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    Tuesday, June 8, 2021

    Google AI / MediaPipe's new selfie-segmentation model + ThreeJS particle system. Info in comments web developers

    Google AI / MediaPipe's new selfie-segmentation model + ThreeJS particle system. Info in comments web developers

    Google AI / MediaPipe's new selfie-segmentation model + ThreeJS particle system. Info in comments

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    Layoutit v2 is out! An interactive CSS Grid Generator, now with support for alignment and implicit areas

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    The top-ranking HTML editor on Google is an SEO scam

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 05:03 PM PDT

    I'm confused... what do people use instead of FTP?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 11:20 AM PDT

    I've always maintained a hand-developed personal art portfolio for myself. It's dead simple:

    • Single-page site (index.html)
    • Custom fonts
    • Image directory
    • One JS dependency
    • One CSS dependency

    Since the dawn of time I've simply used FileZilla to FTP into my server (dreamhost) and update whenever necessary.

    But more and more I read people on Reddit say that FTP is dead, or insecure, or an awful thing to use. I'll bite... what should I be doing instead? I don't really need anything that fancy, but would like to do something that is considered "best practice" in 2021. What do modern webdevs use?

    submitted by /u/RelocationWoes
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    Introducing Astro - A static site builder that will take a website built in React, Preact, Svelte, Vue, or plain vanilla and render everything to static HTML; 0 bytes of JS by default. Interactive components load on demand.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 05:07 PM PDT

    Starting a team in India

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 06:22 PM PDT

    I've recently been tasked with starting a small web development team in India.

    I had success creating a team in Mexico earlier this year , and I figured that India would be a walk in the park.

    Oh boy, was I wrong. After two months, I have no results.

    So, I'm turning to my trusted Reddit advisory panel for advice. I have a few questions and would appreciate any guidance.

    • What is the best job board to use to reach candidates?

    • For a web developer with 7-10 years experience, is a salary of 30 LPA competitive? According to our pay consultants, this is on the high-end of the pay spectrum.

    • A few candidates have explained that they are required to give 60-90 days notice to their current employer. Is this typical with most Indian employers?

    • What other differences should I expect compared to hiring in North America?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/csedev
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    Waves, Clouds, Particles and Animations - All Procedural. Web-Based Demo in comments.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 09:23 PM PDT

    Hey webdevs, I'm going to pitch my web development business to an audience of entrepreneurs and businessowners. What should I say?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    This is my first time pitching/presenting to an audience of potential clients and I'm kind of at a loss at what to say. I've already got a few things on what I think I should to stick to.

    Things like:

    • Don't talk too much about myself or my business, focus on the potential clients and their needs.
    • How to differentiate myself from other web dev companies/freelancers.
    • The FAB method: Features, Advantages, Benefits
    • Trying to establish myself as an expert and a professional

    Do you guys have any ideas on what other things I should say or anything that can attract potential clients? Any experiences or lessons you'd like to share?

    submitted by /u/mysteryihs
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    How much is it worth or meaningful to check a large scale website on google page speed tool.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 12:13 PM PDT

    I have sites similar to Forbes/Mashable/Washingtonpost in terms of content and traffic. Now this guy is saying the website are slow based on page speed tool. Although if I open them in browser they work fine. They definitely need improvements and are not as good in code as others, but how do I prove that page speed is not really a tool to check websites like these? Or it is? My desktop score is 40ish.

    submitted by /u/vrtechtoday
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    Thoughts on Colt Steele Web Dev Bootcamp 2021?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I understand that this course alone may not make you job ready, but I have a junior majoring in CS so I will not be hunting for jobs until a couple of years from now. Do you think this course is solid for teaching people the fundamentals of webdev, and providing enough information to build your own objects? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Big__Hoss
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    Hello All! I wanted to ask, how did you cement your basic skills?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 02:15 PM PDT

    I'm currently learning JavaScript and wanted to know what would be the best way to practice html and CSS. I've gotten to getting on YouTube then following along with a website created front-page video and I'm planning on recreating it after. My issue is, I kind of freeze up whenever i try to work independently and forget the different attributes and elements to use. Any suggestions and advice are welcome!

    submitted by /u/BootyWarrior8732
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    Glific: An open source, two-way communication platform for NGOs to chat & uplift millions of lives at the same time

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 11:56 AM PDT

    Typesense or Meilisearch, which one do you like better?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    I'm looking for alternative to algolia for my web app and confused on what platform I should choose.
    Typesense and Meilisearch (both open source) looks good.

    Which one do you think is better and easier to set up? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/AngelinaSchultzl
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    How Replit used legal threats to kill my open-source project | Intuitive Explanations

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 09:36 PM PDT

    fastest/easiest designer that can produce sites viewable offline

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 06:12 PM PDT

    • Background of request:
      • I need something that can work faster than wp and the like (too much data to type in with a block system). preferably, something that can produce web pages as simple html that can then be uploaded, or put in a zip file to send to somebody.
      • i have so given up on using wp like options, i am considering using a simple app like notion, which publishes to website, or uploading straight to google drive.
    • content for each of these dozens of websites
      • i have to create a new web site each week, sometimes more, which has 6 segments of 10 class areas, linked in a unified structure, that will only be accessed by subscribers.
    • ideal work dynamic
      • type in the introduction, and then upload book portions, link audio portions, link video portions, paste in article portions, etc ; then copy the whole format to reuse it for next week. very little time spent on design (fonts, uploading stock images, etc)
    • any software / design concept that would allow me to organize content appreciated
      • using an app like adobe captivate or a free version is an option, but i would rather type in the written portions into a word editor, and have the audio just as mp3, and the video just as mp4 files linked.
    • THANKS
    submitted by /u/IAmAtHomeBlogging
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    How to build a website builder like Wix?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 12:14 PM PDT

