• Breaking News

    Sunday, February 6, 2022

    10,000 copies in the first month! That's our target - I'm going to release my early access indie game into full launching in a month on Steam! Our team has done some research but we are still new since it's the first title. I would love to share our story and get some advice.

    10,000 copies in the first month! That's our target - I'm going to release my early access indie game into full launching in a month on Steam! Our team has done some research but we are still new since it's the first title. I would love to share our story and get some advice.

    10,000 copies in the first month! That's our target - I'm going to release my early access indie game into full launching in a month on Steam! Our team has done some research but we are still new since it's the first title. I would love to share our story and get some advice.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 07:58 AM PST

    Our indie game is an asymmetrical co-op game that was released as early access 1 year ago. I will do a quick recap of our current stage of preparing for the full launch.

    Trailer: (One of the most time-consuming jobs)

    We don't have the budget for outsourcing a trailer editor so we decided to create it ourselves. I have been asking around and I find that the average number that professional editors would accept to start working on is around $2500-$3000. I know that the number can be much lower on Fiver but I'm not so sure about the quality. If you have the budget above, go for it, it's gotta save you around 200-300 hours. If you want to take a look at the draft trailer, here it is.

    Email list (Streamers + Press):

    We decide to send out 2000 emails. Some of them are carefully selected to match our game genres (around 100). We came up with a list of similar games and find the streamers that play those. The more similar games they play, the higher rank we put the streamer in our list. We will send emails 2-3 times synching with our trailers (Announcement and Gameplay Trailer).


    We have our discord channel up from the early access release (1 year ago) but it's not active.

    We also make some friends on similar games' discords channel but this effort is still very minimal.

    Social Media (Reddit, Facebook, Twitter)

    We have Reddit, Imgur, TikTok, each one of them we have tried about 1 month but the effect we expect was not as good. Facebook and Twitter accounts are registered but have very minimal activity.

    Our team has 4 people, 1 Game Designer, 1 Programmer, 1 Operator, and 1 Artist. We do not have any experience in making and releasing a full game on Steam before. At the moment after 1 year of publishing early access, we have 124 reviews and 96% of them are positive. We currently have nearly 5,000 wishlists but that's added up within a year, I don't how the conversion would be. I know that we made a good game. But I really want to make a good game that sells.


    To sum up, we will shoot out the announcement trailer and send out emails 2 weeks before the game's full launch on Steam (Feb 28). Our team is in a position where we all try our best and hope for the best. However, I'm a bit worried and wonder if there is another way to do it right since we only have this one last shot as the game fully launch.

    Any suggestion or advice would be very helpful for me. I really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/leducvu91
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    I'm looking to make a 2D Tile-based RPG, but there's so many options for engines out there. Looking for suggestions based off what features I'm looking for.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 04:23 PM PST

    Basically, trying to find a balance between writing a custom engine vs something more out of the box like RPG Maker. I'm a software developer and have made games in the past so while I can hack things together if needed, I want to keep this as a casual side project with less effort as a single person having little art skills. Something like RPG Maker seems a bit limiting for the game's concept, though, so I'm curious to hear suggestions of engines that'd have the following:

    - Easy, frame based animation system
    - Complex dialogue trees
    - Built in tilemap editor with support for autotiling
    - Animatable objects to be placed over tilemap
    - Particle systems
    - Good asset store for background and character art
    - Navigation/Pathfinding tools

    Right now I'm leaning towards Godot, but I've never used it and unsure if there's something simpler out there I should take a look at too.

    submitted by /u/passthefist
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    Procedural stories

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 12:28 PM PST

    Me and a friend wanted to dive into developing and algorithm that procedurally generates stories for a biome and then generates locations, npcs and quests.

    Let's say in a forest, the algorithm would generate a "war between factions story". Then generate the buildings that fit the story, generate the quests and the npcs that will give the quest.

    We have some ideas in mind, but I wanted to see if the internet has some tips about this. What would be your approach at this? Or do you know any sources discussing procedural stories and quests in games?

    Another point of discussion: we also wanted to find a way to let the player have interactions with the npcs, and the story will build itself based on these interactions. Our main issue related to this would be to what extent do we want to make the story dynamic? How much would it impact performance?

