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    Tuesday, June 8, 2021

    Git-Cheat-Sheet learn programming

    Git-Cheat-Sheet learn programming


    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    Where can people take classes with others for free in a class environment

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 09:33 PM PDT

    Hi Reddit,

    I'm wondering if there is a platform for someone to learn machine learning online in a class room environment but leveraging free resources available?

    submitted by /u/guyladman
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    [Giveaway] My books on regexp, cli and scripting are free for a few days

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 06:43 PM PDT


    I'm making all my ebooks free to download in PDF/EPUB formats using either of these links:

    I provide plenty of examples and exercises to help you learn these topics:

    • 100 Page Python Intro
    • Python re(gex)?
    • JavaScript RegExp
    • Ruby Regexp
    • GNU grep and ripgrep
    • GNU sed
    • GNU awk
    • Ruby one-liners cookbook
    • Perl one-liners cookbook

    Hope you find my books useful. The feedback I've received over the past two years have helped me a lot to improve my books, so I'd highly appreciate if you'd let me know your thoughts.

    Happy learning :)

    submitted by /u/ASIC_SP
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    I made my first machine learning model and realized that I still love programming

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 05:33 PM PDT

    I've been a student for 3+ years now and it's safe to say that there was a large amount of built-up resentment towards programming in general. I constantly felt like I never knew what I was doing, and it often led to me questioning whether or not I still wanted to major in computer science. But after years of putting it off, I finally managed to build a project all on my own and I have to say it's one of the best feelings in the world!

    I more or less thought that building my own project was cool and all but I never knew where to start and didn't really think it was worth all that time and effort. But now that the school semester is over and I was finally able to break away from programming, I took some time out of my day to do some research on specialized topics that peaked my interests and found that I was really into AI. So I purchased a course on machine learning from Udemy, taught myself the basics, and began building my first ever project.

    After days of implementing, designing, bug-fixing, and reading some over-bearing documentation I finally got the model to accurately predict results. And I have to say that rush of accomplishment and pride reminded me a lot of my early days of programming where I got excited just traversing through arrays and seeing "Hello World" pop up on the screen. It was just the most comforting feeling in the world knowing that I built something from the ground up and that the years I spent studying programming were actually worth something.

    So if anyone is ever in the same boat as I was where they feel burnt out, or that they really don't know much after spending a lot of time studying, just give yourself a break every once in and while, rediscover or find a little niche of programming that interests you, and slowly start building up your own project as you learn because that feeling you get when your project is complete is absolutely amazing.

    submitted by /u/nicdacage
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    Please no flame but how do I know if my students aren't good enough?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    I know I might catch some slack for asking so apologizes ahead of time.
    I tutor students in Web Dev primarily Javascript and sometimes I get students that seem to never understand a concept no matter how often we go over it. I have students that have "completed" coding bootcamps and don't know how to declare an object or basic function. Their github is full of projects they can't explain and they want to pursue this as a career.

    My question is what is my duty here to them and their finances. I feel like I'm taking advantage of them in some way and I don't want to further discourage them. I respect how much work they say their putting into this but is this really a viable career choice for everyone if it takes most of my students 1 hour to learn something and the "others" 3+ weeks? Example: How do you traverse an array in JavaScript with a for loop?

    Maybe there isn't a clear answer here.. Either way any ideas are appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/funnyh0b0
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    Teacher moving into a Python and Data Science career help and information needed!

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 04:01 PM PDT


    Thanks for taking the time... I have been using Codecademy to learn the basics of Python 3. I have finished the Python 3 course from them and gotten the certificate.

    I am thankful for the basic information I was able to learn from them, but I am having significant trouble taking this basis and building upon the information. Even when I try to work on their (Codedacemy) projects, I can't seem to be able to add 2 and 2.... like something is missing in the learning process that gives me this capacity.

    I've been referred to sites that have projects for enthusiasts to work on...but I can't hang.

    Does anyone know of a program/course/anything that can enroll in where I could have guided learning to be able to do projects that would help build a portfolio and give me more in-depth knowledge of python and how to use it effectively for data science?

    Coursera-type courses where I watch videos and have to act aren't at my level just yet.

    Any information is appreciated!!

