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    Sunday, June 20, 2021

    Learning coding is hard, but staying in a job you don't like is harder learn programming

    Learning coding is hard, but staying in a job you don't like is harder learn programming

    Learning coding is hard, but staying in a job you don't like is harder

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 08:36 AM PDT

    Never give up

    submitted by /u/Alain_R
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    What software engineering projects should I put on resume?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 07:40 AM PDT

    I'm looking for ideas to create some interesting and advance programming projects for fun and to put on my resume.

    submitted by /u/anujkutal22
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    How Can I Learn Data Structures and Algorithms

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 09:35 PM PDT

    Okay, I'm curious as to how I can master data structures and algorithms because I've been having a lot of trouble. I watch YouTube tutorials and code along while taking notes, but I still have difficulty grasping some concepts. Is there a specific learning framework I can utilize to grasp these concepts? It's driving me insane honestly. Also, if it matters, the language I'm using to learn is Java. But, if anyone out there has that has mastered Ds&A, tell me how you managed it.

    submitted by /u/tangoManJones
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    What is considered the "backend" in my project?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 06:30 PM PDT

    I am working on a project where a user can upload files and send it to an AWS S3 bucket. The frontend is done using React.js but I can't figure out what the backend of my project is. I am using a library called react-dropzone which lets you drag/drop files to the UI and I think I can do the uploading all in JavaScript within a React component. From my understanding, React is purely frontend which is why I'm confused on what exactly the backend is. Could it be the AWS S3 bucket is the backend and I'm just overthinking this?

    submitted by /u/username27891
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    I fucking hate java

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 08:53 PM PDT

    A couple years ago a buddy of mine recommended I learn Python and Java for a particular type of programming jobs that would scoop me up based on my previous experience.

    So I finally started learning. I took a couple python courses, web tutorials, built a couple small programs. I'm really enjoying this change. I'm gonna love this new career.

    Then I start learning java. Fuck. Why, fucking why does every single thing need to be so loooong? Do I really need to learn java? (apparently the answer, from his perspective, is yes)

    I really appreciate the simplicity of python. I get that it's bigger and slower. I don't care. It's easier.

    submitted by /u/animado
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    Five project ideas you can start this weekend!

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 10:34 AM PDT

    Hello friends! I've been on the self-learning journey for a while now and have put together a list of projects I found helpful. Here are some you can start building this week to improve your understanding of programming fundamentals and give you something you can showcase on a resume or Github. These are more geared toward beginners since I am by no means a professional programmer or software engineer, but feel free to add complexity to match your skill level if you're further ahead in the game.

    Project: Build a personal website

    Skills: HTML/CSS/Javascript

    Build a website to showcase your programming abilities and future projects you'll end up working on. This can be a great way to prove your aptitude in web development and create something more visually appealing than a resume or Github.

    Look into HTML for markup and CSS for styling your website. Make sure to include a bio describing who you are and what you're interested in, a page or section for your favorite projects you've built (don't worry if you haven't built anything yet, you can always populate this later), and links to your Linkedin, resume, and Github. If you want to get more advanced, use JavaScript to add animations and get creative with the design! Make it something that showcases your personality and what makes you artistically unique.

    You can host these websites on Github pages when you're finished.

    Project: Build tic-tac-toe

    Skills: Variables, functions, conditionals (any language)

    It might sound super simple, but tic-tac-toe is a great way to get your feet wet with programming while leaving room for a surprising amount of complexity you can add later on. This will get you comfortable with writing functions and conditionals.

    First think about how you want the game to be played. 1v1? Player v computer? Computer v computer? Take a moment to think about what functions you'll need to write by thinking about what tasks you'll need the program to accomplish? You need a way to draw the board in your terminal, a way for each user to take turns adding an X or an O, and a way to determine the winner at the very least. If you want to add a computer player, you'll need to add the computer's logic and functions for how it will respond to the moves the player makes.

    If you want to get more complex, look into minimax algorithms and alpha-beta pruning, which describe ways computers play games smartly, like being able to crush even the world's top human chess players.

    Project: Build a movie or book review website

    Skills: HTML/CSS/JavaScript, and a backend framework like Flask, and managing a database/writing queries.

    This will get you comfortable with frameworks and databases. I recommend Flask for a project like this because it's lightweight, easy to set up, and integrates pretty seamlessly with front-end HTML/CSS/JS. Of course, there are other options as well that you can adjust to your personal needs. You'll want to also set up a database to handle users, passwords, movies, reviews, comments, and anything else you might want to store. I would recommend an SQL database like postgresql or MySQL for this, which will get you comfortable writing queries (excellent skill to have btw).

