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    Saturday, May 26, 2018

    What online courses are 100%, entirely worth it? learn programming

    learn programming

    What online courses are 100%, entirely worth it? learn programming

    What online courses are 100%, entirely worth it?

    Posted: 26 May 2018 03:26 PM PDT

    I've heard even prestigious universities sometimes produce boring or shallow content... What online course has been entirely worth the time required for you to take it?

    submitted by /u/TheAdventMaster
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    C++ MOOC?

    Posted: 26 May 2018 08:32 AM PDT

    I took an online course on Python from Coursera (by UMich) and learnt a lot about the language. Is there any recommended/similar C++ course out there that I should take?(currently learning it from Bjarne's A Tour of C++) Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Rian7075
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    [C++] Difference between char *c = "abc" and const char *c = "abc"?

    Posted: 26 May 2018 03:37 AM PDT

    If I'm not mistaken, const char *c = "abc" would make c a string literal? Or a pointer to constant character. Which means you can't modify the value/string literal pointed to by c. However, when dealing with char *c = "abc" It seems to be like you would be able to modify the string, but looking on stackoverflow I seems like that might not be the case? The answers to this question that relates to C instead of C++ indicate that, it might produce undefined behavior. Could some more experienced C++ programmers shed some light on char *c = "abc" and how it differs from const char *c = "abc"?

    submitted by /u/calchelp55
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    [C-Programming] : What is the practical value of shifting bits with >> or << ?

    Posted: 26 May 2018 06:25 PM PDT

    using these operators will end up giving you a completely different value. What is the general practicality of using these?

    submitted by /u/KingOfBlingBling
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    Can anyone explain how to create a Sudoku generator that ensures a unique solution?

    Posted: 26 May 2018 02:31 PM PDT

    It's actually a Futushiki puzzle, which should be easier since it's 5x5 so the 3x3 square constraint doesn't apply in this case.

    My current algorithm generates 5x5 puzzles in about 1 second, but when I try to do a 6x6 it takes around 10 seconds because my algorithm is poor. What I currently do is generate a canonical puzzle and then randomly swap around values until it passes a validity check. It's either quadratic or factorial time.

    I've googled and read just about every article on Sudoku generation algorithms, but I simply can't wrap my head around how you would "backtrack" in an imperative programming language. I also don't understand how to implement a "dancing links" data structure. Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/reddit_is_r_cringe
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    Have you built a program to automate part of your life?

    Posted: 26 May 2018 01:40 PM PDT

    I love optimization of all kinds and am curious if anyone has programmed something to automate a process in their life or make something easier. I am especially interested if you used AI to do it!

    submitted by /u/akallbold
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    Any good online tutorials on java using eclipse

    Posted: 26 May 2018 09:00 PM PDT

    I'm taking my first java class and would love some extra help. I found some using intellij but would love to find one using eclipse because that's what my instructor uses.

    submitted by /u/reddit1panda
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    Help with closing recv socket after timing out

    Posted: 26 May 2018 11:44 PM PDT

    Hi, first post here I have a server that's waiting on a response from a client using recv, and I want to close the connection after a few seconds of non activity. However, despite using the settimeout() function, the server hangs when it doesn't get anything. It's never throwing the socket.timeout error. It works fine before a connection is accepted, so when it's listening, but it doesn't work after the connection is accepted and the socket object is created (BROADCAST). PS. haven't been doing this for very long, I no doubt have some bad habits/practices, feel free to roast lol

     sock.listen(1) (BROADCAST, ADDRESS) = sock.accept() BROADCAST.setblocking(0) BROADCAST.settimeout(4.0) msg2 = "here" while(True): print("Entering loop") try: response = BROADCAST.recv(1024).decode("utf-8") print(response) time.sleep(3) BROADCAST.send(msg2.encode("utf-8")) except socket.timeout: BROADCAST.close() print("Connection dropped") break 
    submitted by /u/matiu-
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    I have an var with an array of a bunch of objects in there. Is there a way to save this var to a file and load it back later? A work around to a database for the time being

    Posted: 26 May 2018 04:43 AM PDT

    Let me know

    edit: its for Javascript

    submitted by /u/JustOfferingValue
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    C: What's wrong with this code?

    Posted: 26 May 2018 07:53 PM PDT

    This example in CS50 states that this code is going to mess up:

     char* s; scanf("%s",s); printf("%s", s); 

    I know scanf needs a character/string passed by reference, but is the reason this code is going to blow up because I'm not using the dereference operator on printf? The lecture wasn't very clear why this code is broken.

    edit: going back over the lecture, I think the instructor was trying to emphasize than an unitialized pointer points at some random garbage value, but why is that important in this context if scanf is out to change the value that its argument points to?

    submitted by /u/KingShindo
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    Registration page with ASPX doesn't work

    Posted: 26 May 2018 11:36 PM PDT

    Hey folks! I'm doing a school project to build a website with registration in it but it doesn't seem to work, no matter what I enter into the field(s) It'll always display "fields are empty" and I'm wondering if anyone can take a look at my code and see if there's any mistakes, thanks!

