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    Saturday, May 18, 2019

    Student performance prediction with CF Computer Science

    Student performance prediction with CF Computer Science

    Student performance prediction with CF

    Posted: 18 May 2019 03:21 AM PDT

    Hey there!

    I'm currently writing a paper about student performance prediction with collaborative filtering algorithms. One part of the paper will be about the change of motivation of students based on the prediction given by the algorithm, assuming the algorithm predicts grades correctly with a very high certainty. Would be huge if just a couple people could help me out here and fill out the following form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1GDf6DS6AveNrMXGBbw1W0Z7WZ_qdIF-ddqmscX2fkuA
    thanks a lot in advance!

    submitted by /u/ToonesLoL
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    20+ String Coding Interview Questions for Programmers

    Posted: 17 May 2019 07:34 AM PDT

    Quantum Computing: Superposition and Entanglement

    Posted: 17 May 2019 06:48 PM PDT

    Here's an article I wrote about some basic features of quantum computing. A great little read for anyone interested in entanglement and superposition!


    submitted by /u/CryptoEK
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    Are there any compiler design and implementation courses (on Coursera or similar sites) that cover LLVM and include building a compiler using LLVM?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 05:59 AM PDT

    Would this be a #P complete problem?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 11:57 AM PDT

    Suppose, an algorithm generates valid n^2 x n^2 Sudoku Grids in poly-time

    Then a random selection of elements is removed based on a binary search.

    #P-Complete Problem???

    Figuring out how many solutions of a random mapping of n^2 x n^2 puzzles have seems to be #P complete.

    When mapping out of puzzles of generated n^2 x n^2 Sudoku Grids, it seems that it is a reduction of n size of the original grid.

    Note: Suppose this algorithm recovers solutions to these puzzles in poly time when a n x n box is always mapped out pre-filled in a puzzle. So that the grid generator will map out the solution in poly-time by providing this n*n box.

    Update: The algorithm only recovers 1 solution not multiple. It can't decide multiple solutions.

    Intuition of counting solutions of any valid Sudoku Grids. (not puzzles)

    x1 = random poly-time generated n^2 x n^2 Sudoku Grid

    x2 = random n^2 x n^2 Sudoku Grid not generated by the algorithm

    Non-Deterministic Machine Finds all possible puzzle mappings of any random grid

    ./Running Non-Deterministic Algorithm .//(x1∨¬x2)∧(¬x1∨x2) .//Checking all possible reductions. Two found .//(x1 ∨ x2) or (x2 v x1) .../Checking all possible puzzle mappings of random n^2 x n^2 grid .../x1 running print ( puzzles = 4!) .../x2 running print( puzzles = 10!) 


    submitted by /u/Hope1995x
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    ACL 2019 Reports Record-High Paper Submissions; Begins Notifying Accepted Authors

    Posted: 17 May 2019 08:26 AM PDT

    Cool Names for a Fictional Tech-Based Youth Program?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 08:23 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to decide on a name for a tech school that offers training to middle and high school students in things like CompTIA and MAT. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/leigha6-9
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