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    Monday, February 14, 2022

    Negative Posts learn programming

    Negative Posts learn programming

    Negative Posts

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 11:54 PM PST

    I can't be the only one sick and tired by these posts that provide nothing but negative energy and self-doubt.

    Yeah i'm talking about posts that usually have the title (i suck at programming, im dumb, i never did good in school what should i do etc)

    Isn't this subreddit about learning programming. If you're bad at programming then ask a question about what you dont understand. There's tons of help on the internet for free.

    I usually don't care about what other posts but its gotten to a point where i see it daily which is mildly infuriating.

    submitted by /u/klmabom
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    How do experienced programmers pick up new languages so fast?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 05:54 PM PST

    Hi, I just want to know the process on how experienced programmers pick up new languages so quickly? Do you just learn the fundamentals of the language and jump into projects to familiarise yourself with the language and figure out along the way? Or is there a different more efficient way?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Tobyb01001
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    Not a spring chicken anymore, yet looking for a job in programming?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 01:23 AM PST

    Say you finish boot camp and pass with flying colors. Now the hard part is landing that first job.

    Even if you're a smart, competent programmer, tech companies are looking to see whether you fit in or not. That's something you don't learn in boot camp.

    Programmers are a youngish crowd, and maybe their personalities and outlook, along with their age, are similar as well.

    Are there older programmers who don't quite fit in, yet landed a job anyway, and actually thrived in their work environment?

    submitted by /u/ChuckSmyth
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    Is it okay to do programming with trial and error, then seek to understand when the code compiles?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 12:44 AM PST

    i feel like this is the wrong way to code, do you have tips on becoming more efficient in planning out the code's structure and understand what it is supposed to be like from the get-go? i just keep fixing til it works and it turns out so much more different than what i had in mind.

    im a beginner as well, so i also struggle with memorizing syntax, what is the best way to pick up syntax?

    submitted by /u/starslighten
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    Genuine question: What’s hard about pointers?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 07:24 PM PST

    I understand how the title may come off as arrogant or something, but this is a genuine question.

    I learned to code in C#, so I didn't touch pointers for a while, and now that I've been learning C/C++ for a couple months, I don't really see what's so difficult about pointers.

    They're just memory addresses for variables, right? Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/null_popsicle
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    Looking to land my first job as a programmer

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 04:46 PM PST

    Currently doing the codecademy full stack development course, and I hope to use this to help me build a portfolio and eventually get a job. However, im still extremely new to all of this and briefly understand the differences between web development and software development etc. I wanna make things - apps, programs, even the back end of websites. Should I continue down the path i'm on and maybe learn something like C on the side? Should I abandon ship and start a new course? Am I thinking too deeply? Any advice would be helpful, thanks ;)

    Please note - Looking for something career path-y, Id love a job in this field and i'm willing to put in SO much work to achieve it :)

    submitted by /u/drowzycs
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    Code one line at a time.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 08:11 PM PST

    So I have been an System and Network Admin for 20+ years and know "about" code but never had to code. So I got a job in a school and they have no money and a ton of work that needs to be done. I have been using Powershell and Bash/Zsh to run commands but just recently got into scripting.

    So I have been able to automate the termination process by Using Access to ODBC connect to HR and Export the termed users to a CSV then run them threw a script I wrote that disables account, hides the contact from the address book and archives the mailbox then archives their home directory. Clear the script and HR list with my boss and ran it. Closed 500 accounts. Got a few calls from termed staff but it was funny cause they were still using there email.

    Anyway just thought I would share. Keep at it. One line at a time.

    Write your command. Check it.

    Write your loop. Check it.

    submitted by /u/Business-Worldly
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    Why is Python so used for computation heavy tasks, when it's one of the slowest language out there?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 02:23 AM PST

    I have been wondering for a while why Python is the language of choice when it comes to data analysis and ML, which are computation heavy task, when every benchmark and comparison show that python is way slower than C, Rust, Go and the likes? Is there something I am missing that Python does inherently better or is it just based on ecosystem / habits?

    submitted by /u/Synlis
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    How to get currently playing music through chrome extension?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 12:43 AM PST

    I am trying to create something like Discord + Spotify currently playing song for Slack + YouTube music. Whatever the song that I will play from YouTube Music will be set as my Slack status. I usually play the songs on my browser and thinking is there way for the chrome extension to know the currently playing song?

    Once I know which song is played in the extension I will update my slack status through Slack APIs.

    Also, it would be better if there's any event to know when the song changes. Is there any way to that through the chrome extension? I am open to other way to do this as well. My system is a MacBook Pro.

    submitted by /u/iAziz786
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    Med school dropout and wanting to pursue CS

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 09:59 PM PST

    So basically I'm in my first year of med school, and I'm learning pretty quickly that it's not what I thought it would be and that it might not be for me.

    Throughout undergrad, where I obtained a BSc in biomedical science, I've really really wanted to switch over to CS because I've always been been really interested in computers since I was a child.

    Now I'm 23 and will most likely be dropping out of med school as I don't wanna waste my time here.

    On the flip side, I'm still young and I would love the opportunity to get into CS. Most likely, I will be going back to school either to do a second bachelors in CS or perhaps a masters program.

    Now I'm basically here on this thread because I want to know if this is something feasible in your guys' opinion!

    And if you don't mind me asking, what's the difference between CS and SE?

