• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 15, 2021

    So many people are scared of breaking their apps when they start learning. That’s the WRONG mindset. learn programming

    So many people are scared of breaking their apps when they start learning. That’s the WRONG mindset. learn programming

    So many people are scared of breaking their apps when they start learning. That’s the WRONG mindset.

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 03:03 AM PDT

    So I've been struggling for a year learning web development. I have a junior job now (frontend) and have built my first full stack app (it's small as hell and full of holes and bugs) but after all of this I'm finally learning.

    The feeling of success that comes from building things is only sweet because of the hardships we go through to get there.

    Every time your code breaks, that is an opportunity to learn something new. Something that will make the process smoother next time.

    Don't give up. Keep going. We will all get there.

    submitted by /u/MrThoroughWeigh
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    I cant focus on my own projects, what should I do?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 07:45 PM PDT

    I have ADHD and ever since I dropped my ADHD medicine (a year ago) due to digestive and anxiety issues, I've been struggling a bit. I can't focus on my own coding projects and keep going on discord, reddit, youtube, and other stuff. Is there anything I should do that would solve this problem?

    submitted by /u/Head_Telephone_4243
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    Struggling to stay interested in TOP

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 06:41 PM PDT

    I really enjoy programming, but I'm having a really hard time maintaining interest in The Odin Project.

    I'm only on the etch-a-sketch project and I'm bored as hell. I'm completely aware of the fact that the etch-a-sketch itself isn't important--it's the application of what I've learned so far that is important.

    When it comes to solving REAL problems, I can learn pretty quick and I'm the kind of person to work tirelessly until the problem is solved... but building a cute etch-a-sketch for a digital portfolio that most employers won't care to see is not a problem worth solving (in my mind, at least). Again, totally understand that the learning part is important, but I'm definitely more interested in solution based learning.

    Anyone else run into this problem when learning to program? Anyone have advice? Do I just need to stop bi***ing and deal with it?

    For what it's worth, I'm very much this way with my degree as well. I do well in my classes only because I know my GPA needs to be good, but I've grown to resent school because I feel like I could be learning a ton faster on the job, in spite of the fact that I need a degree to get one. TIA!

    submitted by /u/mtn_hawk98
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    Is it worth learning javascript over again, because I failed to understand a lot of concepts when learning the first time?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 03:28 PM PDT

    I finished a full stack web development course not a long time ago, and I am starting to think that I didn't quite understand js that well. Because I forgot a lot of concepts and I think it would be better if I'd just learn js all over again, aka taking a course fully on js. The weird thing is that I am really good at making the back end with express.js and node.js, but I'm really awful at doong something with react or ejs or anything that involves js in front end. I really don't know why. And I want to learn react, because I want to learn MERN stack development.

    submitted by /u/DogeKyle
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    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 06:54 PM PDT

    Hi group, I had an interesting internship last year working with relational databases at a regional financial institution and this got me interested in database management as a possible career trajectory

    What resources, books, tutorials would you recommend for someone with a few months of relational database management systems? What kinds of projects would you recommend working on at home to learn different database systems? Which one would you personally opt to learn first?

    I know the big name RDBMS is Oracle but are there any out there worth learning as well or does it not matter as long as you know how they work? Also worked with Hierarchical databases.

    I'm open to other languages but would like to build off what I learned at my internship.

    For context I mostly worked with financial reporting, extracting data, basic query writing and some visual basic

    submitted by /u/bachelormindset
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    Good IDE that can cover multiple languages

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 08:27 PM PDT

    So, I have a really specific set of languages I am programming, which is python, c++, and c#. I am using vscode on windows as of right now and it is fine for learning these languages, but I feel like it is missing some features and some nice to haves that makes the process so much easier. I am planning to move to linux soon(debian or mint fyi) and I wanted to know a solid, community supported, open source ide that can cover all of these languages with just 1 ide(can be with add-ons like vscode) with basic tools like debugging and then some more advanced tools as well. It would be awesome if this IDE ran on linux. Also, I will only have about 30 gigs of storage and can only use 5 gigs for the ide. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Absozero0
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    What questions do you ask your potential employer on interview?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 11:55 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I'm recently on the job hunt and was just curios what questions do you ask your potential employer to determine if the company is the right fit for you? I found a lot of general questions in Google but I was curious specifically for software or web development industries.

    submitted by /u/el_lobo_cimarron
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    Best UI Language??

