begin, and what other languages I should start off with!

    submitted by /u/MoistCrettical
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    When do I know I've learned a language?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    Im learning python at school and I'm learning c++ on my own. And, if you give me a task or a problem in python I can probably solve it but whenever I try to do a project like recently I tried to make a solar system visualiser and all the tutorials just involve importing a module and using functions from that module and I feel like I'm not using anything I've learned like loops etc.

    I feel like I haven't learned anything. And i feel extremely disappointed in myself. Can you guys recommend a project I can work on.

    Also, I'm trying to build a portfolio of programs for college admissions what kind of programs should I make for that. I made a snake game in pyglet and it's like 700 lines of code but it doesn't look that impressive.

    submitted by /u/wrapyjam
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    Advice for a beginner (me)

    Posted: 09 May 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    After days of trying to figure out how to do this I'm here asking for help.

    I'm currently working on the book Programming Principles using C++, chapter 13 and I have come to a stop.

    The current chapter asks to build a class Arc that draws an arc using the FLTK library. I am not well versed in mathematics or seeing how to build shapes through code but I am able to understand these patterns and logic and how to get the results in paper. When it comes to building this class I am baffled in how to write the code that draws the shape. (The book gives a wide variety of help and other shapes such as circle and ellipse, yet I still can't figure it out.)

    I can easily get the code that does through Google but I feel that this is a simple excercise that I should be able to make, yet I am currently at a halt because of this and I can't write the code.

    My question, is this issue (drawing an arc) something that should be difficult and if so, what are some methods by which I could visualize this or help me understand it better? I've seen the specifics as to how get an arc's information by math and I'm stil finding it difficult to achieve.

    Any help? Is this something that should put me down to such a degree, this lack of understanding?

    submitted by /u/Lis1pricefield
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    How did you become good at programming?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 01:30 PM PDT


    I'm a first year university student majoring in CS. Whenever I try to make/develop an application or little program, I find myself constantly searching up tutorials. I might have the wrong idea, but my idea of being a good programmer is being able to code something up with little help. So rarely having to look at tutorials, references, etc. Also, I seem to forget programming languages. I program in one language for a long period of time and when I switch back to the language I was using before, I vaguely recall the syntax, topics (especially classes), etc. So I have to spend time relearning the language, as well as how to build the application I have in mind. I just want to know how you developed your programming skills.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/1ydgd
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    I am currently learning python and after it I wanna do machine learning and so but where do I learn it?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:48 PM PDT

    I am doing a course on udemy on python and I am almost done but what do I do then to do machine learning and ai stuff? What's a good course to learn it?

    submitted by /u/brayscool
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    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:47 PM PDT

    At the moment I'm using The Odin Project to learn. I am also knocking out some prerequisite courses to start my CS Degree in the fall. I've noticed that two courses that I will be taking during the program will require me to use Java and C++. I have no experience with these two languages.

    I'm thinking about taking a break from javascript to get a head start on java and C++. My logic is that I would be removing a large amount of stress from myself by starting now.

    Am I over analyzing this situation? any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Peoplespeak-
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    I've been learning to code for over a year now. Built a Chrome extension to help me save code that's useful. Is anybody interested in helping test it?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    Want some beta testers to test it before publishing to the Chrome web store to make sure I made something that's actually useful (and most importantly works!)

    DM if you're interested or leave your email address on this Google Form: https://forms.gle/hCqg1XnFeBoQ21Ys5


    (Don't know if this counts as self-promotion. If it does, I'm sorry & feel free to remove it.)

    submitted by /u/54321check12345
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    structured language implementation

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:37 PM PDT

    can anyone here help me with figuring out the way to have images show up in the SERP's? I have a custom domain but im using blogger. It seems like you have to put up schema or markup codes but i cant figure out how you do that.

    I got the code that needs to be implemented from google structured language helper and it says to put it in th head. does it mean the head section in the "edit html" page or in the blog post?

    submitted by /u/Aabaran
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    What's a good alternative to stackoverflow?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:34 PM PDT

    I'm looking for a good alternative to stackoverflow. I'm not a programming expert but I am by no means a beginner. I'll be stuck on an issue for days or weeks, reading documentation, looking for examples, researching, etc, then spend half an hour or more carefully crafting my question, what my issue is, what I've tried and the results, what I've researched, etc. Two out of three times I get downvoted and ignored, with no reason given as to what was wrong with my question, or some snide remark, or a response where they clearly didn't even read the question before making a comment. I'm tired of it.

    Anyway, can someone recommend a similar site that is more... helpful and constructive?

    submitted by /u/bobbintb
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    Help I'm losing my mind over assignment [Java]

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:22 PM PDT

    I feel like I'm over my head I've been working on this for two days now and I can't figure out how to implement regular expressions in JavaFX.

