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    Saturday, February 1, 2020

    I feel like a fraud and I want to get better learn programming

    I feel like a fraud and I want to get better learn programming

    I feel like a fraud and I want to get better

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:54 AM PST

    I'm currently in an operating systems class and it's hair-pulling tough. To give context we just worked on an assignment that worked on forking and general systems programming that goes along with it. I find that when I work with a TA and they are basically giving me little hints I'm able to see how dumb I'm being and quickly pick up the concepts but if I ever try to work on figuring something out on my own it takes forever. I honestly think that I cant figure it out (I've spent 6 hours on a problem before with no avail). It seems like other people in my class know how to figure these problems out but I just can't. I guess what my question is how can I stop relying on my TA's and develop a better understanding as to how I can figure out my own problems.

    I don't think it's a question of my inability to problem solve. I completed calc 1-4, diffyQ's and linear algebra with out too much trouble but coding is a beast that I just can't get my head around. That's why I feel like a fraud, I made it this far and still need to rely on others.

    Edit: two words

    submitted by /u/BeeGassy
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    Created a beginner programming series recently using JavaScript, perfect for people who want to learn in 2020 or refresh their skills

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:33 PM PST

    I'm a software engineer and I created a beginner friendly programming series of 15 videos, I go over all of the basics of programming, focusing on the fundamentals rather than just the language, and providing examples in each video.

    Link to playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_miVJbLraA&list=PL_cUvD4qzbkzrpH8det0pvoT_Oxu1JV34

    Everything in this tutorial is explained to the core, to the best of my ability. While the language itself is not the best choice for starters, my intention for this series was to actually help web developers mostly. Which is why I focused more on the aspects of programming rather than the language, while also covering some exclusives to JavaScript.

    Hopefully those who pursue this series enjoy it and find it helpful. Good luck!

    Disclaimer: While I understand there are already a ton of resources out there, it doesn't hurt to add an extra one to the list, just to show that these technologies are still relevant in this year and will not be vanishing anytime soon. It's also great to see how different developers/programmers explain/do things as I feel like you're more exposed to different practices, techniques, styles, etc.

    submitted by /u/ansonplusc
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    Technical Interviews -- Why are these even a thing?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 04:49 PM PST

    I am a mid/senior data scientist. I have worked at large tech companies that everyone knows and also smaller start ups. And I just failed my 5th technical interview.

    As with data science, there is a lot of skills you could potentially have. From analysis, advanced stats, programming, ML. Literally anything under the sun among these can be asked. One technical will be creating a balanced delimiter, another will ask to solve some deck of cards based combinatorics and probability problem. And none of these end up being real-world problems.

    Why are technical interviews even a thing, especially ones that are in person/timed? It is such an awkwardly unnatural experience that really only test someones ability to handle pressure, and if they know the one specific thing the technical interviewer is looking for. Mind you, for all of those technical interviews i bombed, if I had been in front of my own machine without a stop watch or someone looking over me, I'd have been able to solve a lot of these problems in no time.

    Every time I have hired someone, I ask some broad technical questions just to see if someone even knows what certain (basic) things are, and then I give them a 2-3 hour take home programming assignment to do anytime in the next 3 days. I then ask them to explain their code in detail, what were the different approaches, etc. I dont think it should be any more complicated than that.

    So frustrating.


    submitted by /u/ThoughtBoner1
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    A Beginner’s Guide To Using Natural Language Processing In Web Development

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 11:19 AM PST

    I know a lot of people here are learning web dev, but might be interested in machine learning, at least cursorily. I was in the same position not too long ago, and so I put together this guide to using NLP (a subset of machine learning) in web development. It's a soft introduction to how ML interacts with a web app, and it doesn't require any ML-specific knowledge.


    submitted by /u/calebkaiser
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    Just wanted to say thank you!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:10 PM PST

    Hey everyone, I have been lurking on this subreddit for some time now and just wanted to say thanks for being awesome. I have been independently trying to learn Java, as I took a course way back in freshman year of college as an elective and thought it was kinda fun.

    Thanks to the FAQ and general browsing, I feel like I have actually become somewhat competent in Java. I was even able to win a little money on a coding competition site a friend pointed me to, codercup.org. It was pretty satisfying actually making a little something from what started as a side hobby. I actually feel more encouraged to code now. Thanks everyone for this awesome subreddit!

    submitted by /u/Whatsit-Tooya
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    Good approaches to algorithm design for problem solving

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:43 PM PST

    Here is the description of the problem: https://leetcode.com/problems/count-number-of-nice-subarrays/

    This is the solution I am interested in discussing:


    First, the programmer came up with a base case, which was small. This base case led to key insights into the problem.

