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    Monday, June 14, 2021

    Is modern IDE/Editors are evil? Ask Programming

    Is modern IDE/Editors are evil? Ask Programming

    Is modern IDE/Editors are evil?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 06:17 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. Sorry if it's in wrong topic, but hope you understand me and appreciate any help.

    I am Web developer and use VSCode with smart functions like IntelliSense, Autocomplete, VSCode AI extension, ESLint autofix, Prettier autoformat and etc.

    Until 2018 (started at 2010) i am used Notepad++, i am not cared about any feature like formatting as did it manually or via CLI lately. These days i learned way better and faster.

    But in todays days cannot live without modern IDEs / Editors as on these i see what argument calls, what it does live.

    So, question: i became bad developer by using and sticking with these functions and cannot live without these? I now not remember everything like before, but solve tasks faster and much efficient by googling and preventing issues by auto linting.

    Also, who use vim/emacs: do you use plugins for these things like smart autocomplete?

    Thank you. Regards, Davlat

    submitted by /u/dalisoft
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    How to write a specific text recognition code?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 11:44 AM PDT

    So I want to start with a little python project for myself, where the software should recognize the text (e.g. numbers and names) on a list. I added an example picture: https://imgur.com/a/nWwqibF

    My goal is to detect the numbers and names on the list and do some further processing whit the desired information. I looked on the internet how to do it and saw that using OpenCV and Tesseract is the best option. Sine my goal can be a bit complex, some questions raised up:

    1. Since it is my first time doing a project like this, which steps should I follow?
    2. The picture added to this post is a representative picture for my project. I want to process pictures that looks like this. The text in the red box is the text and information I want to acquire (since there are names on the list, I had to hide that part). My first question is: How can I select specific parts on the picture to detect and acquire my text? Since there is a banner on the right side of the list (I also hided the text on that banner), I have to filter out that banner/other texts.
    3. I found on the internet that pre-processing can be required. For example, make the background white, and the text black (which is already the case for me). Is pre-processing needed for pictures like these? If yes, what kind of pre-processing?
    submitted by /u/encospa
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    How to find the grain size in an image?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 09:45 PM PDT

    I'm new to python, and I've been assigned some college work to find the grain size of an image, but I don't understand how to go by it. Any help will be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/shambhavi_art
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    Is it possible for a computer program to produce truly random sequences of numbers that not even a different program can possibly be made to foretell the next number?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 08:59 PM PDT

    How many files can you have in a folder before something bad happens like your directory explodes?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 02:59 PM PDT

    There is HTMLElement.click(), what about right click and hover?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 08:13 PM PDT

    I wanna trigger these actions on target elements.

    not adding event listeners


    submitted by /u/hwpcspr
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    What is the relationship between data types and data structures? (In JavaScript context.)

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 04:12 PM PDT

    As far as I know:

    Data types are the basic way in which data is represented in the JavaScript language, such as boolean, number, string, etc.

    A data structure is a collection, or implementation, of data types, such as an object, which can include multiple data types as properties or methods.

    Is this correct?

    submitted by /u/Darthcolo
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    Does programming ever stop feeling cool?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 12:28 PM PDT

    I'm about 2 years in and I still feel like a hacker everytime I sit down to write code

    submitted by /u/PoonaniPounder
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    I'm dividing 2 values(1489/938) that has the type uint16_t, but the answer I get is "?". If I calculate it in the calculator, the answer is 1,58. I have tried to change the %d to %lf or %f but output is still "?". What am I doing wrong?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 01:49 AM PDT

    uint16_t red_max = 0;

    uint16_t red_min = 0;

    double red_r = 0;

    int main(void)


    red_max = 1486; red_min = 938; red_r = (double)red_max/red_min; printf("\n red\_min %d\n", red_min); printf(" red_max %d\n", red_max); printf(" red_r %f\n", red_r); 


    submitted by /u/destoboy2
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    Executing Applications Through Browser