    You can discuss about the topic even if you're not a developer, let us know your opinion about procedural stories

    submitted by /u/Dblaggy
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    Extending Unity Animation Controller Condition Checks

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 10:54 PM PST

    Hi! I'm starting work on a new game and I'm trying to extend the Animation Controller too work with some concepts from [this Unite Austin talk on scriptable objects](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raQ3iHhE_Kk). For example I have an instance of a [FloatReference](https://github.com/roboryantron/Unite2017/blob/master/Assets/Code/Variables/FloatReference.cs) named PlayerHealth that I use to track player health, and display certain UI elements if a player has low health. Similarly, I'd like the animation controller to transition to read from PlayerHealth when it falls below some threshold

    As-is, the animation controller has builtin parameters (accessed via SetBool, SetFloat, etc) that I can condition on, but I'd like to extend this to include arbitrary conditions. The current best idea is a monobehavior that tracks a number of FloatReferences, OnValidate verifies all those refs have a same-named "Float" parameter in the animation controller, then on Update loads in the new values of the references if any of them have changed. This seems unwieldy and maybe inefficient

    submitted by /u/collegeschoolboi
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    Interested in QA with no experience, where should I start?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 10:40 PM PST

    Hi, I am a 22 year old college student currently an English major working towards becoming a writer or teacher. As I get further along in my life in college I find myself getting more and more discouraged in my choice of writing as a major. I live in Seattle, so there is a large emphasis on tech and computer science here so I have recently been looking into quality assurance because it seems like something that would be doable and relatively fulfilling for me if writing doesn't work out. There are also quite a few game developers in my area that I would love to do QA for if possible at some point down the line. And if that works out I could maybe even branch out and dip into programming or design or writing within that industry.

    My main question is where can I start? So far I have been looking into Codecademy to start learning as much as I can about programming. I am feeling pretty lost in terms of my future right now and I have been struggling to focus on anything because I'm so stressed about not spending my time right. Any word of advice would help very much.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/_oriah
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    Giving players control of the UI

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 07:54 AM PST

    Hi, hope this is ok to ask! I'm using scriptable objects to define my UI things such as background color etc. I'd like to give the player control of the background color, in an attempt to make my game more accessible for people who are colorblind. Does anyone know how I could do this?

    submitted by /u/loaftoast75
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    Marketing question, Mobile F2P Multiplayer Solo Dev

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 11:48 PM PST

    Hey there y'all,

    I have been solo developing a multiplayer f2p open world game for a decent time, I have been researching marketing since my game is going to be at the stage where I can start working on socials (have some content to tease/show).

    From my limited research, I have found that, as a solo dev with a limited budget, I am not supposed to go for paid advertisement, since that will have minimal effect (or I should just blow through my entire budge on day 1).

    Many people recommended the socials path (building hype on social networks) for marketing my game, however, when considering that the game is a multiplayer game, would the social marketing strategy work?

    My worries are based on the fact that popularity begets popularity, doubly so with multiplayer games, since players like to interact with others. I can not really imagine marketing my game for free on socials would bring a good sized initial player-base to populate the server, and I am worried that the first batch of players will be lonely and quit due to that, causing the game to die.

    I have AI Players, localized starting areas (players spawn in near vicinity), but I am still worried about not having a good sized player base.

    I am also looking to add rewards for joining socials + login rewards once my game is near launch.

    What are your thoughts regarding paid advertisement vs socials? what about extra steps you guys think I should take to ensure good probability of retainment for my sort of game?

    submitted by /u/omdano
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    I am making a series where I take a deeper dive into how certain systems in my personal project work together

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 03:01 PM PST

    How To Use Click Events in C#/XNA

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 03:05 PM PST

    I'm extremely confused on how EventHandler is supposed to be used, any tutorial I look up seems to make it more and more convoluted. In my game I simply want a screen change when a button on screen is clicked, like say you are in a splash screen and there's a button that says "Start Game", I want that button to shoot off an event that notifies the ScreenManager "Hey, I should change the screen now".

    Previously I was managing this by having the ScreenManager be a Singleton, so the button could easily tell it to change, but someone said to use EventHandlers, which sent me down this rabbit hole.

    submitted by /u/el_lofto
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    A game developer's personal path. A question for the experienced, from the inexperienced.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 12:33 PM PST

    Currently, I work as a mobile game developer, aware that here is not were I would like to remain for long since these games are not in alignment with my aspirations (story rich transformative PC/Console games), nonetheless a job is money + experience which I am thankful for.

    My skills are in Unity/C# and I enjoy Technical Art / Shaders although I still require more studies there. I am trying to change jobs now, aware that my current experience (mobile 2D simple games) might not benefit me substantially for my goals. So I am trying to migrate to at least 3D, and PC/console games, yet I notice a lot of good PC/console game jobs require UE4/C++ which I do not have.

    Should I stay 6 more months in my current job and on the side learn UE4/C++?

    Should I jump on the anxious ride of finding another Unity job but with 3D and hopefully not mobile?

    Should I stay 6 more months in my current job and hone my skills in my passion of Tech Art / Shaders and maybe then find a good 3D PC/Console game in Unity?

    The plan with my current life is to garner the experience and money to achieve my already stipulated goal. I feel like, the required path for me to be part of a team -and eventually lead- my own story rich transformative PC/Console game is blurry at the moment, and I require guidance for I do not know which way to go.

    Thanks in advance.

