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    Friday, May 17, 2019

    Object Oriented Programming Explained Simply and Casually learn programming

    Object Oriented Programming Explained Simply and Casually learn programming

    Object Oriented Programming Explained Simply and Casually

    Posted: 17 May 2019 02:44 PM PDT

    As a person who makes YouTube tutorials and browses Reddit a lot.. I have noticed that a ton of people have a lot of trouble understanding the concept of OOP. It makes sense because programming is a generally very confusing subject, however OOP is actually a very simple concept. I decided to make a video explaining OOP in a very simple way.

    Link to the video right here

    Let me know if you have any more questions and Ill gladly respond here or on the video comments section! I will be releaseing OOP specific tutorials (very soon actually), but I wanted to dedicate this video to simply using words (rather than code) to go over the topic. Please enjoy.

    submitted by /u/portexe
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    The Quick Guide for a Web Developer

    Posted: 17 May 2019 01:06 AM PDT

    Here is tree with 3 levels to start your journey as web developer. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FptunURmlev6YlwmtHUit_4ZZFRixmGH

    Ofcourse all of this very subjectively, and you can define your plan. There is a lot of differences between regions, countries and so on. But this one gives at least some level of overview.

    What we expect from every level?

    Let's define our expectations. Your expectations may differ.

    Level 1: * some basic tags * edit the content on ready HTML site * format the text properly * insert some embedded thing (youtube, google map) * use git for themselves (master, 1 contributor) * make some simple sites, and it might look good (at their personal computer) * not a standalone unit, some guidance required to succeed

    Level 2: * plus-minus standalone unit (or standalone for small-medium projects) * create a fine layout from scratch for a small-medium project, and it will look great in all modern browsers * know how to work with template engines, can use them (if another code is provided). * can plan their work well * document what was done and how to use it * can estimate time. * understand the importantness of code style * understand why grid systems and CSS frameworks exist. * collect required information by themselves from designers or from mockups * can interact with small to medium teams * can create branches and pull requests

    Level 3: * design a block system for a big project from scratch * know how to avoid duplicated code and problems when their code will be used by other developers * decomposite complex problems and define tasks well * apply at least one modern methodology (BEM, for example) * make the site blazingly fast * well understanding couple of modern template engines * create build scripts to automate the CSS/HTML/js combination process * do code review well and teach other frontenders

    Exact blocks explanation

    Most of the blocks represent some type of skillset. It can be replaced with a similar one. You can use any IDE, any CMS or whatever. I just point some popular ones, with ones you can start work "right now" (there is a lot of related job offers). There can be a lot of job offers for other skills in your area. I had tried to make a universal schema that will work for most regions.

    Level 1

    HTML — knowledge of basic tags and attributes. Understanding how to write HTML (what is "tag", "property", etc)

    Typography — proper text formatting. Text — the base of (nearly) every project. Add no-breaking-spaces where is required, bold, cursive, abbr, etc. Use some kind of typographer or similar service, understand why +1 234 567 better than +1 234 567.

    Fonts (can be postponed) — more complicated than looks like; I recommend for beginners to use system fonts. Ability to load fonts, to fall back to another one, optimize look/speed, minimize render time for custom fonts.

    Semantics — ability to find a proper tag for proper usage. Understanding why so many tags exist.

    Media — types of media can be displayed on a page

    Iframe — import 3rd party widgets (video, audio, maps, etc)

    Audio, Video (can be postponed) — can be solved with iframes initially. Understanding what types of media are supported by browsers, know how to design player and etc.

    Images — graphic formats, how they work in browsers. Procs and cons for different formats

    Raster — jpg, png, gif. Understand differences and ability to choose proper one (maybe optimize them).

    SVG (can be postponed) — Procs/cons/limitations, how to use.

    Tables (optional, good for email letters) — but tables itself should be learned under "HTML" :-)

    CSS 1 — fonts, colors, aligning, sizes

    CSS 2.1 — blocks behavior, positioning, design

    Selectors — simple selectors on tag, class, nested element. Simple pseudo-selectors, like :hover.

    Naming — how to name classes to avoid pain in future

    Blocks — how to split mockup to separate blocks, how to implement these blocks in HTML and design with CSS

    Browsers (can be postponed) — which browsers exist, what the difference.