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 05:58 AM PDT


    I was wondering how I would be able to view a pages outgoing connections/information when executing an application (for example when you click a link to enter a discord server and it has all the information attached to execute the programme and join it)

    Was looking at the inspect tools under Network, but there's little to no information there.

    submitted by /u/trhowaywefhuaweafwaf
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    The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 06:49 AM PDT

    I am unable to get beyond this error when trying to add a Microsoft Access database (.accdb) as a data source in Visual Studio 2019. I've tried to add this data source to a Visual Basic and C# program with the same results. I've followed guidance I've found on the Internet and added the 2010, 2013, and 2016 Access database engines all with the same result. I've changed the TargetCPU to AnyCPU, X86, and X64 all with the same result. I can add an Access .mdb database as a data source but not an .accdb and my application requires the later database format.

    My system is running Windows 10 x64 with Office 365 and Visual Studio 2019 all with the latest updates.

    Disclaimer: I am a hobbyist programmer and this application is for a single user (me) and I prefer to use Access because I have it as part of Office 365 and it is easy to create and view dataset objects and their content. Many do not like Access and that's understandable in a business multi-user environment. Many also prefer other languages like Python but I will stick with Visual Basic (or possibly Micro Focus COBOL) for personal reasons. Lastly, my request for help is not an invitation to you to try to sell me your curriculum (as experienced on Facebook).

    submitted by /u/DukeBannon
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    Codewars rank as a benchmark for ability?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 11:25 AM PDT

    I've been doing codewars problems every morning for a while, I've figured out where i stand ( 6 kyu stuff is about right , lower stuff is a bit easy , higher is a bit hard).

    Does anyone know if that can be used as a benchmark/ indicator of ability?

    should I be aiming to be able to solve any level of problem (or are some of them more for showing off)?

    when (what rank) would you suggest starting to apply for jobs?

    submitted by /u/xphlawlessx
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    Help me write a program in Coral Language

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    Write a program that takes a date as input and outputs the date's season. The input is an integer to represent the month and an integer to represent the day.

    Ex: If the input is:

    4 11 

    the output is:


    In addition, check if both integers are valid (an actual month and day).

    Ex: If the input is:

    14 65 

    the output is:


    The dates for each season are:
    spring: March 20 - June 20
    summer: June 21 - September 21
    autumn: September 22 - December 20
    winter: December 21 - March 19

    I am completely lost and don't know how I should write this program please help. Needs to be written in Coral Language

    submitted by /u/IamRunNGun
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    Are there any relatively recent WCF tutorials out there?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 03:02 PM PDT

    I worked with WCF pretty extensively about 8 years ago. I haven't touched it since then, and I've forgotten a great deal of it. Since then, all the tooling has changed, and I'm finding that all the tutorial videos I can find on Pluralsight and whatnot are incredibly out of date.

    Can anyone recommend a decent tutorial (either video or text) that will help me to brush up on WCF (specifically, creating and hosting WCF services)?

    submitted by /u/tyrantmikey
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    Programming and you resumé

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 08:19 AM PDT

    Hey guys, Tldr: do online programming courses look any good on a resume compared to university courses?

    Im a 1st year maths and physics major and Ive nver done programming before uni. Ive taken a programming elective because I thought learning to code would make me much more employable. However, the course is notoriously hard and famously poorly taught, pretty much everyone who Ive spoken to who has done the course says its not worth it and I shouldnt take these classes unless im forced to because theyre just that bad.

    From my understanding there are far better courses online that I can take. The only problem is I feel like they wont look very good on my CV. It seems a lot more trustworthy to say "Im fluent in [insert programming language] as seen by my grades in [insert classes]" rather than "im fluent in ... because I took an online course in it". Is my perception right?

