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    Wednesday, February 2, 2022

    After 9 months of learning and 1 month of applying, I got my dream job! learn programming

    After 9 months of learning and 1 month of applying, I got my dream job! learn programming

    After 9 months of learning and 1 month of applying, I got my dream job!

    Posted: 01 Feb 2022 05:58 PM PST

    Today I accepted an offer for my dream job, at my dream company with a salary that exceeds even my dreams. Through my learning journey I came to this reddit a lot and loved reading these kind of posts and peoples advice so I'll tell you what I think helped me the most. A little about me, I'm about to graduate in may with a bachelors degree in Psychology from a highly ranked Canadian university, I'm an American citizen but I live in canada so I could apply to jobs in both countries.


    • I started learning how to code with Harvard's CS50. It's so so so hard but it's also super fun and I think it was a great way to get the fundamentals of programming down early.
    • From there I wanted to learn web development so I sat down and came up with an idea for a web application that I would find useful and interesting. That's my number one advice to other self taught developers, learn by doing!!! Don't just follow along with YouTube tutorial projects and think because you could do that that you know how to code. Invest some time into thinking about what you would enjoy seeing in the world and try not to limit your ideas for features because "they're too hard" or "I don't know how to do them". List out the features/different aspects of the project and then rank them by what you absolutely need first and put the more impossible looking features lower on your list. Your next step is to pick the tools you want to build it with. After CS50 I felt most comfortable with Python so I decided to use the Django framework. Use whatever you feel most intrigued or comfortable with. Then, create a Github account and learn how to use it. It's not only gonna be helpful for you while you build your project but it's also gonna be helpful later when you're applying to jobs. Now is the fun part, start building! You will feel like you have absolutely no idea what you're doing but as long as you have a tiny bit of a clue, that's enough to make progress on it. Work your way through that checklist and if you get stuck, trust that someone else has had the same issue you have and the internet has the key to that lock. To learn how to do something I liked watching a YouTube tutorial of someone else building another project with the same tools and then try to apply that same logic to my different use case. When I needed something specific then I looked at blogs or stackoverflow. It's also important to get used to reading documentation, but I understand at the beginning it's scary. While building your first project you'll eventually realize that part of a developers job is research. Knowing what words to use and what sites or resources to use is such an important skill for any developer. I saw someone else give the advice that even if you read or watch about something that won't solve help your problem, you didn't lose much because you still learned something new that could end up helping another time. Keep this in mind when you're googling the wrong thing and aren't finding anything helpful. The hard part about building unique projects is that you don't have the answer to any of your issues or problems right there in front of you. It's up to you to make architecture and design decisions, it's up to you to find solutions to your problems and it's up to you to apply what you found to actually fix your issue. In my opinion this is the quickest and deepest way to learn.
    • After building that project all summer I returned to university in the fall for my last year. At this point I felt like my passion for developing overtook my passion for psychology and I decided to change my plans of going to grad school to be a psychology researcher to becoming a full stack developer. From then on whatever I wanted to learn next I would start by taking a Udemy course and building my own unique full stack personal project to solidify whatever I learned in the course. I would recommend avoiding language hopping and sticking to one stack that you really want to get good with. For me it was the MERN stack because there are a lot of resources on it and it felt like a good investment of time because it's the same language on the backend and frontend. I also took any and every opportunity to build projects for other people, because then you can say you're a freelance developer. It's also valuable because you learn how to work with other peoples visions. After doing that for a few months, I felt ready to apply for jobs.

