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    Tuesday, September 28, 2021

    Just landed my first job in software development! YAY learn programming

    Just landed my first job in software development! YAY learn programming

    Just landed my first job in software development! YAY

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 12:54 PM PDT

    "Just" is a bit of a strecht, I have being at it for the last week or so but it still feels so amazing to have gotten this chance. Well, I could very well flood this with a wall of text telling you guys how I went from a dead end "job" in journalism to a full time, well paying (for my country and experience), ASP.net/Angular job. But I won't, I'll just be short:

    - If you enjoy software development, go for it: study, be ready to dive deep into courses, hours and hours long YouTube playlists, feed your curiosity and pick at least something to be really good at: I have nerve, ever, saw myself as a webdeveloper, but here I am, a fullstack dev because I made up for what I didn't know about the technologies being applied on the project I'm now working on by showing the HR rep that I'm very good at learning

    - I had something to show and you should too. I have developed a full personal finance manager app for Android. At my interview, I was ready to show it working on any phone and emulator, plus I had the code ready to go for any inspection. As it was Java, and the job required C#, it ended up being a boost. Plus, since I had to come up with a material design conforming GUI, it was useful to show that I can make things look pretty and somewhat easy to use

    - Being payed to code and come up with solutions for whatever lands at your desk is just so rewarding. If you enjoy this craziness, never give up. I have never felt this way about any job I had and I can't stress that enough: if you want it and like programming, absolutely go for it

    submitted by /u/wowbaggerBR
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    Just Bombed my first technical interview

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 04:04 AM PDT

    I didn't get a welcoming vibe from the interviewers. I wasn't allowed to explain my answers- it was like the interviewers were silently rejecting me. I think they were even texting each other during the interview about how bad I am at this. I'm pretty sure I messed up most of the questions. So upset about it.

    submitted by /u/styrene13
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    Coding bootcamp is draining me out

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 02:10 PM PDT

    I'm at a coding bootcamp in my country right now. This bootcamp is 6 months long and focuses on web development, we study to become full stack figures specialized in front and back end development, and all the lessons are in an online class( theory in the morning at 9.30 a.m and practice in the afternoon till 6 p. m)

    Before starting the bootcamp I already studied some python, made some easy games with it but I never really learned high level things. We are still at the beginning doing css, so markup language and... I am hating it!

    The bootcamp is intense, I fell sick with high fever and they told me I couldn't miss the lessons or I would be cut out, they advised me to just lay down if I had to rest and not miss lessons.

    All the people in class were designers and a lot of them never really approached programming and they are so enthusiast for css, but the thing that pressures me most is that they make everything seem so easy. We had this big project they gave us 3 days,they want us to practice with floats and not use flexbox and grid, so we can learn how to make some old sites. I had to work all day after 6 p. m and in the weekend to finish it.

    The other students brag about not having any problem, finishing it in 4 hours because it was so easy to them and they are giving me so much pressure, I hate the design part and am feeling so inferior to them.

    Their bragging and making everything so easy is giving me so much anxiety. We have to finish all the project in time and I can't follow the pace, they all feel like pro programmers with this damn css, and I feel like a failure, I don't enjoy it at all, I'd like to start js but we still have weeks to go with css.

    The other thing is that making friends seems impossible, I am a girl and the others are almost all guys, but the point is that they already formed these bro groups and it seems impossible to approach them, I tried several times to socialize, ask if they want to play games and stuff but they seem so cold and return to their groups.

    I feel lonely, insecure and mentally drained. I miss the days I studied python on my own... I am afraid of losing sight of my passion. How can I find it again?

    submitted by /u/Roar26
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    What is .NET?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 10:10 AM PDT

    I have seen IDLEs and articles about .NET, but I don't understand what it is. Is it for websites, app development, how something else? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/isaiah08D
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    Feeling completely lost regarding problem solving

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 06:59 PM PDT

    Hi, I feel incredibly lost and I don't think that programming is for me after all. I'm doing the MIT Python for beginners course and I can't do any of the midterm exam problems. I understand the lectures but when I am faced with something I haven't done before, it's like my brain freezes. No matter how hard I try to think of a solution, I can't come up with anything. I feel like I learned nothing and wasted my money. I had the same problem with CS50. I just can't solve any problem. Is there something I can do about that or should I look for something else to do?

    submitted by /u/monarchontulip
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    Where do I start / Is it possible?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 07:01 PM PDT

    Pretty straight forward question - I am brand new to anything related to programming, absolutely 0 experience with anything technical (I do have an AWS cert, but irrelevant) and would like to at some point become qualified to obtain a typical Software Engineering role. I am leaning front end.

