I Finally Got My First Job! learn programming |
- I Finally Got My First Job!
- Two unlikely sources that really helped my programmings skills
- Who creates programming languages in the first place, and what did they use to create that programming language?
- I want to learn c++ but can't think of any projects
- rant: can we have a tutorial manifesto?
- Approach for running a database job.
- Googling to much?
- Help, struggling with new job + programming language
- Can you learn to program with a full time job?
- How can I allow my fleet of ~1000 Raspberry Pi's to communicate with a central server in a simple fashion?
- Any courses around to learn making custom interactive maps?
- My teenager is learning Python and a few other languages. Never had them "take" to a hobby like this. Ideas for XMas gifts and other ways to support?
- Data science or Web development ?
- If anyone is looking to try their hand at some ethical hacking, the U.S. Navy is exposing one of its drone autopilot systems for a bug bounty program.
- Hi all, I am curious. I'm currently learning front end dev via a udemy bootcamp, but I cant help but feel it will be beneficial to have some CS knowledge under my belt to have some kind of theoretical understanding. What are the best resources for this.
- Please give some feedback on my Java begginer project: a simple Tic Tac Toe game.
- Learning event sourcing / Cost of entry
- [React help] Strange behavior when tryin to display a conditional message
- Issue grabbing return value from async fetch function for vanilla JS quiz page
- Question on Learning Java
- How much difference would a CS degree make?
- Why do people use Vim when they could use a code editor or IDE?
- Beginner help
- Junior Frontend Developers! What are yours day to day tasks?
- fuggit
Posted: 28 Oct 2021 07:02 PM PDT After about 4 months of serious studying and some less-than-serious studying prior to that I've finally been given my first job offer! My anxiety says this is jinxing it though... I wanted to give a shoutout to this sub and /r/CSCareerAdvice for being so helpful and encouraging. I don't post a ton here, but I lurk every day and seeing the success stories is always great, so I figured I should post mine. Come next week unless I jinxed it... I start my job as a full stack developer making more money than I've made in my entire life. I'm still kind of in shock. The impostor syndrome is very real! Resources that helped me the most: https://www.theodinproject.com/
Net Ninja: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW5YeuERMmlnqo4oq8vwUpg
Biggest helper: DO YOUR OWN PROJECTS! It doesn't matter what they are! Do something you will enjoy and you'll learn so much. [link] [comments] |
Two unlikely sources that really helped my programmings skills Posted: 28 Oct 2021 05:40 AM PDT FactorioTL;DR: it's a giant system design simulator and it doesn't even know it. Factorio is a video game about building factories that process materials that can be used in other factories with the ultimate goal of building a spaceship. Sounds odd but it's more addictive than crack once you get sucked in. It's also, unintentionally, a giant systems design sandbox that has helped really solidify some fundamental system design concepts. Your iron processing area grew so large that you can only expand it over where the iron ore is because you built them too close? Maybe you coupled the ore and the furnaces too early and should have been thinking about scale from the beginning. A better solution would have been to have a processing plant much further away from where resources are, and send them in via train. This seems like overkill at the beginning of the game, but once you scale it will save your bacon. This is the exact same thing I've seen happen with a monolithic frontend and backend combo. Once a product hits a certain size you're going to need to break off the backend into APIs with a separate frontend to digest it all. This is one example of so, so many. It really helped me understand why certain patterns exist and what dependency really is. I'd highly recommend it! Murder showsTL;DR: turns out finding a murderer and finding bugs is pretty similar. Shows that follow real-world detectives around trying to solve real-world murders: The First 48, for example. Who did it? Why did they do it? Where did it happen? How did it happen? Who asks these questions? I kid you not, watching hours of detective breaking down the information they have at hand, trying to link it to a motive and a suspect, and knowing when they need to go out and get more information, did more for my debugging skills than I realized. I think good debugging comes from asking the right questions: how, why, when, etc. Turns out homicide detectives have to do this a lot, and with much higher stakes. Seriously, watch some shows and take note of how they break down a crime scene, how they try to draw conclusions, and how they test those conclusions. It's the same kind of problem, I swear! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Oct 2021 06:23 PM PDT I understand the advantages of learning how to code, but who created all these languages that we code in, and how were they able to create them? How did we go from 1's and 0's to basic, to C, to Java, to python, to whatever.... Aren't programmers limited by what they can program by the programming language they can program in? Who or what creates the next language that programs get coded in? [link] [comments] |
