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    Monday, January 31, 2022

    My web-dev setup web developers

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    My web-dev setup web developers

    My web-dev setup

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 07:01 AM PST

    Project : Build a social media website

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 04:45 PM PST

    Description: I have created websites using purely html, php, css and javascript. I know python also. I am hoping to develop a site where multiple people can create an account and login, using their gmail/outlook ids. ( external auth, i am not even sure this is the correct word). A user should be able to post some texts or images and people who follow them should be able to view their posts. These are my requirements but my trouble is, I don't know where to even begin. I want to make something from scratch because I really want to understand the very basics of developing a social media website. This is a personal project that I have been wanting to do for years now. Any suggestions or links will be greatly appreciated. I can spend 2-3 hours every day to make this website and there is no monetary value involved since this is a hobby project for me. So, I don't want to spend a lot of money in buying courses or books but I am willing to spend some if it is absolutely necessary for my project. I hope you guys will be able to help.

    PS: Thank you in advance for your time and effort.

    submitted by /u/NK2NK
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    How do we create such a scroll where a single scroll can bring in the next section?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2022 05:09 AM PST

    I am beginner in HTML and CSS and looking for projects to practice and apply my knowledge. Can you guys recommend some websites for practicing ?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 11:23 PM PST

    I have been looking for websites that contain some website designs to practice using HTML and CSS.

    submitted by /u/Kaartik7120
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    Your experience switching from react to vue or vice versa?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 09:57 PM PST

    Hi, I hope everyone is doing good! So I recently started a small role in a company and I know reactjs only. I was therefore asked to learn vuejs, since the job requires me to. Have you switched from VueJS to ReactJS or from react to Vue? If yes, I want you to answer a few questions. Feel free to add anything other than the questions asked.

    (Please mention dont forget to mention from which framework you switched to which)
    How was your experience switching framework? How smooth was it? Which framework did you enjoy more? Is there anything that you found that one framework could do that the other framework could not. Why did you decide to make the switch in the first place? Was the switch worth it?

    Thank you for taking your time to read and answer, if you did. Feel free to add anything that is worth mentioning.

    submitted by /u/ishanbh
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    React or Angular?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2022 03:35 AM PST

    Hello everyone. I'm trying to learn new technologies and I'm at a point where I think I should go for a front-end framework since it's essential and it's on almost every job description. I don't really know the difference between React and Angular or how they work, after some googling it seems like React is simpler and requires less effort to understand but they are not exactly the same -I think.

    Currently, I know how to use HTML, CSS (SASS), vanilla JS, Bootstrap, basic JQuery and Joomla! 3.10. While I'm still working on projects to become better at what I already know, I want to slowly start learning more technologies such as a front-end framework and Wordpress ( I learned Joomla! instead of Wordpress because it was part of an e-learning class I attended).

    submitted by /u/Funkoala
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    Generate static sites from markdown files with the Caddy server

    Posted: 31 Jan 2022 12:36 AM PST

    Question regarding implementing a very simple Auth

    Posted: 31 Jan 2022 02:24 AM PST

    Hey everyone

    I'm currently working on a little side project that would help my workplace to streamline the signup for courses. The idea is that people can apply to courses provided by my workplace. While this could all be done by a Google Sheet, I wanted to use this idea and make a web app out of it. Now the main issue for me is figuring out a lightweight auth. We do have a Office 365 subscription for everyone, but from what I could find implementing this can be quite the pain (apparently also expensive).

    Is there a different way to have people log in and sign up for stuff without having them create a new account / having to use an account from a different auth provider (Google, Facebook,...).

    I was thinking of using something like an individual pre-generated code for each user.

    Main take-away: small login system that needs as little effort from the user as possible.

    Any ideas?


    If someone has great resources for learning actual auth (especially regarding Node.js), I would be super grateful if you could list them.

    submitted by /u/Quirky-Engineer1529
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    Just left my job for one that’s pays 50% more. Have 2 weeks until I start and have no clue what to do with my time!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 02:14 AM PST

    Hi all,

    As the title says, I decided to leave the company I was at for another company that'll pay me 50% more and also give me a title bump to senior engineer! I'm really excited to start. Sounds great, right?

    Well, now I have 2 weeks before I start and feel like I'm in purgatory. My work was the main thing filling up my day but now all of a sudden I have all this free time. What did I do?

    Downloaded Skyrim on my PC. It'll be my first time playing it. I got a bunch of mods to modernize the graphics and improve the UI, but other than that I'm going in blind. I just got to Whiterun and have no clue what build I'll go for, there's way too many choices!

