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    Thursday, February 3, 2022

    Almost 40 years old and just starting! Wish me luck. learn programming

    Almost 40 years old and just starting! Wish me luck. learn programming

    Almost 40 years old and just starting! Wish me luck.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 03:17 AM PST

    So I am making this post mostly to hold some accountability on myself as I am, unfortunately, known for diving head first into something, losing myself into it and then suddenly just stopping.

    It's not really my first attempt to learn programming. I tried like 10 years ago, tried for 2-3 months, and then I just gave up, because I tried to make a project that was way over my skillet, spent days on Stackoverflow and then one day I looked at the pages upon pages of my spaghetti code and I realized that I don't have a clue what all this means anymore, so I just gave up.

    And after this 10 years I mostly forgot things, BUT surprisingly I still remember way more that I would expect. So here I am trying again.

    Now, I would be lying to myself to say that I don't dream of getting into this on a job level. But it's not a rush. I have a job in marketing, SEO, Google Ads and building Wordpress sites for clients. So it's not like I had to switch jobs asap. Year from now? Great. 5 years from now? Also, great. Never? Not great, but whatever.

    My technology of choice is .NET. I don't really know what to concentrate on, but I love that .NET now offers much more possibilities, not only web and Windows. I guess some programming understanding is like riding on a bike. I thought that after only couple weeks of moderate learning and after 10 years hiatus I won't remember a thing. But somehow I do. Basic concepts like fundamentals of OOP, classes, accessibility keywords, value and reference types, if/switch statements, methods, loops etc. it's somehow still in my head, and I was surprised to see, that I still know all this.

    Right now, as I'm trying to be smarter than 10 years ago, I'll try to be reasonable and try to do slow but steady, like 1-2 hours but every day (honestly I can get away with doing 2 hours in my job as we have a very task-oriented work environment, so I usually just sit and watch YouTube or browse Reddit for 1-2 hours anyway) and NOT to try to build something too big from the start. Last thing is to try to be more organized when it comes to planning. I am a very chaotic guy, and my workflow is also very chaotic. I try to write everything at once, in the middle I get a new idea, so I try to squeeze it into code in some way etc. and it all ends up as a complete clusterfuck. This time I will try more preplanning.

    Currently, the biggest problem in my head is this:

    All ideas of what to start seem either too simple or too hard. I am past "Hello world" apps, but not good enough to start something big. I see some example challenges and not once I thought "This seems like a reasonable challenge". It's either "Nah, it's trivial" or "WTF dude how do I even start something like that".

    And second, but connected problem - I obviously want to write something that I can actually use, but these days, there is everything out there. Maybe I'll write... nope, there are like 20 websites and 50 apps for just that.

    I just have to find the right approach. So anyway, excuse my long rambling, and also excuse my English, I am from Poland and I finish active language education like 20 years ago. For those about to start, I salute you, and wish me luck :)

    submitted by /u/kociol21
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    Be Careful with YouTube Tutorials

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 08:25 AM PST

    I just watched this Java tutorial Polymorphism Fully Explained In 7 Minutes.

    His tutorials are normally pretty good if I need to brush up on concepts, but this one was just plain wrong.

    He states that polymorphism is a confusing topic and says that he will explain it fully.

    Proceeds to explain inheritance, which is a part of polymorphism, but is absolutely not the same thing.

    I write a comment explaining the difference and I link to sources. The comment is deleted minutes later. I'm not blaming him for that, as it could easily be a YouTube thing.

    Be careful when using YouTube to learn programming. It's very easy for creators to sound right, and it's not always possible to condense difficult topics into short videos.

    RIP the dislike button.

    For anyone curious about the topic.

    submitted by /u/waupunwarrior
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    I can't read Stack Overflow

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 05:56 PM PST

    I have been coding on and off for years (still undergrad) and I wouldn't call myself an intermediate coder by any means. I just know enough to pass the class and "figure it out" when it comes to classwork, etc. So of course I've crossed paths with stack overflow and other resources, api docs, etc. but I feel like I'm so confused when I "read" them. I leave with more questions than answers. I can usually find a lead that will result in me stumbling across a solution, but most of the time it may as well be Greek. (I don't speak Greek).

