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    Friday, May 15, 2020

    Say Goodbye to Logs. Say Hello to Real-Time Debugging in VS Code web developers

    Say Goodbye to Logs. Say Hello to Real-Time Debugging in VS Code web developers

    Say Goodbye to Logs. Say Hello to Real-Time Debugging in VS Code

    Posted: 15 May 2020 03:46 AM PDT

    Fakebooker - Universal Facebook Clone ( MERN )

    Posted: 15 May 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    Hey web devs! I've been developing this portfolio project for quite a few months and I would like you to check it out and tell me your opinion or any constructive critisism about it. Sadly I do not have the opportunity to create a video showcasing it so more people can see it but i guess it's alright. I truly believe that it's worth looking it up it would mean a lot to me. I've tried my best to make it pop out from the other usual clones so enjoy the app!

    Github repo: https://github.com/KristianWEB/fakebooker-frontend

    live website: https://fakebooker.com/

    If you have any personal questions or whatever just dm me.

    submitted by /u/KristianWEB
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    Graduation Day from Juno College of Technology AND it's my cake day! The stars have alignt

    Posted: 15 May 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    Is it me or most things related to SEO seem like common sense to web developers? (Or things you'd include anyway when building a site)

    Posted: 15 May 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    Just curious

    submitted by /u/tycooperaow
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    Best place to hire someone to redesign site?

    Posted: 15 May 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    What's a good freelancer site to hire a web designer?

    submitted by /u/BizNick08
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    Recoil - experimental state management library for React

    Posted: 15 May 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    What to do next? And how to freelance?

    Posted: 15 May 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    I've subscribed to Codecademy pro membership and so far I've learned HTML and CSS, CSS flexbox, fonts, colors, styling etc and I'm stuck at JavaScript, I can do minimal and simple if/else statements, switch statements, functions, and arrays, but I'm too dumb for loops and using methods and more complex stuff

    When i finish my curriculum I'll be a full-stack Developer, build web apps, use frameworks, learn sass and Bootstrap etc

    Finally what kind of services and real-world projects I can do on freelance platforms other than designing the front pages? I really enjoyed coding and found my passion in it and would love to deepen my knowledge in this field.

    submitted by /u/Hannzo96
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    How to require a form submission before accessing a webpage?

    Posted: 15 May 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    Y'all know of an easy way to accomplish this? Maybe a plug in? I tried Before And After plug in but didn't work as expected.

    I just need to require a form submission before the visitor can see the webpage.

    Will appreciate any help

    submitted by /u/alfonsocuaroff
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    Would it be possible to create a bot that flags links using your stolen copyright/IP? Similar to the way record labels are able to immediately flag youtube videos with their songs, but for the whole internet instead of just one site.

    Posted: 15 May 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    General stuff and designs might be hard, but imagine I made something that became popular enough that people started putting it on their merch or making videos of it, something that included like "TheRadHatter9 from Reddit is super cool" or just "TheRadHatter9 merch." Could I make a bot that searches the internet for those words, or combination of words, and sends me the links to all the sites that have those words every day? And only sends new ones each day, so it doesn't keep sending me the same links over and over.

    I'm just trying to think of a way to help mitigate all the stealing and scamming that goes on with sites like RedBubble, Teespring, e.t.c..... Obviously you'd still have to manually contact those places to get things removed, but being able to send RedBubble 100 links to stores on their site that are violating your copyright/IP instead of doing it 1 at a time as you find them manually, would be of some help I think?

    submitted by /u/TheRadHatter9
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    CMS vs framework for a beginner (Framework is React)

    Posted: 15 May 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    /*This has been covered here before, but maybe I can get more updated opinions, or maybe there is something related to this framework in particular that I should know. */

    I am helping (/mentoring) a friend who is developing her first website (for a client). It will be somewhat heavy on content (imagine something like a university website).