    Finally, the programmer wrote the code derived from the base case. I tested the code and it works.

    My question is: Is this the best way to go about algorithm design for solving problems? Find a small base case, which will lead to key insights, and then write code that solves that base case?

    submitted by /u/inhplease
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    Newbie web dev issue

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 10:26 PM PST

    12 by 12 grid. Items line up vertically instead of horizontally like they are supposed to.


    submitted by /u/samacct
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    Advice for programming

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:13 PM PST

    Hi, I'm currently in college taking a web programming course. I know absolutely nothing about programming, but I went into the course thinking it was going to be easy considering it's an introduction course. Turns out it's a lot harder than I thought. Were learning JavaScript in class and so far we've covered : basic HTML, data type , ifs and events. At times I'm not even sure what I'm doing anymore. I've been in the class for about three weeks now, but I keep having trouble completing the labs and assignments. They're a lot harder than the lectures given in class. I find the class really interesting but I'm having trouble keeping up. Or maybe the assignments my prof assigns are just way too hard lol

    Am I really fit for computer science? Are there any online assignments for me to practice with? How did you guys overcome this?

    submitted by /u/theschoolnerd
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    I've never used Docker. Would this be a use case for it?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 11:40 PM PST

    I had someone explain Docker to me as basically the solution to "eh, works on my machine" problems. Well I have an "eh, works on my machine" problem.

    I'm working on an Express app using bcrypt and although I have had no problem running it on my own machines (linux/windows/varying node versions) it seems to have issues when another dev runs it on his setup. Would docker eliminate the variation here? Or is that not really how it's used. The only real problem is with bcrypt, I definitely wouldn't even think of using Docker for this project if it wasn't for that.

    Also some people suggested just rolling back the bcrypt version but I don't really want to use such an old version in prod

    submitted by /u/MargaretAtwoodFan
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    Codecademy pro

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:02 PM PST

    Trying to learn python here. absolute beginner. realise that python 3 learning is only available for Codecademy pro users. Wondering if the 19.99/month is worth it? or are there much better options out there. thanks.

    submitted by /u/joshualaba
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    Please help me to install imageboard script for AryaChan.org

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:46 PM PST

    Hello everyone. I recently decided I wanted to start an image board AryaChan.org, so I've registed my domains and set up hosting. I just set up my SQL database and found https://overscript.net/(which hosts downloads for many imageboard scripts. I've decided to go with Infinity Next and read the installation instructions and don't quite follow them. I had found install instructions for an older less reliable script but I really want to run infinity-next script, but I honestly don't know where to begin. Would anyone be able to help me or point me in the right direction. I'm really interested in doing this and will not give up. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/sas6323
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    New to web development

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 10:16 PM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I am making my first website and trying to make my index page full length of the page without having the user scroll. How can I get this to work? I have a header and footer. I am also just using divs for the header, main, and footer. for my main, I have content on the left and right if it makes any difference.

    Thank you for your help in advance.

    submitted by /u/Corgi2love
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    I can't seem to figure out how I make a variable in React go to backend in node.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:51 PM PST

    I have been at this for 2 days and can't seem to find a whole lot of info on the subject. All the tutorials fetch the 3rd party api in react which is wrong. I am trying to have the state become the query variable in the get request. And have the get request in the server. How do I get the state variable, to the backend with no database?

    submitted by /u/koalasarecool00
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    I got invited to Google's Foobar challenge - now what?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 05:59 PM PST

    Ok so last night I got invited to the Foobar challenge. Was doing a school project and researching some docs, and the challenge came up in my browser tab. I knew what it was from reading about it in the past, so obviously I accepted it and started doing the challenges. I have a few questions about it though.

    1. Right now I have the foobar page open in my browser from last night. I haven't touched it since around 3am. No challenge is currently running. Does Google use *total* time taken when they review your submissions? Like would having the tab open since 3am this morning, and it being almost 18 hours since, penalize me? Or are they only taking into account the time taken on challenges once activated? Again, nothing is currently running, I have the page open to the main "terminal" page.
    2. How long do I actually have to complete it once I start? I'm currently mid way through level 3, and I started it around 1am last night. Last I touched it was 3am. If I'm under an overall time constraint I want to know so I can finish this ASAP.
    3. Does Google still actively use this actively as a recruiting tool? How many of you have gotten the challenge and gotten interviews from it? Whats the eta on it?

    Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/rpithowaway100
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    What programming language would be best to learn to increase your chances of finding a job?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:36 PM PST

    I'm asking this because I'm thinking of seeking a career in programming sometime what languages would most employers require you to know? Also i'm asking this so I can start learning because the only thing i've ever done is codehs java for like three months in school

    submitted by /u/GreyRainyClouds
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    I want learn web pen testing where should I start and which language I need to master. Any suggestions please?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:34 PM PST

    Now I am currently learning html and SQL. I got no idea am I going in the right direction.

    submitted by /u/caliban_97
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    I am stuck in a question on hackerrank. The solution is reduced to find all the combination of Nth power of numbers from 1 to X^(1/n) which gives a sum equal to X. Need Help!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:05 PM PST

    I am stuck in a question on hackerrank. The solution is reduced to find all the combination of Nth power of numbers from 1 to X^(1/n) which gives a sum equal to X. Now, there could be many approaches to solve which was mentioned in the discussion forum. But I haven't looked at it yet. But I have devised an algorithm myself but couldn't convert in executable code. Please help me with my Algo as I believe it will clear my concepts and help me understand recursion better.

    Example: X = 100 and n= 2

    1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100

    So, I need to find all the combinations of number which can give me a sum equal to X which in this case is 100. Here's what I thought. First I'll subtract the rightmost element from X if found zero I'll increase the count and decrease the iterator(rightmost element) by one else take the difference. Now, since the difference is greater than zero so I'll keep moving the iterator to the left until I found an element less than the difference. Then I'll again take the difference and call the function recursively.

    1st iteration:

    Since, 100 - array[10] = 0

    count++ & h--

    2nd iteration

    diff = 100 - array[9] = 19

    first element less than 19 is 16.

    diff = 19-array[3] = 3

    3rd iteration

    first element less than 3 is one. Now array ends at 1 and still, the difference has not become zero so I'll return zero and shift the iterator to it's left and calculate the new difference. So, instead of 100 - array[3], I'll do 19 - array[2] = 15.

    And, I'll keep on repeating until all the combinations are over. Algo has a lot of mistakes and ambiguity. I know. But I wanna know how to make it work, cause I think the approach is right.

    Here's the code I wrote.

    include <bits/stdc++.h>

    using namespace std;
    // Complete the powerSum function below.
    int powerSum(int X[], int l, int h, int x){
    int count = 0;
    int dif = x - X[h];
    if(l==h) return 0;
    if(dif == 0){
    count += powerSum(X, l, h-1, x);
    return 1;
    }else if(dif > 0){
    if(X[h]<dif) break;
    if(!powerSum(X, l, h, dif-X[h]) && h>0){
    powerSum(X, l, h, dif-X[h]);
    return count;
    int main(){
    int x, n; cin >> x >> n;
    x = pow(x, 1/n); int num = x;
    int X[x]; for(int i=0; i<x; i++) X[i] = pow(i+1, n);
    int ans = powerSum(X, 0, x-1, num);
    cout << ans;

    return 0;

    This again has a lot of flaws. But Please help fix it. Thank You!

    submitted by /u/prat8
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    Has programming helped you in any way outside your job? If so, in what situations?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:44 AM PST

    A lot of people say that learning how to program is a super useful skill even if you won't be working in the area and I just can't think of many situations programming would help me.

    submitted by /u/LeO-_-_-
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    Send USB data collected in Wireshark to the USB device in C or C++

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:54 PM PST

    I have an RGB keyboard that does have an official config program, but it's only on Windows and there's no API for this keyboard. I'm reverse engineering it by sniffing the USB output from the config program over Wireshark. I found some patterns and I want to write a program, but I don't know how to send data to a USB device in C or C++. Does anyone have any advice on putting data from Wireshark into a format where a USB device will understand it, and then sending that data? Yes, I have Googled, but I have literally no idea where to start. I've done barely any hardware programming like this.


    EDIT: This is on Linux, I'm running the config program in VirtualBox.

    submitted by /u/HangryDave
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    how to find all substrings that start and end with certain characters and have one distinct character in between

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:45 PM PST

    how would I find all substrings that start and end with certain characters and have one distinct character in between

    submitted by /u/sergray123
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    How to detect if a user clicks on a diagonally drawn line in Java Swing?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:45 PM PST

    Currently the way I have my program now is that the user can draw multiple lines on a panel. I want the user to have an option to be able to move the line after drawing it.

