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    Monday, May 18, 2020

    what are some good entry level jobs to look for? learn programming

    what are some good entry level jobs to look for? learn programming

    what are some good entry level jobs to look for?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    90% of what I come across on jobsites are marketed as entry level but almost always they ask for 2-3 years of prior experience in many different languages like python java c, c++, sql.

    I started learning to code back in March and I am not anywhere near job ready yet. I know my Python basics very well and now I am learning JAVA.

    But it is a growing concern for me now as it come to getting a job. How much do I need to know and how far do I need to study these language to get a job.

    submitted by /u/neweer
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    How is it that facebook made react which feels so natural yet their mobile app is so bad?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 03:39 PM PDT

    Where does their react vision end and their facebook ui begin? I'm learning react and I really.... really... REALLY like it. It seems to flow so well and I've seen a lot of things built in react that seem super solid. It has so much potential.

    But Facebook's apps seem so... lackluster? I understand that the app isn't fully react but the android app just doesn't make sense. Their video UX is terrible. Certain things you'd expect to be obvious and just work and exist dont work and dont exist.

    They own Instagram and WhatsApp but their UI feel as though they were designed by jesus himself compared to the facebook UIs.

    Is Facebook like legacy software to them now?

    submitted by /u/C0wseed
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    How is frontend and backend code connected?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    Sort of a noob with programming. I'm wondering how the frontend and backend code is connected.

    For example, if I have a mobile app and the user clicks the signup button (coded in JS) how is this connected with the backend (maybe Python or SQL) to store the user's data only once that button has been pressed?

    Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/darkshadowtrail
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    Trying to choose what field to go into.

    Posted: 18 May 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    So, I'm a student, learning programming. I'm confused about what field to go into, I mean there are like 100s of different options. how do i decide in which one's for me? or how do i decide which one to go to? should i decide according to the trend or like what i like to do? or i'm gonna like every job post i just have to go according to the trend? It would be pf great help if you can atleast show me the direction.

    P. S. Any thoughts on AWS? Is it really great to have a career in it? What does it require? Any programming experience or only knowledge about computer networks and all?

    submitted by /u/bhupesshh
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    Is an IDE okay to really learn a language?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    Hello there! So, I currently can get all of JetBrains' products for free through school. Now, as I graduated, I will have to buy a plan for it and I won't mind paying for it at all. What I want to ask is that, can I still really learn the under the hood of languages even if I am using an IDE or should I separate learning languages in text editors/terminal? And again, I don't mind paying for it and most likely, I am just gonna pay for it anyways for the nice deal they have with annual plans.

    submitted by /u/RyanberryPi
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    Question about entering this field with no experience

    Posted: 17 May 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    I may or may not have worded my subject title correctly, but here goes...

    I've been in healthcare for little over a decade. Im currently a patient care tech, I've been taking prereqs towards either nursing or (my back up) respiratory therapy.

    IF i get into one of these programs, it will be in 2021 and finish late 2022. I say if due to their competitive nature. Not only do you have go pass your prereqs with As and Bs, but you also have to take an entrance exam.

    In the event i dont get in right away or it doesn't work out, is it possible to learn some computer programming and/or web design or app design skills that would open me up to jobs other than what im currently stuck doing?

    Let me just say im not necessarily referring to a full stack program or anything crazy like that. But surely there must be some certs and or skills i can pick up? Not trying to say that i think this will be a quick and easy walk in the park.

    To be honest, im good with computers as far as being tech savvy but i wouldn't say im "technicial" (as far as i know), I've never built anything but I'd be willing to learn and give it a shot.

    Just trying to make myself more employable and open myself up to different jobs so i can provide better for my family and i in the mean time.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/SpecialistBlend85
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    css vs javascript animation?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    I just watched the CS50 web app video on these. But they didn't mention why you would use one vs the other. I googled it, but a lot of the discussions seem to be old and thus based off of older browsers' capabilities. What's the current take on the pros and cons of CSS vs javascript animations?

    submitted by /u/squidwardstrousers
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    Feel a bit overwhelmed by Quicksort algorithm code. Any tips for both learning algorithms and structures?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 10:58 PM PDT

    So, this would be my 2nd algorithm I'm learning. First one I learned was Bubblesort which is both easy to understand theoretically and easy to implement.

    Well, the theory on how it works is a bit rough to understand but when i looked at an example code to implement this algorithm, i got lost real fast...

    submitted by /u/NoBrightSide
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    How to deploy a web Application in different use cases

    Posted: 17 May 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    Say I have built a mean stack application for a college. And say the end users want to access the application anywhere in the campus. How and where do i deploy the code. What are the different options available for deployment. Can someone explain me in detail how the deployment works and how do I implement the above scenario.

    and say after some time if the users requirements change and they would like to access the web application from any where across the globe. How and where do i deploy the code.