    Programming is extremely intimidating to me.

    If you were in the same position as me, how do you start, is it possible, and have you been able to get work?

    I appreciate any and all advice. I feel like there are endless resources but it's almost overwhelming and can become confusing.

    Is it worth it to try, as someone who has 0 experience?

    submitted by /u/uomsbas
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    What do I put on my resume if I have nothing to put on my resume?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 12:17 AM PDT

    I'm a 30 year old that has been living on disability for the last 10 years for reasons I would rather not get into. I have no work experience and a GED. I've been studying programming for the last few years and have gotten to a point where I want to try applying for jobs. I'm afraid that I won't get any offers because of my lack of work experience. If you received an application from someone like me, what would you think? What should I do? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Deep-Pineapple214
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    udemy based complete fullstack dev bootcamp (10 to 17 ... weeks)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 08:04 PM PDT

    Hey guys-- a while back, I posted here about an outline for an udemy based full stack developer bootcamp. I recently updated it quite a bit. As it was lacking some standalone things a person would need such as -->practicing materials learned from the class separately<---. As well as more interview prep info.

    Also lots of people had lost access + were asking for the schedule again..

    You can check out the "bootcamp/schedule" here.

    I say 10 to 17 (or more) weeks because it all depends on your pace!If you want to study:

    • 5hrs a day for 7 days/week
      • it will take you 10 weeks to finish
    • 4hrs for 6 days/week
      • 16 weeks
    • 3.5 hrs a day for 7 days/week
      • 15 weeks

    and so on...

    Depending on how fast you want to approach studying all the material: "Theoretically" you can finish the whole schedule/bootcamp within 10-20 weeks! And be able to apply to an entry level fullstack dev job with ease.

    Let me know what you think!

    Join the udemy based fullstack dev boot camp discord here! (made by and from u guys from previous posts)

    submitted by /u/Comprehensive_Emu_84
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    Where to sell used programming books?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 04:31 PM PDT

    I have 10+ used (good -> like new condition) programming/technical books that I would like to sell, does anyone have any experience selling used books online and, if so, what sites have you had the best success with?

    Here are the books:

    1) JavaScript: The Definitive Guide 7th Edition (9781491952023)

    2) Eloquent JavaScript3rd Edition (9781593279509)

    3) Programming TypeScript (9781492037651)

    4) Deep Learning with JavaScript (9781617296178)

    5) Deep Learning with Python (9781617294433)

    6) The Art of Computer Programming Volume 3: Sorting and Searching (9780321635792)

    7) NodeJs., MongoDB and Angular Web Development 2nd Edition (9780134655642)

    8) PHP and MySQL Web Development 5th Edition (9780133038644)

    9) MySQL 5th Edition (9780321833877)

    10) Testing Object-Oriented Systems (9780321700674)

    submitted by /u/A_Very_Kind_Man
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    Is a QA Analyst position suitable for a CS graduate?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 01:00 AM PDT

    I have just graduated with a bs in cs and have been applying to hundreds of developer positions. I've gotten only a few interviews but have recently got an offer for a QA Analyst position. The pay is not good but I am considering accepting the position as a stepping stone and a way of getting real world experience and an eventual path to employment as a full stack dev.

    Tldr: Should I settle for a QA Analyst position or keep looking for developer positions?

    Any advice would be great

    submitted by /u/DiamondGrizzly
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    LSU Bootcamp vs Nucamp

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 12:33 AM PDT

    Nucamp offers a complete software engineering bootcamp for $4200. I've read numerous reviews on them in regards to their learning styles and how people still feel that they need more knowledge afterwards. LSU offers a coding bootcamp (partnered with Full Stack) that I was considering until I saw the DevOps syllabus: https://bootcamp.online.lsu.edu/devops It seems that it offers more than the average dev ops bootcamps and has a taste of coding in it. LSU option is $10k after scholarships.

    Nonetheless I am interested in what you all think. For a little background, I am a recent Graduate with a Bachelor's in Public & Environmental Affairs. Not that it truly matters, but I was considering going back to school for IT until someone mentioned to look into bootcamps. I have beginner coding and web dev skills that I would like to expand on, but I want to make myself more marketable in the Tech world as I would be new.

