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    Thursday, May 14, 2020

    I Just Had My First "It Worked Yesterday" Moment, It Hurts. learn programming

    I Just Had My First "It Worked Yesterday" Moment, It Hurts. learn programming

    I Just Had My First "It Worked Yesterday" Moment, It Hurts.

    Posted: 13 May 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    Was working on some CS homework. Opened up the file having two of the three problems done yesterday. And a part of it refuses to load and throws a syntax error in my IDE. The other function that was working now just gives a completely different (and incorrect answer). Cause why not? Double checked to see if anything had changed by going through version history, nope. Literally nothing in the file has changed and yet it decided not to work today.

    submitted by /u/HolyRomanSloth
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    Learning programming is like assembling IKEA furniture.

    Posted: 13 May 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    I'll explain why.

    Few days ago I was assembling some piece of furniture I bought in IKEA. Employees said to me it's not hard to put together everything, but, they lied. Need to mention this was my first purchase in IKEA.

    There were approximately 20 pages of how-to-assemble-easy-piece-of-furniture. I was literally freaked out. How am I supposed to do this? I will never finish this. Fuc* IKEA.

    After two cups of coffe, I started working.

    First page - do this, then screw 1 to 3, connect 4 to 2, screw again, seal up 3 to 9, etc, etc. I literally didn't know what am I doing, but literally. I spent almost 80 minutes resolving first 3 pages. Nothing made sense. Everything seemed so strange and wrong.

    However I continued working, and over time, it started to look like something. It was getting easier and easier, and as it began to take shape, I was happier and happier.

    After a few hours - furniture was done. Damn I was proud. Like, really proud.

    You probably now would ask me - but, what's the point? What is the connection between learning programming and IKEA furniture assembling?

    Well, there is a connection. When I was learning something in programming there were times when everything seemed so unimportant and was asking myself "God, will I ever use this / This doesn't make sense / Why is that there / No way I will be using this."

    Even though you think something is not important in that Learn C# in 30 days book - keep reading, keep learning. You will remember that even after a while.

    Never stop working/learning, and in the end - everything will make sense.

    Good luck!

    submitted by /u/sushibgd
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    What are some good YouTube channels for learning about computer science and programming?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    I'm looking for more channels or playlists similar to Computerphile. Good quality videos explaining anything related to programming or CS. I'm not looking for coding tutorials or even worse, shameless self promotion videos from self proclaimed entrepreneurs telling me how to be successful.

    Im new to this world, so I'm trying to emerge myself as much as possible.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/myceliatedmerchant
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    I have no idea what I am doing? Seeking help/mentor

    Posted: 13 May 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    Tldr: I have been trying to learn to code for almost 2 years now. It has been a disaster and have been begging for guidance.

    I do enjoy computers and the idea of making programs and products that serve a purpose. I originally wanted this to be game design, or at least programming since I'm not artistic. The industry seemed so elite and so many people seemed ahead that I felt like it was a lost cause and never be hired. It honestly the same with software dev. Everywhere is people posting these cool projects with the "little coding they knew" while I cant do anything.

    Due to other issues, I'm having a hard to staying motivated. It's a mix of mental issues and me not knowing the end goal. If anyone can share insight on software development please help. I do not know what type of work will I expect and what I need to know. Or maybe help decide of game programming is a lost cause. I basically looking for a mentor, or anyone that can point me towards one.

    Please skip the find something you want to make. It's hard for me to think of anything, and I always feel my ideas suck anyway.

    Edit: I'm not asking anyone to help with any mental issues. I understand people here are programmers, not therapists. I already have one of those lol

    submitted by /u/DJThomas21
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    Data Structures and Algorithms

    Posted: 13 May 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    Are all data structures and algorithms classes supposed to be insane in terms of workload? I'm taking this class at my uni and the workload was initially 20-30 hours but now it's 30-50 hours per week as we approach the end of the year. It's jumped from medium projects on data structures and inheritance to basically back end development of a game.

    It's really making me doubt whether I wanna go into CS? I guess I just wanted some advice, are these classes usually this intense and if so, do future cs classes tend to ease down a bit? Should I even try to pursue CS I thought I liked it before this class?

    submitted by /u/Longjumping_Diet
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    I think I'm feeling kind of burned out with app development and I don't know what to do

    Posted: 14 May 2020 12:00 AM PDT

    In the quarantine I've been doing app development every day for the past 3 months, and I'm now not feeling any motivation to continue, and I just feel exhausted in general. In these three months I was able to release 2 apps on the app store, and I definitely feel that they will improve my portfolio/resume and college apps.

    I want to take break from mobile app-dev for now (maybe stop programming for a few days, or do something different), but at the same time I don't want to. I paid $99 for the Apple Developer Account, and now every moment I spend not doing app development feels like a waste of money to me.

