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    Monday, May 25, 2020

    My god I love this community! learn programming

    My god I love this community! learn programming

    My god I love this community!

    Posted: 24 May 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Sorry this isn't a normal post and won't probably give you anything but I just wanted to appreciate all the help I got and you all gave me.

    Not just reddit or stackoverflow or github.



    I have been learning programming for over 2 years now and I absolutely love every person who even helped someone else with one letter of code.

    I have never seen a community or a field this vast and this united. I have never seen another field that has this much of open-source and free content.

    I am poor and from a third world country so I can't buy courses and/or hosting etc. but I have found countless of free sources, codes, guides, websites, hosting, stock footage, icons, vectors...

    I have been able to learn and get better at programming(web) thanks to all who volunteer to contribute to the open source and community. One day when I get good, I will certainly do so. I already started helping others on reddit and stackoverflow as much as I can.

    I am really writing these with tears because a great person from the other side of the world helped me 2 hours to get my code working. No money, no favors, no nothing. Just voluntarily. I know not everybody is an angel developer but I am so happy and proud to be a humble part of this beautiful community.

    Nothing would be the same without you all.


    take care, be safe, love you all <3

    edit: typo

    submitted by /u/hiccupq
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    Would anyone be interested in a daily coding tips from experienced software engineers?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    I'm thinking about creating a mailing list with a few friends and sending out tips and hints we collect to new and developing programmers. Would anyone be interested in signing up for this?

    EDIT: Here is the signup for anyone interested: https://www.dailycoding.info/daily-coding-tips

    submitted by /u/WinterAbroad5
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    Explanation of APIs as illustrations

    Posted: 24 May 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    For folks that are trying to learn about APIs, you might find this useful: https://illustrated.dev/api/.

    submitted by /u/devops1011
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    What's the best website/resource to practice solving algorithms and data structures problems to prepare for interviews?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    So from what I've heard, to do well in technical interviews you need to have a good understanding of algorithms and data structures. What's the best website to use to help with getting better at solving algorithms and data structures problems? I've seen websites that have 1000+ problems but doing all of those problems doesn't seem to be a good use of your time, so I'm trying to find the most efficient way of doing this.

    submitted by /u/techsavvynerd91
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    Simple concept but big ah ha for me

    Posted: 24 May 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I wanted to share a video I saw yesterday that lit a lightbulb for me. This video is about the thought process for solving interview problems. Following this guidance has stopped me from rapid firing breaking solutions to my problems. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/r4TgqWbKRtA

    submitted by /u/councit
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    I Made An Android App That Will Help Competitive Programmers To Keep Themselves Updated With All The Upcoming & Ongoing Coding Contests, Taking Place On Big Coding Platforms.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    I'm a 2nd-year university student and I've been programming for almost 2 years now. A lot of fellow programmers will agree on the fact that one of best ways to actually master data structure and algorithm is to take part in as many coding competitions as possible. I used to wake up in the morning and visit all the major coding websites to see if there was a contest today. And since there are so many of them, losing track of a few of the contest wasn't something new.

    So in order to solve this problem I decided to make an android app that would fetch the contest's schedule from all the major coding websites and display all of them in a single place. No sooner I made the app, I distributed it to all my friends and they find it extremely useful. So I decided to put the app on play store for other people to explore and use.

    Few pointers on the app:-

    - The app is and will always be ad-free

    - The app is made using the flutter framework

    - The app is extremely easy on the eyes


    submitted by /u/voidmemoriesmusic
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    (C++) When do you use std::cout vs printf?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    Title, I've gotten through 13 chapters of learncpp.com and we've used cout the entire time, it hasn't even mentioned printf, but in sources I see online I see printf more commonly than cout.

    submitted by /u/furbz420
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    Seeking guidance for proper setup of data project

    Posted: 24 May 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    I have an interesting data problem that I'm looking to develop a solution for. Basically I'm looking for advice on how to set up my project.

    I work at a very small food manufacturing company that mills commodities, specifically wheat.

    We constantly purchase wheat at market price and quote potential customers a finished flour price. Besides the listed price on the CBOT, there's a basis figure that's basically the cost about the CBOT plus the freight cost, and also the price of feed. The details don't matter for this exercise, but there's basically three figures that affect the price of wheat. There's some basic arithmetic once you have those three numbers, but really easy otherwise. Unfortunately right now, the process is in a single excel spreadsheet that is well designed for the process but does not tie into the different inputs automatically, rather it is a time consuming updating process.

