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    Wednesday, June 16, 2021

    What I hate about Unity

    What I hate about Unity

    What I hate about Unity

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 05:34 AM PDT

    Unity is a pretty good engine for beginners to just jump into game development without too much difficulty.

    It's also a pretty decent engine for bigger developers to create some pretty fancy stuff.

    However, one thing that it appears to be incredibly bad at and that frustrated me more and more the more experienced I started becoming is actually bridging the gap between those low level and high level use cases.

    It's like there is some kind of invisible wall, after which all of Unity's build in tools become completely useless.

    Take lightmapping for example. The standard light-mapper is a great tool to create some fancy lighting for your scene very easily. However, say you want to spawn a spaceship prefab with pre-built lightmaps for its interior into a scene at runtime. Sorry, but you just can't do that. The lightmapper can only create one lightmap that applies to the entire scene, not individual lightmaps for different objects. If you want to do that you'll have to find a way to create your own lightmaps using third party software and import them into Unity somehow, because Unity's lightmapper just became entirely useless to you.

    Same thing about Shadergraph. It's an incredibly useful tool to rapidly create fancy shaders far more conveniently than writing them in OpenGL. However, the moment you're trying to do something not supported by Shadergraph, (stencil buffer, z tests, arrays, Custom transparency options, altering some details about how the renderer interacts with lights done) it just completely fails. You'd think there would be some way to just extend the Graph editor a bit, for example to write your own, slightly differend version of the PBR-output node and use that instead. But no, the moment you require any features that go beyond what Shadergraph is currently capable of, you can throw your entire graph in the trash and go back to writing everything in OpenGL. Except not even normal OpenGL, but the slightly altered URP version of shader code that has pretty much no official documentation and hardly any tutorials and is thus even harder to use.

    (and yes, I know some of these things like stencils and z-depth can be done through overrides in the scriptable render pipeline instead, but my point stands)

    It's a problem that shows up in so many other areas as well:

    • The new node-based particle systems sure are fancy, but a few missing vital features forced me to go right back to the standard system.

    • The built in nav-meshes are great, but if you have some slightly non-standard use cases you'll need to make your own navigation system from scratch

    • Don't even get me started on the unfinished mess that is Dots.

    • I never actually used Unity's build in terrain system myself, but I've seen more than a few people complain that you'll need to replace it completely with stuff from the asset store if you want something decent.

    Why? Like, I don't expect an engine to cater to my every whim and have pre-built assets for every function I might possibly need, especially not one under constant development like Unity. However, is it really too much to ask for the an Engine to provide a solid foundation that I can build on, rather than a foundation that I need to completely rip out and replace with something else the moment I have a slightly non-standard use case?

    It's like the developers can't fathom the idea that anyone except large developers who bought root access would ever actually run into the limitation of their built-in systems.

    I'll probably try to switch engine after finishing my current project. Not sure whether towards Godot or Unreal. Even if Godot lacks polish for 3d games, at least that way I could actually do the polishing myself by building on existing source code, rather than needing to remake everything yourself or buy an 80€ asset from the Asset Store to do it for you.

    Then again, I never heard anyone make similar complaints about Unreal, and the new Unreal 5 version looks absolutely phenomenal...

    Again, not sure where I'm going to go, but I'm sick of Unity's bullshit.

    Sorry for the rant.

    submitted by /u/Hellothere_1
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    What are the steps taken to actually FINISH a game, and not just get really motivated then toss it in the bin a month later?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 06:25 AM PDT

    I find myself tossing a bunch of really cool ideas and I don't know entirely why.

    Usually it's because of disorganization in some areas (art, code, etc)

    But what I want to know is all the many steps that are taken by gamedevs (indie or AAA) to start and finish a game, because I feel like these important steps aren't advertised when you see "Making a Doom eternal clone in 1 week" and then new gamedevs will think "oh I can just make a super sick open world RPG like Skyrim in 1 month". But what will be the beginning middle and end of making a super sick open world RPG? (Not that I'm making that, just that I would give y'all an example to go off of)

    submitted by /u/Squee-z
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    Fulfilling my childhood dream to build a browser game

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    Why aren't there more open-source indie games?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 09:47 AM PDT

    A bit of background: I have a day job and do game development as a hobby. Open source projects are indispensable for my daily activities as a dev. I love to support great tools through Github Sponsors, OpenCollective and Itch. Occasionally, I also contribute code to projects via Github.

    There are some impressive open source tools out there (Tiled, Godot, Phaser, Aseprite come to mind). These projects seem to be doing well and the income through donations seems to support (part)-time devs.