    I have three servers running, i.e angular, node and mongo servers. How exactly do i deploy the whole application.

    thank you in advance for your patience in reading and answering the question.

    submitted by /u/adhi14058
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    For those with ADHD like me... how do you do it?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 08:36 PM PDT

    So, this is a question aimed towards professionals who have ADHD while still being able to handle the job. What works best for you? How do you manage to keep your mind on track in a field of constant learning and adapting?

    I have been learning web development for a year and a half now, and I still feel a slight sense of impostor syndrome because every time I read new documentation on a new technology, I get thrown off by a lot of new jargon. I would look up that piece of jargon, then lose track in a different rabbit hole trying to understand the jargon inside the jargon. Then I feel like I have a lot of cognitive overload and feel drained trying to understand too many things simultaneously.

    I understand that this feeling might be very common in new programmers, but the overload is exacerbated by my own attention issues, and found that, for me, the best way to learn has been to watch videos, copy code snippets and experiment with them, and do small examples. What do you find has helped you the most in understand the underlying concepts of different technologies?

    submitted by /u/msyed1438
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    Can independent projects be counted as experience when applying for jobs?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm an 18 year old programmer and I have a question regarding job experience. I have been programming since I was 15, but I started to seriously program a year ago - meaning at least two hours a day instead of doing it willy nilly just for fun. I finished a rather professional looking project this year and made a website for it and all. I expect that in college I will also make many projects of my own and do a lot of free lance work before I get a full on job. On job applications could I say (after four years of college and working on projects there + freelance) that I have five years of experience?? Or do those applications mean years of experience in the professional world? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/20gunasarj
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    Interview fail. Feedback for improvement?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    I interviewed with a FAANG-like company recently.

    My morning technicals went fine, but in the afternoon I got hit with a multipart question that I think might have screwed me up:

    Part 1) Make an array-list class with only add and get operators - also you can cannot use dynamic programming auto-array-resize features.

    As I wrote out the functions, I increased the size of the array by 2*len if it ever filled up, and copied over the elements. the interviewer asked why I picked 2, and I said because it had to do with amortized runtimes. I didn't have a good answer for why 2x over 3x or a constant, and the interviewer said "moving on" in a harsh tone.

    Part 2) Suppose `get` should be modified to return the nth smallest element in the array, how would you do it? I suggested we could change add to always add the item in place, or change get to sort the underlying array first. I talked about the write/read tradeoffs. I later looked online and see there's also an algorithm called quick-select but never had heard of it. I implemented the add aspect, bubbling up the larger values after finding the insertion index.

    The following interview was around system design- having focused on frontend development, I talked about the api and data modeling. and one of the interviewers seemed like he was snickering the whole time.

    Any feedback to do better if faced with these sorts of problems again? I have another systems design part tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/UpOnCloud9
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    Learning git

    Posted: 17 May 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    Learning how Git and Github works has been a challenge for me for quite a while, but I've gotten so much more comfortable with it within the last two days. I've been working through the Learn Git course on Codecademy, and it's really straightforward but informational. I think its one of the better courses they have. I really recommend it to anyone who struggles with git! (I'm currently using the free Pro membership for students.)

    submitted by /u/alexromaro0
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    Best apps to learn code?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    Hello, I am interested in learning how to code. I have an iPhone and I would prefer learning on a free app. I have some experience learning how to code with HTML and CSS. I am hoping to learn the basics of Python.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/SuperSarahNeedsHelp
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    100% Off for JavaScript Course - Coupon

    Posted: 17 May 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    Posting a Coupon for 100% off for a JavaScript course if anyone is interested:


    I took the course and it offered a decent introduction into JS. The link will automatically activate the code, but in case you need it, the promo code is: YAJS22 - enter at checkout.

    submitted by /u/Known-Item
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    Small syntax errors.

    Posted: 17 May 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Hey all I've been teaching myself c++ for only few weeks now but I have one small issue. I always get the general code right and usually I'm able to solve the problem presented, but I always stumble on small errors. Like forgetting to close brackets or forgetting quotations. Is this something I should try to iron out now? Or just keep focusing on the concepts. I'm just trying to be efficient with the time I have to practice.

    submitted by /u/Ziggyi
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    Helsinky Netbeans Mac Issue

    Posted: 18 May 2020 01:47 AM PDT


    I've been working through the Java course using Netbeans. Initially was using Windows but was having tech difficulties with the GUI so decided to switch over to Ubuntu. Everything is working fine there. Yesterday though I decided to set things up on my Mac laptop. I cannot get it to work! At first I thought it was because I was using JDK 14 but I fixed that. I literally reformatted my laptop to try to fix this and still no go. The error is "could not resolve dependencies on project". Here is a screenshot. If anyone has any solution I'd appreciate it. I'm tempted to install ubuntu on my Mac if I can't get this working. Thank you.


    submitted by /u/EuDAiMoNiA83
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    Javascript true false issue. Possibly loop, possibly wrong identifiers.