    Dev Tools (can be postponed) — Use browser tools to identify why something looks wrong, how to "debug" CSS

    Code editors — what editors exist, why they exist. Notepad++ and SublimeText here just for example as well known ones. Know how to set basic settings like tabs, newlines, charset and so on.

    VCS (Version Control System) — I believe that this is a must, at least for yourself. Why they exist, and what types.

    Git/ Bitbucket — be able to use at least one of the popular platforms for git

    Checkout / commit / push / pull — base operations enough for personal usage

    Stash — for temporary saving not required at this moment things

    10 works — a minimum of 10 works with a different design. Maybe it just formatted text or whatever. But they should use the maximum of your current knowledge.

    Level 2

    CSS 3 — gradients, shadows, roundings, filters, transformations, etc.

    Advanced selectors — combined selectors with usage like "+", nth-child, shadow-dom, before/after and so on

    Flexbox — understand model, be able to use it

    Animations (optional) — transition, animation. Proc/cons/limitations.

    Grids — why they exist, how to use them, what ready solutions exist. As an example, you can take a look at "Flexbox grid" or any other one

    Frameworks — why exists, how to use. I highly recommend learning good at least one of them. Very useful for prototyping. Dramatically increase the quality of the project with no designers (internal project, for example).

    CSS preprocessors (can be postponed) — better code organized and clean code, mixins, variables, etc. Try different ones like SASS, LESS, Stylus

    Media queries (can be postponed) — show proper style depending on conditions (device, screen size, print version, etc)

    Email letters (optional) — useful skill; There are dozens of mail systems with some differences, and the main goal is to make your letter looks good in any of them, on any device. Know how to pass filters and not go to spam.

    Polyfills — understand how to use modern semantics with back compatibility. Know proc/cons.

    Cross-platform — understand hot to make the site not just for Windows, Mac, and Linux, but for SmartTV, PS, kindle and so on.

    Mobile (can be postponed) — understand mobile platform limitations. Use space wisely.

    Optimization (can be postponed) — understand the "price" of different techniques. Understand browser phases to display site to a user

    Loading (can be postponed) — Optimizations, related to size, cache, combining resources, etc.

    Paint (can be postponed) — Optimizations of render after (on in progress) load

    SEO (can be postponed) — At least a basic understanding of search engines. Ability to help to them understand your site, what is important and so on

    Template engines — how to reuse code, how to group elements, how to assemble pages. Very important to understand both: server and client rendering. There are also pure-language templates, like direct PHP code parts. Parts before the template engine is out of scope.

    PHP (can be postponed) — understand basic syntax and be able to add small changes, related to page design

    CMS (can be postponed) — know, what type of CMS exists, why they were created. Learn how to write templates to at least one of them (Wordpress is recommended)

    Javascript (can be postponed) — basic syntax, understanding of simple event handlers and simple DOM manipulations

    Jquery (can be postponed) — learn how to save a lot of time for the small/medium project by using ready plugins for common tasks

    NodeJS (can be postponed) — learn how to run the simplest server, serve static files, render on the server-side. Maybe use express or so. Build systems (can be postponed) — how to assemble a project from CSS/HTML files. Highly recommend to at least take a look at few different systems (grunt - gulp).

    Code style — why people agree on some styles, learn at least one and start using it (take a look at Airbnb one, or for any modern js framework like Vue)

    DRY / KISS / SOLID (can be postponed) — important theories of development, dramatically affect project support in the future.

    OOCSS (optional) — what is object-oriented CSS? Why and how to use? In some form used in most of the projects (but without understanding that they use it :-D). Ideally, learn how to design it. It can be very useful for big projects.

    Documentation (can be postponed) — understand how and what to document. Start to document. Markdown syntax highly recommended.

    Planning — learn how to estimate time by just look on the image, define the order of works Decomposition (can be postponed) — split the big task into small ones. It is harder than it looks. Settings goals (can be postponed) — be able to write tasks that way, that other developers (including ones, that lower level than you), will able to understand them clearly.

    IDE (can be postponed) — why IDE exists, how to use them. Learning any IDE is equal to learn some programming language (otherwise you will not utilize its power). I, personally, use just text editors and run IDE only for really big projects.

    Branching — control branches in git

    Merge — learn how to merge branches that have merge conflicts

    Fetch / Rebase (optional) — what is this? Learn how and when to use

    Graphic editors — understand different types of them, what is the difference between vector and raster. Be able to read mockups from the designer in them. Be able to choose a proper font, size, color, and other things, to make the site looks exactly like the designer asks you to.

