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    Friday, October 29, 2021

    What have you been working on recently? [October 30, 2021] learn programming

    What have you been working on recently? [October 30, 2021] learn programming

    What have you been working on recently? [October 30, 2021]

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 09:00 PM PDT

    What have you been working on recently? Feel free to share updates on projects you're working on, brag about any major milestones you've hit, grouse about a challenge you've ran into recently... Any sort of "progress report" is fair game!

    A few requests:

    1. If possible, include a link to your source code when sharing a project update. That way, others can learn from your work!

    2. If you've shared something, try commenting on at least one other update -- ask a question, give feedback, compliment something cool... We encourage discussion!

    3. If you don't consider yourself to be a beginner, include about how many years of experience you have.

    This thread will remained stickied over the weekend. Link to past threads here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Where do I write my code?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    This surely would sound stupid but I have zero experiences in programming and I am really clueless about this. Today I randomly found a website that teach you how to code and it starts by having me type a few line like add, subtract, and stuff, but if I want to create my own project, where do I put my code in and run it? Do I have to install a program?

    Edit: Thank you very much everyone🙏, let me just cook my dinner and then I'll reply to your comments real quick.

    submitted by /u/roseandmirrors
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    My first job as a developer (part 2)

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 03:57 PM PDT

    Hey people,

    TL;DR: "I had the "Best Life"-Feeling and you can have it too!

    maybe you remember my post a few month ago (https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/ot644n/i_got_my_first_job_as_a_developer_after_2_years/)

    Today, I passed my second week and I want to share with you what happend in the first two weeks, to give another motivational post and a learning push to get the same experience I have.

    First of all: All I did, the learning, the bad times, to good times, the hard times and the easy times, everything was worth it.

    I LOVE to go to work and I can not wait to get a new task to solve it on my own.

    But let's start at the beginning.

    The first days were crazy full loaded with information. After every session my brain explode a little bit more than in the talk before. I felt like "I don't know anything and everything I did in the last years which brings me here is forgotten and I'm a super stupid guy with less than ZERO knowledge."

    Yeah there it was ... again ... the self doubt.

    But I told myself: Yeah you got this job for a reason and the people around you see something in me I am not able to fetch (programmer slang ;)) on my own.

    My first day there was a friday, so I had the whole weekend to relax and filter the information and get a fresh brain for the new week.

    Yeah ... a few hours on next monday later, my brain was exploding again.

    I got instructions on the Nuxt project (never experienced that before), scrum in general (never experienced that before) and everything which happens in this company (99% of them, never experienced that before).

    So what keeps me motivated?

    I saw the work and the project the people did and it is soooooooo beautiful, with every click and every scroll I experienced something new and my brain was like "I WANT TO KNOW HOW THEY DID THIS AND THAT! I WANT TO DEVELOP THIS ON MY OWN!"

    So I arranged my workplace (I got everything, own desk, own MacBook Pro, 2 Displays, a backpack, a jogging suit (jeah for my free time - it's so cool) different bottles for tea and fresh drink, unlimited access to coffee and soft drinks (and of course healthy alternatives), fruits, pastries and you imagine it.

    I made myself as comfortable as possible and they gave me all the time to do so.

    After this, I had my first pair programming session on the next day and it felt again like "I never saw code before, I even didn't know the simplest things (if statements, arrays ... you name it).

    But they coded it beside me and told me what to do.

    So I learned how to find stuff in this HUGE project. How to search for stuff, how to handle this and that.

    The first week I did pair programming only but every time with another person, for getting know each other and reflect how the people thinks differently about issues and workflows.

    It was FANTASTIC! I saw a lot of intelligence and different tackles how to manage stuff and I was like "WOW! I want to become like this ... this is like a super power!"

    Motivation was back!

    The first week ended and I never solved anything on my own without help from the Team. But that was OKAY.

    The Team is very respectful and I can ask over and over again, no matter what and no matter how often.