    Peace and Love

    submitted by /u/riobaby
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    Do you think its a good idea for me to start learning C++ as my first language?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 03:41 PM PDT

    A bit of context, I am 30 years old and I graduated with a Bachelors of Arts (Music). I've been doing freelance music production / sound design work for many years but have decided its time for a career shift. I want to learning coding because I've always been good at problem solving, math was always easy for me, and I am looking for a job with more financial security and stability. The reason I am considering C++ as my first language is because I am interested in sound design/music for video games and other companies, and many of these positions I am seeing require solid C++ programming skills. I have the sound design and music skills down, but obviously not the programming. While it would be nice to land a job doing sound design for games, I also want to be realistic and am hoping that learning C++ alone will be a viable skill that will allow me to land other jobs as well. Particularly because there are many more jobs for straight programming rather than sound design/programming jobs. At this stage I am not 100% set on landing a job doing sound design/programming, though it would be nice. Given my context, do you think starting my programming journey with C++ would be a good or bad choice? Or should I start elsewhere? I'm also debating between a bootcamp, actual Masters program (though i'm very hesitant about spending that kind of money/time), or just self teaching myself. The only experience I have is making basic websites with HTML many years ago. Any insight is greatly appreciated here!

    submitted by /u/Psilocy-Ben
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    Best options for renting a machine to run my script on 24/7?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 04:58 PM PDT

    I'm very much a beginner, and to be fair, I don't know if what I'm doing even counts as "programming", but recently I made a script in AutoHotKey that, every 30 minutes, would call 5 different phone numbers through Skype, record those calls and send the recordings to a channel on a Discord server. Since I needed this thing to run 24/7, I pulled out an old laptop of mine, a 2009 HP, gave it a fresh install of Windows 10 and left it plugged into power as it ran my script for about a week.

    I no longer need that script to be running, but the experience of making it and having it run automatically to take care of a certain task for me 24/7 was extremely exciting, and I've now got at least one more idea for a potential script I'd want to have running 24/7. Thing is… I'd really prefer to avoid dealing with the 2009 HP again.

    Scripting with AutoHotKey relies on actual actions done on the operating system (opening software, pressing buttons, etc), so most of my "bug fixing" was just adding a bunch of "Sleep"s and other methods of delaying and/or ensuring the script won't break due to some window taking 15 seconds to pop up, so the 3GB of RAM, Core i3 and 300GB hard drive of this laptop were not a great experience. It also takes up a little bit of physical space in my bedroom office.

    So I'm wondering - what should I look into in terms of renting/buying a sort of virtual machine that could exist solely for running 24/7 scripts for me? I feel like it's more complicated, since my way of going about this is scripts that require an entire machine running Windows, instead of actual software that uses APIs and more advanced methods of, well, doing stuff, but it's just what I know how to do at the moment - AutoHotKey scripts. I'd love to learn how to write these scripts in a real programming language, but for the time being, what should I look into?

    I've seen some offerings of a VPS, which looks interesting, but slightly expensive at monthly rates. And this might be a dumb question, but what if I want to have more than one of these 24/7 scripts? Would I need to rent a separate VPS for each one?

    submitted by /u/RoyTheGeek
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    Passion VS Money

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 10:47 PM PDT

    Hi, I have been doing freelance work for half a year doing internal tools for companies but since a few weeks ago I started looking for a full time job since I got tired of the instability of being a freelancer.

    The problem with looking for my first job is that the positions I can apply for seem monotonous and I don't think I can last long doing the same thing every day, along with the anxiety that there are a lot of people applying for these positions.

    On the other hand, I have the option to develop projects that I want to do and that can be useful while I study subjects that very few people apply to and that seem interesting to me.

    I am also thinking about pursuing a CS degree (I am 19 years old) as it would give me an advantage over applicants coming from bootcamps.

    For those of you who have decided to pursue your personal projects instead of getting a job, how did you end up? Should I make any changes to my plans?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/ckiooo
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    Are those 30 minutes learn (insert programming language) real?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 08:34 PM PDT

    I noticed a lot of them recently and I wondered and questioned if I was doing well. I'm basically self teaching myself too. So I wanted to know if I was doing it right.

    submitted by /u/skye_dumbo
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    Game on!