    P.S. The next GDC is coming soon and I am willing to spend 2k just to annoy the likes of any game development company that creates games in alignment with my own aspirations. Though I believe a lot (Naughty Dog, Santa Monica Studios, Jo-Mei Games, etc.) require UE4/C++ to join the team so I can lose myself in that till the GDC day.

    submitted by /u/SergioOwls
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    Help with learning game art

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 06:57 AM PST


    I'm a decent programmer and suck at game art, but I want to learn how to make it. I love Thomas Brush's art, and I looked at his course. But found quickly that it costs a whopping 330 euros, and as a 14-year-old that is way too expensive.

    Does anyone have a recommendation for a course or tutorial series that could also learn me the fundamentals of game art?

    submitted by /u/subwoofer-
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    "Evolving" Dialogue Selector concept

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 03:37 PM PST

    Sorry for clunky title, haven't figured out any buzzwords.

    Working on a VN concept where the PC has some social disability(s), that they gradually work around over time.

    So early on, selecting "Ask About School" would have your character say something blunt, like "What are your grades?" Later, after they've adapted better to strange situations, the same option would have the PC say something more nuanced, like "Did you have fun?"

    These aren't 1/1, just examples.

    My quandary is if this might be too frustrating for players? Should there be some sort of "Warning" indicator over options to indicate the PC isn't sure if they should ask?

    And, while I'm absolutely going to ensure sensitivity compliance, I want to know if anyone immediately feels this could be too easily mishandled. I'm on the spectrum, and I can't tell, and I'm not going to hide behind that as justification for doing it anyway if it's wrong.

    submitted by /u/Good0nPaper
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    What 2d engine can you recommend me?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 05:33 PM PST


    Little Story:

    • I've been using Godot for a long time but I do not like many things, and I've tried Unity but in Linux I having many troubles, most of them are for the graphic card.

    Well I would love to make games in SDL2 with C++, but I do not know about physics and another tools/tricks to do it.

    I find out Love2d, pygame, and the Fantasy Consoles (but has limits and pico8 its not free)

    • Which one would you suggest ?
    • Could you suggest me a physics 2d tutorial?
    • I would love to use Unity, but my main problem is the graphics card:
      • I've tried to use OpenGL and Vulkan, works the same.
      • If I change a little thing in the code, always recompile and takes too much time.

    My PC:

    • Ubuntu 21.10 impish
    • Kernel: x86_64 Linux
    • Resolution: 2560x1080
    • CPU: Intel Core i7-8550U @ 8x 4GHz [41.0°C]
    • GPU: Intel Corporation UHD Graphics 620 (rev 07)

    My problems with Godot:

    • Many, many, many bugs.
      • Tilemaps, shadows, colliders (2d and 3D).
    • The C#, or C++ are too old in Godot.
      • C# does not have yield.
      • C++ its a pain to handle it. (Not for the language, I speak about the link to godot).
    submitted by /u/lieddersturme
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    The Easiest Player Movement Tutorial

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 10:05 AM PST

    Hey guys. If you want to know how to create the easiest Player Movement in Unity watch this super short tutorial that I've made for you ^^


    submitted by /u/Pneuma-Studios
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    How to get started with a game studio in the UK?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 12:38 PM PST

    I'm in university at the moment, about to go into a gap year once this semester is over and I wanted to know how to get started in the game studio business as a solo developer, the career advisor at the uni wasn't much help which is why I am asking here.

    submitted by /u/sitaw80967
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    What tracing library do you use that works cross platform?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 04:46 AM PST

    I am looking for a tracing library that works cross platform. I want to be able to trace both CPU functions and GPU stuff (e.g shader execution time). They don't need to be a single library as long as they are easy to integrate and have good instrumentation around them.

    submitted by /u/GasimGasimzada
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    Build a DAW inside of game?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 02:08 PM PST

    Has anyone done this? How would this work? It would be simple, not complex like real DAWs.

    submitted by /u/starvingthearies
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    Can I make a two player mobile online multiplayer as a solo dev?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 05:45 AM PST

    I am somewhat in between intermediate and beginner in game dev and I wanted to know if it is possible to make small 2 player online multiplayer alone(something like contra or chess) and how much money it will take.

    submitted by /u/The_Indie_Dev
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    Turn based game energy/cooldown system?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 05:08 AM PST

    Hello, I am currently working on a turn based game where each character attacks an enemy and then ends his turn. If his energy is full though, he can also use his power during his turn.

    The problem I encounter is how I should manage this energy system. For the moment, when a character attacks, he gains a certain amount of energy. I find that this system is rather bland, and that each character should be able to gain energy in different ways. I tried having energy gain when hit, but doesn't seem logic to gain energy when you are hit. It could work for specific roles: maybe a tank has a passive where he gains energy when hit, but I am looking for a more general approach of energy gain.

    So my question is: should I swap the energy system to a basic turn cooldown system? And if I keep the energy system, how can energy be gained in other interesting ways?

    submitted by /u/Darkalde
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