    Along with being able to quote prices for customers a big part of the job is knowing our wheat position exactly, both what the average price of in house wheat is and how many bushels we have purchased. Obviously this is essential when quoting prices for customers.

    We currently manage these different processes with a number of different Excel spreadsheets. The spreadsheets were designed long ago and sort of work, but are very tedious. The updating process (farmer delivers, customer takes flour, etc.) is very manual and error prone. It also takes a long time to update. We should know our wheat position immediately, but sometimes it takes someone an entire day to update the multiple spreadsheets.

    I've taught myself enough Python to replace what work I used to do in Excel with Python. I've automated a lot of reporting using Python and am now looking to take the next step to improve the processes above.

    My basic question - is there a place I should get started on for best practices when setting up this project? I do not have much experience with SQL, but would assume that the best way to handle all of different tables that'll need to be manipulated and queried? Right now, data is in a combination of Excel sheets and CSV files, but I assume SQL is safer and preferred? For example, I'm currently scraping wheat prices and writing them to a CSV once per day. To analyze the data, I'm reading in the CSVs into Pandas to report / manipulate.

    Would really appreciate any insight or links to help me wrap my head around the process? From my review, it sounds like creating the necessary tables in SQL and then using Python to automate the reporting sounds like the best way forward. As the project grows, I'd love to add more to it so want to make sure I'm setting things up with the long view in mind.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    submitted by /u/keg5038
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    Will the Odin Project make me job-ready for a junior role in web development?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 08:57 PM PDT

    About me: I have some experience with Java on the job, but not much. I've also completed an extensive Java MOOC and one other CS 101 course and have no formal CS education.

    I've had little direction in where I've wanted to take my programming skills until recently. Now I know that I want to be a web developer. Will the Odin Project (specifically the JavaScript/Node.js path) make me job ready once completed? Will I be hirable in a junior role? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/ShylotheCurious
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    What web learning materials do you recommend?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 08:10 PM PDT

    I'm an intermediate to advanced programmer who put off learning web for way to long. I guess I thought the web was a fad or something I dunno, don't ask. I'm comfortable with OOP, algorithms, time complexity, all that computer science shit, and yet pretty much nothing in demand for employers, and I need to fix that. Functionally, I know C++, Python, and a little bit of Javascript and bit of some other languages here and there. So I can either use Python or just go deep into JS, either way doesn't really matter to me. I heard the web runs on JS?

    So basically my problem is that all the material out there just feels to nooby to me. I'm falling asleep memorizing HTML syntax. But then I kinda have to know HTML right?

    Can anyone recommend some learning materials for an intermediate or advanced programmer to learn web after already being familiar with programming? I like books more so than interactive tutorial websites. I think if I have to sit through another minute of Free Code Academy I might blow my brains out. Can anybody point me to a textbook with deep conceptual explanations rather than copy and paste rote demonstrations?

    Ok, thanks guys. Any and all recommendations and perspectives are welcome.

    submitted by /u/GreymanGroup
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    Is there any good website like codewars where one can practice C# by solving problems?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    Because i started to feel like most of these type of websites are meant for C or javascript code but i want to learn c#

    submitted by /u/mystiquero
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    Getting access to the seek API

    Posted: 24 May 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    I'm looking to do a mini project, i've never really worked with APIs. I would like to do a project using the data from the seek.com.au jobs website but when I go to the dev portal https://devportal.seek.com.au/ it asks me a whole bunch of questions about my privacy policy and company I work for etc and it looks like it takes 10 days for them to make a decision.

    Is there any way around this? Am I doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/Standardweasel
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    Automate the Boring stuff for c++?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Trying to learn c++ but I can't find any good resources which actually go in depth in what you can do with it. Automate the Boring stuff did exactly this with Python. Many tutorial only talk about the basics which are easy to learn if you are familiar with other languages.

    Btw, I am not looking to automate stuff with c++, just the practical part of c++ I am missing.

    submitted by /u/EarlessBear
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    Can you use github on different devices?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    I have my Got bash and GitHub connected to my desktop, can I do the same with my laptop on the same GitHub account?

    submitted by /u/FTP305
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    [C++] Declaring Multiple Strings in Orx

    Posted: 24 May 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    I've got code where I'm passing in a map name, and concatenating it to get a config file. It works fine when I have one concantenation, but the second breaks it and I get nothing rendered, whether the second string is utilized or not.