I want to learn c++ but can't think of any projects Posted: 28 Oct 2021 09:03 PM PDT Ive used c++ in the past but it has been years and i program pretty regularly in python however lately i have been getting into programming devices and programs to interact with said devices. Like sensors that can be monitored over bluetooth and the like. I have heard that c++ is a good language to use to talk to hardware directly and I need projects so I can actually learn it. If there are other languages that work that would work well with hardware i wouldnt be against looking at them. But i mainly just want projects to try out to get a feel for the language. [link] [comments] |
rant: can we have a tutorial manifesto? Posted: 28 Oct 2021 10:28 PM PDT
I am being half funny here. but I was thinking about putting up a curated list of blogs and tutorials that meet the standards of information density. do you think that would be useful? [link] [comments] |
Approach for running a database job. Posted: 28 Oct 2021 10:00 PM PDT There's a table "loans" that every row is being referenced by a unique set of monthly payment dates. I have to check if the user is late with the latest date. I wish to automate the checking of the dates. I have few ideas:
I'm just starting out, I'm not even sure if my schema is correct for the situation. [Schema](https://imgur.com/a/uCDzuUQ) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Oct 2021 08:28 PM PDT Hey all, I've been learning programming for close to 9 months now. Mainly python with some html and css. I'm in my 3rd quarter at comm college part time while working full time and before that it was some self learning but nothing to serious. I do feel like I know the basics well but when I get stuck on something I always use google/stack overflow. I know everyone in programming always says google is a big help but can you ever google to much? I always feel bad when I use google like I'm cheating even though I make a point to figure out what I was missing and try to learn from it instead of just copy and pasting. Does anyone else ever feel like this or felt like this when they were starting or am I just overthinking it here? [link] [comments] |
Help, struggling with new job + programming language Posted: 28 Oct 2021 06:21 PM PDT Hello everyone! I am web developer wich mainly focused all my work with PHP, Jquery, Javascript and Angular stack, i worked with simple websites, ecommerces and web applications for like 5 years, last month i got the courage to try work with another stack and get out my confort zone, so i found a job for Python development, i got interviewed and it was a success! After i started with my job, i was warned that my team dont work with Python and all their apps are developed with Kotlin, React and Micronaut framework, its my first week here and they give it to me some simple tasks like changing the response from our backend, change our react app and other simple tasks. Now the problem.... I am having a really hard time trying to learn this stack, i wasnt been able to finish these tasks and i am feeling very awful and sad today, its like all these years working with coding was nothing, i wasnt been able to help my team in these tasks and almost cried to learn Unit Tests with jUnit. But i am not giving up, i think i can do this, but i am feeling lost with where to learn and find good content for these languages and need every tips and help thay you guys can give me. Plz every help will be nice, like i said, i am feeling very awful these days because of my learning speed and concentration, its been like 3 days and wasnt been able to finish some simple tasks. [link] [comments] |