    Web accessibility — crucial, if you're a good person. Make your site accessible by disabled people.

    Regional differences (optional) — left-to-right, right-to-left, and other crazy things of Arabic (or any other) market. There are dozens of fun things.

    50 works — at the end of "Level 2" you should have about 50 different projects, that show your skills. (If this is a project with 20 totally different layouts, count it as 20).

    Level 3

    On schema this part looks like the smallest one, but, in fact, this is the largest one, because at this moment you should know all "can be postponed" things.

    Adaptive/responsive — highest level; combine all your knowledge! The project should look awesome anywhere and on anything.

    Graceful Degradation / Progressive enchantment — why it is good, how to use it. Use.

    Gitflow (or another branching model) — be able to utilize some good practice, be able to explain to another developer how to use git, were to merge branches, how to do code review (of HTML/CSS)

    BEM (optional) — Learn some methodology that gives the ability to create unlimited large projects that way, so with minimum synchronization, different teams will able to use blocks from each other. There is a lot of methodologies that give the same/better result. At this moment of time, you will hear about some of them and will be able to choose one wisely.

    100 works — sounds like a nice goal, as for me. They should show the different skills that you have. But you can have just one work (consist of different parts) in the portfolio, that will show that you do not afraid of anything.

    Thank you for reading and have a nice day.

    upd: I had explain all schema on stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mj-Jclhy9Qg (like, subscribe :-D)

    submitted by /u/Zav39
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    Setting Up Jenkins and Github Webooks

    Posted: 17 May 2019 05:53 PM PDT


    Hey guys! I recently published a tutorial on setting up Jenkins, ngrok, and Github Webhooks inside of a VM. After reading a bunch of articles about webhooks and jenkins I learned that there are a lot of gotchas along the way. Especially when trying to setup jenkins locally and not hosting it on a webserver. I hope you like the article and feel free to give some feedback. Hopefully someone will learn something from it. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/developermichaelw
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    [WPF] Using TextBlocks in a TabItem's ControlTemplate

    Posted: 17 May 2019 02:47 PM PDT

    I have a TabControl with a few tabs. Their headers look something like this

    <TabItem Style="{StaticResource CoolTabStyle}"> <TabItem.Header> <TextBlock Text="First Tab!" Style={StaticResource CoolTextStyle}" /> </TabItem.Header> //Content stuff </TabItem> 

    My ControlTemplate looks, in part, like this:

    <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type TabItem}"> <Border> <ContentPresenter x:Name="ContentHere" ContentSource="Header"> <!-- This is where I'm struggling --> <TextBlock Text=?> </ContentPresenter> </Border> <ControlTemplate.Triggers> <Trigger Property="IsSelected" Value="True"> <!-- Lotta setters --> </Trigger> <Trigger Property="IsSelected" Value="False"> <!-- More setters --> </Trigger> </ControlTemplate.Triggers> </ControlTemplate> 

    Here's what I'm trying to do:

    1. Tell the ControlTemplate ContentPresenter to use whatever Text is set in the TabItem.Header's TextBlock's Text property.
    2. Further tell the TextBlock in the ContentPresenter to use my CoolTextStyle, which I can then overwrite when the TabItem is not selected.

    I might also be totally approaching this wrong, so feel free to yell at me. It's been years since I've done more than the bare basics of WPF.


    submitted by /u/MovetoCombat
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    Does anyone have any good ideas for side projects for ASP.NET Core and C# if I'm currently on Mac?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 06:04 PM PDT

    I am recently trying to learn full-stack web development with ASP.NET Core and C# on Mac. Does anyone have any suggestions on what technologies within the .NET Core ecosystem to use (Azure, SQL Server etc.) for hobby side project web apps?

    submitted by /u/OverMatch4
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    Should I take Data Structures/Algorithms or Computer Org & Architecture first?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 05:22 PM PDT

    Hello. I successfully passed my intro to programming class (Java) with an A! Really proud of myself for being able to succeed in a programming class, even when I doubted myself at the start. Anyways, my question is whether or not to take Data Structures/Algorithms or Computer Org & Architecture first in the Fall