    Job search

    • First step is creating a resume (message me to see mine as an example). There's a lot of conflicting advice going around about how to do a resume but here are some things that I think worked for me. My resume isn't flashy or designed with cool colors and blocks but it's important to have consistent formatting and make it easy for someone to quickly scan. I also put my unrelated job experience on it because it shows I'm employable. Just try to word the description in a techy way. Then you can list your freelance experience above that. I also put two projects on my resume, but this is where I decided to create two different resumes. The first one is for jobs that want python and JavaScript or are just language non specific, so I list my best project with python and my best project with MERN stack. The second resume is for jobs that specially want MERN stack, so I show two projects that use that.
    • If you haven't already created a portfolio site, do that now. If you feel like you don't have good design skills then use a template or copy something that you think looks nice. List out all of your projects and have a link to the GitHub repo and a link to the live site for each of them.
    • Last step before you apply for jobs is to create a linkedIn profile. I put every project I've ever done on there, I put all of my skills and a nice professional photo. LinkedIn will tell you how to complete your profile and you should definitely do everything they say to get it fully complete. Linkedin is a great platform for developer job hunting (at least in North America) because you can set up alerts for new jobs for whatever title, category or place you want. You can also find employees and recruiters at your targeted companies. I also used AngelList to apply for jobs and had a good experience.
    • So now you're ready to start applying, go for it! My approach was to apply to as many places that fit my skill set or were under 5 years of experience. This was a good approach for me because I had hundreds of new jobs a day that I could get because I was looking across all of North America, but if you're in a place that jobs are limited I would say you should put more effort into each job you apply for (cover letter, cold email, networking etc). If you're using the same wide net approach as me, keep track of each job you apply for on a spreadsheet (template attached to this post). Everyday I would apply for at least 5 jobs and add them to my sheet. If I got rejected I would mark that row with a red background, and if I got an "I'm interested let's talk more" I would color it yellow.
    • Now for the interviews! My first piece of advice is to become comfortable with telling your story. Really think about how you got into programming and what you love about it, maybe even write it down, so as soon as an interviewer asks you "so tell me about yourself" you have it ready to go. Anyone who is self taught has an interesting story, so make it your own. After each interview even if it's just a recruiter or HR, send a quick thank you email. In one of my offer meetings the HR person said that I was the only candidate to do that and it left a such a good impression on her that she told the hiring manager. As for technical interviews, I didn't do any Leetcode type of practice, I just studied the commonly asked JavaScript/React/web dev interview questions. I also read Eloquent JavaScript while I was in the process of interviewing just so I have the language fresh in my mind. My best advice when it comes to interviews on how to not be so nervous is first recognize that it's normal and acceptable to feel that in a situation like this, but treat it like practice. It didn't matter if I got a question wrong or didn't know the answer because this is just an experience to practice and I'll get the answer right next time. Keep that in your head no matter what interview you go to and you should be fine. Remember you can't always know the answer but you can always be friendly and cheerful which gives you some points.
    • Negotiate!! When I got an offer I had final tech interviews coming up with two other companies the same day and day after. Knowing this I felt like I had some leverage to get more than what I originally asked for. When the recruiters asked how much I want I originally told them $50,000 but in that offer meeting I told them I'm in late stages with other companies so my number went up to $55,000. They said they'll have to talk to the hiring manager but it seems doable. Next, I emailed the two other companies about my other offer. The company that I wanted to work for the most replied and asked if I could meet with the CEO before my final tech interview to speed up the hiring process. It seemed like she was really interested in bringing me into the company. After my final tech interview with the VP of engineering, she asked me what salary I'm looking for. The company is based in New York so their average junior developer salary is higher, so I said 65 to 70k and asked if that's in the scope of the position. When I received the offer it was for 80k!! What's crazy is that my goal salary when I started job hunting was 40k, so the lesson is SHOOT YOUR SHOT!! It's so easy to undervalue yourself especially as a developer with no degree. I'm also a black woman and it can be hard to feel like you belong in a space dominated by people who don't look like you. Feel free to message me if you feel the same and want someone to talk to about it.
    submitted by /u/mandela_me
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    Made gf a site for valentines, need suggestions

    Posted: 01 Feb 2022 10:28 AM PST

    Hi, So about a month ago I asked my gf what she would want for valentine's and she jokingly said hotdog porn website. So I thought it would be funny to actually make it since the domain was like 8$. So now I own hotdogporn.org. I want to add fun/cool features when viewed on mobile. I'm new to programming and just learning responsive design. If anyone has any suggestions plz I'd love to hear them! The site has some temp files up, and I can link to my github if you're interested too.