    Think about how the data will relate to each other. How are you going to structure the tables of data to make the most sense? What interaction do you expect users to have with your site? If a user wants to see all of his or her comments, or all of another user's comments, or all the 5-star comments on a book or movie, what has to happen on the backend to serve these requests? Look into Flask-SQLAlchemy, which is an extention that will simplify the process of managing your database if you choose to use Flask as your framework.

    If you want to add complexity and more challenge, try using websockets to add a chat feature to your application that will allow users to chat with each other about movies or books in real time. Maybe create chatrooms similar to Slack where users can discuss a particular movie or book. Think about how you're going to store these messages, and how you're going to ensure that only users inside a chatroom can view messages in that chatroom. Will you use local browser storage to save user messages, or integrate the feature into your database? What are the trade-offs of each decision?

    Project: Build a full-stack restaurant app


    HTML/CSS/JS or a front-end framework like React/Angular/Vue, a more heavyweight back-end framework like Django or Express, and managing relational databases

    This will help you practice integrating multiple different technologies to build a full-stack web application from top to bottom. I'll be going with the restaurant example for this explanation, but feel free to adjust for your own needs.

    For a restaurant app, users have to be able to place orders online, so you'll need a database system that can manage this. You'll also need a way to let users pay for their food if they choose to order takeout, so you'll have to integrate a payment system using something like the PayPal or Stripe APIs. In addition, the restaurant owners need a way to look at all their order flow coming into the database, see what people are buying and who's buying what, but users shouldn't be able to see this information. How will you structure your database to serve these functions?

    When you're done, make sure you deploy your site on your favorite cloud server so the world can see your work!

    Project: Implement a pathfinding algorithm

    Skills: Functions, classes, creating simple graphical user interfaces

    Ever wondered how Google maps can give you the shortest path to your destination? Computers use search algorithms to determine the shortest distance between two points and plot a line to get there. For this project, you'll be building a graphical representation of one of these algorithms.

    There are several pathfinding algorithms with their own advantages and disadvantages. The main ones are depth-first search, breadth-first search, Dijkstra's algorithm, and A* search. Build a project that shows how these algorithms are functioning on a graph, i.e how it plots the line between a start node and an end node. You'll first want to think about how your algorithm works. I've found it helpful to chart a few iterations by hand before coding, so I can get a feel for it. You may need a class to represent each node and class methods representing how that node is changing as the algorithm continues to iterate. You'll want your user to be able to add walls that your algorithm has to go around. After all, Google maps assumes you're driving on roads and ignores forests, mountains, rivers when giving you directions. How will you let users add these walls and ensure that your algorithm goes around them? What happens when your end condition is met? How will your code handle your end conditions? What if there is no end condition (your user draws walls around the end node)?

    If you want to get more complex and need an additional challenge, build a user interface that will let users switch between the different pathfinding algorithms and see visual representations of each.

    If you have any ideas on how to improve these suggestions, or if you'd like to share what you've build, please comment below! I'd love to check out what you guys came up with.

    Happy coding!

    submitted by /u/praise_jeeebus
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    Programmers of Reddit who are still job hunting for a while now or have quit altogether. why did you and how much time and effort have you put into studying programming?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 12:46 PM PDT

    I'm sure the reddit community has read its fair share of success stories about self-studied programmers who managed to get jobs quickly and long-time programmers who have risen up their organizations and can live comfortably, but we all know that survivorship bias is a real thing.

    If it's not too much to ask, would it be okay to hear from the members of the community who have put in time and effort into this field and have yet to reap the benefits? Maybe we can also hear from those who have decided to pursue other professional fields and what they think about programming after doing so? It could help us beginners better appreciate how much work it takes to be a professional programmer and put into perspective our own personal learning journeys, be it effort or time milestones.

    submitted by /u/Far_Pepper6038
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    Around 16:15 in Halt and Catch Fire when Cameron says "all with check loops" ... was that a thing? Check loops?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 11:08 PM PDT

    I tried looking it up and couldn't find much of anything on the term "check loops",

    What was she referring to there?


    submitted by /u/johnnyApplePRNG
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    What language was used to make the app VoiceMod?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 10:46 PM PDT

    The title explains it but I was wondering what this application was made with?

    submitted by /u/Final_Software
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    Java. My program produces an error when I run it.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 07:39 PM PDT

    import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); //make a list ArrayList<Book> books = new ArrayList<>(); while (true) { System.out.println("Name (empty will stop):"); String name = scanner.nextLine(); if (name.isEmpty()) { break; } System.out.println("Publication year:"); int publicationYear = Integer.valueOf(scanner.nextLine()); //make a book Book book = new Book(name, publicationYear); for(Book index:books){ if(books.contains(book)){ System.out.println("The book is already on the list. Let's not add the same book again."); }else{ books.add(book); } } if(books.isEmpty()){ System.out.println("list is empty"); books.add(book); } // NB! Don't alter the line below! System.out.println("Thank you! Books added: " + books.size()); } } } 

    I noticed that when I commented out the following block that the program would run without any problems. I am wondering if there is alternate method to implement this.

    if(books.isEmpty()){ System.out.println("list is empty"); books.add(book); } 
    submitted by /u/lordratatosk1
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    Unable to Install mySQL, cant figure out what is going on....