    Was it like this for anyone else? When does it get better?

    Tl;dr, Stack Overflow makes me feel really stupid.

    submitted by /u/rperfection
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    Advice on a job before a junior web dev position?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 06:21 AM PST

    Good day everyone, so my story is I'm learning to become a self taught web developer. I have no degree in anything I've never even been to university, I currently work as Gardener as I have for the past 8 years.

    I'm not scared or unaware of how long and hard the road may be for me to land my first junior web developer position.

    What id like advice on is if there is another job or position I could be aiming for whilst still learning that would look better and a little more relevant onn my c.v when I finally get into the interview process.

    Many thanks.

    submitted by /u/Mandle565
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    Is Udemy worth it? Right now they have a sale and I'm looking at taking up JavaScript

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 12:29 AM PST

    Currently looking at 3 courses

    The Complete JavaScript Course 2022: From Zero to Expert! by Jonas Schmedtmann

    The Web Developer Bootcamp 2022 by Colt Steele

    The Complete 2022 Web Development Bootcamp by Angela Yu

    I'm pretty open to suggestions for other courses as well but I have never bought a course online ever and it seems these are usually $100+ It sounds appealing but at the same time, maybe the prices are actually only worth $10-$20 and the deal is just to get us to buy?

    Background information: I graduated with a CS degree 8 years back but never landed a job in the field. Worked elsewhere and got comfortable but since COVID hit, I'm looking to get back. I'm a bit older now and more willing to put in some work to get back. Wanted to do a bootcamp but they're quite too expensive for me atm. Currently unemployed and looking for work outside the field but have enough money to live off for a few months (or years if I take it off the stock market).

    But maybe someone more experienced can tell me if this is the right path for me? Or should I be trying something else?

    submitted by /u/BaghdadAssUp
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    How long did it take you to actually get JS?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 04:01 AM PST

    I have been self learning JS for two weeks. I feel frustrated because i feel it is so hard to execute what you are being taught. I cant believe that JS is considered an easy language :(. Does it ever get better?

    submitted by /u/FlooofyG
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    Should quit my job and study coding full time?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 09:38 AM PST

    Hi all, as mentioned above, i have mechanical engineering background with 5 years work experience, but these past 5 years i have never enjoyed or felt satisfied at work. I dread going to work everyday and i know this field is definitely not for me. Although i am an engineer, all i do is paper work, organising meetings, collecting agendas items, coordinating with various stakeholders to push them to submit items etc. It's very meaningless.

    I am 30, and still single, and very frugal and still living with my parents with my expenses around 800-900 a month. My salary is 5000+ a month (with bonus included around 7k) and I am considering leaving my job and just study coding or data analytics full time for the next half a year to 1 year. I know it is not a particularly small sum, but do remember i feel like my mental health is dropping bit by bit every single day. I feel gloom and doom every day and not truly enjoying myself even on weekends and after office hours due to the nature of my work. I am not sure if this is a good idea. I have seen similar posts and most of them mentioned dont quit without a job. But I am so drained everyday mentally to even have the mood to study.

    On the other hand though, I have no debt, have a fairly substantial amount of investment portfolio and separately have sufficient savings to last for 1-2 years. Is it still wise to quit my job? I truly am not greedy for the same old salary even if i restart over, as i am fairly stable financially. all i want is an enjoyable job that i can last a long time at.

    Do note that I have done some coding in the past but have never ever been serious at it, so i do know very basic coding, and i do enjoy doing problems and improving on the codes when i am able to, so im not totally lack of knowledge. But I still want to start all over from foundation (which i do not have a very strong one).

    may I pls get some genuine advice? I am planning to quit by end of march after my bonus. Thank you so much.

    submitted by /u/puttdebutt
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    My very first github project I am proud of it! :D

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 11:44 AM PST

    Hello, I just finished my first complete project, Sudoku solver app with GUI. I have commited few school exercises, but this is my first on my own which is finished.

