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    Friday, June 11, 2021

    Video Series : Learn Python Programming for Absolute Beginners with Zero Programming Knowledge learn programming

    Video Series : Learn Python Programming for Absolute Beginners with Zero Programming Knowledge learn programming

    Video Series : Learn Python Programming for Absolute Beginners with Zero Programming Knowledge

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 09:25 AM PDT

    In this video series, Bryan Cairns covers Python Programming from scratch for beginners without any programming or python knowledge.

    1. Introduction and Setup
    2. Variables
    3. Comments, Booleans and Comparisons
    4. Numbers and Basic Numeric Operations
    5. Strings
    6. Basic String Operations
    7. Lists
    8. Sets
    9. Tuples : Fast and Read-Only (Immutable)
    10. Dictionaries : Indexed with Keys
    11. Flow Control : If - Else - Elif
    12. Flow Control : While Loops
    13. Flow Control : For Loops and Range

    If you're interested in bookmarking the entire playlist, here's the link
    Note : 4 Additional videos will be available on the playlist each and every day.

    Good luck learning & Happy Pythoneering.

    submitted by /u/ayubphy
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    I finally graduated, but I feel like I don't know enough to work in the field so I stop myself from applying. Has anyone else went through this? How did you overcome it?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 06:30 PM PDT

    I live in an extremely toxic environment; one that gave me PTSD, severe anxiety and depression.
    I'm proud to say that despite all that I was still able to graduate my CS program with good grades, and I'm finally able to move on with my life after 25 years of abuse and neglect.

    That all said, I've been officially graduated for about a month now and I still haven't applied to one job. I'm just sitting around watching YouTube or playing video games until I'm tired enough to sleep. Over and over for weeks on end.

    What the hell gives? I've dreamt of this day every day for a majority of my life but I feel nothing and am not trying to actually take the steps necessary to get the hell out of here.

    submitted by /u/TingTah
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    Student trying to be an AI engineer; I want a backup. Questions about this AWS certificate.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 12:06 AM PDT


    For the solutions architect certificate, I don't understand. First, do I need industry experience?

    Second, how can I learn the material I'd need to pass?

    Edit: I know this is AWS. I'm honestly not sure what to do. I think cloud computing is a good secondary for AI. Should I do AWS or the google one? Should I even do this?

    submitted by /u/preordains
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    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 11:34 PM PDT

    When i copy code, I sometimes get this weird wave of guilt wherein I say to myself that copying is wrong and that I should learn not to be dependent on google.

    Is it normal for me to think this way?

    submitted by /u/kiesoma
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    What assembly language should I learn?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 09:39 PM PDT

    I want to learn an assembly language so that I can understand what a computer does on a low level before I dive into C. I don't plan on working with assembly, I just want to grasp the fundamentals. Which assembly language would you recommend I learn? Ive read lots of good stuff about ARM but x86 seems to be the gold standard thought this is what I've gathered from reading online so I could be very wrong about that.

    submitted by /u/justanotherperson297
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    How exactly do you “study” programming?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 03:28 PM PDT

    I mean like your study habits, strategies, note taking, etc. (for programming specifically). I've been trying to learn Java from my school's textbook (Zybooks) and I'm not gonna lie I'm having a lot of trouble understanding the topics and seeing how they all connect (Zybooks as a resource is kinda trash too). It's a summer class so it's moving at a pretty fast pace and I'm falling further behind. I've tried doing the standard outline note taking method, but it takes a large amt of time to do and fully comprehend for me. I want to be able to understand, use, and retain the concepts of OOP, but I'm not exactly sure how to study to do so. Any advice would be appreciated~

    submitted by /u/Mrmatchaboba
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    Books about database system design

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 12:59 AM PDT

    Hello /r/learnprogramming,

    do you have any suggestions for books about large, distributed database system design?
    I'm talking multi-master replication, eventual consistency, distributed locking etc. - web-scale problems basically.

    Backstory - I've been working as a web developer for a couple of years and know relational databases pretty well, but mostly for small applications where having a single database instance isn't a scalability/reliability problem. Most of the books I've found appear to be pretty old.

    Thanks a lot!

    submitted by /u/flourishingcucumber
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    Is competitive coding important to get into FAANG?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 09:47 AM PDT

    I've been in software development from the past 3years (aprox). I'm planing to get some good hold of data structures and algorithms by re-studying it now.

    I'm excited to restudy DSA and solve those problems (Similar to ones usually found on leet code). But I genuinely don't want to (neither can i spend) so much time just for competitive coding. I'm definately going to solve enough problems to get my concepts cleared.

    Is it just fine to know your concepts and have the the ability to solve problems? Or do I have to spend some really good time on competitive coding problems to clear software engineering interviews for FAANG type companies?

    submitted by /u/raghavm10
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    financially struggling

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 06:50 PM PDT

    Grew up in a poor family, can't afford college, can't afford a bootcamp in cash, currently using codeacadamy, freecodecamp, and taught myself html & css, using youtube. I am trying to turn my life around by currently learning Javascript, however, I am so lost in trying to self teach. Can anyone please give me advice on how to be more successful with the intent to find a job?

    submitted by /u/AnonymousUser010010
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    Programming Wisdom #32: Pay for tools

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 12:43 AM PDT

    It's only in the development world that builders believe it's not worth paying $400 for a Tesla, when we can spend 80 hours building a custom car that don't work.