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 08:50 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I am trying to dive into SQL for my job and provide more value. I found the Mosh youtube video and am trying to download MySQL like in his tutorial, but I have many issues...

    My screen shows there are a lot of items failing requirements and I am not sure how to resolve them. Can anyone point me in the right direction to fix? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/ChizDippler34
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    Coding mentally drains me of joy, and I don't have the patience to study for multiple years to be eligible for an entry job. Should I quit coding?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 05:07 AM PDT

    Coding gives me throbbing headaches, every single day. I don't know if it's me who's dumb or online tutorials that fail to teach the simplest concepts, but I've been coding for 6 months and I still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. If it's going to be half as bad in the future as it is now, I'd rather quit right now. It's just not worth it. It's been miserable all the time I spent learning. I got through vanilla Python but I learned that my Python knowledge is useless where I live, and or I'd have to learn a ton of frameworks and other stuff before I could even qualify for an entry position. I made a text-based adventure game in Python but then learned vanilla Python alone will not amount to anything, that it won't get me a single job! The more I learn, the more things I have to learn pop up. So I changed to frontend web dev, learned Git a little, currently learning CSS and JS. Markup is easy, it never gave me a headache. JS, however? Ten times worse than Python. I struggle to understand its messy syntax despite being very much aware of the core scripting concepts. I struggle even with vanilla JS, haven't even gotten to classes yet, I doubt I'll understand any frameworks and whatnot.

    I don't have the time or the tolerance to study 8 hours a day for 2-3 years to find a lame entry job. If this were any other field, I'd have a found a job by now. There's too much expectation from programmers.

    Nobody told me it would be this hard. They all said "everyone can code!!!". Yeah. If you mean printing a hello world string, everyone can code, I guess.

    Please be honest, and only reply if you actually have a job, because people who have been coding for years and still haven't found a job only upset me more by trying to console me. I mean, it didn't get better for you, despite you studying for years, so why should it for me?

    submitted by /u/YoureAVegetable
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    Which is the best language for learning programming?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 11:56 PM PDT

    Probably this question is asked 1000+ times but I'm very curious about it. What is the best choice as a first programming language? In my university, they decided to teach C language. However some people claim Python is the best for beginners. What do you suggest?

    submitted by /u/MadMounta1n
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    Do I also need to change DNS records when pointing Domain to the IP address?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 11:54 PM PDT

    I am trying to deploy a WordPress app with Digital Ocean(Hosting server) and Domain.com(Domain provider). For now, I have pointed DigitalOcean nameserver:

    And added DNS records to Digital Ocean with

    However, it turns out that the domain is sometimes acting out(it sometimes worked though). It shows no WordPress website. I noticed there are also DNS records settings on Domain.com where I can change. For now, it's pointed to another IP address which I don't know but I am not sure if this is expected to be changed.

    submitted by /u/poream3387
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    how to send html form data to email using python ?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 11:38 PM PDT

    i just made a website using html, css and js (no back end ). page has a contact form and i want to send form data to an email, preferably to a yahoo mail. can i do this with python. i have seen tutorials using php for this, but since im learning python in parallel, i want to do it with python. i have seen some guides doing it with smtplib, flask etc. also i would like to know which one is good.

    submitted by /u/legacy_outlaw
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    How do I store my git repos

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 11:17 PM PDT

    Hey, I am studying web development at the moment and i would like to start using git on my projects even though they are really small (i just want to get used to git). I am working on different devices often so i am looking for a solution where i can store my repos online and than get a clone to work on from my current device.

    Is github the solution to store a lot of small tutorial projects or is there a better option?

    submitted by /u/PlayfulTravel4526
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    What's the deal with Stack Iverflow and is there a better resource to ask questions / for help?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 11:07 PM PDT

    I've never actually had an account in SO. I just read things some times when I need help. I am coming from an entirely PS background, learning Python.

    Maybe I was wrong or didn't know the etiquette. But I don't feel like I was wrong. Is there a trick.to getting help over there or a different resource?

    My first question, someone responded and they clearly weren't responding to help. They just kept hammering me me with condescension. I told them, "Thanks. I'll take it into account." so they'd leave me alone. They realized they weren't getting to me, so they deleted my question and said "ask about one thing at a time." Which I had.