    Here's my code (I know it's crap but I don't know what to do): https://ideone.com/iVguAd

    I'm supposed to accomplish the same goal code the same but using JavaFX: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/regex/examples/RegexTestHarness.java

    submitted by /u/CaptainLeviA
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    What does same body mean in terms of method overloading?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:19 PM PDT

    So I've been given a task to make use of method overloading feature in order to learn OOP. In this I've to implement a method which can have three different parameters type. My understanding of method overloading tells me that I should write three separate definitions for each of the function. And the required one would get executed depending upon the parameter being passed at the time of calling of method. But there's a line in the assignment that tells us to keep the same body of all three methods:

    You should keep the same body for all three versions as they must call the Execute method on the respective transaction parameter.

    Can anyone tell me what exactly does it mean?

    submitted by /u/mindlessCoder
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    Best resources for learning Databases, Database Management Systems and SQL?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:15 PM PDT

    Hey, I am looking for the best online courses and books to learn Dbms and SQL, preferably free to go from noob to a good level of proficiency.

    Please recommend the most popular and latest sources.

    submitted by /u/Yagami888
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    For people that have been out of university for a few years, what topics that you learned in school do you use the most?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    Mostly looking for people that frequently contribute to building and improving software for their jobs or for their own company. I will be starting a CS degree in September and it would be great to know which topics to give extra attention to. I've heard algorithms, data structures and object oriented programming will be useful. Is there anything else that anyone could suggest? Or is there anything in the three topics above that I should be focusing more on?

    submitted by /u/lifelifebalance
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    If a child wanted to learn how to make new levels in a video game engine (such as in source 2 or unreal), would he/she need to learn coding first?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    I'm a lost parent who doesn't know how to program trying my best to help my 12 yo child's interest in creating levels in a VR game called Half life: Alyx. I've done some rudimentary searches trying to figure out how he could get started but I'm out of my depth. I've learned some things such as he needs to learn something called Hammer in the Source 2 engine.

    I've purchased him coding "lessons" such as Bitsbox and Tynker and although he enjoyed it, those didn't really prepare him for making levels for this game.

    My question is, are we barking up the wrong tree with learning to code generically? Is there something more specific he should be doing as a beginner? I've looked through the FAQ here and it doesn't really address this question. Or is there a better forum where I can ask how we can proceed?

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/SmellyDeadDuck
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    Help creating my server for my data fetch and chartjs app

    Posted: 09 May 2020 10:43 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I've been having issues setting up my server to check the results of my code. I was mainly using node.js and the nodemon dependency to check changes in my app, but as soon as i introduced threejs or chartjs that has stopped working since let Chart = require('chart.js'); doesn't work with this type of setup.

    So i ended up switching to express.js and parcel, the problem with these is that i cannot fetch data, it doesn't show on my webpage and whenever i fetch a file and console.log it just gives me back my html idk why but i guess its off topic. I'm between both of them, whenever i need to fetch data nodemon works great but when i have to use threejs or chartjs libraries i have to switch to parcel and express.js.

    submitted by /u/rogerpeke97
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    Separating work, from personal, from professional development workflows?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 10:33 PM PDT

    Edited to be more specific.

    I'm an academic who has strict legal requirements to keep my work and non-work online interactions very much separate due to legal regulations around working with children. Recently my workplace has instituted a bring your own device policy which has me concerned. Maybe 15% of my present job is programming or programming related.

    I have a set of dot files and online logins that are provided by my work institution (think G-Suite and other such educational tools, printer and network share access, etc.) I have a separate set of dot files and online logins for my own personal projects outside of work (like this Reddit account), and a third set for professional work away from my institution (think conferences or journals or whatever that all of their own submission formats and tech requirements.)

    Obviously, before I would just use two different machines but that isn't an option now since we are moving to BYOD, and I simply have my personal MacBook.

    I don't want my employer (or students, for example) knowing I might be searching out other employment opportunities or putting together a portfolio, working on a zombie shooter in my spare time or whatever. You can imagine how jumpy people are about this type of thing causing issues in education, I'm sure.

    I don't think running a bunch of VMs are good solution here. Yes, I'm prematurely worrying about cross contamination between these three very different domains. Other instructors at my workplace are equally as concerned and as I am the nominal "programming teacher", they are looking to me for suggestions. It obviously isn't as simple as when using multiple devices.

    TL:DR; In a BYOD scenario, how do you make sure your work stuff, personal stuff, and whatever other stuff, don't get mixed together and cause copyright issues or embarrassment during meetings?

    I've tried running VMs but that's a ton of overhead and not really a viable long term solution I don't think. MacOS doesn't have jails and managing every app or browser instance with chroot seems needlessly inelegant.

    submitted by /u/DothrakiJanitor
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