    submitted by /u/Ok_Palpitation364
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    I just found this awesome github repo that has best practices for algorithms in a ton of languages and thought you all might be interested

    Posted: 01 Feb 2022 08:44 PM PST


    The link above has the resources for many languages and all of the best practices for many algorithms. This is basically the verbatim from my title but my original post was deleted by the automod because I only had the link, im thinking right about now is enough typing for it to not delete it again

    submitted by /u/CorporalClegg25
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    What is the core difference between "knows some code" and a professional developer?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2022 04:59 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    I'm new to this sub and, like many here, I'm learning to code from home. The language I've chosen is Java since it seemed like a widely used language, I looked for job applications before starting a course and picked Java because I saw jobs for it far more than other languages in my area.

    So the past 6 months I've been following a course and I've been actively learning by trying to make small simple programs with the knowledge in the course.

    I've almost finished the course and so far I've been able to complete all assignments and I've been able to write some simple programs, f.e. A budgeting app I made purely for myself.

    Now the thing is: I don't have the slightest clue what an actual job as a programmer entails. I feel like I've firmly grasped most of the Java core concepts but yet I have no way of telling what my level is in the professional field.

    What worries me mostly is that it's never just Java that one needs to know. Most jobs I come across require a bunch of other indirect skills like knowing Git and Github, some experience with SQL (whatever that is) or some other language or program. None of that came with the course, it was purely about Java, so I feel like I'm reading Chinese when I see some of those job descriptions.

    Which brings me to the title. Right now I feel like a guy who knows a couple of lines of code, but when I see words like SQL and whatever else there is, I still feel as clueless as 6 months ago. The job descriptions make me feel like I've barely scratched the tip of the iceberg.

    So what skills and programs make the actual difference between just knowing Java and knowing how to be a developer?

    Would love to hear your thoughts on this!

    submitted by /u/misformath
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    Things I learned in University that I ACTUALLY used on the job

    Posted: 01 Feb 2022 07:17 PM PST

    I was thinking back to my college days, when a common complaint among my friends would be that the material we were learning was not directly related to what we would do as software engineers. Although I still think the material was worth learning, they had a point. I wanted to document a few things that I learned in college that I never expected to use on the job but ended up doing so.

    1. BFS: We had an API that stored groups and I was working on the client. Groups could have sub groups. I wrote a client method GetGroupAndSubGroupMembers. My code reviewer correctly pointed out that a SubGroup may also have a SubGroup, and the method should return the members of those SubGroups, and so on. This explanation literally is a BFS, so I implemented that for the method.
    2. Levenshtein Distance: We have an API that exposes data about people at the company, like their username, slack id, what team(s) they are on, etc. Some people's names are super long, and the tool we use for storing internal usernames forced them to cut their usernames off. But other tools we have allowed them to use their full name for their username, like slack. Sometimes, consumers of the API would use their slack username to hit the API, but it wasn't necessarily clear to the API which username they were expecting to check for so it would assume the internal one, so I programmed the Levenshtein distance to check if the Levenshtein distance between the username provided and the username in the API's db was less than or equal to 10% of the length of the username in the db.
    3. Slightly advanced math: I've never used calculus or anything, but some decently complicated math comes up when thinking about retries. When services are communicating over some protocol, like HTTP or GRPC, it's very common (especially at scale) for a one of the services to be temporarily unavailable. One solution is to retry. Sometimes, you don't just "wait 5 seconds for 5 retries", but instead do something like "wait i seconds for i in {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}". In the latter scenario, you have a linear retry function, which means the total amount of time the system could be waiting would be quadratic in terms of i.
      Suppose we will retry n times, waiting i seconds after each try for i in {1, 2, 3, ..., n}. The total amount of time waited if the operation continues to fail would be 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n= n *(n + 1)/2. That the function for the total amount of time a system waits is a larger function than the retry function itself is super important when doing retries.