    Heres a paste of the code: https://paste.ofcode.org/Pxb55UFdhQsjy2jc9mg8LR

    I'm posting the function below, the strings in question are mapName and mapGraphic. If I delete mapGraphic it renders all my tiles, and it doesnt render with it in, despite it not being used.

    bool PaintTiles(string _map){ //Pull map into array map[] string mapName = _map.append("Map"); orxConfig_PushSection((orxCHAR*)mapName.c_str()); int mapsize = orxConfig_GetListCount("map"); int map[mapsize]; for(int i=0;i<mapsize;i++){ map[i] = orxConfig_GetListU32("map",i); } orxConfig_PopSection(); //Get tile width/height string mapGraphic = _map.append("Graphic"); orxConfig_PushSection("beginningGraphic"); orxVECTOR tileDimension; orxConfig_GetVector("TextureSize", &tileDimension); int tileWidth = tileDimension.fX; int tileHeight = tileDimension.fY; orxConfig_PopSection(); //Get Maps column count orxConfig_PushSection("beginningMap"); int TILES_ACROSS = orxConfig_GetU32("columnCount"); orxConfig_PopSection();

    //Get Position Vector from Camera orxConfig_PushSection("MainCamera"); orxVECTOR camPosition; orxConfig_GetVector("Position", &camPosition); orxConfig_PopSection(); //Get Display Size orxConfig_PushSection("Display"); int screenWidth = orxConfig_GetU32("ScreenWidth"); orxConfig_PushSection("Display"); int screenHeight = orxConfig_GetU32("ScreenHeight"); orxConfig_PopSection(); //Get camera relative tile position, to cut stuff out of view int camStartTilePositionX = floor((camPosition.fX-screenWidth/2) / tileWidth); int camEndTilePositionX = ceil((camPosition.fX+screenWidth/2) / tileWidth); int camStartTilePositionY = floor((camPosition.fY-screenHeight/2) / tileHeight); int camEndTilePositionY = ceil((camPosition.fY+screenHeight/2) / tileHeight); //Draw tiles in view int mapLength = sizeof(map) / sizeof(map[0]); int x, y = 0; for (int i=0; i<mapsize; i++) { //Dont draw if its out of range of camera if((x >= camStartTilePositionX+3) && (x <= camEndTilePositionX-3)) { if((y >= camStartTilePositionY+3) && (y <= camEndTilePositionY-3)) { //Create String in format: Tile{Number}, for example "tile8". orxCHAR buffer[16] = {}; orxString_NPrint(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, "beginning%d", map[i]); //Create Tile{Number} object from config file, utilizing string created above. //Note our tiles are stored as "[tile8@TilesGraphic]" in our config file. orxGRAPHIC *graphic; graphic = orxGraphic_CreateFromConfig(buffer); //Create Default Tile object, which holds our fullsize image. orxOBJECT *tile; tile = orxObject_CreateFromConfig("TilesObject"); //Link our Tile{Number} config to our fullsize image. //The Tile{Number} config contains the portion of our fullsize tilemap image that we want to display. orxObject_LinkStructure(tile, orxSTRUCTURE(graphic)); //Position our tile on the screen. orxVECTOR tilePos; tilePos.fX = (32 * x); tilePos.fY = (32 * y); tilePos.fZ = 0; orxObject_SetPosition(tile, &tilePos); } } //Iterate next position (translates 1d map array into 2d) x = x + 1; if(x == TILES_ACROSS){ x = 0; y++; } } return true; 


    submitted by /u/aharmlessloaf
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    Central resource for OAuth?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    Is there a central resource for the relevant links for implementing OAuth for Google, FB, and Apple?

    This is the first time I am creating an app and doing OAuth, and I am finding it quite confusing searching the different developer docs for the relevant links.

    Further, I am confused why (what I think are) the correct Google docs have different instructions for iOS and Android (https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth). Shouldn't the compilation process to iOS and Android make it work the same on either?

    submitted by /u/LevelChart8
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    Data Structures and Algorithms

    Posted: 24 May 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    I did a class at college this semester titled Data Structures and Algorithms and it was incredibly hard, like nothing I've encountered in CS at college yet.