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 07:17 PM PDT

    I have a couple of old iPad (1st and second gen) that I plan to repurpose for automated home control. I plan to make an app with a GUI that I can connect to using something like remote desktop or something like that.

    I know C# already, so my first thought was to make a Windows app to deploy on a windows server. However, most of the devices I am going to be controlling are accessible from my LAN only therefore I can't use something cloud-based like AWS. I could get a really cheap PC and deploy it there, but is there a cheaper option such as using a Raspberry Pi? I know I can't use .NET or C# on those so any other recommendations would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/BlackWogPki
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    So I started my first job as a programmer last week

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 06:50 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I started my first ever job as a programmer last week. It's a big consultant company and I was assigned to a small part of a much bigger project. First day they gave me my laptop, got to meet some mid level people there who told me a little bit about the project, with many technical words I couldn't possibly understand because they are from very niche aero-space industry terms.

    After the "scrum master" sends me a PDF and tells me to read the documentation. After that, they just left me there for the rest of the day to read that documentation. I still do not know what my role here is, nobody has told me especially why I was hired yet. Next day was the same, I still have no clue what my role is, I keep reading documentation. An engineer comes up to me and tells me he is going to show me what he does. He shows me a ton of stuff very fast where I have no clue what is going on.

    I am now working remotely, we had the daily morning meeting where the "scrum master" tells the team our deadline is actually in two weeks instead of a month. Everybody freaks out. They tell the scrum master that's impossible and this is bullsh*t. The scrum master tries to calm everybody down, he says this isn't even a scrum anymore because everybody is doing their own thing.

    He asks what he is supposed to do with me. Maybe put him in kubernetes they say, of maybe help in backend with python. I am now sitting here learning kubernetes through YouTube videos and still without any clear guidance whatsoever, and no clue what I am doing.

    I guess I am having a terrible experience that is not indicative of how things go in this industry right ?

    submitted by /u/Ensirius
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    [advice] Ways to create side income or passive income?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    Was hoping the community could share their experience or general ideas about ways to create supplemental income through programming?

    I have been building my experience in SQL, and starting to get a taste for automation and scripting.

    Just trying to brainstorm, so I appreciate your comments.

    Edit:wanted to add some more of my thoughts (below).. sorry if my original post was vague.

    So, my background has been as an Analyst in various duties and industries. I'm lucky enough to have been placed on track to become more involved with Interface and scripting. Unfortunately, this is a fairly new world for me. I've dabbled in Access, SQL, VBA macros, but I'm getting more involved and experience with every passing day.

    I guess my "goals/dreams" would be to eventually build something (a product/service) that would create some supplemental income.

    Another option would be to find more flexible work? So, in addition to my current position, have some part-time work?

    Am I being realistic, or a new-guy chasing a dream? Another piece I just realized is a need for mentor(s).

    submitted by /u/crazybigdream
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    I was learning too slow to get the job...

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 04:49 PM PDT

    A company I applied to work for gave me the task of completing a project in a week. But according to them the point of the task wasn't to complete the project but to be evaluated on how I grasp unknown technologies, so they told me to learn things that weren't on my resume.

    Ignoring the issue that I could have known these things but not interested enough to "advertise them through my resume" I completed half of the project. I got rejected, and anyone I asked told me that the "we're fine if you don't complete the project" was a lie and that I haven't completed as much of the project as they wanted.