    So my question is: Why aren't there more open-source games? I'm aware that developing tools and games require different approaches. I'm also aware of several existing games (e.g. O A.D., OpenTTD). But I would expect at least a few (sandbox, survival, MMO, ...) games to gain a significant audience. Or is it just not worth it because most gamers wouldn't donate, regardless how good the game is? Are there any success stories of open-source indie devs that I missed?

    submitted by /u/LiberaByte
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    Turn order systems

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:46 AM PDT

    Been thinking about all the different types of turn orders in turn-based combat and was wondering does anyone have any resources on how to implement the various types? Not really looking for a coding tutorial, more like formulas and techniques devs use to decide the turn order.

    I was thinking about Final Fantasy 10 and how its turn order works. It's not just ordered by speed because it's possible that a character can have two turns before a slow character would get a chance. So there must be something else going on.

    I was also watching a friend play Trails of cold steel the other day and it has a delay system. Depending on which action you take the amount you move down the turn order list can vary.

    At the very least I think this is a fun topic to talk about. If there's any game with a really unique turn order, I'd appreciate it if you pointed it out. I love looking at this type of stuff.

    submitted by /u/LawlessPlay
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    Does anyone else look at something like Read dead redemption and think 'damn their menu alone is better than my whole game'?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 09:07 AM PDT

    Story mode or random online multiplayer mode for simple mobile game

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 06:34 AM PDT

    I wanted to have your opinion if you rather play a simple game that includes a story mode or a random online multiplayer mode.

    Many thanks 😊

    submitted by /u/DavisTheDev
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    A custom 4 player arcade table, and I have everything you need to create your own!

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 09:03 AM PDT

    What are the best free satellite imagery resources for video games?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 01:14 PM PDT

    I've been thinking about an idea I had for a video game which would see the player flying over over some terrain - since the game would be 2D, and the terrain would serve as a backdrop rather than a functional part of the game, I thought it would be cool to use satellite imagery for the extra realism (and because I don't fancy the idea of trying to draw real world terrain by hand!).

    I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of some good sources (preferably free ones that can be used commercially). For the project, I intend to use the Unity game engine. While it would be cool to have some sort of system that can stream data for any location in the world, the ability to download an image file of a selected area works as well.

    submitted by /u/CrazySheep05
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    A 5-day take-home assignment before the first interview

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 01:29 AM PDT

    Hello fellow game devs, so I recently applied to a position of Unity Programmer, and even before I got a phone screening or an initial interview I was tasked with doing a 5-day take-home assignment. It naturally felt a bit weird, as usually, people go through a phone screening/first interview before getting into technical interviews or take-home assignments.

    I thought that they might be generous with the 5 days deadline, but today I got an e-mail and they want me to do a fully-fledged inventory and equipment system. It is of course doable in five days, but I'm not motivated to do it as I haven't actually spoken to a real human at the company yet and I don't want to invest five days of my time on this. And this isn't a company that I'm particularly interested in, but it would be a good start for me to get a foot in the door.

    What do you guys think ? Is this something normal in the industry, should I actually go through with this and finish the assignment? If not how should I respond to the email?

    I appreciate any responses and help I get :D

    submitted by /u/cogile
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    Hi guys I need help renaming my YT channel. It's about procedural generation and other unity things. I want to pick a non generic name, any Ideas.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 06:24 AM PDT

    Hello! I'm offering a free asset, five free synhtwave songs.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:22 AM PDT

    My name is Alan, and I've been trying my way as a sound designer for a few months now.

    Things are going well. Because of that I thought of a way to help the community and created this page where we can help each other out.


    You can enter your name and email, and with that you get the five free synthwave songs :)And I get your email to send you a newsletter every now and then.

    From what I've read of the community rules, it's okay to offer free resources, but if there's something wrong with the post I ask you to let me know please, I'm saying this as I'm new to reddit and I'm still getting used to it.

    submitted by /u/Akronios
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    Should I discount my game on Steam Summer Sale or other days?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 06:16 AM PDT

    When is the best to discount?

    submitted by /u/Chef_Reagun
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    Seeking game design mentor

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    I've had the privilege of being able to build a really enthusiastic team of hobby game developers. Together we have made and published 30 games in Ylands (like Roblox).

    We are trying our hands at Unity for the first time and with so many more possibilities we really feel like design is a much more important part of what we do but we actually have very little experience in design.

    What we have:

    - Enthusiastic programmers rearing to go

    - Programming mentor with years of experience

    - The vision of what we want to create

    - A definite path on how we want to get there.

