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    Tuesday, June 8, 2021

    How should I approach developing an API service that runs code specified by the user and make it scalable? Ask Programming

    How should I approach developing an API service that runs code specified by the user and make it scalable? Ask Programming

    How should I approach developing an API service that runs code specified by the user and make it scalable?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 07:27 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm developing a website similar to hackerrank and google kickstart for educational purposes. The idea is that the user, with their browser, will send a POST request to an API with their code. The API will spin up a docker container(for security purposes), run the code 5 times and compare the output with a predefined answer. If all of the outputs from the user's code match the answer, then the API will return with a "success" message. If not, it will return a "failed" message.

    However, I'm stuck at trying to implement the "code running" part. The problem currently is that, if I make the API out of express, it will have to process one request before it can move on and process the next. So I am looking into Kubernetes but I'm still stuck in trying to implement it.

    Any alternative suggestions on how I should approach my project?

    submitted by /u/Sirbot01
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    Want your honest feedback about this project.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 10:22 PM PDT

    This repository contains the code of virtual workspace that will manage your projects and tasks virtually using a single platform. You can just give a project or task id and their names to get access to the account and make changes to it.

    submitted by /u/ibilalkayy
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    is there any reference i can use to convert certain bubble chat in telegram into csv/excel?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 09:04 PM PDT

    say the message goes with data like this in the chat
    Name: Jhon Doe
    Posistion : Assistant
    Age : 23
    Education : Grad School

    And in this chat, i could extract this kind of data and convert it to csv/excel.

    submitted by /u/fury_not_furry
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    Is there a reliable way to force google to include a search term as plain text on the result or is there a decent search platform with that feature?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 10:42 AM PDT

    So first up i know quotation marks. And why the hell is this question in AskProgramming. Well: today i came across the compound operator of bitwise XOR in c#. "a ^ [nospace]= b"* meaning "a = a ^ b"

    as i havn't really dealt with like any thing on the bit or byte lvl before i didn't know the ^ operator either. So i googled: c# "^ [nospace]="

    and ok yea somewhere down the line you get a usefull link but not on page 1... or 2 (for me on 2 different machines and accounts).

    Like i had to go look up a list of all operators instead and then when i was confused about why you'd use this in everyday c# life i couldn't search for usage either. The stackoverflow search with "[c#] ^ =" and variatons thereof behaved even worse. I mean the pages out there that include "^ =" as user readable text must be quite limited....why can't i force any search engine i tried to show SOMETHING relevant? Like the results don't even include it anywhere.

    *edit: seeing as how reddit interacts with ^ and = without a space: = and with a space (where there isn't supposed to be one in the question): ^ = might be my first hint of an answer also how the fuck do i force reddit to not interpret ^ proceeded by a character??????

    edit2: ok i give up editing the formating for this.... curse you ^ thingy i don't even know the name of!!!!!!!!!!!!

    submitted by /u/GrinchMeanTime
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    Need help deciding on a text editor

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 07:29 PM PDT

    The i am working in python (2 weeks) and html(2-3 months). I am currently using IDLE but am looking for something better.

    submitted by /u/why_am_i-_-Here
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    Need help trying to put a script into a Raspberry pi home directory

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 05:18 PM PDT

    Ive never coded or programed anything before, but I decided to make a metar map for my dad since father's day is coming up.

    I need to put import boardimport neopixeltry: import displaymetarexcept ImportError: displaymetar = None pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.D18, 50) pixels.deinit() if displaymetar is not None: disp = displaymetar.startDisplay() displaymetar.shutdownDisplay(disp) print("LEDs off")

    Into the pi home home directory, what would the code be to do so?

    submitted by /u/mrmental20
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    Site functionality allows for a manual click, but not javascript click() function or MouseEvent.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 01:04 PM PDT

    I am attempting to write a script to automate some tasks on a third party site. The very first step is simply clicking a div on the nav, but document.getElementById('myId').click() does nothing.

    In my searching I found this answer that fully simulates a mouse click.

    However, that also does not work. I did notice that there's a class added when hovering, and the script successfully simulates that. And obviously physically clicking works fine. I'm not sure what else I could be missing.

    Edit: It turns out that the clicking was just fine, but the site is actually checking pieces of the event such as the coordinates, which is why it appeared to not be functioning properly

    submitted by /u/dhrakar5674
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    What database libraries would be best for our personal knowledge management program?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    Hi, we're making a personal knowledge management system similar to Roam research or Obsidian but as a native program, called n-dimension. Website: https://n-dimension.org

    Unless we find more developers who want to help with it, we will be writing it in mostly python. Unlike other PKMSs, each database entry will not be a "page" with a "title" associated with it; it operates under a bulleted hierarchy-style system that each bullet point is a separate database entry. So, there will be a lot more rows in the table storing blocks than with other systems that store a whole page in one row. We will also need to keep track of relationships between notes and generate suggestions based on relevancy.