    Here is code: Neuromancer96/sudoku-solver-app: Sudoku solver gui app. (github.com)

    I know GUI is ugly, I have little talent for styling, and GUI code is ugly too, but I like it, and I am proud of it! I plan to take a break, learn some maths for exam, try something different, then learn more about tkinter and make GUI better.

    If someone will look at code and give me any advice about anything, I will appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Anyomancer
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    Incident response reports

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 10:43 AM PST

    Was wondering if anyone knows where to read in-depth incident response retrospectives where SREs talk about the factors causing an incident and how they were discovered, as well as how they were mitigated and safeguards added to prevent reoccurrance. Searching around mostly gives me templates on "how" to do incident response, but I'm not interested in that. I'm interested in seeing what goes wrong in various industries and settings.

    I've found AWS's retrospectives/reports on such things to be fairly detailed: link. Was hoping people here have seen similar depth of reporting.

    submitted by /u/is_a_act
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    Just got my first job!

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 12:30 PM PST

    After 2 years of school and a lot of supplemental self-learning, I finally achieved a position as a Jr. DevOps Engineer!

    This was my first coding interview and I was extremely nervous. Had never done a mock interview or anything so I kind of went in that blind which attributed to said nervousness. But I did very well, answered the ol' FizzBuzz and Palindrome coding questions without a hitch, explained myself, etc. Later on asked me about SQL and other DB related questions which I did well on as well.

    Overall I was really doubting myself but really held my own and did well!

    submitted by /u/NuclearWoofer
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    Oppertunity for me, need help

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 11:02 AM PST

    Hey guys so I am in a small Software Company and now I am the Office Manager... beides the boring Office Management stuff I take care of our Website usw usw content Management System.... dying some data stuff ... private I am learning python.

    Now my Company has Switches it's CRM System to hubspot ... and a co worker could need help but I would need knowledge in frontend stuff and database structures... I don't rely find a starting point on hunspot academy. Any other hubspot users here who could give me an advice what I should learn ?

    When I am fast enough I could get out of the administration into the crm team


    submitted by /u/13Braunafk37
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    Learn Programming concepts by creating the game Street Fighter 2. Step by Step

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 12:15 PM PST

    Hi. I am in the process of making tutorial series on Street Fighter 2 using the Canvas within JavaScript. This is a project that is near complete, but I am in the process of making the individual videos. I would love for you to check it out and give any constructive feedback. I think you should definitely check this out because sometimes learning the basics is boring and applying these concepts to something more exciting like a game can make the process of learning more engaging.

    The link to the project is Youtube is: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGvgepw5e1ayt7KaozE7DfQaEQwJD8oBI

    Individual lessons -

    Lesson 1 - Ken Idle and Walking Animations

    Lesson 2: Ken Punch and Kick animations

    Lesson 3: Hadoken (fireball)

    Lesson 4: Animating Chun-Li

    Lesson 5: Collision detection between Chun-Li and Fireballs.

    Really excited to hear what you guys think.

    submitted by /u/dgatewood2
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    What sort of mathematics would actually be useful for programming?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 11:45 AM PST

    Often times people ask the question: "Do you need to know mathematics to be a good programmer?", but not many people ask what mathematics would actually be useful for programming.