    The second week comes in and I started to get very comfortable, checked out the project on my own and got a glimpse of idea how stuff is working here. So I asked for a task I can solve on my own and they gave me my very first and very own task.

    Of course I could ask if I run in problems I couldn't solve on my own but I tried everything on my own, at least for 1 hour and when I stucked very hard, I asked.

    All in all, I solved it and got feedback from the team and ended up with my very first git push. It felt like I was the most awesome guy under the sun. I brought up my very first impact on a very big project. Of course the task was small but big enough to work on it for 2 days.

    Why I am tell you all this?!

    Because I was REALLY afraid, yeah I landed the job, signed the contract and they want me but I was like "Sh*t, I don't know anything, they will laugh at me, they will point fingers on me, I will show my dumbest self because I will ask to much!" but NO!

    They helped me A LOT, had a lot of time even on full packed days and answered every single question without even thinking about to laugh at me.

    And this is something you should do ... especially on the first days: ASK! ASK! ASK! Even the dumbest and stupidest question you can imagine! ASK IT! And when you have the answer, WRITE! IT! DOWN! IMMEDIATELY!

    This will help you to earn knowledge, get to know your team mates, there are here to HELP you. Get to know them to find out how to think about stuff. Even on the "Where can I find the start page?" question ... they will give you good knowledge where to find, why you can find it there and what was the thinking to do it like this!!

    I worked on projects before, but THIS project we are working on is NOTHING you could imagine with a To Do List (name the framework - it will be NOTHING like this! - You will lost yourself in your IDE in SECONDS and need to think about EVERYTHING from new perspectives - even a simple start page isn't just a simple index.html).

    To keep your motivation up! If you feel like stupid, IT IS TOTALLY OKAY! If you feel like "I've a stupid question!" (there is nothing like this) ASK IT ANYWAY! When you feel "I've the same question over and over again and didn't get the answer in my head! ASK AGAIN! And write EVERYTHING down which will help you to get a better idea of what is going on there.

    Next tuesday, my week 3 begins (we have national holidays on monday) and I am SUPER THRILLED to get my next task. Tackle the issues and coding around.

    At the end I will give you an insight of my feeling what happend to me this thursday:

    I was alone in the office (whole team was in Home Office - and it was cool for me), I grabed a cup of coffee, put in my AirPods, turn on 90th party music playlist and code along for 2 or 3 hours and when I come back to reality I was like "BEST LIFE EVER!" with a tiny tear in my eyes! ... The feeling "I! FINALLY! GOT! IT! The best life feeling I always chased for!"

    If I can do it! You can do it too! No doubt on that!

    submitted by /u/KlarDuCK
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    Which command line should I learn first?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 07:54 PM PDT

    I've coded for years but when it comes to shell scripting, I've always learned the bare minimum to get the job done. I want to take a deep dive. My CTO loves bash (via cygwin) but I've mostly used PowerShell. Is there a strong advantage to either? How much overlap do they have?

    submitted by /u/TrueBirch
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    What is something programming related you learned embarrassingly late in your career/journey?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 02:34 PM PDT

    I have owned a software company for 4 years and coded our MVP. I JUST today learned about Laravel. I legit built all my own functions for all data management over my first years.

    submitted by /u/the_saas_guy
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    Java vs Python for development and Interviews

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 09:54 PM PDT

    So I'm in my final year of graduation (CS), my doubt is that which is mostly used for development Java or Python. I know JS and MERN stack and want to find something complementary to that so I can used them effectively. I was studying Core Java for past 1 month and I find it very vast like collections framework, multi-threading and other stuff and I had this doubt that will it even be useful to me, so here I am asking. I also have prior knowledge about python. Also about which will be useful for Data Structures and Algorithms ? Any Help will be much appreciated, thanks !

    submitted by /u/pny02
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    No BS suggestions which parts of CS are worth learning for a programmer?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 11:01 PM PDT

    For someone who wants to become a self-taught programmer (regardless of whether software, web, mobile, data science, etc.), could someone give me their No-BS-opinions on what parts of computer science are actually worth the time to learn?