Can you learn to program with a full time job? Posted: 28 Oct 2021 10:14 AM PDT I was curious about this, and any anecdotes. What I mean is, learn enough to get a programming job eventually. I'm not working full time right now (thankfully. Taking a break), but I was wondering if that was even possible. Say you put 2-3 hours every single day towards coding. After work. Do you think someone could get a programming job in a year or so? There's no right answer obviously, just curious what you guys think. And also, if you can tell me what your whole journey was like, from knowing nothing to having a programming job, I'd love to hear! How many hours you did, how many days a week, and how long it took you, etc. Just another question I've been thinking about today. I'll eventually get back to full time work once my savings money gets low, but I still do want to work towards a good career programming. Think it suits me well, even if it takes me a bit to learn and practice. But I would even consider doing part time for half a year or so if it meant getting drastically better. That's more of a scenario if 2-3 hours a day isn't enough time for learning and practice though. But that's all in the air for the future obviously! That's all, thanks guys! Any info is always greatly appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Oct 2021 06:14 PM PDT Hi All, I've got a fleet of raspberry Pi's connected to an ubuntu server via wireguard. I can ssh into every Pi from the server with no problem, so that's all pretty good right now. My issue is that every hour (on the hour, as specified by systemd) all of the Pi's need to report back to the server on their status. I have looked into a few options and here is what I'm leaning towards:
Are there any other cool technologies that could allow a many-one communication system that won't get swamped by the sheer number of requests? [link] [comments] |
Any courses around to learn making custom interactive maps? Posted: 29 Oct 2021 12:09 AM PDT I'm a youtube content creator that focused on making tutorials for games. To offer higher quality content I want to be able to create custom interactive maps for the games I do tutorials for. The question is: what is the best solution to create those custom maps? If the is even a pay to corse like something in udemy will be useful to know as well. I want as end result something like my competition has here: https://rdr2map.com/ [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2021 06:49 AM PDT Apologies if this is a bit out of the scope of this sub, but as a parent who has never really had an interest in programming, I'm struggling with gift ideas. My son is a freshman and, during covid, he began to self-teach Python. Fast-forward to today and he's writing all kinds of scripts, even automating tasks the staff do in school. Heck, I gave him a database that I'd normally pay a contractor for and he wrote me a script within 3 days. Goes without saying, but we're super proud of him and got him enrolled in the local community college where he's continuing to learn a ton. The intent of the post is to elicit gift ideas, but any general advice you'd give is welcome as well. [link] [comments] |
Data science or Web development ? Posted: 28 Oct 2021 11:01 PM PDT I am 17yrs old doing cs major and I am weak at maths I want to be data scientist or ml/ai engineer but being bad in maths I am not sure what to pursue for career. I know python, html, css and MySQL. So any advice what should I opt for ? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Oct 2021 10:56 AM PDT From 16 to 19 November, they're holding an event called HACKtheMACHINE. Its all virtual and free to enter. Cash prizes if you find bugs. Check it out at hackthemachine.ai [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Oct 2021 12:35 AM PDT sub question: is knowing CS necessary for a job? or can you get by without? [link] [comments] |
Please give some feedback on my Java begginer project: a simple Tic Tac Toe game. Posted: 28 Oct 2021 03:34 PM PDT E.g. how could I improve it? How could I have done it better? etc. etc. ... TicTacToe/TicTacToe.java at main · raulalexo100/TicTacToe (github.com) [link] [comments] |
Learning event sourcing / Cost of entry Posted: 29 Oct 2021 12:05 AM PDT Question: if I wanted to learn event sourcing by implementing a simple project in this paradigm, which library/framework/solution should I build upon? Additionally, I'd like to do that in Java. Context: I've been trying to wrap my mind around event sourcing for a while now. I read a bunch of materials, listened to a bunch of talks. What I keep going back to is the realization that I won't really understand it unless I build a functional project in that paradigm. However, that I can do if I either find or implement a library providing all those basic building blocks - storage, message passing, ser/deser - and I'm not really interested in building a ES "framework", but instead I want to learn how ES fits my business case. Now, it seems to me that the existing libraries are quite advanced and, because of their fairly complex APIs, create their own challenges when learning about event sourcing. At its core, ES seems to have a few concepts which, I believe, could be put together in a way that simplifies the learning curve (maybe at the cost of computational efficiency, but that's not as important while studying the concept). Hence, my question. [link] [comments] |