    She has some experience with React, and is thinking of using it as she is comfortable with it. I don't have experience with React myself, and I mostly think that using a CMS (Wordpress in this case) makes much more sense (for managing the database, users, security - but I might be wrong).

    I asked this on a Facebook group, was recommended the following: headless CMS with gatsby. (Both of which I also never worked with). Would you recommend the same? Or is it too much of a headache for a beginner (she has never worked with a CMS before).

    So we kind of have three options: 1)'pure React' (which she knows) 2)headless wordpress + gatsby (she doesn't know and I can't help with) 3) Completely wordpress, no react (she doesn't know but I can help with)

    Which do you think would make more sense? She is open to learning new stuff but I don't know how steep that curve will be. Also React is a better skill to enhance, so there is that too...

    Any insights are deeply appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Duradir
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    Media query with Jquery/Javascript?

    Posted: 15 May 2020 04:26 PM PDT


    I'm trying to find a solution to use media query with my JS code (I also support Jquery).

    Currently I have this code :

    if($(".gallery").length){ var gridzyInstance = document.querySelector('.gridzy').gridzy; if(window.matchMedia("(max-width: 700px)").matches){ gridzyInstance.setOptions({ spaceBetween: 15, layout: 'waterfall', desiredWidth: 500, }); }else{ gridzyInstance.setOptions({ spaceBetween: 100, layout: 'waterfall', desiredWidth: 500, }); } }; 

    However, the code only work on refresh.

    I tried this solution here https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_media_queries.asp

    But it didn't work, because myFunction is not a function for some reasons...

    I also read that using media query with Javascript is very heavy on the browser since it has to calculate everytime you resize...

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Nic727
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    Is there an Instagram API?

    Posted: 15 May 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    I've noticed Instagram won't provide an API anymore https://www.instagram.com/developer/

    Is there any alternative API? I need to get daily most popular pictures by hashtag (or search query, location..)

    Is this still possible?

    submitted by /u/EntropyRX
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    Aquiring a PendingDelete Domain

    Posted: 15 May 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    The domain name for my new business is due to drop in 2 days. It is currently 'pendingdelete'. It is literally 'mybusiness.com', so I'd really like to get it, but I also have a budget of $200, so I can't afford to lose it to a domainer or get into a bidding war.

    It is currently listed on Snapnames/namejet and dropcatch as 'available soon' so I can place a backorder. However, I noticed that none of the names on those lists have just 1 bidder- the lowest number of bidders is 3. Is the fact that there are no domains with just one bid an indication that there are bots/organizations that prey on these sites to place bids on any domain that shows any interest? For instance, as soon as one bid shows up, they place another to try and snipe it, and then resell it at a higher price because they know someone wants the domain? I'm very new to the world of domains, and only am doing this because I'm starting this business, but since I've started researching the process for the last few months, I've found it is really shady, so it wouldn't surprise me if that is how these dropcatch/backorder services work. Also, I read that snapnames specifically was sued for bidding in their own auctions for profit, so... yeah. This whole thing feels super icky.

    Right now, there are 0 bidders on this domain. But, it is a common, pronounceable, short phrase, so it may be snapped up by a bot once it drops. When I chose the name two months ago, I did make the mistake of searching for it on google and the registrar I want to use. The actual url is not even parked, but it goes to an 'oops this can't be found' google error page. This tells me no one is using the name though, and there are no similar businesses that I can find on google. I haven't searched or spoken the name since I found out NOT to do that though, and I've since used the terminal search method to check the status. Today I checked it on Estibot (via namejet), and it's appraised within my budget. They noted that the name is short and memorable, but doesn't get much traffic/search requests, and a few other negative aspects that reduce the price. So, it may not be of interest to resellers after all, since it's not worth much more than the minimum bid anyway, and hopefully my short research a few months ago didn't prick up too many ears.

    My question is- what is the best practice to get this domain? I understand there are no guarantees, but what can I do to increase my chances of getting it, or at least not draw attention of squatters/resellers before it drops?

