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    Saturday, February 12, 2022

    Coding a Retro 3D Snake Game with Three.js web developers

    Coding a Retro 3D Snake Game with Three.js web developers

    Coding a Retro 3D Snake Game with Three.js

    Posted: 11 Feb 2022 09:19 PM PST

    ToolJet - Extensible open-source (5,500+ stars on gitHub) low-code framework. Built using JavaScript/Typescript. Connect to databases, cloud storages, GraphQL, API endpoints, Airtable, Google sheets, etc and build apps using drag and drop editor. Extend with plugins built using TypeScript.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2022 09:23 PM PST

    Why are your css animations laggy ?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2022 11:55 PM PST


    This chart helps you to see that which css property will affect your website's performance.

    When the website is loaded on website it goes through a sequential process

    1. Styles are loaded

    2. Layout

    3. Paint

    4. Composition

    So, this chart tells you which property you should use. When we change any property which affects Layout, then the whole process has to repeat again till composition.

    So it's better that we use properties which will only affect composition which will make animations less laggy and will give you constant 60 fps.

    To visualise these updates and FPS you can use chrome dev tools.

    -> Open inspect element

    -> Go to setting

    -> More tools

    -> Render

    In Render you can turn on different features of FPS meter and layout paint updates etc.

    Happy Animating!

    submitted by /u/obaidnadeem
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    I Love Tailwind

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 03:16 AM PST

    I don't think I will ever go back to writing pure CSS ever again lmao. Doing my first react project and decided on a whim to learn it on the go, and oh my days its so much easier to deal with. Docs are robust, everything looks good. I can go in and customise what I want, flex-box is supported...

    I feel like a cat that's tasted salmon for the first time: we're not going back to Whiskers lol

    submitted by /u/Dazed_and_unused
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    How Steam made it so "app/appID" or "app/appID/whatever" => "app/appID/correctName"

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 03:04 AM PST


    I am trying to copy this behavior that steam has.

    Going to:




    Will take you to:


    How are they doing that? Using Express.js as backend, how can I do that?

    submitted by /u/xSypRo
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    Whenever i add a <nav> to the top of page why does it have a default margin on the left and top of page ?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 12:07 AM PST

    Is it because the browsers add the default margin and padding to the the body tag ? If so why do the browsers add default margin/padding.

    I somewhat know the reason of padding for inline elements as the elements are added as baseline of text/letters and there is space kept for the desenders of letters like y g q p j etc.

    But i do not know the reason why this happens to block elements.

    submitted by /u/Upbeat_Combination74
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    How you find motivation to get back to learning?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2022 11:59 PM PST

    As the title says, how everyone here finds the motivation to get back to coding.

    I was on a break for a month and now it's too getting too hard to get back to learning. I am a beginner learning javascript, and now I am procrastinating everyday. How can I overcome this and how you guys get your motivational level back to work?

    Would be really helpful if everyone shares their experience.

    submitted by /u/Vampire_developer
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    Is there an easy way to send custom websocket messages over an already established connection?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 02:10 AM PST

    How come on the devtools there is no ability to edit and send custom messages when viewing sent and received messages?

    submitted by /u/6_star_man
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    Flexbox padding?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 12:29 AM PST

    Sorry if this isn't the place to ask but google didn't bring up anything relevant. Would someone be able to explain why I can only seem to center the list elements using a padding value? Or rather what are they being centered to without the padding? Or why does the ul box seem to have a bit to left without the padding value? It doesn't seem to inherit anything that should make it bigger.

    https://pastebin.com/i18faizm -css

    https://pastebin.com/cDdGxDkh -html

    submitted by /u/LoquaciousLamp
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    I built a command based python library to help generate responsive images in bulk

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 04:00 AM PST

    The main concept of this project is that you have a folder filled with images for a website you want to create. With this library, you can generate 6 different sizes per image in the folder. This is the link for the package where you would find more details. I would welcome stars and forks if you like the library * Link * GitHub

    submitted by /u/udbasil
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    Is there a tool to "automatically" generate API documentation?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 03:53 AM PST

    I'm working on a new system and part of it will have it's own API. Has anyone used or could recommend any tool which could be used to automatically generate API documentation based on the code dealing with the API? My API is in Laravel so perhaps there's something out there which can parse Laravel code, or even as simple as checking PHPdoc blocks? Ang advice is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/FruitWinder
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    You should use cache over state for network requests. With Axios Cache Interceptor, this is made simple!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 03:40 AM PST

    Access-Control-Allow-Origin confusion. Does it only prevent frontend to access?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 03:33 AM PST

    So I was using Tinder API, and noticed that it only allows the origin to come from tinder.cm. however, I can access it on postman for example.

    So does it mean that Access-Control-Allow-Origin only prevents the fetch from the frontend of a website?

    If so, is there anyway to make a request from a user's browser, like it came from the backend. And therefore allowing the the request to be made from another website?

    Another question, if I make an app using something like electron, can it also overcome the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"?

    submitted by /u/smegma_tears32
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    How do I add a unique tag in an HTML element such as button and reference it through js?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 03:29 AM PST

    I have an http endpoint which gives a list of names and their codes. I need to make a list of button elements whih have inner html of the names and the codes are invisibly linked to these buttons respectively.

    What I am thinking of:

    <button uniqueid="sdfaas131dw3" id="a1">India</button>

    here "uniqueid"-code is the new "tag" I want to add in my html using js. while India is the name.

    I am unable to do this using js. I tried making a button element and doing it:


    but to no avail. It is not getting reflected in the element. I am able to get the btn.innerhtml successfully and all.

    submitted by /u/Budget_Frosting_4567
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    Drag and Drop website builder

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 03:25 AM PST

    Hello, I was browsing some illegal site (t0rrent) and found "Bootstrap studio" and looked it up on YouTube and amazed because didn't know that website builder existed, I have trouble on creating websites due to designs because I'm not good in CSS but I can handle small back-end, any thoughts on Bootstrap studio? or what are some good website builders, HTML and CSS is good for me, I will handle the backend, Thanks!

    Edit: I don't want a Wordpress builder, I'd also like it as a software so I can create offline

    submitted by /u/AnonPH009
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