    Anyways, I'd be lying if I said I'm not feeling a bit depressed. I guess transitions are always hard though so I shouldn't be too hard on myself. On one hand I want to be productive during the next 2 weeks but on the other hand I badly need a vacation.

    I just wanted to share with you guys what I'm going through since there's not many people I can talk to about these things in real life. Thankyou to whoever spent the time reading this, hope you have a good rest of your day :)

    submitted by /u/StraightZlat
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    I made this for my web development 2 class. How is it?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 02:34 PM PST

    HSTS and legacy applications requiring HTTP resources

    Posted: 31 Jan 2022 01:33 AM PST

    I have a website which many legacy applications are dependent on. These legacy applications require certain resources to be available via HTTP (and not HTTPS). I have no control over these legacy applications but I have an obligation to keep the resources available.

    Is it possible at all to activate HSTS on a domain where HTTP resources have to be provided?

    submitted by /u/GAGARIN0461
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    Web development approaches I still confuse

    Posted: 31 Jan 2022 01:31 AM PST

    Web development approaches I still confuse

    I am making a server-rendered website and I'm kind of concerned of different approaches I've taken..

    After almost a year of barely doing any web dev, I've come back to realize I've forgotten some stuff. Or seemed so.

    1. Session authentication.
      What is a good approach? Right now I have a middleware that sets the latest user data in the session per request. This means making a query to the database every time. I'm pretty sure there's a better way of doing that.
    2. Loading speeds
      Right now my pages load at 190ms, not sure if that's a good number. Lighthouse says I have a 90/100 in score for desktop, and 8x (don't remember) on mobile.

    3. Should I use handlebars?
      I've been trying to use handlebars for server-rendered but i've found some difficulties because of how much it relies on helpers I have to write. Stuff like `if(!value)` is not builtin... For instance I had to make a session variable called `logged` to check whereas the user was or not logged in.

    Otherwise I could not check.

    Thanks In advance !

    submitted by /u/Undecised
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    Accessibility checklist - This checklist uses The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) as a reference point.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2022 05:10 AM PST

    Caching Header Best Practices

    Posted: 31 Jan 2022 05:08 AM PST

    Is there any ready-to-use code to do this?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2022 05:08 AM PST

    Is there any ready-to-use code to do this?

    Ignore the styling. I mean, when screen width smaller, some menu items automatically be moved to "More" drop down section.

    default men

    when screen width smaller

    submitted by /u/ypsthelove
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    Immortalize Me: How I built this website - looking forward to your feedback!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 10:29 AM PST

    I recently built a website from scratch, and I would like to share how I made the site and acquire some feedback from the community on the design. I'm available to answer any technical questions that may come up regarding how I built the site or how I deployed it.


    Technology Used


    • Parcel to bundle assets for production and act as a development server to continuously rebuild while editing
      • automatic image resizing and image conversion to more efficient file types
      • support for TS and SASS compilation out of the box
    • Typescript for compile-time type checking and offline documentation by using @types packages
    • Prettier to format everything consistently (only a team of one but it's nice to work with)
    • Google Invisible ReCaptcha to prevent spammers from abusing the waitlist registration form and does not interfere with UX
    • Vanilla JS because this site doesn't require a heavyweight framework
    • AWS Amplify for deployment; automatically runs build process, serves build assets from CDN, and integrates with Route 53 for domain


    • Golang, as it's my favorite server-side language; provides resilient error handling, an excellent type system, and easy deployment
    • Fiber for the HTTP framework; I've usually gone with either Echo or Gin, but I've decided to try this newcomer out because it is inspired by Express (a big fan in my Node.js days)
    • Digital Ocean Apps for deployment; automatically runs build command and provides easy access to runtime logs, also low and predictable cost
    • MongoDB for the simplicity and ease of deployment, and I can maintain the schema entirely in the codebase due to the nature of Go structs and their default values
      • qmgo as the driver because it provides a more friendly API than the official one
      • Atlas for hosting as it's the official way to run Mongo in the cloud

    About the Project

    I'm building Immortalize Me to serve a niche in the NFT community by providing everyday users the ability to upload an image of themselves or somebody/something they love to have it immortalized on the Ethereum blockchain. Currently, the project has a waitlist open to enable prospective members to join and be notified of upcoming plans and events.

