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    Monday, January 31, 2022

    Would there be any benefits to building a computer based on Lambda Calculus? Computer Science

    Would there be any benefits to building a computer based on Lambda Calculus? Computer Science

    Would there be any benefits to building a computer based on Lambda Calculus?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 10:14 PM PST

    So far, I've found these approaches to build a computer from the ground up using LC.



    However, I don't have enough computer engineering knowledge to really evaluate if something like this would be valuable.


    submitted by /u/frostylock
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    Is generalism feasible in the CS realm?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 10:42 AM PST

    A lot of well-meaning people want to offer encouragement such as "it's never too late to study CS!", or, "there's something in CS for everybody!", but I believe a more nuanced and perhaps more honest appraisal can actually be better in the long run. In light of that, my question is if a holistic generalist can fit into the reality of competently engaging with CS in any sort of serious, professional capacity?

    I'm not saying generalism is "better" than specializilation, but I just get the feeling that computer/tech careers require specialized, in-depth study in a particular area. I recognize that a base level of general knowledge is actually probably necessary, but beyond that, is it possible to actually be competent as a CS generalist?

    submitted by /u/ahpto
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    [Question] Online CS Degree Colleges

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 11:49 PM PST

    I have the privilege of getting my CS degree through work fully covered. The only contingency is that it is fully online. I've been researching some colleges that support online, but feel that they are fully funded by advertisement. What would be some colleges that are great for online courses? Just list any college within this criteria, thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/SpiciKimchi
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    Bachelor's thesis

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 06:16 PM PST

    Hey there! I'm finishing my degree in computer science/systems this year and I have to pick a topic form my bachelor's thesis. I'm not so good with this research type of works and I can't really think of any subject of my thesis. So basically there are 3 types of research in my uni. 1. Modern solution analysis, 2. Improvement of existing solution/system, 3. Product or prototype development. For types 2 and 3 the student's product must solve some problem and solve it better than existing solutions. 1st type also should include some kind of experiment/comparison with quantitative result. Nor my uni nor me is particularly "strong" so I don't think types 2 and 3 suit me. The only idea I had was Kotlin/Java performance comparison using benchmark tests. If you have any suggestion, I would be really grateful!

    submitted by /u/Educational-Egg-9673
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    Interesting Question for Scholarship

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 06:32 PM PST

    Hi I'm a high schooler applying for scholarships and one of the scholarships i am applying for asks what is a problem my community faces that can be solved using computer science? I got some ideas of my own but im wondering what y'all would put!

    submitted by /u/BasketballSss
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