    Should I wait until the last minute to backorder it? Or just try for a manual catch? Am I being paranoid about other parties swooping in on domains once they have been bid on? Have I royally screwed up by looking at the appraisal? (I looked at several random ones to throw it off though!) Like I said, am I being paranoid?

    I searched here for advice on getting expired domains and found some posts but thought this was a bit specific, so hopefully I'm not being too repetitive.


    submitted by /u/stitcherydoo
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    How can I implement a walkthrough tour tour showing features on a website.

    Posted: 15 May 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    I am launching a new ecommerce B2B website. There are some features on the site that you would not see on a typical B2C (wholesale quantities, reserve inbound inventory, freight consolidation, etc). Even a tech savvy person could take a little while to understand all key features of the website, or just miss important features all together. Missing these features means us missing sales.

    I would like to implement a guided tour when a new user signs in to the platform. Maybe like a 5-10 step tour, showing them key features and how to use the site to its maximum potential. I have seen many other sites do this, but I am unable to find a plug and play type of option to implement this on my site. Is there a company that offers an easy to install solution or is there anyone on this sub that would be able to implement this? Thanks

    submitted by /u/cof9
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    why does wordpress site ranks higher than my custom site

    Posted: 15 May 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    As per title, im one of the web dev in our company (full backend before, now doing few non-SPA frontend). We also have a developer that fully uses CMS only. We built and deploy our website for the company around same time (wordpress site is 1 week earlier) but I found that the wordpress site ranks very much higher that my site. I have followed SEO guidelines from some articles and reddit post.

    1) Add proper meta tags 2) Add keyword matching with paragraph and header contains in my site page 3) Ensure my site have good performance (this one is better than the wordpress site based on lighthouse... thankfully)

    However I find that after about going 4 months after, the wordpress site ranks much higher than mine (usually first page for the keyword search). Mine only sets for the top on 2nd page (top 11-15th?) on google search. Now, the sites is ofcourse the sites are different in content but I would say the keyword for searching is quite unique (specifically to things we are doing). Where did I go wrong? Does creating my own site that consume more time and effort is not worth it compared to using wordpress or CMS? Also, anyone have good SEO advice and guides would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/hakim131
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    Google Drive Desktop - A cross-platform Google Drive desktop app made with Electron

    Posted: 15 May 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    What do you want to learn?

    Posted: 15 May 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    how is this build?

    Posted: 15 May 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    I wanted to know what I have to learn to build sites like this

    Does it take a lot to build a site like that solo, do I have to be talented to even try it.

    Sorry for stupid questions, I don't want to copy any sites 1:1, I am just a young curious boy.

    submitted by /u/LucciCP0
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    The Future of Swift on the Server

    Posted: 15 May 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    I made generative art drawing brush this week, using simple particle systems algorithm, what do you think (source code in comments)

    Posted: 15 May 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    How do you do draggable like on cargo.site?

    Posted: 15 May 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Hi! I love to create draggable items like how cargo.site did with their sites. For example, http://fruitbowl.cargo.site where the apples are easily moved around and changed there z-index accordingly. I did some digging and they were using a version of jquery-ndd.js but I failed to replicate what they were doing with their version :( Can someone give me some hint or help me out?

    Would love to buy you a coffee if you can help me figure it out.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    submitted by /u/phanthanhhai
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    A backend question about storing posts...

    Posted: 15 May 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    EDIT : Those posts will be large images and videos, no way of storing them in a database. However, the IDs will be stored in a database.

    I'm creating a social network and I want to store posts users create in files. Each post has a unique random base 62 ID with a length of 32 characters. I'd like to create the file name / path from the ID. Here are options I consider (Xs are base62 characters from the ID) :




    What is the best choice for performance ? what about the most efficient chose for disk space ? Do you have any other recommendations ?

    submitted by /u/Teln0
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    Increasing Csper.io's page load speed

    Posted: 15 May 2020 08:46 AM PDT

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