    About Me

    I'm a software engineer with over ten years of experience working in web development. Lately, I've been intrigued by the blockchain movement and have decided to jump in by building a project on Ethereum.

    submitted by /u/dbot77
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    How do I build this? Need help with alignment

    Posted: 31 Jan 2022 04:45 AM PST

    How do I build this? Need help with alignment

    Hi, I'm new to web development and I'm trying to replicate a wire-frame I made in XD.

    At the top of this page I need to align the text to the center of the left column while the header is aligned to the top and the buttons to the bottom. Can someone help me on how to do this? Thanks.



    submitted by /u/FlydareZ
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    Why is there content behind my navbar?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2022 04:41 AM PST

    I made a navbar with flexbox nd the content I write after the navbar in HTML get put under the navbar instead of under, how could I put content under the navbar instead?

    submitted by /u/dizson
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    Is there any way I can export an html webpage with css, as an image?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2022 04:31 AM PST

    I have some preset gradients on a local webpage and was wondering how i could automatically export the "current webpage" (full-screen webpage with a gradient) as an image? Just to automate the process of screenshotting the page or anything like that.

    submitted by /u/Monarch9D
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    Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token javascriptfile.js:1

    Posted: 31 Jan 2022 04:13 AM PST

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token javascriptfile.js:1

    Hi everyone, I'm working on getting some word pages converted to a small site. I was asked to make it so the lists could be dropped down when clicked on, this seems to have worked file for the first few pages I did it to however now I am getting an error (the one in the title) using the exact same javascript and css files.

    The Error

    I have noticed as well that in the sources part of chrome, when hovering over the files the contents are correct on the working pages, however on the broken page they appear to be being translated to Chinese. Could this maybe be the issue, and is there a way to fix this?

    Working page

    Broken page

    I'm pretty new to web dev, so I might also be putting the external links in the wrong places. Right now the

     <link rel="stylesheet" href="collapsable_list_style_sheet.css"> 

    Is placed at the very top, just below the <head> and the

     <script type = "text/javascript" src = "collapsable_list_script.js"></script> 

    Is placed at the very bottom just above the </html>

    I know using word is awful and personally if I could I would just do it all manually, but I'm kind of locked into using the exported word files. Could it maybe be something that word has randomly added to the file that I need to remove?

    submitted by /u/Keiishkii
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    Freelance Portfolio Website and pricing questions.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2022 04:12 AM PST

    So I decided to finally build a portfolio site, so I actually have something to show people when I do cold calling etc. I'm using gatsby and sanity studio, partly to learn and because it's free and I can host on Netlify. I tried using the Wordpress free plan and omg, it's terrible.

    1. My questions for freelancers is, I struggle with pricing, being new at this. Should I start charging low costs for static pages? Right now I have 3 plans basic, advance, social media. The Basic is a landing page basically with contact and about me, SEO, google sync for 500. Advance for 1200 everything in the basic plan plus opt in forms, e-commerce shopping cart, blog. Social Media at 50 bucks a week for social media posts etc. I haven't decided on that one. I know for some freelancers that is really cheap on some things, specially since I will outsource seo and maybe design when I need to. As much as I enjoy building from scratch, I plan to use a lot of wordpress, specially for e-commerce things. I have thought about using gatsby-wordpress.

    I live in Indiana, specifically Lafayette. There is a huge amount of small businesses here, but all are very hesitant about wanting to spend more than 500 on a website. I have tried a lot of them. I also see a lot of them have websites they created themselves with like go daddy or wix, or even the google site they get when they register their business with them. Even my first and only client from last year, ended up scrapping the page I made for him. Split his business in 3 different websites, that he build himself with go daddy builder. How can we compete with that lol.

    1. How do you convince a business that is doing well, they need a website or a remodel. Tons of restaurants, here, stores, construction, landscaping, but most small businesses.

    2. Should the prices be shown on the portfolio site for each plan. Or Should each plan just show what they contain and then have a contact for more info etc. Thank you everyone in advance!

    submitted by /u/CodeSmitty
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    Adding a textured image to the fill of another image

    Posted: 31 Jan 2022 03:33 AM PST

    i know it is possible to put say a wooden texture behind a font, but i was wondering if there was an easy way to do it to an image aswell, i want it to be gold texture and sit in the outline of a lined drawing, with SVG, I've only been able to change the fill and its abit flat.

    submitted by /u/Silent_Statement_327
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    Browse my carefully curated web dev toolkit with over 600+ (and growing) resources collected over 10 years of experience ��

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 03:25 PM PST

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