• Breaking News

    Sunday, May 27, 2018

    I explained how the reveal effect in my game works. Includes Unity shader code!

    I explained how the reveal effect in my game works. Includes Unity shader code!

    I explained how the reveal effect in my game works. Includes Unity shader code!

    Posted: 27 May 2018 12:58 AM PDT

    What Makes a Good Combat System? | Game Maker's Toolkit

    Posted: 27 May 2018 05:54 AM PDT

    Simple, Easy, Ground Texture Tutorials with optional video walkthroughs

    Posted: 27 May 2018 10:10 AM PDT

    Custom C++ OpenGL Engine Demo (PBR, GLTF, Atmospheric Scattering, SSAO, Bloom...)

    Posted: 27 May 2018 07:36 AM PDT

    Hello there! This is an OpenGL and C++ rendering engine I made in my final HND year for the graphics programming subject. I hope you like it :)

    Demo video: https://youtu.be/J9CExYF8yrU/

    Portfolio/Blog, and dedicated page to the engine: https://avilapa.github.io/ (WIP)

    Its main features are the following:

    • Multithreaded agnostical graphics API
    • Component oriented engine
    • Physically Based Rendering techniques:
      • Material pipeline (PBS, Metallic/Roughness workflow)
      • Image Based Lighting (Radiance and Irradiance environment mapping)
      • Atmospheric Scattering (Rayleigh and Mie Scattering)
    • GLTF model loading
    • Postprocessing Pipeline:
      • Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO)
      • Bloom
      • Light Scattering (God Rays)
      • Shadow Mapping
      • Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing (FXAA)
      • Lens Distortion (with Grain, Vignette, Color Aberration)
      • Tonemapping and multiple one-pass filters
    • Procedural generation of infinite voxel worlds
    • UI integration (ImGui)
    • Sound integration (OpenAL)
    • Physics integration (Bullet Physics)
    • Lua Scripting
    submitted by /u/97torvic
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    Is it worth doing a "Game A Day" exercise?

    Posted: 27 May 2018 06:17 AM PDT

    Is it worth doing an exercise like making a game a day to improve your skills or are there better ways to practice? I was thinking of starting with simple 2D games then moving to some 3D work using premade assets. Not sure if just working for longer to make a more complex and complete game might be better practice though.

    Any thoughts??

    submitted by /u/Chaney_
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    Simplest software for game development (kids friendly)

    Posted: 27 May 2018 10:00 AM PDT

    My 11yo daughter would like to develop her own game. Having done Unity development as a hobby I know how much time and effort it takes to get a game working.

    So I'm looking for a game development software/package that is very simple and kids-friendly to use, possibly with some assets included, so she could try to get a game up and running asap and get a positive experience.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/yummybear
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    Game Developers vs Game Artists

    Posted: 26 May 2018 09:59 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I work in the industry doing games for education. My work place has always had a difficult time getting outstanding or really even "good" developers due to the highly competitive job market for the area, meanwhile our art lead is an absolute rockstar and since her taking over of the art team hiring has not brought on a single dud. As one of the seniors myself I can confidently say the art team is "elite" by our genre and area standards.

    However there is a downside to this in that while the artists consistently deliver above what's expected no matter the time allotted (and maaaan sometimes there ain't much of it) the developers consistently underperform and are always the bottleneck.

    This has led to the lead developer, and by far the best developer we have, creating scripts and "artists with no programming background" friendly tools to use in engine that shifts almost all development from the developers themselves to the artists.

    Example: In one in-development games pipeline the artists now go through the scene hierarchy, select an object, apply a script and this script includes any attribute relevant to use in game. Such as is it dynamic, interactable, able to be moved to inventory, what actions can be taken with the object. Etc. etc. these scripts are extensive and generate all the relevant code with no developer work needed.

    Getting to the point of this post, what can hurt a team more and to what lengths can one disciple cover the other? This is meant to generate more of a discussion than it is a simple question. Can good developers cover for bad artists? Can good artists cover for bad developers? How far is too far in one discipline carrying the other? Should one discipline have so much power over the program?

    I look forward to hearing everyone's thoughts!

    As an artist in this role myself I have a few of my own. I've always mainly filled a tech artists role, so I don't mind and actually enjoy this much engagement. That said just because I fill this role doesn't mean every artist on the team can or should. Furthermore one team, or one person, having so much control over a program is something that would concern me, and does, as a team leader. What happens when the employees we gave central power to leave? What happens if there's a disagreement? There's no system of checks or balances, the program is executed by a single vision for better and for worse.

    submitted by /u/ZombieFriedChicken
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    Applying your art into a game

    Posted: 27 May 2018 07:29 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    I am currently developing a single player, 2D, mobile game and I have a few questions.

    I say I am developing the game because I have created the level design, the story, the music, and the art of the game. Only I need someone else to program it (I will be hiring a programmer). I just want to be ready with mostly everything they will need before I hire them.