    Swallow your ego and pay for the tool. It's not cool to die on the hill, "We can do that ourselves."

    submitted by /u/code_robot
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    When will udemy courses go on 9.99$ sale, and how do I get notified directly when there is a sale in udemy?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 11:37 PM PDT

    I want to buy 2 courses from udemy. I am waiting for those courses to go on 9.99$ sale, currently they are in 13.99$ sale. Is there a way to know when they are going to be in sale?

    submitted by /u/90375
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    [Typescript] Any elegant way to force object shape?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 04:14 PM PDT

    Hi there! I'm currently building an API, and obviously want to be able to take post bodies.

    I want to force strict typing. Currently, I'm doing this:

    interface IPostBody { name: string age: number } const discriminatePostBody = (body: unknown): IPostBody => { const bodyAsPostBody = body as IPostBody if (bodyAsPostBody.name != undefined && bodyAsPostBody.age != undefined) { return bodyAsPostBody } else { throw NotCorrectShapeError() } } 

     const myApiRoute = (body) => { const postBody = discriminatePostBody(body) .... // do API stuff } 

    but this is obviously not elegant and prone to breaking in change - for instance, if a developer adds a field to IPostBody, and forgets to update discriminate, it allows your app to potentially have undefined behavior.

    is there any way to write a discriminator function that is compile-time safe? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/anthOlei
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    Need Advice on When to Apply to Other Companies

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 03:45 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I currently work at a small tech company as a Software Analyst making $43K. I've been working there for little over a year and a half and I don't have a CS degree (B.S. in Biology instead). I got hired based on my interviewing ability and attention to detail rather than technical knowledge. However, in the last year I've been teaching myself to code and have learned HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Git, React, and Python. I'd say I'm intermediate with the latter two. I've also used TypeScript and MongoDB at work and a little bit of Docker. However, I don't feel fully confident enough to start applying to bigger companies. I have experience working with clients, working on a team, requirements analysis, system administration, etc. but I feel like my technical knowledge isn't high enough to apply at a larger company that might pay me double my current salary.

    My portfolio isn't finished and I really only have one static website on there to show. My question is, with the current experience I have, should I finish my portfolio before I start applying? Or is it enough that I have experience working with clients and am willing to learn new tools & technologies if required?

    I'm not trying to apply to FAANG or anything like that, just a decent company in the DC/MD/VA area that'll pay me at least $80K. I also know someone who can put in a good word for me at a pretty notable defense contractor and potentially get an interview, but I'm just not sure if a regular resume is enough. Does anyone else have experience getting a job without a portfolio if they substituted it with actual experience working on a team, working with clients, etc.? If it helps, I'm pretty great at behavioral interviews and can get along with pretty much anyone. I've read that in some places they care more about that than knowing certain languages. Any advice is welcomed.

    Thank you!

    Edit: Just submitted my first application! Thank you guys!

    submitted by /u/beardedguitarist
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    Why does Bob Martin recommend Clojure language?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 01:48 AM PDT

    I've seen Bob Martin recommending Clojure as a next language to learn.

    Why is that?

    submitted by /u/ChibzZz42
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    How do u use set a timer task schedule to only activate for every certain date for a discord bot in java ?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 01:45 AM PDT

    Hi, I want a timer task schedule to activated a function with a parameter every 5th of June? Can I do that? and if so how can I do so? Some people say to use cron however I am finding it difficult for the implementation of cron such as Quartz to transfer parameter, because I am making a discord bot so I need to transfer the parameter of ReadyEvent event. For easier implementation I want it too look like this


     @Override public void onReady(ReadyEvent event){ TimerTask.schedule(run function(event), every 5th of june)// run the //function 1 time by passing the event parameter for every 5th of june } } 

    PS: I need the event parameter to be able to do event.sendMessage in my discord bot, so yeah I cannot remove it

    Now I am confused how to that specifically, if someone can offer up their code that would be helpful, Thank you!

    submitted by /u/S0ULBoY
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    I'm learning coding on my own atm. I love it but it is pretty lonely. Are there ways to learn together with others somehow? Any ideas?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 01:40 AM PDT

    Like services that go in that direction. Or any other ideas?

    Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/VLADIMIROVIC_L
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    Making a windows forms app that gets data from a server?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 01:08 AM PDT

    I'm not even sure if this the right place to ask this. I've never worked with anything that goes "online" in terms of programming. I have an assignment where I have to make an app that's on multiple computers at 1 office where everyone can access and edit an sql database table. I downloaded microsoft sql studio and made an app in visual studio windows forms that can edit and save the data to a data table in the server. How would I go about compiling the app and making sure that it works with the offices server or whatever? This is my first plunge into all this stuff and it's confusing to say the least.

    submitted by /u/Ok_Soup_868
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    AI Basic Project Suggestion/Advice

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 01:02 AM PDT

    My school has a AI course and we are supposed to make a project for the final report. After looking at a lot of previous work, I decided to go for an AI to play video games (like AI which can finish levels of mario or Tech with Tim's flappy bird on YouTube ). However, I can't decide which game to choose and also, if let's say I decide to make a project that plays Cuphead : do I have to recreate the game as well ? If so, then I'll go for something like Pac-Man. And the project is ofc full term so I've plenty of time to learn whatever would be needed. Just don't wanna submit an over ambitious proposal. Any suggestions? It's a basic AI course so everyone is new and this is a common topic from last term it seems so, just confused about choosing the game and if I need to recreate the game.

    submitted by /u/pk2708
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    Which programming language for this first-time game?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 06:19 AM PDT


    I'm starting out with coding - I have zero experience. The project I wanted to start with is a supplemental program for a complex board game. As with many complex board games, there are things to track like turn phases, and the program should remind us what to do in each phase. It should also track how many turns have passed and which resources have been spent and, thus, aren't available anymore. Also, I wanted to note down the text from the cards, put them into a database and then have the program draw random "cards" for us on a mouse click, as the card management in this game is rather cumbersome.

    I thought all that would make a good project to learn coding with - of course it will take a while. And it seems like something that will naturally lead to further ideas for implementation, like variable values on the cards, more complex draw rules, and interconnected cards that could lead some day to some text adventure elements being integrated.

    I wanted it to run on a single Windows PC and thought about learning either C# or C++ for it. What do you think which one would be better? Or another one entirely?

    submitted by /u/DiligenceLost
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    Letting someone try programming

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 12:28 AM PDT


    My wife is thinking about getting into programming (web development). But she has never done anything with programming so she wants to try it out somehow. What would you recommend? Of course I could just show her some stuff but I'm thinking there are resources that would probably do a better job 😁

    Is was thinking maybe start on the Odin Project and see how she likes it?

    submitted by /u/-Melchizedek-
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    What’s your process for learning new languages?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 12:27 AM PDT

    Finally ready to move onto that second language, I'm fairly decent and confident with JavaScript, I've done a bit of python and php, mostly syntax stuff a while ago

    How would you proceed to learn a new language? Ideally I'm looking towards python/django and c#, would you just jump straight into a tutorial? Find a course? Do a simple tutorial first and then build something more full stack with my react skills?

    submitted by /u/Whisky-Toad
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    Resources on the tapestry and CAN protocols for P2P DHTs?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 12:15 AM PDT

    I'm looking for resources to describe the functionality of the tapestry and CAN protocols for p2p distributed hash tables. Just finished an implementation of the chord protocol in C++ and would like to attempt implementing some other similar projects. Can anyone recommend in-depth sources surrounding the aforementioned protocols, potentially academic ones?+

    submitted by /u/tapestryProtocol
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    At what point should a 2D Array become a Vector of Objects?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    I know, I know it's a very broad and subjective question, but I thought I'd try to get some opinions from those more experienced than I.

    Some Context: I've been working on a personal project that started as a simple script in VBA with data in excel. Over time it grew to the point where it need to be addressed by functional programming. Now I'm staring at a 2D array where each row is a set of descriptors. In my case the answer has become painfully obvious in the asking of the question: import the excel data as properties of a new class and store the objects in an array. I wish I'd seen this sooner so I didn't need to go change everything...

    I'm interested in a more broad/philosophical answer though. Would you have been looking for potential classes from the start of a project like mine? Would you make the switch over to OOP after a certain number of properties (columns) in the 2D array? Does using a different language change your answer? What about use-case: if it's just for learning vs if you're the only user vs a group of friends vs ...? Do you hate OOP and think it's a scourge on humanity?

    I very much appreciate any insight you can spare =)

    Note: I know there's going to be at least one person reading this and wondering, "WTH are you using VBA?" 1. The data was already setup in excel 2. I'd never used VBA and this seemed like a good, risk-free opportunity to check it out.

    submitted by /u/SlyGuyontheFly
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    Lockdown study routine

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 12:08 AM PDT

    Can anyone suggest their best tips for maintaining a study routine from lockdown? Hopefully most of you in the US and Canada are getting somewhat back to normal, but what insight can you offer for those of us staying inside?

    My routine used to start with the gym and move to my favorite cafe, with my best productivity back at home. Now, only at home, I can feel my progress dropping.

    submitted by /u/evil-doraemon
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    What does "cloud native" actually mean?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 11:39 PM PDT

    From wikipedia:

    Cloud native computing is an approach in software development that utilizes cloud computing to "build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds". Wikipedia

    It's too much of a general description. Like, first of all - almost all software today runs on the cloud, so saying "cloud native" seems like saying "tall giant". Secondly - even if my software runs on a mainframe, I will still develop it in ways that make it scalable (not as much as if it were on the cloud, but still).

    Is there something I miss, or is cloud native just a useless buzzword?

    submitted by /u/BigBootyBear
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