    More generally, I constantly think about which data structure to use to represent data (commonly weight the usefulness of a list versus a hash set).

    submitted by /u/Relevant_Ad417
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    How to know if coding is not for you?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2022 03:30 PM PST

    Hello, I've been learning to code on TOP for a good 3 weeks now and the more exercises I go through the it get's hard (of course lol).

    Majority of the exercises I ended up getting lost and had to look up the solution which I hate doing. I'm on flex box and it's been taking me several hours to try to complete one.

    I recently had a discussion with a friend about coding and he told me like it's almost similar to math where logic is mostly used and that if you aren't that good in math then it's going to be terribly hard. For me I was really terrible in math and maybe that was a good explanation. But I do wonder if coding isnt for everybody and what are the criteria.

    submitted by /u/Jolly_Ad_1367
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    best programming language for learn algorithms ?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 01:25 AM PST

    i would like to study go but i dont if its the best one for study also algorithms

    submitted by /u/20exit
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    Any good Python and C book?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2022 11:05 PM PST

    Can anyone recommend and good Python and C book? I don't want to be a programmer but I want to be able to do things with basic code. For example, I want to control hardware with with a microcontroller, automate test equipment like oscilloscope, power supplies etc., generate histograms, graphs. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/BaeLogic
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    separate IDEs vs one IDE

    Posted: 01 Feb 2022 10:30 PM PST

    which is better in your opinion, using a separate ide/text editor per language or using one for every language?

    submitted by /u/Ok_Programmer_3180
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    I am turning 32 in May and I am determined to become a software developer. Advice needed

    Posted: 01 Feb 2022 03:46 PM PST

    Location: Toronto, Canada

    A bit about me:

    Studied Russian language in undergrad, not a super useful degree. Did a handful of random jobs in hospitality working as hotel clerks/receptionist and etc. Got tired of hospitality at 27, left and became a technical recruiter - a super notorious profession in the tech world I guess.

    After 2 years (at 29) I got really tired of recruiting and was actually thinking about switching into SW Dev (i had this thought at 28 already) but back then I thought I was too old/too stupid and that SW Dev jobs were only for math prodigies, which is obviously false. So I eventually took a "safer" route, did an MBA and graduated last year. Unluckily it was the year of COVID. Couldn't find a decent job (especially the market is WAY TOO saturated with MBA grads) so I went back to my old field which is recruiting.

    Now at 31, I'm still feeling super unfulfilled in my recruiting job. In recruiting, it's all brute force plus luck - reach out to people non-stop and you MIGHT get some placements. However, there's just no skills in this job and very little mental stimulation. I want something that's mental stimulating, a job where I can learn and grow EVERYDAY and where I can actually build something of value.

    So I eventually told myself to just give it a go. If I don't do it now, the 35-yo me would blame the me now and say "Hell, 32 is still a young age to change! Now I'm 35 why did I waste the last 3 years?"

    Anyhoo, I'm enrolling in Lighthouse Labs (a Canadian bootcamp) in July this year. One reason is that due to the current work complexities I can't just leave now. But most importantly, I want to get some ground work done before the bootcamp starts.

    My plan is to finish Udemy SQL, HTML/CSS, JS, React, Python and Ruby courses before the bootcamp starts (already almost finished SQL).

    Now questions:

    1. What else can I do to set myself up for success in bootcamp? Apart from taking these online courses beforehand.
    2. Bootcamp alumni who landed great jobs - what did you do that made you stand out?
    3. Is it more important to do lots of leedcode or to have a portfolio ready when seeking a job fresh out of the bootcamp?
    4. Do you think the labour market in SW Dev is saturated???
    5. Although I'm determined, I still wanna ask... Would you hire a 32-yo guy who just finished his bootcamp dev program? I.e. Am I too old???