    Any advice is helpful. Opinions are welcomed.

    submitted by /u/funluhhh
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    Will I survive my first Junior Front-End Dev role at a fast-paced startup?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 06:36 PM PDT

    React is my go-to for frontend and NodeJS for backend.

    Finished 3rd round of interviews and HR lady reached to let me know that the dev team felt I would be a good fit.

    I'm nervous because they use Angular for their frontend and .NET Core for backend. I know neither. It's a Junior Front-End Dev role at a fast-paced startup with a small team of devs.

    It will be my first real position as a developer in the tech industry after a year and a half of learning web development. Will I survive? I'm scared that I won't know anything and they'll figure out that I'm an imposter.

    submitted by /u/BlueMist94
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    Teaching Python to New Coders

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 04:15 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I recently started a programming club at my high school to learn how to program. I taught myself python over the winter break last year except I was scattering through all different resources. Does anyone know any resources I could use to structure my lessons to the club members? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/DarkMak2805
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    Why does this api call return undefined?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 10:46 PM PDT

    this is the response from the api

    { "totalHits": 51018, "currentPage": 1, "totalPages": 1021, "pageList": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "foodSearchCriteria": { "query": "Cheddar Cheese", "generalSearchInput": "Cheddar Cheese", "pageNumber": 1, "numberOfResultsPerPage": 50, "pageSize": 50, "requireAllWords": false }, "foods": [ { "fdcId": 1473484, "description": "CHEDDAR CHEESE", "lowercaseDescription": "cheddar cheese", "dataType": "Branded", "gtinUpc": "078354710708", "publishedDate": "2021-03-19", "brandOwner": "Agri-Mark, Inc.", "brandName": "CABOT", "ingredients": "FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK, CHEESE CULTURES, SALT, "marketCountry": "United States", "foodCategory": "Cheese", "allHighlightFields": "<b>Ingredients</b>: PASTEURIZED MILK, ENZYMES.", "score": 835.0329, "foodNutrients": [ { "nutrientId": 1003, "nutrientName": "Protein", "nutrientNumber": "203", "unitName": "G", "derivationCode": "LCCS", "derivationDescription": "Calculated value per serving size", "value": 25.0 }, { "nutrientId": 1004, "nutrientName": "Total lipid (fat)", "nutrientNumber": "204", "unitName": "G", "derivationCode": "LCCS", "derivationDescription": "Calculated value per serving size ", "value": 32.1 }, 

    and this is my code

    router.get('/food', async function(req,res, next){ const url ='https://api.nal.usda.gov/fdc/v1/foods/search?api_key='+`${API_KEY}`+'&query=cheese'; const options = { 'method': "GET" }; const result = await fetch(url, options) .then((r) => r.json()) .catch(e => { console.error({ 'message': "Oooops", error: e }) }) const foods = result.foods console.log("response:" , foods["foodNutrients"]) res.render('food_list',{items: result, food: result.foods, nutrients: foods[11].foodNutrients}) }) module.exports = router 

    the console.log returns undefinded yet when I render it out to my pug view the data displays as it should. Why is it when I type foods["foodNutrients"] it returns undefined but when I type foods[11].foodNutrients it works?

    submitted by /u/Patrickstarho
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    frustrated about lack of progress / how do I start a project?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 10:36 PM PDT

    I know a decent amount of bash and some python and perl, but I have problems starting an actual non trivial programming project and I don't even know what questions to google.

    I basically want to:

    1) outline logic and data flows? (like high level program architecture)

    2) document use cases and commands supported.

    3) define data structures and disk storage requirements, (find a datastore technology and schema)

    4) decided where in application I can abstract things into functions, for modularity.

    are any of these step zeros to programming defined? I don't even know what questions to ask (google, humans, etc)

    submitted by /u/syssyphus
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    Need Honest Advice

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 10:29 PM PDT

    Hello so I recently transferred from a Community College to a State School in California. I'm currently in a Data Structures class and I have honestly no idea what I'm doing. I don't know any of what seems like the basics to do well in this class. I try to listen in class and learn but I'm getting extremely discouraged not understanding anything. This week I had a project and I feel horrible because my partner has basically done the whole thing, I really want to help but I don't know anything. I don't know where I can go to get help, as I told the professor he said I should come to office hours but I'm too embarrassed as I don't know what I don't know. Please someone give advice how to relearn all of that needed previous knowledge.

    submitted by /u/traplordmason
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    can't download python ?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 10:21 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm new here.

    so, I downloaded Python 3.9.7 from the official site , but whenever I click on the .EXE file the Microsoft store opens and then it freezes. thus, I cant install the program.

    how can I fix this? ( I tried with older versions, still the same)

    submitted by /u/dudeiio
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    Which Route to take?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 10:11 PM PDT

    Hello!! I'm new here, and I'm sure this question has been asked a thousand times, but I have no idea which option would be the best scenario for me.