[React help] Strange behavior when tryin to display a conditional message Posted: 28 Oct 2021 11:43 PM PDT Hello, Probably very noob problem that is keeping me busy since 3 days. I am building the classic memory card (One Piece Themed), I am trying to add a "Winning message" supposedly shown whenever all the cards have been matched. Problem is, for whatever reasons, it works only when I have 3 (or less) couples, meaning it works only with a mx of 6 cards. Whenever I add all of the cards I created (9 couples, 18 cards) the message does not pop up, How is it possible? Code for the App.js below, full code in my repo https://github.com/alfiofederico/onepiece-memory [link] [comments] |
Issue grabbing return value from async fetch function for vanilla JS quiz page Posted: 28 Oct 2021 07:37 PM PDT I am currently working on vanilla JS page where it grabs trivia questions from an API and displays the clue, category, and saves the answer. I set it up so it would only return the answer and then I could call that function back to compare the user's answer to the actual answer and when it is right, the user gains a point. If they are wrong, their score resets to 0 My console logs for the fetchAPIData are all firing off as expected and are returning the data I want. However, the checkUserAnswer isn't firing off the way that I want. It is triggered with an onsubmit within my HTML file Currently, no matter what I type in the input box, it returns with the "Incorrect" alert. The console log for userAnswer fires off after I submit and shows the correct input value but even if its right, it shows "Incorrect". The console log for answer in the checkUserAnswer only returns "pending". tl;dr : Trying to grab the answer value from the fetchAPIData function and insert it into the checkUserAnswer to compare the user input. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Oct 2021 05:24 PM PDT I've decided to finally get to learning how to code, and I've chosen Java semi-randomly. I've found bountiful tutorials and examples online, but it's always for older versions of Java. [link] [comments] |
How much difference would a CS degree make? Posted: 28 Oct 2021 11:22 PM PDT So, I recently changed my degree from Bsc in computer science to Bachelors in Computing and business (it's not a dual major, it's just one degree) and a few of my friends, who are doing bsc in comp sci, pointed out that this would reduce my chances of getting a good job when compared to a CS major. I'm really not sure why that'd be since I'm taking all the same courses as a CS major and plus some more business courses as well. The only reason why I switched is cause I wanted to start something of my own and I thought getting some knowledge in business would do me good. But prior to that I'd still have to work to build a good capital and launch something but im unsure as to how much it would affect me in job perspective when compared to a cs major. I'm sorry if this violates the rules of this subreddit. I really just wanted someone opinion cause it has been making me really anxious. [link] [comments] |
Why do people use Vim when they could use a code editor or IDE? Posted: 28 Oct 2021 01:36 PM PDT I usually code with Visual Studio Code but I wonder what rächte benefits of Vim. I used Vim. It was alright but VSC is far easier to handle. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Oct 2021 07:28 PM PDT I just started programming a little bit ago and I need help understanding everything. How do I learn material better? Can someone direct me to tutorials on YouTube and practice sites? I see a lot of code and I barley understand and I just need a clear path and examples that help me understand. I've managed to memorize a BMI calculator code and made it several times but that's about it I've been introduced to why statements and loops but there so much to learn Can someone recommend a study guide and study tips like a certain way to memorize codes? I'm willing to work and take as long as I need to. I need the willpower to work and want to do it. I want to work but it gets difficult sitting and watching profs explain code and I learn minimal things. I need study guides Study tips Programs to use Support Tutorials And why do I see simple lines of code turn into something advanced? Thanks [link] [comments] |
Junior Frontend Developers! What are yours day to day tasks? Posted: 28 Oct 2021 10:28 AM PDT Title says it all. Im wondering if im ready to apply to frontend Jobs, so i wanna find out if there is something i need to learn before ill apply [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Oct 2021 10:55 PM PDT I'm starting the odin project tomorrow as another resource to learn programming alongside school, anyone have any tips when learning from this website? [link] [comments] |
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