    For example, am I just an ignorant layman for thinking that the following will have very little tangible benefit...?

    • how compilers work
    • computer architecture / what operating systems are doing underneath the hood
    • how to prove a formal logic proof / discrete math

    I've been going through the syllabuses of OSSU, teachyourselfcs.com, and I just can't help feeling like that kid in 5th grade thinking "do we really need to learn this?"

    I'm sure everything has some benefit for a programmer... but is it worth the opportunity cost in time? Maybe I'm just an uneducated brute who doesn't know what I'm talking about.

    submitted by /u/KimchiFitness
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    pls tell how to change this simple python code so that for ex - for input 5.....i get output as 12345

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 10:30 PM PDT

    if __name__ == '__main__':
    n = int(input())
    for x in range(n):

    submitted by /u/Amaanullah1102
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    What are your favorite C project examples?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 10:07 PM PDT

    I'm currently learning C and I would like to see some examples of things accomplished using this language, thank you!

    submitted by /u/Sanchancho
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    I made an app that visualizes your LinkedIn connections

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 07:33 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I was curious about my connections on LinkedIn and decided to visualized it with Python to see if I could find something interesting.

    I also created this streamlit app where you can upload your linkedin connections data, and it generates some basic plots about companies, positions and date of connection.

    Streamlit app 🔗 https://share.streamlit.io/benthecoder/linkedin-visualizer/main/app.py
    Github 🔗https://github.com/benthecoder/linkedin-visualizer

    Any feedback is welcome and I hopeh you find the app cool!

    I also wrote an article about it if you're curious how it works 👉 https://medium.com/bitgrit-data-science-publication/visualize-your-linkedin-network-with-python-59a213786c4

    submitted by /u/benthecoderX
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    don't feel i'm learning from uni programming classes, best alternatives in this case

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 01:08 PM PDT

    thinking of things like codeacademy or treehouse, etc.

    where i can learn, know what i'm doing - and be ready for university work and beyond


    submitted by /u/_whatever-nevermind
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    How do I run multiple Java programs at once in VS Code?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 06:42 PM PDT

    So I have a Server.java and a Client.java, and I want to run them at the same time. I don't know how to do this. I want to be able to be in Server.java and hit "run", and it runs it. Then I go to Client.java and hit "run" and it runs it in a separate terminal tab. How do I accomplish this?

    I have the Java Extension pack installed.

    submitted by /u/Missing_Back
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    they say finite state automata can have multiple final states, isn't that same thing as a program having multiple outputs? How is that possible?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 11:39 PM PDT

    what is the physical meaning that finite state automata can have multiple final states in real world?

    submitted by /u/HatProud7089
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    9:in `+': no implicit conversion of Integer into String (TypeError)

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 11:38 PM PDT

    Just started to learn ruby and I am getting this message

    def youragedata(td,bd)yourage = td - bdreturn



    result = youragedata(2021,1996)

    puts "you are " + result + "years old!"

    submitted by /u/waitingformsfs2020
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    Can you have more than one reference arguments in a c# method?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 11:37 PM PDT

    Let's say we have the following pseudocode:

    Module getX(Int ref X, Int ref Y, Int Z)

    While Z <= 7

    Display "Enter number of bottles returned for the day:"

    Input Y

    Set X = X + Y


    End While

    End Module

    Can and/or should I reference both X and Y, since I'm playing with both of those in my method?

    P.S Like I said - That's not actual C# code, that's a pseudocode.

    submitted by /u/commentchannel
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    Do you need graphic-design experience to make your first project?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 11:28 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    if i want to program something, like a calculator or a really easy program which tells me the time, how do it get a interface where i see it? I mean, it doesnt have to be pretty but i dont really know if i need graphic design for that, because i cant imagine that the window i can put in my numbers or getting the actual time will just be created out of thin air.