    Obviously there are cases where maths is actually needed if someone e.g. wants to program a 3d engine from complete scratch, but what I'm wondering is, is there maths that would help improve a programmer's skills in general?

    submitted by /u/technoman555
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    How to deal with Data structures and Algorithms ?How can I build problem solving attitude?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 11:07 AM PST

    I am beginner , learning coding in Masai school facing challenges in Data structures algorithm it's becoming tough day by day .How can I build problem solving attitude ? Any tips 🙏How can I become Pro in dsa 😞

    submitted by /u/OkEngineering4152
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    Noobie Visual Studio C++ coding question

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 11:06 AM PST

    Hello everyone. I am totally new to this! Just been in my first class for a few weeks so please don't rip me to pieces over my complete lack of knowledge :D

    When I am writing this I get an error that every cout statement is amibigious. I have Googgled around but any answer I find is over my head. Is anyone able to explain to me in a simple way what I am doing wrong? Thanks!


    using namespace std;

    int main() {

    // defining variables int prizeNum; double priceGuess; double actualPrice; double prize1Cost; double prize2Cost; double prize3Cost; double prize4Cost; 

    // give values to known variables 

    prize1Cost = 99.99; prize2Cost = 150.00; prize3Cost = 549.99; prize4Cost = 1349.58; 

    // setup output 

    cout << "\~\*\~\*\~ Welcome to The Price Is Close-Enough! \~\*\~\*\~"; cout << "\\n1. A pair of Apple Airbuds"; cout << "\\n2. A 5 pack of tickets to the Opera"; cout << "\\n3. An all expense paid cruse to Alaska"; cout << "\\n4. One week at a 5-star resort in Bali"; cout << endl; 

    // user input 

    cout << "\\nPlease enter the number of the prize that you wish to guess the price of:" << endl; 

    cin >> prizeNum; 

    if (prizeNum == 1) { 

     cout << "\\nWhat is your price guess for Apple Airpods? " << endl; 

     cin >> priceGuess; 

     if (priceGuess > 87 && priceGuess < 111); 

     cout << "Congragulations - Your guess was close enough! You WIN!"; 

     return 0; 

    } else (priceGuess < 87 && priceGuess > 111); 

     cout << "Sorry, your guess was not close enough. The actual item price is $" << prize1Cost; 

     return 0; } 
    submitted by /u/HumbleAd4170
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    How do I create a python file that interacts with c executable, and saves its output to variables?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 08:48 AM PST

    Hi, I have this simple c program:

    #include <stdio.h> void secretFunction() { printf("Congratulations!\n"); printf("You have entered in the secret function!\n"); } void echo() { char buffer[20]; printf("Enter some text:\n"); scanf("%s", buffer); printf("You entered: %s\n", buffer);} int main() { echo(); return 0; } 

    It includes a buffer overflow, but that's not really the important part right now. This is what the output looks like:

    Enter some text: enteringmyname You entered: enteringmyname 

    What I am trying to do, is create a python file that is able to run this file, save the lines that it gives to some variables, and then give it some input depending on that output.

    Currently this is what I have:

    import subprocess p = subprocess.Popen("./vuln_nostack", shell=False) 


    This runs the file like I want, and then just runs the file in the python terminal.

    This is not reaaally what I want though.

    I want to be able to save the lines that it outputs to variables in my python program, and then output something.

    I then tried all kinds of things to make a program that could interact a little more with the executable.

    I made a python script that imitates, and does the same thing as the c program:

    inp = input("Enter some text:\n") print("you entered: " + inp) 

    And then I made this python program to interact with it:

    import subprocess command = "python3 dummy.py" p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) v = p.stdout.readline() print(v) output, err = p.communicate(input="{}\n".format(v)) print(output) 

    and this does exactly what I want, I can save the ouput, and input something based on it.

    But when I run this exact same program, but instead point it to the c executable, the program just hangs, and nothing happens.

    Why does this happen? and can I get my python file to talk to the executable in the way that I want?

    submitted by /u/GarseBo
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    In need of a mentor.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 08:27 AM PST

    I'm wondering where one may go to find a mentor in their area or maybe even someone available for weekly meetups/zooms. I completed Nucamps Web development course and have self studied a little of python. I have a good understanding of Html, CSS and JavaScript but I don't feel like I'll truly get these things down without real world participation. I've combed through here and I see projects and portfolios are a must and I want to get there sooner rather later. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated!!

    submitted by /u/Lboog8705
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    Super basic (but fundamental) HTML question

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 01:14 PM PST

    I'm super new into HTML, so forgive me if I don't know the lingo...