    What should I do to get over this feeling?

    submitted by /u/LargeBeginning
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    Free Tutoring To Get You Started On Any Programming Project

    Posted: 13 May 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    Hey everyone

    I'm a tech enthusiast and software engineer at a Big Four tech company with a B.A. in Computer Science. I've been programming for over a decade and have experience with Java, JavaScript, Python, HTML, CSS, and Swift. I've worked on Android development, iOS development, and web development.

    Going from a beginner-level programmer to an intermediate level programmer is tough. The advice is to "practice your skills through a project" but you're not sure how to start or even what to start on. This was frustrating for me back when I was trying to learn, and I was stuck as a beginner for a long time.

    I want to help people get through this by focusing on the hardest part of working on a project: the start. If you don't know what project to start on that's fine too--I will live stream these tutoring sessions so that you can see what people are working on.

    If you're interested let me know what projects you want to start or what projects you want to watch other people start. My time is limited but I'll do my best to get to the projects that I can be most helpful to and the projects that would be most interesting for people.

    If you're wondering what's in it for me, it's pretty simple. I get to start a dream I've had of getting people excited about programming and technology.

    submitted by /u/Realness100
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    Employers who browse this subredddit: what are you looking for in candidates that say they're self-taught?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    As someone who's teaching himself how to code, I'm interested in knowing what employers are looking for in self-taught developers with no degree or prior professional experience. The specific points I'm looking to get addressed are:

    1. What skills/qualities are you hoping to see in coding tests that occur during the interview? How about take-home assignments, if you give those?

    2. How do you judge portfolio projects? Are you looking to see if the candidate used software development tools that they would be expected to use on the job? Are you also looking to see if they've contributed to open-source projects?

    3. How do you evaluate how well they would work with a team? Do they have to show projects that prove that they've collaborated with others before?

    4. What are some red flags for you? This doesn't have to be limited to technical skills; a candidate's personality or soft skills (or lack thereof) can be included.

    submitted by /u/Silver_Dragon_Slayer
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    first time using HTML to create a web page my experience so far

    Posted: 14 May 2020 12:37 AM PDT

    i enroll with pirple HTML online course and after two lessons, am already enjoying it, i was given an assignment to write code about my favorite food, it awesome learning coding.

    i cant wait to learn more about coding.

    submitted by /u/Wooden-Beach
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    Help with website

    Posted: 13 May 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    So, I have been learning HTML/CSS for the past few weeks and so I wanted to get me own website up and running. Its just going to be for my hobbies and a display of my skills. So I bought a website domain (its .ca!!). So now do I just get hosting? Also what's next? I don't want to use Wordpress or anything similar because its just a hobby site/a pure display of what I know. I am honestly just a little lost in terms of where I actually program so it shows up on the site. Sorry I feel super stupid asking this because its probably straightforward. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/basicallyanathlete0
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    Mentor needed!

    Posted: 13 May 2020 11:25 PM PDT

    I've been learning react js for a month now , doing courses and trying to develop stuff.

    ===> If anyone can provide me a mentor it'll be a huge boost to my progress

    submitted by /u/ritavdas
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    Do programmers use text or binary files?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 11:20 PM PDT

    I am learning about file handling and wonder where do programmers use them? How is it differerent to a database?

    submitted by /u/samnayak1
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    What topics can be learned to bridge the gap between bootcamp and CS degree educations?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    I'm in the last course of my bootcamp. I have a background in IT (4x CompTIA certs, 2.5 YoE in IT), have taken a fantastic class on cyber security, and a couple other programming language classes. One thing that I've become more and more aware of as I learn from more sources, is how much I don't know. Pretty normal, I'm sure. I've noticed that some of those things seem to expected of recent CS grads, but aren't anything I'd ever learn in my bootcamp.

    For example, I was reviewing notes about a coding question used in interviews, discussing the different solutions they see/expect from candidates. They go over the simplest 'brute force' solution, the most optimized way of the 'brute force' method, and what they think is the most ideal solution which is very different and involves bit shifting among other things. I got to a point I thought was just a bit better than the optimized brute force method before I stopped and read the notes. I hadn't heard of bit shifting or other bitwise operations before then, and wouldn't have even thought of something similar.

    That's an example of something I felt I could learn to start bridging the gap between my education and a CS degree education. For me personally, the number one disadvantage I feel that I have compared to a degree earner, is breadth of knowledge and the tools that it gives me to create solutions. Fortunately, I can do something about that. So I'm hoping that I can get some suggestions on topics that people think bootcamp grads don't know anything about that CS degree grads do (even if not in depth).

    submitted by /u/3d_nat1
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    There are so many Javascript methods, how am I suppose to remember all of them?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 09:52 PM PDT

    The question above.

    Thank you,

    EDIT: But how do I know a method is even available if I havent used it? (People are saying to just google how to use it)

    EDIT 2: I just found this page https://websitesetup.org/javascript-cheat-sheet/. There are even more than I thought, I was just talking about string methods and array methods. Its obviously not possible to remember them all.