    My aspx.cs page : https://pastebin.com/Ai5VTRS3 My signup page : https://pastebin.com/U2B3VhE2

    submitted by /u/Fruskim
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    [C++] why use const with pointer definition for functions?

    Posted: 26 May 2018 11:14 PM PDT

    why do people use the const keyword with a pointer in a function? If the parameter takes a pointer, then doesn't that mean it's looking for a pass by address? doesn't putting the const keyword there defeat the purpose of passing it by address?

    submitted by /u/dizzyflames
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    (No programming experience) I'd like to create a tool that finds stored items (images) by searching for a color value. What programming language should I learn?

    Posted: 26 May 2018 07:19 PM PDT

    I'd also like for my friends to be able to use it. I came across MySQL and it seems that its used with a language called PHP. I was originally considering JavaScript since I know it to be a popular language, but I don't think I can use it with MySQL (maybe another database?) . Any suggestions would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/TakeBlows
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    C# wpf can‘t load .mtl when I load .obj file

    Posted: 26 May 2018 06:23 PM PDT

    I am trying to load the mtl file for my obj opener.

    The obj loader works but the 3d model is always grey and without texture.

    I can't figure out how to get the mtl file in the same directory.

    I use helixtoolkit lib

    Anyone can help me ?

    submitted by /u/LucciCP0
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    How does detecting objects in video work? (Vehicles specifically)

    Posted: 26 May 2018 07:49 AM PDT

    I work for a company where we sit and watch traffic video and manually count everything. I always thought it would be cool to have software that counts it automatically, but of course that puts us out of jobs. Anyways I know the software exists, but one of my managers said it is expensive and we are a smaller business.

    I know a little bit of Java and I have messed around with Python as well. I'm sure I won't be making some fancy software overnight that will do my job for me, but I'm just curious how detecting the objects works and if someone could point me in the right direction for a library or something that would be used for this? It could be Java or Python, I'm not sure which would be more suited for this. Also, beyond just detecting cars, we classify them based on types of vehicle(depending on what clients ask for) so somehow there would have to be a way for it to identify bigger vehicles or such.

    Anyways, I know this is probably way over my head, but I'd love to read into how this is done and at least play around with something.


    submitted by /u/ResistantLaw
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    Need Help with JavaScript -Warning this is complicated.

    Posted: 26 May 2018 09:52 PM PDT

    I got an old webshop from my the place i work now that they've upgraded. full with hardware dongle and everything.

    im playing around with it and its pretty complex, and im really no where good enough to actually do big overhauls, so im trying to do little thing to make it look more modern.

    one problem i found is that navigating the products doesnt really work on smartphones/touchscreens as opening a folder requires a double click or hitting enter on the selected folder. Theres no way of doing that on a smart phone.

    .A simple work around would be to add a button that calls on the same function that hitting the enter key calls on... right?

    and this is basically the Help I need.

    I was able to create the button, and i think i found the function that corresponding function in a file called "controls.asp". i just really dont know how to combine these two now.

    im willing to provide any code but a lot of it is really really long and probably wont fit in here.

    submitted by /u/etinbs
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    What’s a good c++ online program?

    Posted: 26 May 2018 09:38 PM PDT

    I already know the basics (polymorphism, inheritance) but I need a refresher (especially with pointers! I understand them and at the same time don't >.<)

    submitted by /u/OneAct8
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    I got a lot of free time on my hands this summer. What should I do?

    Posted: 26 May 2018 09:34 PM PDT

    So I just finished my first year in college. Im pursuing a comp sci degree. I know a bit of c++ and python.

    submitted by /u/Lediation
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    What does the word reducer mean in software engineering?

    Posted: 26 May 2018 08:38 PM PDT

    In context, I'm referring to reducers in redux, and its the first time I come across this "word" and its unintuitive to guess what it does.

    I've seen people try to explain it by saying a reducer is just a function that takes an action and changes the state. But, why the choice of the word "reducer"?

    I think understanding the word will help me understand redux better.

    submitted by /u/juzatypicaltroll
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    Need help with audio using WinMM library in C!

    Posted: 26 May 2018 08:05 PM PDT

    I'm trying to make a retro-style virtual gaming system, and the audio is proving to be a challenge. The audio is skipping, and I don't want this.


    What I tried to do is generate some sound every frame, and then use waveOutWrite to update the buffer. The problem seems to be that, it doesn't seem to update right away, instead waiting for the previous buffer to finish playing, which causes it to skip. However, I'm not sure if this is the issue or not. I simply want smooth audio.


    Additionally, since the audio should be generated along with game execution, I want the audio to be synchronized with the video. Overall though, I'm not sure why my naïve/obvious approach isn't working, and what I need to do to fix it.




    Here is my source (test.c):

    #include <windows.h> #ifndef WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT #define WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT 3 

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