    So I'm trying to put together this website, that will have about 100 pages. Basically, it's something like a wiki, where I'll put info about 100 items my company make. These items can be splitted into 4 main groups.

    My first thought was to create a side menu, put this 4 groups into the menu. So I found a sidebar menu code online, using CSS and JS. I would like to change just the right part of my site.

    My question is: Since I will have to make 100 HTML files (one for each of the items) should I bother trying to create a main page that will keep the left side (menu) intact and change the right side or should I just simple paste the menu code into every page and get this done?

    I don't even know if I'm expressing myself correctly

    submitted by /u/mndl3_hodlr
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    Why do C and C++ programmers still insist on using short hard-to-understand identifiers

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 01:22 AM PST

    I understand that the C standard library was designed a while back when those few bytes saved by using short names mattered. And I understand that's not the case any more (and compilers would surely be able to optimise by using short names?). So why do so many programmers I see in tutorials insist on using short names? For example I saw a guy use "agpts" to mean "agility points" and it's like Christ dude why don't you just call it agilityPoints or at least agilityPts?

    Is there good reason for this still or is it just mental masturbation?

    submitted by /u/ItWillNeverBeOver
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    Is there anyone who started python with the book "Python Crash Course"?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 05:24 AM PST

    Hey guys. I want to start my first programming language as python and looking for good resources. I found the Python Crash Course. Is there anyone here who started coding with this book and got good results?I also found a full course (4 hours) by Mike Dane by freecodecamp. I want to try that too.

    The second book that I want to consider is "Learning Python by Mark Lutz".

    If any of you used one of these sources, I will be glad to hear you experiences!


    submitted by /u/NomadicShaman
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    Should I learn 2 languages at the same time?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 08:51 AM PST

    I'm learning Java, and consider myself a beginner, but wanting to branch out into some intermediate stuff. Looking to find a project that will test my abilities, but also be achievable.

    Question is, should I learn say web development at the same time, or should I just live and breathe Java, until I'm competent? Will learning web development alongside just make me much slower at learning Java?

    Cheers guys!

    submitted by /u/HC-DOGECOIN
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    How to start networking and getting involved with open source projects as a beginner

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 07:04 AM PST


    Ive been learning to program in Swift for the past 10 months. I have zero programming or computer science experience prior to this.

    I feel like I would have zero to offer anyone in the industry, as I probably know 5% of what everyone else does. At what point can I get involved with the community and have something to offer? I know that this is also critical to getting a foot in the door.

    I would love to start getting involved with open source projects or helping someone out with a personal project. I just think I would be more of a crutch than actual help.

    Any advice is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/M00SEK
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    Converting and saving PNG to JPG in PILow [repost]

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 12:19 PM PST

    https://ideone.com/UlJk3h <- my code

    The code is basically a copy from the PIL website's tutorial section (https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/handbook/tutorial.html#using-the-image-class)

    I copied the code and after seeing that it doesn't save the file I tried to mess around with Outfile.save() since I don't really know what I'm doing, yet, but nothing is working. I wanted to ask how can I actually save the 'outfile' as a .jpeg from the code already written. Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/UnwantedFrog
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    Windows users, what's your solution for Xcode?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2022 12:15 PM PST

    I really want the ability to use MacOS to use Xcode for IOS development, etc. I understand that using virtual box is an option and I would be interested in that but I would also be interested in just getting a cheap apple product like a mac mini or a macbook air. Does anyone have any tips for getting something like this suitable for what I want to use it for for 200-300 bucks?

    I also am not sure that I can even virtualize MacOS as both of my computers have AMD cpu's and Nvidia GPU's and from what I've read that can be tricky. I may be wrong about this so please let me know!

    anyways if anyone can help me out that would be great!

    submitted by /u/yushi97
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