    For the art aspect, I have a lot of sketches ready and different background, menu, player, and button drawings. How can I get them more finalized? Do I have to draw them on the computer and make them all into separate images on a usb drive? What is the best software to do this? If I could get more details on how bringing art into a 2D game works, that would be amazing.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you for any help!

    submitted by /u/mynamenottim
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    What Makes a Good Combat System? | Game Maker's Toolkit

    Posted: 27 May 2018 04:26 AM PDT

    I want to start developing a game, but I have no experience in anything related to it.

    Posted: 27 May 2018 11:42 AM PDT

    I tried making a game in gamemaker studio, not knowing anything about programming things. I watched tutorials from a guy named heartbeast, and I could understand a lot of things from him. I gave up after 1 month because I felt like I didn't do the right thing. Is it good to just start making a game just by watching some tutorials on youtube? Or do I actually need to go to a college for that, or take some courses over the internet first?

    submitted by /u/actuallyjake
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    Which would be a better project choice?

    Posted: 27 May 2018 07:16 AM PDT

    Ok, so I currently know python and I'm somewhat familiar with pygame. I have a friend who knows graphical design, and to further our abilities, we've decided to make a game. We've decided to make it 2D, simply due to where we feel our capabilities are currently at. Also, It's just going to be a personal project thing, we have no intention of releasing it or anything, this is wholly a learning experience.

    My question, is at this point would it be best to build it in pygame, and personally build the engine, so as to become more familiar with it, or should I jump into unity and start familiarizing myself with that software?

    submitted by /u/UpTheIron
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    Indie Game Devlog Day: 10: Glitches Yay

    Posted: 27 May 2018 10:36 AM PDT

    How can I best prepare myself for the industry?

    Posted: 26 May 2018 10:57 PM PDT

    I'm a future college freshman and want to join the video game industry. I'm going to be majoring in Digital media. I'm not exactly sure what position I want to be in, but a directorial-type position interests me the most. Now that I'm on summer vacation I'm wondering if there is anything I can do to help me have a brighter future in game development. I'm a novice and have barely touched unity as I'm not sure if that is a good starting point for a newbie.

    submitted by /u/p77pedro
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    How do I get a hold of game publishers through email?

    Posted: 27 May 2018 09:21 AM PDT

    I want to get ahold of a few game publishers, is there a way to quickly get their email address?
    Not all the game publishers provide an email address I was wondering if there is like a site where you could find the company names and their corresponding contact details.

    submitted by /u/SilentWolfDev
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    Examples of well designed Lua bindings?

    Posted: 26 May 2018 01:50 PM PDT

    I know how to bind my C++ code to lua, but I have no idea how I should actually design the API. I don't want to make it a kludgy mess.

    I figure the best way would be to look at lua APIs for other projects, anyone have some good recommendations of well designed interfaces? I've looked at the Garrysmod docs for their interface but I don't know if it's really a good example.

    submitted by /u/Astrognome
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    Which to use: Photon, GameSparks, or PhotonServer (or OTHER?)

    Posted: 27 May 2018 08:46 AM PDT

    I want to write a server authoritative game in C#. I tried GameSparks in the past and it seemed that I had to use their JavaScript-based Cloud Code for server logic. PlayFab seems to have a similar setup, but it does mention custom servers a bit in their docs. And Photon Server has both the client and server C# SDKs but it lacks all the other fancy features the GameSparks and PlayFab have.

    Using one or a combo of these, can I write game servers in C# using a custom server or Photon Server and integrate them with either PlayFab or GameSparks to make use of their other features like authentication, persistent data, leaderboards, commerce, characters, etc.. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/snarlynarwhal
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    Question about asset texture workflow and level design.

    Posted: 27 May 2018 08:45 AM PDT

    My workflow is from 3ds to Substance to UE4. So all my assets have UV maps. However, after watching tutorials on UE4, a lot of the time, people just drag and drop mats on objects to make walls/floors/doors. I guess my question is how often do environment artists rely on dropping materials on objects versus UV unwrapping and mapping in modeling software? Does applying a material without UV mapped coordinates impact performance? Thank you! I'm pretty new to game engines.

    submitted by /u/dontpanicmatt
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    How to build a "companion app" for a multiplayer game ?

    Posted: 26 May 2018 04:53 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    Sorry if the title isn't clear enough, english isn't my first language and I'm gonna try to explain it better.

    I'm studying Computer Science (been at it for a few years) and I'm looking for something to do during summer break.

    Since stats matter in many of the games I play, I'd love to build an app around one of them. To be honest, which one I get to work on doesn't matter much to me, the point is just to learn something new while working around a game I love.

    The problem is : I have no clue how to retrieve the game data that might be relevant to my problem.

    So, to explain it better, with both kind of games :

    Multiplayer : Let's say I play Gwent or HS or even your favorite Moba. The point is obviously not to cheat, but rather, I'd like a simple app that could gather at the end of the game whether I've won, lost, the type of game I was playing... this kind of info. Where am I supposed to be looking to get that ?