    Looking back at my career, I really wish I had known much earlier what I really wanted to do. I wish someone could just tell me "stop wasting your time and explore your passion and possibilities." I also wish someone could tell me "yes, there are useless degrees unfortunately."

    But here I am... hopefully not too late to the party!

    submitted by /u/a4w90
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    Which account to use for GitHub?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2022 11:10 PM PST

    Hello there. Ive been wanting to know, which is the best account to use for a GitHub portfolio? I'm thinking of using one for projects that I publicly share on platform like Reddit and YouTube, and my GitHub account name is a nickname, not my actual name. If I where to apply for a interview, would presenting a GitHub portfolio of my projects that I publicly share along with a nickname be alright, or would it be unconventional?

    I would really like to know since I am planning on starting a channel to showcase my projects and I plan on using a nickname for it and my portfolio.

    Thanks and have a great day!

    submitted by /u/Advanced-Theme144
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    Are there any bootcamps currently doing in-person learning?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2022 10:50 PM PST

    I desperately want to quit my job and go to a coding bootcamp, but I know myself and I would do far better learning if I were immersed and in an environment where I can very easily ask for help and collaborate with peers. I'm far less likely to ask for help or get to know my peers if I have to write an email or zoom to do it. If I'm going to spend that much money, I want to make sure I'm in an optimal position for it to be effective for me.

    edit: preferably in the US.

    submitted by /u/newhandleforprivacy0
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    How can I fix "Error: Main method not found in class"?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2022 07:44 PM PST

    Here is a very basic code:

    public class Temp { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); } } 

    The file is called Temp.java. When I run this code, I get the error

    Error: Main method not found in class Temp, please define the main method as: public static void main(String[] args) or a JavaFX application class must extend javafx.application.Application 

    Any idea how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/TheRealTengri
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    Is there any website or resource where you can practice complexity analysis?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2022 10:17 PM PST

    Hi everyone. I'm grinding LeetCode these days and am really trying to get better at complexity analysis and am wondering if there are any resources out there that focus on that entirely.

    I usually try to analyze my own code but it's a little hard when I'm not confident in myself to start with and there isn't any way to get a "correct answer" either. The examples that I find online regarding complexity analysis are also usually rather simple and perhaps a little too straightforward as well.

    Would there be any books or websites that I could use to practice complexity analysis? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Seankala
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    Let's talk about Python for everybody specialization on Coursera.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2022 11:33 PM PST

    Python for everybody was my first MOOC. I am a non IT student and I took this specialization just to learn python. I am also currently involved in 100 Days of code course on Udemy by Angela Yu. When I compared both of them I found out that Python for everybody is mainly for people with already mathematics and IT background. Python for everybody course is too rushed. I think there should have been more exercises and a bit more easy explanation on difficult topics like data structures. I am on course 2 and It's hard. I am not able to complete assignments because Dr. Chuck expects us to completely grasp everything and implement it on the hard exercises. It just makes our confidence down.

    I have many IT friends and they enrolled out of this course and took 100 days of code course just like me because they also thought that Dr. Chuck should have given more time and practice exercises for difficult topics. We are taking our baby steps into programming and I think this course it not for the baby steps. It's rushed. You can literally complete the whole specialization in 1 week if you pass through or cheat on the assignments.

    I took 100 days of code course on Udemy. It is the best course and here's why:

    It's best for absolute beginners even if you don't know what python is and you just bought it by mistake. Dr. Angela Yu will teach you everything. I am on Day 10 and it's a but slow sometimes I complete a Day of the course in 2 days. But at least it's not rushed like Python for everybody.

    Dr. Angela Yu takes time and gives you a lot of practice questions to complete for hard topics. She has 2-3 days reserved in her course sections to explain dictionaries. She gives you easy questions first and then move onto hard ones. I learn so much more about dictionary from this course than python for everybody.