    I don't know much about these courses. I heard Data Structures is a lot harder than Computer Org & Arch. The course will be using Java. Computer Org & Architecture will have me learn C and C++ and get into assembly language and digital circuits. It all sounds interesting. I am just unsure on what to take first.

    submitted by /u/aProGrammar
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    Learning how to go into production from development

    Posted: 17 May 2019 09:11 AM PDT

    Any recommendations of content/books/tutorials on Production? I have spent my first couple years learning development, but I realized I am not comfortable with my knowledge base on what are sort of the checklists to production. i know usually development code includes a bunch of bloat / testing / dev tooling, etc. I know in the case of Web apps your javascript will be minimized, bloat removed. but I just don't know how and where.

    submitted by /u/dushbagery
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    How to test returnless functions?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 07:26 PM PDT

    Curious about this for javascript (Jest). An example function would be something like:

    const sendCountQuery = $ => { // work defining x, y $.ajax({ <bunch of k/v pairs> success: callback(x, y) error: error => console.log(error) }) } 

    A successful test sends the proper arguments to the success callback. Another test would check the error callback.

    I have only done tests on pure functions with returns so this type of thing is new to me, any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/embar5
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    Why does modifying a local static variable make a function impure?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 07:11 PM PDT

    I've only taken one explicitly CS/programming class, in C++. The topic of static variables was never really discussed, so forgive my ignorance. I'm not a CS student, I'm in Electrical Engineering.

    I just happened to be glancing at the definition of a pure function on Wikipedia, but I'm unclear on what exactly local static variables are (my understanding is that they're variables which exist for the life of the function), why we would use them, why we wouldn't want to be modifying them in the cases given in the wiki examples.

    Specifically, why is mutating a LSV considered a side effect? To my noob ears, it sounds like something that couldn't cause problems elsewhere in the stack the way global variables can.

    One case that I thought of is, if I passed a pointer to a LSV into a function inside my function, then mutated the LSV, that could be weird? But I don't know for sure. Is this what pure functions are trying to avoid?

    As I said, I claim no concrete knowledge of anything CS-related, so please correct me where applicable.

    submitted by /u/ThirteenPeeps
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    Code review request for my unity room gen code [C#]

    Posted: 17 May 2019 07:07 PM PDT


    this is what it looks like in the editor:


    If there is anything to change/improve i would appreciate feedback. I also need to add something to block doors with no connecting rooms, im thinking spawning a single block x distance away from mid if there is no room in that location ?

    thank you.

    submitted by /u/robotrage
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    Problem saving a pointer (to a structure) from a function into a (struct) array in main.

    Posted: 17 May 2019 06:49 PM PDT

    I am relatively new to using arrays, structures and pointers all together so apologies if there is a dumb mistake I am missing. I have created a function that returns a pointer to a structure, I then made a array, in main, to save the function output into a struct but it gives me a error:

    " Warning C4047 '=': 'Playing_Card *' differs in levels of indirection from 'Playing_Card *(__cdecl *)(void)'"

    If I am not pasting my code correctly into reddit could someone possibly show me how to?

    All help is appreciated!

    #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> struct Playing_Card { int rank; int suit; }*card[5]; struct Playing_Card* card_factory(void); /* IGNORE void print_playing_card(struct Playing_Card* first, struct Playing_Card* second, struct Playing_Card* third, struct Playing_Card* fourth, struct Playing_Card* fifth);*/ int main(void) { srand((unsigned int)time(0)); for (int x = 0; x < 5; ++x) { card[x] = malloc(sizeof(struct Playing_Card)); card[x] = card_factory; } /* IGNORE print_playing_card(card[0], card[1], card[2], card[3], card[4]);*/ } struct Playing_Card* card_factory(void) { struct Playing_Card* first; first = malloc(sizeof(struct Playing_Card)); first->rank = rand() % 13 + 1; assert(first->rank > 0 && first->rank < 14); first->suit = rand() % 3 + 1; assert(first->suit > 0 && first->suit < 4); return first; } /* IGNORE void print_playing_card(struct Playing_Card* first, struct Playing_Card* second, struct Playing_Card* third, struct Playing_Card* fourth, struct Playing_Card* fifth) { } */ 
    submitted by /u/WhyNotCode
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    How do I learn software design/architecture?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 12:47 PM PDT

    I don't know how to design or architect a project. I have been a developer for almost two years now and most of what I have done is writing, debugging and maintinaing code which is an implementation of somebody else's design.