    Maybe you guys can explain me how that works, because at the moment i have no idea... just learning all that java-syntax at the moment but even if i want to use it, i just dont know how at this point.

    submitted by /u/Kranoras
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    double pendulum that creates a heart/shape that you desire

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 11:07 PM PDT

    I remember seeing somewhere that you can use python to create a double pendulum. I want the pendulum to move a certain way that would create a heart (tracing). where can i start? I can't find anything about this..

    submitted by /u/wizardtower101
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    What accounts for the difference in "main-thread" load between Mobile and desktop? And why does it take significantly longer on mobile to parse, compile and execute code?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 10:25 PM PDT

    At least according to pagespeed insights i am seeing a massive difference between mobile & desktop speeds.


    Even tho the site "passes" for being mobile responsive it seems like there is a throttling effect on mobile devices that limits bandwidth (for lack of a better term).

    Can anyone explain this seemingly arbitrary lack of "bandwidth" on mobile devices?

    submitted by /u/DeepKaizen
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    pls explain 4th line of this simple python code

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 10:20 PM PDT

    if __name__ == '__main__':
    n = int(raw_input())
    arr = map(int, raw_input().split())
    print(sorted(list(set(arr)))[-2]) #4

    submitted by /u/Amaanullah1102
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    Where can I learn to make a video game the "pure" way?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 06:32 PM PDT

    I have been wanting to learn how to create graphical video games, either in Python, which I've already learned a bit of, or in C which I would learn anew, but for the sake of the learning experience and creating an efficient program, I want to do it using as few external resources as possible rather than bringing in a large engine like Unity. How did people learn to make games back in the 90s when resources like this didn't exist, and where can I find comprehensive tutorials on how to do this?

    submitted by /u/passengerpigeon20
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    Property Analysis of Double-Wedge Scramjet Inlet

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 09:58 PM PDT

    Hi, would someone be able to direct me to, or share, some MATLAB code that could produce plots of the following variables, as a function of freestream Mach number 𝑀:

    The problem is a standard double-wedge structure as may be seen in a Scramjet inlet. Wedge 1 (theta1) is in front with wedge 2 (theta2) angled upward from the end of edge 1. So there are 2 shock waves at the front which coalesce, then there are regions 3 and 4 which are separated by a slip line and there would be different solutions based on if the additional waves are compressions or expansions.

    a) Temperature difference across the line separating regions 3 and 4

    b) Mach number in regions 3 and 4.

    (Assume standard quasi-equilibrium and isentropic properties, T1 = 300 K and p1 = 100 kPa, Gamma = 1.4, theta1 = 10 degrees and theta2 = 18 degrees)

    submitted by /u/Boring_userabuser
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    How do I skip running every variable cell in Jupyer notebook after a restart? Why does the option of running all cells at one time doesn't work>

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 09:57 PM PDT

    When I restart Jupyter Notebook, I find that the value of each of my variable is reset, i.e the variables are no longer defined, I understand this happens as the Kernel is restarted and the state of the Kernel is not saved. However, when I select the option of running all cells above, (which supposedly runs all the cells above that particular cell) it doesn't work, the terminal gets busy but I still get the undefined syntax error when I run all cells. The only way to fix this is to go to the cell where I defined the variable (gave it a value) and individually run that particular cell and similarly run all cells individually from there on. Is there anyway where I don't have to do this every single time the kernel restarts?

    I'm new, just started a week ago. Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ProgrammingProtege
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    Carnegie Mellon Computer Vision Course

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 09:56 PM PDT

    How do you calculate the total of user input with a while loop in c#?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 09:33 PM PDT

    Lets say I have a while loop that loop 7 times that asks for user input. I write my input 7 times - how would you calculate the total of those 7 inputs? Lets say I write 3,4,6,1,9,3,8, the sum would be 34. How exactly do you add-up each input one to another?

    submitted by /u/commentchannel
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