    Feel free to respond to whichever part of this post you want with your own advice, recommendations or concerns!

    submitted by /u/ExtensionPersonal794
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    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 04:21 AM PST

    Hello, 2 days ago I was asked to do this code in the front of the class, well mainly to solve that problem using coding. The text was just "Solve this problem 2x+sqrt(x^2+3x-10)" /* I don't know how to write the square root thing lol... */

    ``#include <stdio.h>
    #include <math.h>
    int main(){

    float x, y;
    printf("Enter your number: ");
    scanf("%f", &x);
    y=2*x+sqrt(pow(x, 2)+3*x-10);
    printf("Y is equal to %f", y);

    return 0;}``

    I do it like that, and today she tells me, you don't do it like that because, what if I wrote -8 to be x, or any negative numbers. I didn't know how to respond at the time but I remembered that sqroots of negatives don't exist right? So the program would not display anything if i wrote -8 right? Yeah well, the program does calculate everything from 5 to ∞, I don't really know the reason why it doesn't want to do it with -1, -2, -3, -4.

    The problem "with my code" as the teacher said is that i didn't put a demand that x>0 which is kinda sad that she just said to write a code that will solve that problem, not mentioning natural numbers.

    Can anyone explain to me those two things I wrote in the last two paragraphs, thanks..

    submitted by /u/Valuable_Soup_9688
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    I'm curious how our language gets created

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 04:18 AM PST

    I'm not sure if this is appropriate because it's not actually me asking how to program but I'm curious how people make computer languages. Does it start with a preet with an already made language and then you just use a bunch of variables in the computer creates the syntax or do you have to go in with binary. Just curious, Im not tring to write one.

    submitted by /u/FlameFlame1420
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    What are the most important data structures and algorithms to learn for jobs/interviews?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 04:54 PM PST

    Assuming this is for a intermediate / expert dev role, not junior.

    I want to make sure I know all the most important DS & algorithms in depth. I already know quite a few but want to make sure I'm not missing something.

    I'm mainly looking at this from a C++ perspective, but interested to hear opinions if it's different for other languages.


    submitted by /u/RLJ05
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    I can't tell if the homework I have for my programming class will help me become a better programmer or not.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 11:09 PM PST

    Often time the instructions are total nonsense. Instead of directly saying "You should implement this method so that it does x" my instructors have this awkward wishy washy way of sorta saying what they want it to do, but non specific.

    But that is exactly the memes I see from programmers saying that customers have no idea what they want, and are really vague, so idk.

    The hw will definitley help be a better programmer, im just kinda venting :P.

    submitted by /u/CorporalClegg25
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    Where to go to learn good code design?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 12:21 AM PST

    I am a programmer of about 7 years and think my implementation and refactoring skills are pretty decent. But I haven't got much skills in ground up design. I can make decent REST APIs and make stuff that works, but the decision to use a REST API is usually one that was made because of lack of knowledge that other systems exist. What teqniques can I use to determine whether YAML is a better choice than XML for a specific application etc. The closest resource I have found is over at wiki.c2.com, but its pretty outdated and hardly conclusive.

    submitted by /u/Metabee124
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    would The Odin Project be good for a beginner?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2022 11:54 PM PST

    hi i wanna get back into programming. a couple months ago i was learning a bit of python here and there and i would say i learned a good amount. it was some course on udemy that i did like a month of. i've heard good things about TOP. would it be good for a beginner like me who knows a bit about programming already? or is there better courses out there. i am interested in web development but i don't mind learning about other things related to programming either.

    submitted by /u/ugandantidepod
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    What languages should I pair up with what I'll know?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 01:22 AM PST

    As of now I know HTML and CSS but next year I'll be learning Python in school and after that, I'll be learning Java for 2 years in a course I signed up for. Right now, I want to know which languages should I pair up with Python and Java since I want to start learning something else right now. (The FAQ tells me which languages to start with but since I know I'll already know a few languages I want to know the best language to learn in regard to Java and Python.) I'm not looking to do anything specific like create an app, I just want to know the language that'll maximize my chances of getting a job)

    submitted by /u/ZekoOnReddit
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    What to learn Android dev or web dev? Which has more job opportunities?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 04:54 AM PST

    I'm from India. I like both of them and want to focus on one field

    submitted by /u/Comprehensive-Net911
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    Does anyone know about any tutorials on solving systems of equations in C?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 04:52 AM PST

    Specifically by

    (a) Gauss-Elimination method

    (b) Gauss Elimination with pivoting method

    (c) Jacobi's method

    submitted by /u/tormentedforeternity
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    I can't answer stack overflow questions. The reason for my crippling imposter syndrome.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 04:51 AM PST

    As the title says, for couple of years now I am working as a developer. I have learned and applied tech stacks like MERN and Flutter on real life projects but for the life of me I can't answer questions posted on stack overflow.

    For last six months, I thought I should have enough knowledge to start answering some of questions but I can't.

    Many times, I don't even have any idea what the question even means and what they are trying to do.

    Sometimes, I can't answer it but save it to see what's the answer and when someone answers it, then only I realise, "yeah obviously".

    This leads me to think that yup I am not good enough.

    Any advice for this, how exactly can I reach this stage where I am actually able to answer some of the questions and if I am not able to, doesn't it mean that I am definitely not good enough?

    submitted by /u/fuser312
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    Hey guys I need your help for HTML and CSS

    Posted: 14 Feb 2022 04:48 AM PST

    Hey guys, i just want to improve my HTML CSS skills. I found some challenging picture which is ;


    But im stucked on the first box line. I do display: inline-block but it won't work.

    My codes are like this ;

     <header class="header"> <h2>Employee Satisfaction Survey</h2> <hr> </header> <section> <div class="name"> <p>Name</p> </div> <div class="input-area"> <div class="input1"> <label>First Name</label><br> <input type="text" name="First Name"> </div> <div class="input2"> <label>Last Name</label><br> <input type="text" name="Last Name"> </div> </div> </section> 

    and the CSS are ;

    header { text-align: center; } h2 { margin-bottom: 30px; } .name { margin-left: 30px; } .input-area { margin-left: 30px; display: in; } 
    submitted by /u/Salty-Fun-5924
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