    I often hear these interviews asking one or teo desgin problems and most fo the youtube video solutions seem like something that you should mug up. There's not much reason to why sowmthing shoudl be the eay it is in the diagram.

    I wanna know the reasoning behind design and then carefully design a few of my own projects.

    How do people even become architects? Anyway, given how lovely this community has been to me over the years, I would like to know how do people go on learning design? Books/References/videos would be most welcomed.

    submitted by /u/codeforces_help
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    Best resource for learning MySQL in an academic setting?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 06:42 PM PDT

    Hey guys I posted a little while back about getting back into MySQL and JavaScript for my upcoming classes and I was curious if it would be beneficial to learn them simultaneously or MySQL first? As well as I was wondering what the best course style resource to learn each language and their logic would be, since I'll be tested on them. I found a couple of courses on Coursera that I'd be willing to pay for if theyre worth it, but I was also curious about the quality of the courses on like Udemy, Udacity, and W3 schools. Id prefer a step by step course style scenario so I can follow along easier, but either way i can figure it out if theres a more efficient avenue. Thanks in advance again guys, and let me know if theres anything i need to clarify.

    submitted by /u/MonsterUltra
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    Python or Ruby to learn?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 11:01 AM PDT

    I am new to programming and would like to learn a language good for web and app development. I have read python is a great all round language to learn to get started and Ruby is a little more challenging but more powerful in the areas I want to learn.

    Which do you reccomend I put my focus in?

    submitted by /u/---Tsing__Tao---
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    Followed a tutorial but I need help understanding the code - Arduino Programming a NeoPixel

    Posted: 17 May 2019 06:19 PM PDT

    Hello r/learnprogramming,

    I recently stumbled upon a tutorial thought I thought would be fun and challenging. I've gotten everything built, and even got it working. The difficult part for me is understanding the code that was written for the tutorial. I work as a full time coder, but there are pieces of the "teachers" code that I just can't connect the dots on what it's purpose is. My assumption is that I'm missing a concept with Arduino programming, but I wouldn't know what to look for.

    1) The array "envelopes" doesn't make sense to me. I'm not sure how it's being used. It's even more confusing to me what the values inside the array represent. Even with the comments.

    2) There are different states that the program can be in, Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release1, Release2, and off. How does the program know what "state" it's in, or when a "state" has changed?

    3) The function "updateState()" is created and only called in one place of the code. I have a hunch that this is being called by one of the libraries that is being used by the program. Have I understood that right?

    Code found here: https://github.com/pblesi/touch_light/blob/master/src/touch_light.ino

    Tutorial was found here: https://www.instructables.com/id/Globally-Synchronized-Wifi-Touch-Lights/

    P.S. This was a fun tutorial and if anyone is thinking about doing it, I highly suggest it

    submitted by /u/eboarder2020
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    What does c - 'a' refer to in this context ?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 06:11 PM PDT

    First off, I am very confused about what c - 'a' means, can anyone clear that up for me ? I believe it has something to do with the ASCII table, but what does it mean for this solution ? I see c - 'a' 's as solutions to many problems and I'm wondering why it is used a lot ?

    This challenge asks:

    Given an arbitrary ransom note string and another string containing letters from all the magazines, write a function that will return true if the ransom note can be constructed from the magazines ; otherwise, it will return false.

    A good solution for this problem I've found is this:

     public boolean canConstruct(String ransomNote, String magazine) { int[] table = new int[26]; //whats going on here for (int i = 0; i < ransomNote.length(); i++) { char c = ransomNote.charAt(i); table[c-'a']++; //whats going on here } for (int i = 0; i < magazine.length(); i++) { char c = magazine.charAt(i); table[c-'a']--; //whats going on here } for (int k : table) { if (k > 0) return false; } return true; } 

    What does table[c - 'a']++ and table[c - 'a']-- mean in this sense ? I am a little confused since we are seemingly setting the index for something but we're not putting anything in the array. What is going on here ?

    submitted by /u/thesquarerootof1
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    VR Development on Linux, where to start?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 05:59 PM PDT

    Quick background: I'm an engineer, EE by background but turned software by necessity. Perhaps not surprisingly, I've kind of made a career for myself with the Qt framework (predominately in Linux). I have a decent understanding of C++, some (long ago) dotNet experience, as well as a healthy dose of scripting (Perl, PHP). I've also dabbled a bit in Opengl and DirectX stuff, but not too much beyond technical demos (limited user interaction).

