• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 14, 2021

    Hi Everyone, if you need new destruction sounds for your projects, I went to a rampage room & destroyed tv's, scanners, printers, controllers, and glass bottles. Greetings, Marcel

    Hi Everyone, if you need new destruction sounds for your projects, I went to a rampage room & destroyed tv's, scanners, printers, controllers, and glass bottles. Greetings, Marcel

    Hi Everyone, if you need new destruction sounds for your projects, I went to a rampage room & destroyed tv's, scanners, printers, controllers, and glass bottles. Greetings, Marcel

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 05:57 PM PST

    Making work on the simpler games more fun

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 08:06 PM PST

    So last week I had a pretty big project die, or at least collapse under its own weight. Maybe I'll be able to scavenge something from it, maybe not. But its really got me thinking about why I'm doing this as a hobby and what I really want from it.

    The project that died was one of those dream games that people always talk about, the one that gets you into programming in the first place, you know? But the thing is, it didn't start out that way. I wanted to make this little prototype to dip my toes back into game making, but one thing led to another and features just kept swelling and swelling, and I kept rewriting and pushing and throwing away old stuff and going and going... eventually the center couldn't hold, and the whole thing came down.

    Now it's about 7 months after the original idea and I don't even have a playable demo. And yeah I learned a ton from the project: about Unity, about OOP, about math and geometry and God knows what else. But it's still galling that I've basically got nothing, just a few half-baked demos that don't even play right.

    So yeah, you let scope creep kill your game, big deal. You dust yourself off, get back on the saddle, and try again. Except I'm having a lot of trouble doing that. Essentially, every game concept I try to think of that's within my current capabilities feels too simple; the scope creep starts right from the beginning. I've been reading around and found this article, and this paragraph in particular really stuck out to me:

    Now, there's one last critical aspect to finishing your games that's oftentimes overlooked by most game developers, and that's… commitment. If you aren't committed to your project, you won't get anywhere.... Personally, I think that this is one of the biggest limiting factors of a developer. It is often the case that developers are afraid to commit to their ideas or discover down the line that they didn't actually like their ideas in the first place, so they deal with this by just switching around what they're doing constantly.

    This feels a whole lot like me. The only ideas I'm willing to "commit" to are huge projects that are outside the scope of my capabilities (and probably the capabilities of any one person). Those are the only ideas I want to devote my time to; nothing else makes the cut.

    This is a big problem, and I know it's gonna doom me if I don't get it under control. These boards are littered with the graveyards of overly ambitious projects. So, r/gamedev, how do you make the "simpler" projects more interesting? Is it purely a question of commitment, slogging through basic games until you get good enough to work on something you actually find fun? Or are there ways to get more out of these simpler games that everyone says you need to work on first?

    submitted by /u/blue_norther
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    When seeing a game developers company name, do you prefer “Studio” or “Studios” at the end?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 03:41 AM PST

    I know it's trivial and doesn't really matter, but can't decide which is better. Singular or plural?

    INSERT NAME Studio

    INSERT NAME Studios

    I guess there's also "Games" as an option.


    INSERT NAME Interactive (throwback lol)

    What do you guys think sounds best?

    submitted by /u/ShrekHands
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    my team is getting large (studio)

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 10:19 PM PST

    I've been a studio lead before, and I've been a grunt in a few studios before. I know what it's like to have a demanding task due, and I know what it's like to need that task on the table.

    But I'm worried my team needs more funding, and I'm on disability (a fixed monthly). I've sort of solved it in starting a savings, for future investments, and for the most part, I always offer the use of software purchases or a low monthly pay.

    Now I know asking strangers for financial advice is dumb (or uncouth), but I'm after advice on gofundme or public funding sources, not really experienced in it myself. When is our best time to establish this, who should (in team or outsourced), handle the finances of this kind of logistics, and what is expected for a studio to do to succeed.

    I've seen the success of early fund drives from studios like Owl Cats, and I know how much worth and effort they drove into those goals. Is something like their template an easy task for a 10+ member studio?

    I've brought it up in a meeting with several members, my HR has more expertise in this than I do, but I'm a bit curious what other more experienced/veteran members might say about this.

    Thank you :D salute

    submitted by /u/indiana_grd
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    How did you scale your company?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 07:53 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I am curious to know what was your path to scaling your company? What is your current state and how did you get here?

    submitted by /u/gtapstudio
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    Best Source of Finding Good Books

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 03:21 AM PST

    Hello everyone! I was wondering if there is some sort of Website which promotes good Programming books. I do try searching in Forums... but I often end up with outdated or not so good Books. I love Game Dev and work with C++/C# and use Unity. any suggestion is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/RecommendationIcy382
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    Deformable skin on a VR body

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 10:18 PM PST

    I am not smart enough for this.

    I went asking about a plugin for Unity, the Obi Softbody one. The author says it won't work for my idea. He suggested Tetrahedral-based FEM. I went googling about that and quickly realized I can't even really comprehend the concept.

    What I'm looking to do is have a VR body that has a surface that can be manipulated and deformed by the player, like actual skin. No, this isn't for porn. It's for horror.

    What approach would you take?

    submitted by /u/Beefy_Boogerlord
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    What languages or IDEs would you rank from most simple to most advanced?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 08:47 PM PST

    For example, let's just say Scratch and Alice are the most simple, followed by Gamemaker/GML, then Godot and Python, and the most advanced being Java, Unity/C# and Unreal/C++. How would someone with experience in game development make this list, as I happen to be someone with little experience?