    I got to talk at some point with the developpers of a deck-tracker for Hearthstone, for example, and they told me their deck-tracker was reading one of the logs the game was producing. They added that the infos they couldn't get from there, they were reading from memory.

    Solo : I'd love to build something similar for a few of my favorite RogueLite. Something that could for example retrieve the items I picked up during an Isaac run or the team I end up going with in Darkest Dungeon. My guess was that it was gonna be easier to access the date with a solo game, but I might be wrong.

    What I tried :

    • I've only tried solutions for multiplayer games, for now, but they mainly revolve around OCR. That is, I grab a screenshot of the beginning of my game and analyze it at specific emplacement. This ends up with obviously poor results as the background of the game prevents the text to be properly read.

    • I tried looking into what the guys from the HS decktracker mentionned (reading from memory), and it does look promising, but I'd love to know if this is the right way to do it.

    My background, if it helps : I've already worked with Java (extensively), C#, C++, C, Ocaml, mainly. I'm thinking of picking up Lua or Python (Lua comes highly recommended), so really, I'm ok with learning whatever you guys think might be needed, or want to recommend. I've done just a little bit of networking at Uni, so if this ends up being important, any advice as to where to properly start is gladly welcome !

    Any recommended reads that could help me ? Or videos ? Or anything, really ;)

    Thanks a lot ! (I hope this is an OK sub to post this on, sorry guys, if not I'll repost it in an more appropriate one...)

    submitted by /u/Slmlelle
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    5 Easy ways to make your platformer game 5 times better.

    Posted: 27 May 2018 07:59 AM PDT

    Space Invaders from Scratch - Part 4

    Posted: 27 May 2018 03:01 AM PDT

    Soundtrack Sunday #243 - Charming Feel

    Posted: 26 May 2018 08:19 PM PDT

    Post music and sounds that you've been working on throughout this week (or last (or whenever, really)). Feel free to give as much constructive feedback as you can, and enjoy yourselves!

    Basic Guidelines:

    • Do not link to a page selling music. We are not your target audience.
    • Do not link to a page selling a game you're working on. We are not your target audience.
    • It is highly recommended that you use SoundCloud to host and share your music.

    As a general rule, if someone takes the time to give feedback on something of yours, it's a nice idea to try to reciprocate.

    If you've never posted here before, then don't sweat it. New composers of any skill level are always welcome!

    Previous Soundtrack Sundays

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    Best practice for build/doom engine style art?

    Posted: 26 May 2018 04:25 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I really want to look into the possibility of making a sprite based shooter. I've got the most experience with the unreal engine, so that's what I'd use to put it together. (Not that that is important to my question).

    There's a few tutorials out there for the technical side of things, like having animated planes as enemies etc, but what I am yet to find is any resources as to the limitations artists had to work with back in the nineties.

    I think I mean colour palettes, frames of animation, that sort of thing. I don't intend to ignore all the modern advances in technology, but by and large I would love the game to have that build engine feel.

    So if anyone can offer some advice or point me at any resources for this sort of thing I'd be very grateful! Thanks.

    submitted by /u/bulletfacepunch
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    Analysis paralysis preventing me from accomplishing anything.

    Posted: 26 May 2018 08:24 PM PDT

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I'm tired of trying to figure things out by myself, as that never gets me anywhere.

    I seem to be in a constant state of paralysis when it comes to actually working on a project to the point where I keep following the same cycle:

    1. Tell myself that I'll start working on something, anything, that'll help me practice programming a game
    2. Come to the conclusion that I either need to watch some kind of video tutorial/read some book, follow and copy the code, and only after doing that will I be able to apply the same things I learned into my own project
    3. Never finish the tutorials/books because they're too long, I don't feel like I'm learning anything from just copying the contents 1:1,
    4. Wait some amount of time and go back to step one.

    My main language is C++, as that's the language my university taught as part of its game development courses, and after 6+ years (entirely too long for me to be there), I feel like I have the foundation for actually starting a project. Yet, I simply feel like I can't. Even trying to make something as simple as Pong will make me wonder about what framework to use, where to start first, what actually do I know I can do. Despite having numerous classes under my belt, now that I'm not taking any classes at the moment, I don't think I can actually start working on something.

    I often search this subreddit specifically for something relating to these issues, but my mind tells me that this is a specific issue that not many people here may have: having years of schooling/studying yet being unable to put any of that into practice once they're outside a classroom. This stresses me out beyond words and very often makes me believe that I chose the wrong profession to try and pursue, even though I do find programming and game dev interesting enough to want a career in it. But, without any practical experience and projects I can call my own and not just stuff I did for a grade, I highly doubt I can accomplish that.

    Would anyone possibly be able to help me make sense of all this?

    submitted by /u/iKyriaki
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