    So turns out that there is such a thing as a slow learner, and now I'm questioning whether programming is for me.

    submitted by /u/Serious-Orange9943
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    How to structure my program

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 12:05 AM PDT

    Something that I have been strugling from the day I started programming, is the why I should structure my directorys. For example I was looking to contribute to an open source project, only to be completly overwhelmed by the directory structure. I dont know why some directories are just some txt files and I dont know how to find the reason why I should save some specific file into some random directory just to have this one file in there. I know that the usage of many directories aims to enhance structure and tries to make the program more organized, but isn't it a bit counterproductive if someone doesn't even find the files he/she is looking for ?

    So I guess my question is how to make sense of all this, are ther any resources that explain the conventions or do I have to just go with it?

    submitted by /u/CallMeNepNep
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    Disk Scheduling Algorithms

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 12:03 AM PDT

    I am confused. Is there any similarities between Scan, C-scan and C-look. If there is what are they?

    submitted by /u/TheRevengeOfX
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    Is File Handling important for web developer's or software developer's

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 11:54 PM PDT

    Hi, I am currently doing my CS engineering and I know several languages like Python, Java, C, C++, but one thing that I don't like in all of these languages is File Handling I can't wrap my head around it. I don't like studying it .so I wanted to ask whether file handling would be useful for me in the future as a web developer or software developer

    submitted by /u/sam_radnus
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    How do I extract text from a Word file and organize them in python for use in Excel

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 08:05 PM PDT

    Background: I started getting into data science and coding during the last few weeks. I'm now trying to build up my portfolio doing projects I either came across or thought of, so I'm still pretty new to all.

    I am trying to extract words from lists in word files and turn them into csv files in excel. I've been trying to use python-docx and docx2python with no luck. The tutorials I've been finding have not been very useful to know or maybe I don't even know what I'm actually looking.

    Is there a method to be able to do this, where for example, the word list is like this: Name:xxxx

    City:Xxxxxx State:xxxxx Zip code:xxxxxxxx


    City:Xxxxxx State:xxxxx Zip code:xxxxxxxx


    City:Xxxxxx State:xxxxx Zip code:xxxxxxxx

    And a code would be able to extract them and keep the informations attached to the names

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/karlmbagna
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    Just Random

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 11:39 PM PDT

    I'm new. I have learnt html/css and python and now I'm learning js. Stuggling. I think I'm through with the basics. I have done webdevsimplified's first part of the course excluding the last projects. (I'll link) I had a little break due to personnel reasons. Now I'm feeling unmotivated. I think it's been more than a week. I don't feel like doing it but I don't wanna leave it there because whenever I have I had to start over again. I wanted to try something a little different after I get through it. Like in web development only something new and creative. Any suggestions?? the course:


    submitted by /u/darkBird404
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    Dual Booting or a Virtual Machine?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 07:38 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I'm wondering if I should do dual booting or a virtual machine? I don't want to risk corrupting my hard-drive so I wanna see what yall think. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Brave_Win2464
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    Help with BeautifulSoup4 (Parsing) and "find" method. [python]

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 11:00 PM PDT

    Hello friends,

    So i got this :

    #pip install bs4 #pip install lxml import re from bs4 import BeautifulSoup xml_doc=""" <A1 xmi:type="diagram:D" uid="_sdfsdf" name="BIGWORD" outgoingEdges="_fdsfsdf" AA="7" BB="7" CC="NEW"> <target xmi:type="O2" href="EO2"/> <semanticElements xmi:type="O2" href="EO2"/> <AR>K_L</AR> <AR>K_S</AR> <AR>K_R</AR> <OW xmi:type="diagram:S" uid="_sdgfsdfsdf" borderSize="1" bor="1" bc="9,92,46" lab="node" color="197,255,166"> <description xmi:type="style:S" href="PP[name='AL']/@ownedR[name='gol']/@default/@node[name='LBF']/@style"/> </OW> <description xmi:type="style:S" href="PP[name='AL']/@ownedR[name='gol']/@default/@node[name='LBF']/@style"/> </OW> <description2 id="fd"> <description2 id="fd2"> <actualMapping xmi:type="description_1:NodeM" href="PP[name='AL']/@ownedR[name='gol']/@default/@node[name='LBF']"/> </A1> """ soup=BeautifulSoup(xml_doc,'lxml') test1=soup.find("target") print(test1) #<target href="EO2" xmi:type="O2"></target> test2=soup.find("OW",AA="7") print(test2) #None, why? Why did test one work fine and test would not? 

    why? Why did test1 work fine and test2 would not? Even if I remove the attribute AA="7", it still would not work and give a "None".