    EDIT 3: This must be why, everyone who is an accomplish developer says the only way to learn is to build, memorization is not the top skill here.

    submitted by /u/Schopenhaur1859
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    newbie question for building a website for a friend - template vs scratch

    Posted: 13 May 2020 02:59 PM PDT


    I'm a newbie where I've only learned HTML/CSS and some JS. I've decided to go back to school to complete my degree for CS since I've enjoyed some programming.

    Recently, I had a dr friend ask if I could build them a website for their new business they will be starting in the next month. I currently do not have a portfolio, so I figure this would be a good start! Then maybe someone will want to hire me to do a side gig in the future because I'll be able to show previous work and my portfolio will grow. However, starting out, I'm unsure if I should be using a template - like Wordpress? or should I be coding it from scratch and using bootstrap? Or maybe I should learn react and build it?

    Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/Colbymac92
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    Is there an easy way to extract specific sheets from an excel file in python?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    In my job I have to pick specific sheets from a workbook and put them in a separate workbook and save them somewhere else. It gets super tedious and I want to learn programming so I thought automating it would be a good idea. I tried using openpyxl but it doesn't let you move sheets to different workbooks. I tried looking for different modules but didn't really find anything promising. The best I can come up with is looping over the entire sheet and copying the data onto a new workbook but it feels like there has to be a better way. I am a super beginner with actual programming so any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Idaporckenstern
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    Keep working it'll get better

    Posted: 13 May 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    Hey guys I want to take my stress and turn it into something positive. I'm taking junior and senior level programming courses this summer. I have done very well in all the classes I have taken I'm sitting at a 3.91 gpa. Now that being said I'm very confident in my programming ability. I know I'm not as good as somebody that's been doing it professionally for years yet though. Where I'm going with this is that even now I am stressed with all the tools and languages I have to learn to be up to speed for my classes. I have to learn PHP, mySQL and github. I need to be relatively proficient at them to keep up in my courses. This brought me back to the feeling of when I began to learn programming before college. I just wanted to say even though it's tough keep working through it. The internet has plenty of resources to keep you learning what you need. You won't learn without struggling, but that being said stay diligent in all your work. Rant over. Like I said I just wanted to make my stress something positive for the newer guys. Good luck learning guys.

    submitted by /u/xChacox
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    <ArrayList> in Java

    Posted: 14 May 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    Can somebody explain me in the easiest way what's this and how can I use it? I am studying Java about 10 months now and never really used it, and by now, never was curious what do I use it for.

    submitted by /u/Dixon3o
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    Help: Pythonista Trying To Learn C

    Posted: 14 May 2020 12:09 AM PDT

    Hey! I hail from Python. I'm quite experienced there. Anyhow, I'm interested in learning C; everything from installing it (howwww) on my Windows PC to writing and compiling programs.

    Does anyone know of any good books or web-based C courses that take that sort of form?


    submitted by /u/halucciXL
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    Recursions: They leave me puzzled

    Posted: 14 May 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    Ok so we have been doing recursions for the past 2 weeks in class. My main problem is actually coding them, I don't even know where to start coding it unless they are super simple like find the result where one number is the base the other is the exponent. Even that simple problem to take a lot more mental energy for me to solve than I like to admit. I have been stuck on 2 simple problems for 3 days, I tried thinking backwards from the base case and using objects to visualize but my brain goes blank.

    If can read and quickly understand recursion if I am reading completed code, but when it comes to me actually trying to code it my brain cannot process anything. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/GeekyCS
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    Doubt reg Boolean (True or false value)

    Posted: 13 May 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    Just started learning the basics of programming today, and definitely loving it so far! I just had a doubt: does every loop in programming (infinite, count-controlled and condition-controlled) have a boolean identity?

    submitted by /u/presidentrobertbrown
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    Could anyone provide help with HTML in DMs?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 11:58 PM PDT

    So here's my website: https://chrischan.netlify.app

    You could view the code here on GitHub: https://github.com/DevChrisChan/Chris

    submitted by /u/ChrisChan218
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    Is there a way to write (in Python, Java or C preferably) a program that can run google searches?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    So I want to write a program that can communicate with my browser so when I have a browser open to any search engine (DuckDuckGo, Bing, Google) etc, and a list of search terms, the program will search those terms in the browser? So if my default engine is Google, and the list has ["apple banana cherry", "dog elephant frog"] it will open 2 tabs with "apple mango cherry" and "dog elephant frog" googled in each?

    Ditto for bing.

    I have a little experience with programming, so I hope this project won't be too difficult.

    Many thanks.

    submitted by /u/itsNikolajNotNikolaj
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    Experienced programmers when does programming start to feel intuitive?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 11:28 PM PDT

    I have a theory that people that are successful at anything, are at least, impart, successful because of some intuition are sense that they have about the thing that they cant articulate but they just have access to and this sense comes to them when they are accomplishing some goal. The sense helps navigate their respective terrain successfully.

    Is this b.s. or true, if true, do you know what caused the intuition to develop?

    submitted by /u/Schopenhaur1859
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