    How often do you use Binary trees and Graphs etc in the real world eg. In a software engineering career? It has definitely given me second thoughts on a career in CS

    submitted by /u/ExcitingProblem6
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    Format Question.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 11:52 PM PDT

    Hello. This is my second post and I'm new to programming. I'm currently learning HTML and CSS. I found out that if I write:

    h1 {



    Then it is functionally the same as

    h1 {

    color: red;


    I see that most code has that space between the colon and property value. Is it wrong/frowned upon to neglect that space?

    submitted by /u/MysticFart3
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    Trying to use Intersectional Observer, but elements aren't intersecting

    Posted: 24 May 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    I've been trying to follow along to Kevin Powell's video on using the Intersectional Observer API to trigger a style change when two elements intersect and adapting it to my own website, but I'm having issues as the two elements I'd like to intersect don't seem to be intersecting?

    I believe you have to observe one element and set the other as root, but I don't know where I'm going wrong with my code. If anyone could help, that'd be great!


    submitted by /u/Rush_B_Blyat
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    How do I nest an element in an array, in another array?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 11:48 PM PDT

    Very simple

     function pairElement(str) { var array = []; var sep= array.splice( 0, ); for(var i = 0; i <str.length; i++){ if(str[i] === 'G'){ array.push('G,C'); } else if( str[i] === "C"){ array.push('C,G'); } else if( str[i] === 'A'){ array.push('A,T') } else if(str[i] === 'T'){ array.push('T,A') } } return array; } console.log(pairElement("ATCGA")); 

    My function outputs "[ 'A,T', 'T,A', 'C,G', 'G,C', 'A,T' ]", which is almost perfect. But I want it to output this. [["A","T"],["T","A"],["C","G"],["G","C"],["A","T"]].

    See how at the end of each index, it's nested in an array? How do I do that? I was trying to use the .map function to add an array at the end of each index, but I wasn't sure how to do it.

    So how do I do it?


    submitted by /u/someguyhere0
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    How to know what you really want

    Posted: 24 May 2020 11:47 PM PDT

    I'm an embedded systems developer. I mostly write C for microcontrollers but lately I've been learning C++.

    One of my biggest struggles is that sometimes I can't perceive the whole workflow of a module before I start writing code.

    I read manuals of how things work and draw block diagrams but it's easier for me to see the clearer picture of what I want my program to do once I start writing my functions, my data structures etc. I mean I don't rewrite my code, I just feel more confident about requirements even though they aren't related. For example I write code for the module A and I start understand more about what module B should do, etc.

    Is that a common issue to other programmers?

    What technique do you use to help you think of a problem?

    submitted by /u/BlueThirtySeven
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    Posted: 24 May 2020 11:33 PM PDT

    How to show a website that the letter "/" (an invalid letter) is the letter "b" (valid letter)?

    submitted by /u/M-63
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    [c++] Inherited functions should not be hidden

    Posted: 24 May 2020 11:21 PM PDT

    So I have a method called init in my Base class and a method called init in my Subclass with a different signature which calls Base::init.

    The static analyzer is suggesting me to either rename the Subclass method or make Base::init virtual.

    1. If i make Base::init virtual, do i need to add override to Subclass::init even though its a different signature?
    2. Which of the two is better?
    submitted by /u/silentcon
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    [Golang/Python/ALL] Trees - Why I can edit node properties but I can't set node null?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    Originally from "LeetCode - 1325. Delete Leaves With a Given Value". I'm not interested in the solution but a rather peculiarity I found just setting nodes as null/nil. I'm just trying to set node as a pointer.. but I don't get why it's not setting it.

    Tree node structure:

    type TreeNode struct { Val int Left *TreeNode Right *TreeNode } 

    Remove by DFS:

    func dfsRemoveLeaf(node *TreeNode, target int) { // fmt.Println(node.Val) if node.Right == nil && node.Left == nil && node.Val == target { node = nil; return } if node.Right != nil { dfsRemoveLeaf(node.Right, target) } if node.Left != nil { dfsRemoveLeaf(node.Left, target) } } 

    I pass in the root, I traverse the tree right to left and setting every leaf node with a specific value as nil. But when I run the function again with the root the nodes I wanted as nil weren't nil. When I change node = nil to node.Val = 999, the change actually happened.

    I replicated the same code in Python3 and still the same. What's going on here?

    submitted by /u/Yin-Hei
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    How do games and emulators get ported to consoles like the switch ps vita or psp

    Posted: 24 May 2020 07:16 PM PDT

    Can someone explain what you have to do when porting something

    submitted by /u/Spam_Smith
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