    Any ideas?

    Thank you and goog day or night.

    submitted by /u/If_Tar
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    MOOC covering these CS topics?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 01:28 PM PDT

    Does anyone know of an online course/online courses covering most of the following topics? Thank you!

    • Introduction to C++
    • Pointers, references, smart pointers
    • Compilation and execution
    • Memory Files and the filesystem
    • Networking
    • Databases
    • Classes (inc. inheritance and polymorphism)
    • Interfaces
    • Generic programming techniques
    • Functional Programming
    • Trees (lite)
    • Graphs (lite)

    • Concurrency and concurrent algorithms
    • Behavior-driven design (BDD) && test-driven development (TDD)
    • Informal testing
    • Project debugging (w/ gdb)
    • Build systems, an introduction to make
    • Version control, an introduction to git
    • Data representation and its implications
    • Simple/basic design patterns
    submitted by /u/csstuds
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    How in the world are you supposed to create difficult algorithms?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 10:04 PM PDT

    I just took a look at leetcode question 858, mirror reflection and I was wondering how in the world would you come up with the math for it if you had never seen a question like that before? I looked at a solution for it and it was something like

    class Solution { public: int mirrorReflection(int p, int q) { // reducing p and q if/while both even while (p % 2 == 0 && q % 2 == 0) p >>= 1, q >>= 1; return p % 2 ? q % 2 : 2; } }; 

    How do people come up with code like this without having seen something similar before?

    submitted by /u/learningisgrowing_
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 09:52 PM PDT

    Hello guys I'm having a hard time with these assignment operators '>>=' '<<=' '&=' '|=' I need help

    submitted by /u/Julius_Ceezar
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    Removing the 10000 unused files from an html template? pls help

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 09:39 PM PDT

    I'm a newb and built a site using this HTML template from themeforest. The site is now done and was wondering if anyone can point me to a solution that would remove the ridiculous amount of unused file bloat. Pls help, thank you!

    submitted by /u/cosariu
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    Freelancing as a programmer!

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 05:48 PM PDT

    A bit of a backstory: I am currently a college (high-school) student and am all set to pursue a CS degree in the future. As you can guess our computer science syllabus right now doesn't cover very advanced topics in fact most of it is just the basics. I first got a taste of programming when I took the CS50 course, after this, I took the CS50 web development course. This was back in 2020, I wanted to learn programming so I could freelance. After these 2 courses ended I felt quite overwhelmed looking at the actual market and what kind of work people demand (things like REACT, Ruby. Angular.Js, and what not). I didn't know where to go next, got busy with other work, and dropped the thought altogether.

    I have been working as a freelance writer for the past 4-5 months and I soon realized it was not something I wanted to do even as a side-gig. I have started learning programming again and I am currently pursuing the OSSU curriculum (I have completed Python4Everybody, Introduction to Programming using Python, and How to Code Simple Data). The courses so far are all right but I can't help but notice how long the curriculum actually is. Since I am already pursuing a CS degree later in University it doesn't make sense to follow OSSU. Could anyone help me out regarding how I should approach this. I will mainly be using my skills for freelancing (I am still a student and not planning to do a job). I am interested in mobile development but not dead-set on it. If anyone has any sources on what skills to learn for freelancing as a programmer. I know it's a wide topic and there are hundreds of things one can do but that's exactly why it is so confusing. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/StrongSponge
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    How to parse a time column with sample form 2020-05-21T00:08:20.275Z into datetime object in R?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 09:11 PM PDT

    I have a dataset and I need to parse the time column into a datetime object in R. How do I do that?

    Sample format is 2020-05-21T00:08:20.275Z

    Thank you!!!

    submitted by /u/faithandcurious
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