    Should sqlite3 be good enough for our needs? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/tonystark29
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    Recommendation for Ecommerce Platform in 2021

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 12:05 PM PDT

    For context, I'm a full stack web developer. Recently, my wife has started a small embroidery crafts business and we are looking to scale up to sell at local booth market events and online. A few months ago, I built her a Woocommerce website for this but given that this was my first Wordpress project, I realized just how bad Wordpress is as a choice for anything other than blogs. Because of this, I'll use this project for about a month, but then transition to something else.

    With that in mind, I wanted to get a consensus of what platform do developers prefer using for ecommerce projects. Some ideas that came to mind were:
    - Shopify/Squarespace using a custom storefront
    - An open source alternative using either Saleor, Bagisto, or NopCommerce
    - A headless CMS like Strapi or Directus

    All three of these choices could be combined with either a static site generator (Gatsby/Gridsome) or an SSR framework (Next/Nuxt)

    Given that she doesn't sell enough products per month to justify paying for Shopify/Squarespace (as she is just testing the waters), I was leaning towards Saleor but was wondering if anyone had any success with another headless CMS or if there are any better tech stacks to consider. Looking for a balance between clean admin panel and good developer experience. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/OZLperez11
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    What are 'controllers', index.ts and application.ts files in an Express boilerplate?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    I have a task to come up with a very simple Express API (simply execute one sql query and get data to return from an API) but I was given a boilerplate which includes 'controllers', a 'index.ts' file and an 'application.ts' file.

    I come from the Django/Python world and have no idea how to organize this application! Could anyone provide a brief overview of what that is and how I could organise it?

    submitted by /u/dirtyring
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    How are we messing up our hiring process for a senior dev?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 06:13 AM PDT

    Hoping to get some constructive feedback on a job listing we've had open for two years.

    I can't tell if we're just looking for a unicorn that doesn't exist, if the job listing is written poorly, if we're a small fish in a competitive pool (locally we're competing with Salesforce, Amazon, and a ton of government contractors), not offering enough (looking to pay ~$160K), don't have the right benefits, or if there's something else.

    We get an okay number of candidates but a lot of them are fresh out of college. We've hired a bunch of college students and trained them up (yay!), but we're now at the point of really needing another senior to be able to keep growing the team.

    Mostly the conversation doesn't happen until we get on the phone, but we're a flexible office in terms of WFH. The average employee tenure is ~5 years internationally and ~2 years in the States, so I imagine people are pretty happy once they join us... I'm just unsure of what else we can do to attract the right candidate to apply.

    Here's the listing.

    TIA for your feedback!

    submitted by /u/rachelfrommgm
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    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 09:51 AM PDT

    I have a ml app and I made the frontend with flask it's actually a button that opens up the frontend of the ml app for the user ,how should I deploy it to an already existing website (consider a client website)

    submitted by /u/yuv0918
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    Where do programming trends come from, and what's next?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 09:24 AM PDT

    I don't keep up with most languages, but I noticed recently that Scala 3, PHP 8 and Python 3.10 all added Union Types within a few months of each other.

    Similarly, PHP 8 and Python 3.10 added pattern matching within a few months of each other.

    This has got me wondering 1) Where do these trends come from? Is there some "mother language" that everyone is trying to emulate? 2) What trends to you foresee in the future that will span multiple languages like above? One guess I have is that maybe null coalesce operators will keep popping up in new languages.

    submitted by /u/uselessbaby
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    Is there a simple way to build a web app for managing existing records?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    Visual Studio 2019. Database-First. .NET 5.0

    I'd like to be able to create a MVC Web Application for editing existing records. CRUD interface basically very simple. I'm encountering all sorts of weirdness trying to use Entity Framework Core. It generates everything - but it doesn't even display the Primary Keys in the Index view for example.

    Am I missing something obvious?

    submitted by /u/SilvosForever
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    Need help with project (JAVA)

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 07:38 AM PDT

    I need help with a project for my AP CSA class at school, I'm really lost and don't know where to go on it. Here are the requirements:Write a program using an ArrayList to maintain a user's shopping list:


     You must use an arrayList to maintain the shopping list by using ArrayList methods

     Your program must contain an interactive menu to allow the user to:

    o Create a new shopping list / Clear out an existing shopping list

    o Add an item to the shopping list

    o Remove an item from the shopping list

    o Show the contents of the shopping

    I understand how to create lists, clear out lists, add an item, remove an item, and show contents of an arraylist, but the thing that Im really stuck on is the interactive menu part.

    Here is a pastebin of what I have so far: https://pastebin.com/uib0GVy8

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Boonuttheboss
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    How should I learn C Programming

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 06:34 AM PDT

    Hey There , I want to learn C Language but I can't afford the courses, Is there any way that I can learn it for free. Help me please.

    submitted by /u/lnr1d3n
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    Which option should I really choose when booting Windows 10 using VMware workstation pro?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 04:28 AM PDT


    it just stuck at this and return to the same page


    submitted by /u/hwpcspr112
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