    Dr. Chuck's specialization is also good but I will use it only If I ever forget python and just want to recall it deeply. It's great for already programmers out there (my friend said that as he is already a C++ programmer). Hence I would recommend 100 days of code more for beginners even non IT students.

    submitted by /u/International_Buy_87
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    Naming a Boolean

    Posted: 01 Feb 2022 09:18 PM PST

    I can't think of a good variable name to check whether users from a specific country are allowed to buy products. So if users are from Spain, then they are not allowed to buy any products on the page.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/cruelxvoid
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    What's a concept/language/topic that you've struggled with the most?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2022 09:08 PM PST

    Curious to hear what people found the most challenging in their learning experience. I've been self-learning with App Academy Open for the past couple of months. I spent days on trying to get CLI chess to work in Ruby, before giving up and moving on. Meanwhile, learning rspec/capybara is frustrating partly because the tutorials/lessons aren't that great, but also because the content is uninteresting. I get the importance of testing and all that. I'm just having a hard time absorbing the material.

    Any other experiences getting over these learning humps and overcoming challenges?

    submitted by /u/spawnofnorris
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    Hi, I'm a 33 yo truck driver from Ireland and I'm wanting to change careers ASAP.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 02:29 AM PST

    I did HTML, some css and JavaScript on code academy back in 2018 and loved it but work life got so busy I never went back to it. Is it realistic that I could find a job programming in the next 6 months or less. I have no college training and don't have 4 years to go study. Any advice would me greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Shamkhana
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    I'm overly depressed and don't know where to go or what to do

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 02:28 AM PST

    I'm sure there are a lot of such posts here, but still I need to write this. I have a feeling that I am a worthless programmer and lately more and more feeling that I am doing everything in vain.

    I have been learning web development for 2.5 years, but my self-confidence is excessively low. I've been doing this for at least 8 hours every day for 2 years now. There was one break in 6 months because I was very burned out.

    I know the following things:



    Javascript + Typescript



    CSS: deep knowledge I think but I doubt, BEM methodology, preprocessors like sass, res, responsive design etc.

    CSS-in-JS: styled components

    CSS frameworks: tailwind (twin.macro for React), chakra UI, material UI, bootstrap

    Basic knowledge of webpack and parcel, and why do we need module bundlers

    I think I have a pretty deep knowledge of the react library

    Static Site Generator: NextJS

    State Manager: redux (redux toolkit and old redux) and react context

    Knowledge of libraries: Framer motion for animations, Formik for forms, RTK query for fetching, Apollo for GraphQL in client-side, etc.

    Knowledge of DOM API (event bubbling and etc.)


    Unit tests

    Integration tests


    Golang: basic knowledge for building a simple backend application (CRUD, graceful shutdown, authorization and authentication with JWT, error handling and etc.) without frameworks like fiber, gin

    NodeJS: basic knowledge to build a simple backend application with express and very poor knowledge of NestJS

    Basic knowledge of HTTP, TLS, CORS, Content Security Policy and etc.

    Web Sockets

    Knowledge about caching (redis) and why we need to use it

    Knowledge of design and development principles (SOLID, KISS, DRY)

    Knowledge about REST and GraphQL for CRUD


    Knowledge of below-intermediate SQL language and relational databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL)

    Little knowledge of working with ORM like Prisma in JS and GORM in golang

    Little knowledge about MongoDB (NoSQL) and the ability to work with it


    Basic usage of git and github (version control systems and etc.)

    Little knowledge of cmd

    I built a huge number of pet projects that I didn't post anywhere because I'm ashamed. I designed a social network with a simple chat (using web sockets), profiles, a message wall, notifications, and more. I created fully functional online stores. In general, there were very, very many projects - more than 100 projects in two years.

    I also solved tasks related to work automation with the help of javascript.

    I have read 2 golang books (Alex Edwards) and a few javascript books. I also took an incredible amount of courses. I solved about 1000 pure javascript programming problems and about 40 problems for different levels of codewars (even 4 levels).

    But I feel bad all the time. And for all this time, I have not posted a single project on the Internet... and I have not tried to pass a single interview. I watch videos on YouTube where people are being interviewed and I manage to answer all the questions without any problems. But I have a fear that in real life it will be worse.