    I went into the Python chat to ask a question and 3 people were literally bullying me. I'd ask my question, they'd tell me they didn't understand my terminology. I was literally saying the word "package". I realized the intent was to try and get me angry so they could ban me. Two.people.said something at the same time. I said, "No. Let me give a new example."

    Some guy said, "No!? Did you tell me no? Do you know who I am!? I'm the chat owner! You don't get to tell me no." Then someone said, "I think they were answering Bob's question." And the owner said - Well there's a chance they were talking to me so I am banning them just in case.

    Is the place just toxic, or do they just expect you to basically have your question answered yourself? Do you just need to play up to people's ego?

    The point system is manipulated - the point you need to do things. As soon as the thing in the chat - one.of them.removed.my question and they all hammered it with negative votes. But the question had been answered and an answer accepted prior. So there was no reason to have deleted it.. It had 3 ppsitive votes.. So it isnt lik the consensus was that it was a bad question until right after the chat incident. I'm just baffled at what I did wrong.

    Is there somewhere else I can ask for help? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/AmberOnTheHorizon
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    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 10:40 PM PDT

    when should i and when should i not use firebase

    submitted by /u/sebbetrygg
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    C++ compilers

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 06:38 PM PDT

    I'm new to c++ and was wondering what were some of the better compilers out there (I'm using a Mac). I tried downloading visual studio code and watched some videos on installing it but kept running into so many problems and kept getting errors. All the tutorials I watched seemed so different on how they set it up, maybe if someone knows a good link too. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/alwaysrandom77
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    No programming experience, need help figuring out what it would take to realise my idea.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 10:05 AM PDT

    Hello and apologies if this isn't the right forum. I need a tool that helps me organise my kitchen and recepies, however after weeks of frustration and not finding any apps or programs that fit my needs I've started to think about what it would take to make that tool myself.

    There are basically three things I want from this tool:

    1. An inventory list of every ingredient I want to have stocked in my kitchen, where I can mark what is or isn't in stock.

    2. A recepie bank that can reference the inventory list and tell me what ingredients are missing for a particular recepie.

    3. A shopping list that pulls from the inventory list as well as selected recepies.

    Ofcourse there are tons of quality of life things one could put ontop of that like categories and such but this is the most basic.

    All the apps I've tried so far fail to meet this feature request. Most completely lack an inventory list, many lack an ability to generate a shopping list and those that do have zero or atrocious integration between these features.

    My intuition tells me that it shouldn't be to difficult to make something like this, but since I've got no experience i would like to avoid spending a ton of time trying to learn only to realise it was much more difficult than I had anticipated. I'm hoping you could help me understand if it's worth putting in the time myslef, if I should find someone with more experience to help me or give up on the idea. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/TheOnlySeal
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    Why is it that font-display: swap won't work properly for my CSS?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 09:45 PM PDT

    I am trying to get rid of an audit that is appearing in page speed insights. Ensure text remains visible during webfont load. In order to do so it suggests adding font-display: swap;

    But when I add it, the audit still appears as an issue.

    @ font-face { font-family: 'FontAwesome'; font-display: swap; font-style: normal; font-weight: 900; src: url(//example.com/wp- content/themes/x/framework/dist/css/site/stacks/../../../../fonts/font_awesome/fa- solid-900.woff2) format("woff2"),url(//example.com/wp-content/themes/x/framework/dist/css/site/stacks/../../../../fonts/font_awesome/fa-solid-900.woff) format("woff"),url(//example.com/wp-content/themes/x/framework/dist/css/site/stacks/../../../../fonts/font_awesome/fa-solid-900.ttf) format("truetype") } 
    submitted by /u/Okmanl
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    I want to learn to code, but don’t know jack, where do I start?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 09:33 PM PDT

    I want learn coding to make something, something cool. But maybe also something simple, I want to start small with something little, a program that tells you "hello" or "good morning/afternoon/night!" when you boot up your PC, so where do I start?

    submitted by /u/succymymemes
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    [OFFER] I decided I wanted to teach intermediate javascript and react js skills for free.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 09:15 PM PDT

    For a limited time only I'm gonna teach programming. Nothing insanely long just like 2 hours a day. If you're interested hit me up. Given I have a fairly high amount of experience I decided I wanted to help others out. I'm planning to teach a range of topics that are usually not covered, but are stupidly important in the long run. Keep in mind this is a 100% new server. But its mostly just for the sake of teaching the general subjects. https://discord.gg/KzbcpVH3Kk Below are the subjects I plan on going over.

    Futures & Promises,



    Event Loops,



    General Asynchrony,

    Lastly, possibly some basic React.js and SASS,

    submitted by /u/purplecode5
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