    So far, I have this code, Line is an object I have created that just holds 4 int values that store the lines coordinates, and lines is my ArrayList

    for (Line p : lines) { if ((e.getX() < p.getBeginX() && e.getX() < p.getEndX()) || (e.getX() > p.getBeginX() && e.getX() > p.getEndX() ) || (e.getY() < p.getBeginY() && e.getY() < p.getEndY()) || e.getY() > p.getBeginY() && e.getY() > p.getEndY()) { System.out.println("Missed Line"); } else { System.out.println("Clicken on line"); } 

    Which works if the user draws a line in a vertical or horizontal angle. But when the user draws a line that is diagonal, it doesn't work accurately and it will detect a click when it doesn't touch the line.

    The area that it says it's clickable in is basically a rectangle with the line as the diagonal of the rectangle.

    submitted by /u/DeadlyPirate
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    Advance Location Tracking for Giving Rewards!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:28 PM PST

    I'm working on a carbon emission tracker app for a good cause to track daily emission from the users by their behaviour. Now I'm stuck in the process.

    For example - I'm having 10 Geofencing areas (Metro Stations) with a radius of 200mts. Now when the user enters any one of the points it will show notification like you're in the metro station! Do you want to start a trip?

    And if the user starts the trip & board into metro after the train starts moving I will start updating all user location in my backend. Now when the user reached any of metro station(Destination station) Geofencing points. Now I have to stop the trip updates and I have to show the km travelled & rewards for the km travelled.

    Note - I'm using firebase and a backend

    The problem I'm facing:

    1. When the user starts the trip. I have created a new trip and add his pickup location in the DB. Afterwards, I will track all his location for every 5 secs. Now I want the logic to implement the ending the trip both automatically & manually and calculation.

    2. How to make sure that the user is travelling in the metro route?

    Any idea of suggestion is welcomed.

    submitted by /u/dvlprsanju
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    can someone PLEASE help me!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:13 PM PST

    Hello, can someone please help me with this problem, I have NO idea what to do

    A line of magnets can be represented as a string of -s, +s and 0s representing negative, positive and neutral charges respectively. A single magnet will always be composed of either a - or + at either end (these magnets can have both ends with the same charge) and at least one 0 in the middle. For example, -00+, -00000000- and +0- are all valid magnets. Consider the following scenario: You have two magnets with the ends touching. If these ends were opposite charges (-+) then these two magnets would become stuck together. Given a line of magnets, end to end, in the format described above, output the number of magnets stuck to at least one other magnet.

    Sample Input


    Sample Output

    submitted by /u/sergray123
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    could I get some help regarding an odd array overflow(?) error? [C++]

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:13 PM PST

    Here is a small segment of my code which is being really problematic:

    //generate scaled fitness array for(i = 1; i<21; i++){ previous += current; current = round(proportional_fitness[i]*100); for(j = previous; j < previous+current; j++){ //THIS LOOP BREAKS THE FITNEESS ARRAY scaled_fitness[j] = fitness[i]; } cout << "F1[" << i << "] : " << fitness[i] << " " << endl; } cout << "F2[1]" << fitness[1] << " " << endl; 

    Aside from the quirk cout formatting, I shall explain the code snippet. the array proportionaly_fitntess[] contains 20 values in addresses 1-20 (zero is deliberately left unused), which are probabilities, in the range 0-1. The sum of all the probabilities for each element in the proportionaly_fitntess[] array is 1. What this double for-loop is doing is filing a 100 element array with proportional amounts of different fitness values (which are stored in fitness[] array), so that the probabilities can be represented in a physical sense.

    e.g if proportional_fitness[5] = 0.8, then 80 of 100 the elements in the scaled_fitness[] array will be filled with the value stored in fitness[5].

    We can see the output on the command line in the following image:


    What is odd is that we first print the 20 values in the fitness array, noting particularly that fitness[1] = 226. Then once the loop is done, we print fitness[1] again but this time it is 250, despite the fact that no operations have been applied to the fitness array - its value has simply been copied to a new array. It is also worth noting two additional things. One, the value in F2[1] = F1[20] (overflow type issue?) and two, these for loops are located in a much larger while loop and this problem doesn't happen every time i.e. sometimes F2[1] = F1[1] like expected.

    Any help on why this may occur is very appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/ImOnlyHereForKarma
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