    The reality is coding isnt really my passion, i dont really enjoy it and id rather do other electives in uni but if its gonna make me more employable, maybe I should just cop it on the chin and stick with it. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/coolguy_john
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    [HELP] What can I use to upload data to Google Drive/Cloud storage (using python preferably)

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 06:06 AM PDT


    Is there a module or a way to help us upload files to cloud storage using code (Preferably Python)? something I can write as a function and call it every time I want the code to upload the file it's working on.

    Thank You

    submitted by /u/Agentligament
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    What are consequences of running a query over many joined tables (4-20) in relational database?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 12:22 PM PDT


    What are consequences of running query that joins about 20 different tables if that happens on a relational database and how would it differ from doing the same on a NoSql database, like neo4j or any other.

    There is an index on every field that is used in a query. Amount of data is about half terabyte. In the query, the id of the record in a beginning table is known, the goal of the query is to get all the matching records from the last table in the join or nothing if nothing matches. (So, like walk through a chain).


    submitted by /u/gas3872
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    [Lua] Unable to restart the game

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 11:02 AM PDT

    My game is pretty simple, it consists in avoiding some falling objects. When the player collides with the object three times, a message appears saying "Game Over". And here comes my problem, I want to add a restart button, but I don't understand how to actually restart the game.

    I've tried using scenes, but I don't understand how they work, can someone explain them to me?

    Since the game is a single level, I've also tried avoiding them, and almost succeed, but I was unable to stop the collision detection. Is there a real alternative to scenes to restart the game?

    Can someone please help me? Any tip is appreciated

    submitted by /u/Skarsgardslover
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    Git workflow question

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 10:21 AM PDT

    Hello, I am trying to understand the following git flow practice:

    What do you do when you're waiting for a review, but your next task depends on code that hasn't been reviewed/merged yet? Workflow steps: When you're on parent_branch, make a child branch off that: git checkout -b child_branch Work on both simultaneously You make changes on parent_branch, then push them up to remote (to put up a PR) If you want those changes in child_branch, but parent_branch hasn't merged yet, then you can rebase child_branch to parent: git rebase parent_branch (while on child_branch) Make sure you merge parent_branch into staging first before merging child_branch into staging After parent_branch is merged, you can rebase child to main: git rebase --onto staging parent_branch child_branch Now, it's as if child_branch was just branch off staging directly, and you'll have the changes from parent_branch (which was merged into staging) 

    Here, the parent branch (feature branch) would be under staging. In particular I am trying to understand why it is useful to create a child branch. What would be the advantage of doing the above versus just working on the parent feature branch and then once the PR is finished, add another PR?

    submitted by /u/greatSWE
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    How to write json as formdata? (Django PointField)

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    I have a location field in my backend model. I can patch it via the API in json format:

    "location": { "latitude": 0.0, "longitude": 0.0 } 

    Actually, I need formdata in this case. How can I write the "location" object as formdata?

    submitted by /u/discorogo
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    Which is a better program for C++: Visual Studio Code on Mac or Xcode?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 10:11 AM PDT

    Help with deployment

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 05:46 AM PDT

    I have a ml chatbot it's frontend made with flask , I want to add it to my client's website , I don't want to interfere with the source code of the client's website

    submitted by /u/yuv0918
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    Led light project help

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    I have an idea that I want to turn into some practical experience. The just of the project is that I want to make a "wall" of led lights that I can program with a button to display different pictures with based on which button i press.

    The things I think I know:? I would have to use an led sheet? I've seen a few of those but I also thought maybe multiple strips? I would need to use c? ( my main programming experience is python )

    Things I don't know that I would like help with: What kind of controller could I use or where could I find options to look through? How many years am I going to be spending trying to do this thinking it was a simple project? Is there a place better for this than here to ask?

    Thank you for reading

    submitted by /u/2020pythonchallenge
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    Coding languages

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 07:08 AM PDT

    Hi I'm 15 years old and i would like to learn coding could recommend courses, videos or other forums to learn about it I'm spanish so I will thank you if all of these are in Spanish but if it's in English is ok too

    submitted by /u/Emergency-Boss4381
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