    Posted: 17 May 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    First off, please excuse me if I use the wrong terminology for some of this, I just started learning to code last week or so. I am taking an online course, and am actually in the prep portion, before school has even started so the methods here should be pretty basic. The issue is coming from one of the assignments that I just can't get to work.


    let inventory = [ { candy: "Twizzlers", inStock: 180, weeklyAverage: 200 }, { candy: "Sour Patch Kids", inStock: 90, weeklyAverage: 100 }, { candy: "Milk Duds", inStock: 300, weeklyAverage: 170 }, { candy: "Now and Laters", inStock: 150, weeklyAverage: 40 } ]; function shouldWeOrderThisCandy(inventory, candy) { for (let i = 0; i < inventory.length; i++) { if (inventory[i].inStock < inventory[i].weeklyAverage) { return true; } else if (inventory[i].weeklyAverage < inventory[i].inStock){ return false; } } } 

    The purpose is to mock up building a function for store that will tell if they have enough for the week. If they have less in stock than the weekly average, the function should return true. If not, false. This is my best attempt so far at it. Part of the parameters is that it should have the input of inventory and candy, so I'm not even sure I am on the right track since I have no clue how to write it so that it can be called up with the string of the candy's name. But I would think even if this isn't elegant it should work.


    When I run this code, what ends up happening is I get either true or false for every single answer. I have tried manually entering the numbers and removing i from the equation to try and isolate the problem. I have tried to use multiple incremental variables since I thought I might be confusing it via having i in two many places. I have removed the else when I wasn't sure if it was necessarry and thought it might be causing problems. I have replaced inventory[i].inStock with candy[i].inStock. I have replaced it with inventory[i].candy.inStock (and obviously I have done the same for weeklyAverage as well) I have even tried just putting it as candy since because I was told candy was one of the parameters I was hoping it would work like that. But no matter what I have done I have not managed to get it to actually read true and false instead of all true or all false. So my questions are: What else could I do to figure out why it is all true or all false. And am I using the correct designations for it to be targeting what I need it to be targeting?

    For anyone else having similar issues, as has been said here the key problem is the return key ending things too soon. I had to move it so it was out of the loop, and that also meant I had to change the loop to first find out which candy I was wanting, and work with that one specifically. This here is what I ended up doing:

    function shouldWeOrderThisCandy(inventory, candy) { let match = [] for (let i = 0; i < inventory.length; i++) { if (inventory[i].candy === candy) { match.push(inventory[i].inStock) match.push(inventory[i].weeklyAverage) } } if (match[0] < match[1] ) { return true } } 

    submitted by /u/Dracone1313
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    Anyone else just finish CS50x and starting CS50web?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    I just started CS50web and would love to find a study group. I saw some people post about cs50x study groups and totally wish I had one when going through it.

    Let me know if you're interested and we can start a group slack or something :)

    submitted by /u/katsuthunder
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    Question about binary writing

    Posted: 18 May 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    So I have a huffman tree of unique characters and their codes. I'm currently having trouble writing it to ".bin" file. These codes and characters are stored in a vector of simbols. I need to write it to the begging of the file for decompression later. How would I go about this, I would ask my class asistant but he's an inapt dumbass.

    submitted by /u/ThrowMeAwayProfile
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    How does one go about programming GBA games? Or altering them?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 01:15 AM PDT

    I want to expand/make a new Medabots gba rpg game. Like the Rokusho/Medabee version.

    There is A TON of Pokemon fan made games/tools for gba altering. Nothing on Medabots though. So what softwares are used? What language? What are thijgs I should know?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/EdBoi007
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    How to Create A pytest Project To Run Multiple Test Cases From A Single File?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 01:13 AM PDT

    can anyone help me in this

    submitted by /u/BestZooplanktonblame
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    Certificate as a birthday gift

    Posted: 18 May 2020 01:12 AM PDT

    Dear learnprogamming,

    My brother had the idea of gifting me a paid online coding course with a certificate for my birthday. I've been around the learning to code scene for a couple of years but never committed to any course completely. Over time I've attempted and started some free coding courses. Getting between 2 to 10 hours into it and then just letting it go and forgetting about it. At this point I'm good with html and css, and fairly handy with JavaScript, jQuery and finding other libraries. The furthest I've gotten was building an actual project for a university assignment involving web based data visualization. (Multiple instances of visJS)

    I've read (somewhere) that some of the paid for courses are not as good as they pretend to be. They are just really high priced and giving massive discounts for something that isn't valuable or good anyway, baiting customers.

    I'm slightly wary towards all paid online courses now.

    I'm looking for tips on what to look out for concerning these marketing practices in the world of online courses and certificates. What kind of certificates are actually valuable on the job market and cv. Or just any tip going into this as something serious for my career.

    submitted by /u/boudowijn
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    How do I go about contributing to open source projects?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    I really enjoy programming in Python and would love to challenge myself by working on more involved projects. I would also love to collaborate with others who have a passion for Python as well. Most of all, I want to learn as much as I can.

    submitted by /u/hashbenny
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