    My biggest gap is algorithms. I don't know them, I'm generally not very good with math. And I had to give up school in the 8th grade due to financial difficulties.

    English is my non-native language. I know 2 languages ​​- Slovak, Russian ideally and some English and German. So forgive me if I made a lot of mistakes.

    I want to quit everything. Should I give up or move on? When I look at the work of professionals, it seems to me that I am stupid. I like programming, I enjoy it, but I would like to convert it to either freelancing or working for a company. It takes too much time. I have already burned out many times, but I did not give up.

    Should I go freelancing and try my hand before I decide to go to a company?

    UPDATE: I forgot to write that I also did various interesting projects with headless CRM - Strapi. I was also able to implement stripe and did many other different things. I would be grateful to every professional for any advice. It is very important for me. Thanks for reading this!

    submitted by /u/asymortenson
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    I want to create a website to sell a t-shirt I designed. Where do I begin?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2022 05:43 PM PST

    Specific language to learn? Fundamentals to understand?

    submitted by /u/Daawggshit
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    Shopify Developer

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 02:19 AM PST

    I'm completely new to programming. I would like to ask on what languages are needed to learn in order to become a Shopify Developer? I'm new to programming and would like to ask and advice for courses where I could self taught.

    submitted by /u/Rayz009
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    How to parse a webpage that is changing with Python.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 02:13 AM PST

    I'm scraping the game from this website. What my program do is using selenium to play the game automatically, and i want to get the "score" value when it finishes. This is my code:

    import urllib.request, bs4, lxml import requests from selenium.webdriver import Firefox from selenium.webdriver.firefox.service import Service from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options from selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_binary import FirefoxBinary from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By import time profile_path = r'C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\y1uqp5mi.default' options=Options() options.binary = FirefoxBinary(r'C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe') options.set_preference('profile', profile_path) service = Service(r'C:\Users\Usuario\Desktop\geckodriver.exe') driver = Firefox(service=service, options=options) headers = { 'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/97.0.4692.99 Safari/537.36' } params = { 'q': 'tesla', # query 'gl': 'us', # country to search from 'hl': 'en', # language } driver.get("https://play2048.co/") time.sleep(3) game = driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "html") try_again_key = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".retry-button") counter = 0 while counter >= 0: game.send_keys(Keys.UP) game.send_keys(Keys.RIGHT) game.send_keys(Keys.DOWN) game.send_keys(Keys.LEFT) counter += 1 html = requests.get("https://play2048.co/", headers=headers) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html.text, "lxml") score = soup.find(class_="score-container") print(score.text) try: try_again_key.click() print("You played " + str(counter) + " times!") break except: pass 
    submitted by /u/EstoyResfriado
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    Should I e2e test my backend and my app as a whole as well?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 01:56 AM PST

    Nestjs which is my backend of choice allows you to e2e test the backend part of your app. But if I have e2e tests already for my front and backend, does it make sense to e2e test the backend in separation as well?

    Honestly it doesn't make sense to me because in my understanding the e2e test should test your app as a whole, not part of them.

    submitted by /u/tx6281920
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    If I have multiple commits ready and senior dev currently does not have time to check merge requests, should I push finished part of my work for MR and work locally without pushing until someone accepts that MR, or should I continously push my commits and make multiple MRs that will stack?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2022 01:23 AM PST

    The other question would be: when I make a merge request in git (dev->master) and then I push some additional commits on remote dev branch, will those changes be applied if someone accepts that previous MR, or are they not included?

    submitted by /u/Armauer
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    Overwhelmed by javascript

    Posted: 01 Feb 2022 04:16 AM PST

    Hi everyone, I have recently started the odin project because I wanted to learn node js and how to build web apps using javascript and as I am progressing further I am overwhelmed by so many things being covered at once and there is so much documentation to read besides many things I don't even understand properly. Is this normal ? What advice can you give for to cope with this? Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/martialdwarf
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