    I'm a MERN Stack developer but I'm not the most expert developer yet so I've been trying to figure out how website builder like Wix.com work but I didn't find anything

    I don't want to create something complex like Wix. Think of just a website that allows multiple individuals to create a website that just has their name in <h1> tag and they can use their custom domain.

    submitted by /u/AhmedHossam01
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    Help Desk Job

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 02:09 PM PDT

    I just got offered an entry level help desk job. I am currently trying to pursue a career in front end development and I applied for an entry level Dev job that was strictly using JSON. They called back saying they couldn't offer me the job since I have no experience with JSON. That when they offered me the help desk job. I currently work as a part time delivery driver and I have a lot of time to teach myself. Would it be a good idea to take the help desk job to maybe get my foot in the door?

    submitted by /u/Turnlane
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    How Do I Deploy Headless WordPress With Vue?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    I'm new to Headless WordPress.. I built a site using vue that uses WPGraphQL and Apollo to access the WordPress REST API... I've been building it using npm serve, but I'm ready to test it locally on localhost.

    I'm not really sure how to actually deploy this thing? Do I do it via a wordpress theme? I tried dropping the production build files into my theme folder and changing index.html to index.php but that doesn't seem to work... how do people usually set this up?

    submitted by /u/cmaxim
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    Just got asked to make some small changes to a website. Need someone to point me in the right direction.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 10:09 AM PDT

    For context, I'm in college and I have a good amount of programming experience, but I'm currently taking my first web dev class and I'm also making a small website for a school project, so I have a base-level idea of how html and css work together.

    Recently I was offered to make some small changes to a website for a small company (a quick, one-time job). I went into inspect element and was able to make some of the changes right away. I also noticed that they use a POS system with the site. They're going to call me next week and specify what they need done.

    I guess my question is how would I go about doing this? I've never worked on a live server. My only experience is writing html and css files in notepad++ and VS Code. Will they send me html and css files to work on, and I just send them back? What should I be researching for the next week to prepare for this, and how can I make myself seem legit and not mess up their site?

    Thanks in advance, this is something I'm super passionate about and I'd really like to be able to say that I did it.

    submitted by /u/ScrimmlyBingus
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    Audio files storage solution needed

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 01:43 PM PDT

    Making a project in DjangoRF/React that will potentially have a lot of (up to 10,000) audio files (most less than 5 seconds each).

    Will this be too much to have in a database? (mySQL for example) or should they be served from elsewhere?

    I was thinking perhaps an AWS S3 bucket, but am worried about the price of users constantly accessing them might prove too expensive.

    If someone can enlighten me to best practice for a situation like this I'd very much appreciate it.


    submitted by /u/jelliman88
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    Urge to poop or bowel movements when I sit down to code, is this normal?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 07:42 AM PDT

    My bowel movements are completely normal and healthy, I poop once or twice in 1-2 day duration. BUT when I sit down to code ,my bowel movements trigger in like 15mins, they are normal poops and don't happen if my stomach is empty. It's been happening since 2-3 years. I sit and code and am a senior dev since 6 years

    Edit: I even took a year off during covid in 2020 and it never happened , but the moment I sat down to code after so many months it's still there, it's some kind of mental-muscle thing

    It's when I focus and completely dive/drift off into the code for 15mins, boom instant urge

    submitted by /u/MaybeJustCoincidence
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    PSA: If you force TFA, don't lock it down to a single method

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 09:18 AM PDT

    Had a friend message me begging for help on how to get into their account for a service.

    They are coming out of rough financial times, and their cell service is shut off till they get their first paycheck Friday...

    The account in question only allows either using an authenticator, or cell phone to recevice a text with a code. Being someone very non tech savvy and not getting what an autheticator is, they opted for the text method of forced TFA... No problem for a long time...

    Fast forward to now, was out of work, bills tight while training for a new line of work, and now that new job is lined up and started, decided they could go a week without the phone... The account it one they only log into like every 3-4 months, they didn't think about that...

    Had to give them the bad news, contact the company. He has been waiting to hear back since yesterday morning...

    Oh and a PS for my gripe as a developer, if you offer a service where the owner of a company may subscribe to your servcie, but may need devleopers to work with that account, if you force TFA, make sure your service allows addtional users for accounts, so we don't have to try to login, then contact the owner of the company to ask them what code they were sent.

    submitted by /u/joe_going_2_hell
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    Thoughts on Ruby on Rails?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 12:18 PM PDT

    Currently in the middle of a job search and I'm seeing a lot more jobs with Ruby on Rails as part of their stack. I've never looked into it previously and was wondering what the general opinion on it is. Enjoyable to work with? Relevant in the coming years? Worth investing time into learning?


    submitted by /u/turtbot
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    Is it possible to generate a custom instance of a variable font as a downloadable file

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 03:25 PM PDT

    Hi all, I hope this is the right place to ask this.

    I'm currently making a short text-adventure as a quasi-type-specimen (Essentially an advert for a font). When the user reaches the end of the game, they're presented with a tyepface which looks different depending on what choices the user made throughout the story. It works like so:

    • Some choices will affect the weight axis
    • Some choices will affect the width axis
    • Some choices will affect the slant axis

    This codepen (https://codepen.io/s-0da/pen/MWpBwoN) very roughly illustrates how the final presentation might look.And this is what a variable font is for those who may have not come across them: https://v-fonts.com/fonts/antarctica-var

    My question is, it's easy enough to display a vairable font in a particular custom instance, but is it possible to also have the website generate that particular instance of the font (i.e. not variable) as a downloadble ttf/woff file?
    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/S_Oda
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