    Partly out of some growing technical needs, and partly curiosity, I'd like to look to get into VR development. But I'm admittedly a n00b in this area. I've only one-time experienced a headset (a couple of years ago), and while it looked cool it didn't look deep enough for practical applications.

    Can anyone recommend where I should start? I'm not interested in games at all really.

    submitted by /u/NumerousPen1
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    Which game engine or library should I use for a graphical interface for a simple "game"?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 05:43 PM PDT

    Hi, I have to develop a simple predator-prey simulation like this one. My current problem is that I'm not sure which language, platform or game engine should I use. The program must be able to zoom a section of the map, manage a big number of entities and show a texture in each entity. I have experience in C++, Python and C#. My only experience doing something similar was with SFML in C++, but way simpler.

    I really appreciate any comment, thank you.

    submitted by /u/stemen666
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    Dice Roll game with words instead of numbers

    Posted: 17 May 2019 01:55 PM PDT

    EDIT: using Python 3.7

    Im a beginner and I'm looking to build my first project, that being a set of dice to play the game of S.K.A.T.E. with. I've built the basic dice roll game but I want to do something I can use.

    For those that don't know, SKATE is just like HORSE, you do a trick and your opponent has to do the same trick, if he fails, he gets a letter. First one to complete SKATE loses.

    How would I go about using a selection of chosen words as the result instead of numbers?

    The idea is you would roll 2 dice (three would be ideal) and one would say "360" and the other would say "Kickflip" or "Switch" and "Shuv-It."

    submitted by /u/DocsHandkerchief
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    My Character no longer moves after I added picture boxes, (VB.net)

    Posted: 17 May 2019 05:29 PM PDT

    Title, I added a few picture boxes and all of a sudden my character is not longer moving when I hit the designated keys, can someone help me find whats causing it?

    here is the code: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56194890/my-character-was-moving-i-added-a-couple-of-picture-boxes-and-it-doesnt-work-a

    I'm brand new to coding so it might be that I just missed something obvious.
    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/AlphaWhistle
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    help me find my way

    Posted: 17 May 2019 05:22 PM PDT

    So guys i'm 27 years old, wanna be a programmer, is there is any hope for me to learn something or is it too late for my age, in my country when you are in this age all you can do is finding a job and get married.
    if it's not too late for me then what do i have to learn, i know for fact i love to be a web developer BUT i feel like it's a long way to be i already convinced myself that i'm too old to learn something like programming, but when i see you guys here talking about programming stuff, i feel sorry for myself, i wasted a year of my life doing nothing instead of learning something useful. all i know that when i was learing JS i was feeling happy and excited i want to learn more and more but i keep telling myself the same story you're too late for the party, now all i can think of is I'M A TOTAL FAILURE.

    Sorry for my bad English.

    submitted by /u/ikai2
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    What to do now?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 11:22 AM PDT

    Hey guys

    So i just finished the Python 3 course and a command line course on Codeacademy and i think i have a decent grasp on those concepts.

    Im still very new to programming but its something that i really like and want to study (switching into CompSci this coming year). Now that i got the basics down, what should i do going forward? Should i try to immediately work on a project or try to keep doing these online courses and learn more?

    submitted by /u/JoeTheBusDriver
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    I’m trying to learn python to make a project to show off for a job I’m applying for. What would be a doable but impressive project?

    Posted: 17 May 2019 04:51 PM PDT

    I'm not new to the programming scene and I'm quite experienced in Java but many jobs are asking for python. I'm going to make a project in python to show off at a particular job interview that is in three weeks but I want it to be versatile as a resume piece. Right now I'm thinking something that is not huge in scope but shows off what I know. Any thoughts? This is for a fresh out of college job, but I have a fair bit of experience so ideas don't have to be super rudimentary but nothing crazy. Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/TheHopskotchChalupa
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    Good Resource to learn Data structure and Algorithm for python

    Posted: 17 May 2019 04:50 PM PDT

    Well, I have been looking for a way to understand topics like linked list and trees in python. I find good resources for C, C++, Java but not enough for python. Can anyone suggest me some?

    submitted by /u/sohamt09
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