    Asking because I want to take learning game development slowly so I don't get overwhelmed by languages like C# and engines like Unity and once I master the simpler engines and languages, I can be confident in moving on to more advanced projects.

    EDIT: After reading the comments and thinking about it more, the GUIs in game engines and scripting languages, especially simple game engines, are what makes game design with them easy and let beginners focus primarily on game logic, but at a cost of not really learning the inner workings of games, which lead to a less optimized and complex games overall and only slow you down from learning to program and make good games.

    submitted by /u/MyScondAccount
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    C++ OpenGL 3D Game Tutorial Series - Part 3: Drawing a Triangle | Source Code on GitHub

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 04:07 AM PST


    Hello everyone!

    After a lot of work, here is the third tutorial of the C++ OpenGL 3D Game Tutorial Series.

    In this third episode we will see how to draw our first triangle!

    In particular we will see: how to use OpenGL Objects like Vertex Array Object and Vertex Buffer Object in order to store the vertices of our triangle, what points of the space to use in order to render our polygon on the screen and how OpenGL is able to perform the rendering of 2D or 3D Scenes to a 2D screen by means of the so called graphics pipeline.

    The code written in this tutorial works on Windows, macOS and Linux!

    The source code is available at the following address: https://github.com/PardCode

    I hope you'll enjoy it!

    submitted by /u/PardDev
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    23 with no expierience

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 03:44 AM PST

    I'm 23 and think of going back to school for a game design/development degree, but have no experience at all and wanted to know if it would be worth it? I am interested tech and gaming, but have little knowledge about either, as most of my professional experience has been in kitchens or dealing with customers. Most of my knowledge comes from hearing about development, as well as a friend helping me build a pc recently. Basically, I'm curious as to whether or not it would be worth pursuing for someone without a tech background like myself?

    submitted by /u/YetiArmyIsHere
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    Got a job offer and then got ghosted

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 05:06 PM PST

    So I moved to the US recently and finally got around to applying to jobs here. I'm in game dev for 5 years. I went through the standard interview process, did a test for the company, killed it, went through another technical interview where we went through my test in depth. Couple of days later got an email saying that I got the job, they just wanted my salary expectations, start date etc. After I sent them my expectations (which are in line with industry standards, nothing really over the top or anything) they basically ghosted me. I sent a followup email after one week from their initial mail with the offer, no answer. I'm wondering, as I'm quite new to US is, this standard operating procedure and I should wait more (it's almost 3 weeks now) or just dismiss the whole thing and keep looking? I really like what the company is doing and the people who I interviewed with are pretty great... The reason why I'm asking is that this has never happened in my home country, if I didn't get the job, they would send an email saying "we're sorry, bla bla bla" nobody really ghosted me after a job offer even if the negotiations went bad. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/bcpgr
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    How to determine game's length

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 03:17 AM PST

    I am making a first person Japanese styled adventure game like the likes of Famicom Tantei Club and Portopia. As I am writing the game's design I suddenly became insecure of how my game works because I think that it is too short or it is just too fast paced for a hugely text based game with minimal graphics.

    submitted by /u/StudioMoleOfficial
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    Ad mediation for mobile games, which platform/s have you used?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 02:52 AM PST

    Hi, I planned to use MoPub for my app but its going to be acquired by Applovin guys and they say they'll make "migration" easy so I guess I should drop out of Mopub.

    Currently the names in my head and after some days of researches, are Fyber, ironSource, Appodeal, I guess

    Why do these have a bad review on the internet? Someone posts about having scammed, and many other answers follow the same thing.

    And an extra thing about Appodeal, someone from Appodeal is writing their own reviews on many questions under their name, which I somehow dont want to trust.

    I want to use a Ad Mediation network for my app, but I still haven't decided, or better said I couldn't. Can someone speak of their ideas and probably what they've implemented?

    submitted by /u/MysticallyMessy
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    Mobile Game Development Process - A Detailed Guide

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 08:52 PM PST

    Oil Tiles

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 02:19 AM PST

    Hi! 2 month ago I wrote here about my new game, it is and idle game, your task is to build an oil company and so on... You write good ideas and opinnions. I've tried to fix the bugs and errors and make the game more fun. I've added a new island and new possibilities. I hope You will enjoy it...


    Trailer: https://youtu.be/lYZrgtiLL2g

    submitted by /u/Alwaystastic_
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    On the economics of AAA game dev

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 10:20 PM PST

    Which of these two game ideas sounds more interesting to you?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 01:43 AM PST

    As many indie game developers, I can't decide on which project to tackle, so I'd love to hear what do you think! Also I'll be developing the game alone, and have scope constraints of course.

    Core Idea 1

    A game set in a desert. The goal is to solve the mystery of said desert by solving environmental puzzles, helping wanderers out and explore a dungeon under the desert (like in BoTW, but one connected dungeon instead of smaller ones)

    Core Idea 2

    A 3d Platformer, "spiritual successor" to Rocket robot on wheels for the n64. The main character would be kind of similar but with different move sets, and the game less focused on physics but rather pure platforming fun in the style of 3d mario games. Of course the volume of levels would be greatly reduced to meet the scope of a single person.

    I would like to specify that I've already released many small games in the past, so I'm already way past the "try to release your first simple game" phase. I know both the above games will probably take one or two years to make. Thanks in advance! :)

    submitted by /u/Ologon
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    Where can i find unity C# commands in pdf

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 01:31 AM PST

    I am using unity 2017 and need to know something were can i find a pdf that contains every function command line of code possible for unity like transform.position AddForce it would really be helpfull cause i can't use some of the outdated commands in unity official tutorial page

    submitted by /u/ah7madaj3
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