    Right now, I'm in the Finance Business with no work experience in IT/Coding. I decided to change careers and do CS. I would love to become a Web Developer/Software Engineer. I'm 26 years old and I feel like this is the time to do it.

    The most frequent question is, do I go to a University and spend 2 and a half years (get into debt) and get a CS degree? or do I go through a BootCamp and be done in 6-8 months? I realize that bootcamps are expensive ($16k) but I feel like the career support some of them have is worth it. A CS degree is obviously worth more and is an advantage over a coding BootCamp, but 2 and a half years seems way too long to finish especially now since I'm 26.

    Have anybody has a similar situation like mine?

    (I live in Illinois and I'm considering FlatIron)

    submitted by /u/runaway20
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    What are some fun and interesting projects ideas?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 10:02 PM PDT

    I am bored. I can't find anything interesting to build. I checked this awesome list, nothing interests me anymore. I feel like if I have no projects to build, there's no point to continue programming. I used to enjoy building something related to emulators and programming languages but for personal reasons I need to take break from doing anything related to that. I want to try something new. I am desperate for something unique and interesting.

    submitted by /u/InsideSuspect1
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    If you had 2 weeks with no obligations and free time, what kind of stuff would you do to accelerate your programming learning?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 01:31 AM PDT

    I've got two weeks of time off from work, and my city is in lockdown.

    I'd like to make the most of learning coding after taking a bit of a break, so that when I'm back to full time work It'll be easier to build on the habit. I'm aiming for no zero days.

    I know a little bit of HTML and CSS and pretty much nothing else. I find ALL OF THE POSSIBLE PATHS interesting and don't really know what stack to focus on.

    So I'm inclined to take advice based on what will allow me to make the career shift quickest so I can get my foot in the door with an entry coding gig.

    Open to suggestions :)

    submitted by /u/iamredim
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    How can I create a website similar to the SQL Murder Mystery "game?"

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 09:24 PM PDT

    Hello! I'm late to the party, but I just came across this SQL Murder Mystery game (https://mystery.knightlab.com/). It was super fun and I'd really like to make my own version! I just have 0 experience building websites or setting up databases or anything like that. But I can query databases that already exist! So I'm looking for some help on how to get started. Incoming noob questions:

    1. Do I need to buy a domain from somewhere like godaddy.com or wix.com ? Any specific offerings I need to get?
    2. Where should I house my database? (how much will it cost? :X)
    3. How can I embed a SQL query-er on the site?
    4. ...any other things I should know in order to make this happen?
    submitted by /u/Other-Tip-4176
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    Final, static, and static final in Java

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 01:03 AM PDT

    Please correct me if I am wrong, and explain where my understanding is incomplete.

    From what I've read both static and final are keywords. If you make a variable or method static, it would only be accessed by the class itself and not by an instance of the class (object). A static class would be useful if it was nested inside another class and you didn't want an instance of the outer class to access the inner class.

    If you make a variable final, then it is initialized once and not changed. A final class can't be subclassed, and a final method can't be overwritten. If a variable is static final, then it cannot be changed and it can only be accessed by the class itself and not an object of the class.

    People use static all the time, but why is it useful to limit the access of a method or variable to the class itself and not any instances of it?

    submitted by /u/b3nnybaby
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    [HELP] Putting Margin on Child Div instead moves the Parent Div

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 12:49 AM PDT

    I have this code right here


    <div id="parent"> <div> <p>Content</p> </div> </div> 


    #parent { background-color: #2b0200; height: 40vh; width: 98.75vw; margin-left: -8px; margin-bottom: -8px; } #parent div { color: white; font-size: 25px; width: 900px; border: 1px solid white; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } 

    When I put a value for margin-top for the div inside the parent div, instead of creating a space between the top border of parent div and the child div, it puts a space between the parent div and the element above it. What did I do wrong and how do I fix it?

    submitted by /u/KaizenCyrus
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