    What we need:

    - The ability to plan out in detail very specific individual modules in detail.

    The games we made in the past were very very small and hyper casual and so they didn't require this much planning.

    We honestly don't have a clear understanding of the tools used the systems and processes already established to do this and the best way to have a design team work in tandem with an active programming team.

    I am requesting your help.

    Can you:

    - Share tools and tips?

    - Would you (if you have experience) be willing to come in and mentor our team a bit?

    For curious people or others who would like to be part in a different way, I put up some info about what we are doing here:

    submitted by /u/RedEagle_MGN
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    Need some help & suggestions

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 06:20 AM PDT

    I am trying to devlop a Team Death Match(tdm) type mobile game with good graphics and no frame rate cap, i am thinking of releasing it with two playable maps, i have rough sketches for the maps but no prototype level or level blockout, i like 3d modeling so i am designing gun models, grenade, smokes and environment models. So my question is, is my way of doing things wrong, i am the only person working on it. I am afraid cause i read a reddit post which was explaining why he abandoned his game on which he was working for 2 years and the problems he faced. So i wanna know your guys opinions and suggestions on how i should approach my project i am using ue4.26 for game engine and i am thinking of releasing in upcoming 3-4 months.

    submitted by /u/ShaDowStuDio_404
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    Game engine/framework for x86

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    I have been learning c# since the lockdown started (bc I had much freetime + I was always interested in programming/game development). I wrote some stuff, nothing serious, and I think I got the hang of it. So I want to develop a game with a little more graphics to it, than what you can create in a command line (and with ANSI colors, that is a lot). The only problem is: I have a low-end notebook, with winx86 (pentium ~2.3GHz, 2Gb ram (expandable if needed...), VS community runs fine tho...). So my question is: Can you recommend me some good frameworks/engines, for 2D game development, until I can get a better computer?

    I know, that this question propably has been answered a few times on this subreddit, but it would be nice, if you could at least redirect me to that post.

    PS: If any info is needed, ask, and I'll try to answer them. Also, sorry for my bad english, I am not native, and i came out of practice since the last few months.

    submitted by /u/Mkrisz
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    UE4 Animation Child Blueprints

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 07:53 AM PDT


    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:29 AM PDT

    Recursive adjacency graphs partitioned into a hierarchy and rendered with mesh shaders. Can be animated and no restrictions on materials applied.

    Soon to come source code...


    3 phases in video Meshlets, triangles, and just a grey simple diffuse

    submitted by /u/issleepingrobot
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    For my top down game I’m planning on it being pretty zoomed out and want to have very tall trees and will I be able to make them invisible when they are in front of the character and fade in as the character comes in front of them.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:12 AM PDT

    Everything is in the title.

    submitted by /u/PNGU1N0
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    Dense Volumetric Fog (Of War)

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:02 AM PDT

    Hey all, I'm looking for a way to generate a thick volumetric fog that can act as a fog of war. I'd like something with a more cartoony look.


    1. the height should be able to be raised / lowered.
    2. Should be able to be semi-transparent or opaque
    3. Needs to be able to be 'parted' in some way (for the fog of war)
    4. The edge/top should look cloud like

    Best I've come up with are a bunch of spheres, or procedurally generating a mesh, both sound like they won't work terribly well. Maybe a shader that keeps track of open areas? Not sure.

    Your thoughts on this would be most appreciated. Cheers!

    submitted by /u/BeardLogic
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    Any books which delve into finances(costs, marketing etc.) of video games especially AAA ?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 10:27 AM PDT

    Any books which delve into finances(costs, marketing etc.) of video games especially AAA ?

    submitted by /u/ufs2
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    How good is reddit advertising to games

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 03:44 AM PDT

    I am a first time indie game dev and am thinking about advertising on reddit to advertise my Visual Novel. If I spend about $50 on reddit ads about how many downloads can the average picture ad expect to get?

    submitted by /u/Sapphire_Dev277
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    Creating a game with historical figures

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 09:20 AM PDT

    Sup awesome people! I have a question I hope you can help answer for me. I want to make a game based on a point in history (ex: the American Revolution). I want to use the main participants of the historical event in my game with some of the areas as part of the level.

    I saw with another post that I would need to change the cities to make it past copyright, but what about characters? I want to create them with my own art style, but they would need to have the same name as the historical figure. So I guess my question is, does a historical figure fall under copyright, even if I change their appearance to fit my art style and use in the game?

    Here's the link to the post I was referring to: https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/o0r5m9/yo_beautiful_people_question_are_cities/

    submitted by /u/psykobilliethekid
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