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    Thursday, June 10, 2021

    Is database knowledge actually one of THE core competencies for people working with data in any way? Computer Science

    Is database knowledge actually one of THE core competencies for people working with data in any way? Computer Science

    Is database knowledge actually one of THE core competencies for people working with data in any way?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 10:50 AM PDT

    I have seen a lot of comments of the form:

    "You only need the absolute basics of SQL. You will learn all the things along your job"

    And there was an professor who said something like this:

    "To have a profound knowledge about (scalable) databases with their architecture/design is very high on the list of core competencies every cs major should have. It will not only help you working with databases but basically in every other field."

    submitted by /u/Peter2448
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    Faster way to find two prime factors using their product

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    import math n = (int(input("Number:"))) sqn = math.trunc(math.sqrt(n)) sn = str(n) sl = len(sn) l = sl - 1 ld = sn[l] if n != 2 or 5 : for i in range(sqn, 1, -1): if ld == 1 or 3 or 7 or 9 : rem = n % i q = n / i if rem == 0 : print (i, q) break else : pass else : pass else : pass 

    Hey guys, try running this python code with some large product of primes. I think it will be a faster than blind brute forcing.

    First we get the product of primes as input "n" then we take the whole number part of its square root(coz each prime factor will lie on either sides of the number line). Then we get the last digit of "n".

    All primes end in 1 or 3 or 7 or 9 except 2 and 5. After checking that "n" is neither 2 nor 5 we enter the for loop. "n" is divided by the numbers between the square root and 1 ending 1,3,7,9 to find a reminder of 0 i.e. a whole number quotient. then we see that " i " and " q " are prime factors of "n".

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/fox_boy18
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    Important Data Structures And Algorithms In Python

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 10:26 PM PDT

    C vs C#

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 10:18 PM PDT

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