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 08:31 PM PDT

    I just got the okay from the spouse to quit my job and dive head first into learning to code, gonna be a lot of grueling but fun hours ahead.

    submitted by /u/FloorShirts
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    How important is GitHub?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 09:51 AM PDT

    With companies doing technical interviews as a means to test one's technical knowledge, how important is GitHub? I understand it's important to have projects on your GitHub to demonstrate that you have built things before but is it important to commit once a day or to have your GitHub activity high? I've seen mixed thoughts on this topic.

    submitted by /u/FloorShirts
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    Which programming language is becoming irrelevant and which is coming more into the trend?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 01:40 PM PDT

    It's okay if it's just your opinion.

    submitted by /u/sxmizaman
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    Where could I start learn web dev if I already know some languages?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 08:51 PM PDT

    Hi guys. I'm in uni and I've learned a good amount of things related to programming. Particularly, I learned C, C++, Python and R with some depth, but I always used them to solve some math/engineering related problem or with artificial neuronal nets. So, recently I decided to learn web development (HTML, CSS, JS, Node and React), but the majority of course that I tried start from the very begining, assuming I don't even know what is a variable. Because of it, I would like to ask you for sources to learn those things from a not so beginner level.

    submitted by /u/edu_avila_vilar
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    How in-depth does a coding bootcamp go? How deep does a beginners knowledge need to be for full time junior developer position?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 03:39 PM PDT

    I'm curious for anyone that has attending any of the typical (12-16 wk) bootcamps, how deep do they dive in the tools/fields they teach you? And for anyone that has recently landed/interviewed or interviews applicants for Junior roles, how deep of knowledge is necessary to know for a given subject?

    submitted by /u/RubicCubesEnthusiast
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    Building my portfolio: how can I build this feature?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 04:03 PM PDT

    I want to add an easter-egg feature in my about section to showcase a little bit about my personality. I want to add a clickable image that will generate a random image from an array of pictures or videos(from a database? or maybe instagram photos? does instagram have this api?). I am building my site with html/scss/react. I am much more comfortable with front-end now but I am learning to be a full-stack dev.

    submitted by /u/LLBeanBurrito
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    C LANGUAGE (QUESTION about Stacks)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 07:45 PM PDT

    Hi! I'd like to ask some questions in C Languange.

    1.) Can you read file and do stacks at the same time? (e.g The information stored in txt file will be deleted by stack)

    2.) Can you do struct twice in a program? or is not possible?

    submitted by /u/Aspenpen_
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    19 aspiring programmer, rough couple of months. Need summer college advice

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 02:40 PM PDT

    Been having a rough couple of months especially after the semester ended and I failed 2 classes, should I take summer classes?

    Hello everyone, currently In community college and finished my first year. My second semester was a living hell, my first semester went great but I ended up failing 2 computer science classes last semester which through me into an ultra depressive few months that I am still trying to work out of.

    I am currently on financial aid, and pretty much everything is being paid for which im extremely extremely greatful for.

    I need to retake those two classes to get back on my own personal career track. If I take these 3 classes in the summer (calculus, programming and critical thinking) I'd be able to graduate still in 2 years. If I don't I would imagine I have to do one more extra semester to get that done.

    Completely unrelated to college but I assume a lot are going through, I've been having a smoking addiction these past months and it's destroying my life. Im basically almost broke from the two semesters financial aid money (I was able to pay for my education, books and other personal expenditures). I'm shit with money and it's something I'm. Praying I work on everyday to better, but if I go into the 3 classes over the summer I'd basically be 100% broke after book spending.

    Is it worth it to go in the summer like this. I want to fix my gpa which retaking one of the classes would do, but I literally won't have any money over the summer. I am currently trying to do my own personal game dev course and self learn because I rlly do want to get into comp sci despite hardships one goes when learning new skill. My parents don't ask for rent as long as I'm in school and learning on my own. There is a lot of pressure and stress at home but I won't go into detail for time sake. They don't recommend me getting a job because they did the same and want Me to study at home instead and pursue and work on something at home like a project or business instead of working for someone else and wasting time to develop yourself on someone else.

    This is an amazing dynamic and I'm so grateful but at times personal issues, family issues and finaincial stress get in the way. Since the start of COVID it's been hard. We have had to move, lost jobs etc but everyday we work towards our dreams. I am really stressed and feel burned out, and I hate myself for even thinking this because I am just a lazy 19 year old college kid who knows nothing about the real world.

    I feel stuck. Should i take the classes into the summer? i feel as if i dont i would feel extremely guilty for not doing so since my parents assumed I was going to for a while. I would also feel extremly like shit because of my failed classes being there the entire summer without me doing anything else towards the classes. i know summer classes aren't mandatory but i just dont know what to do. i also don't want to have $0 over the summer because of any expense that could come. my parents tell me as long as they see me deep into learning on my own and stuff that i wouldn't have to worry about that stuff. but as a young male, the concept of earning money and cash on hand is so attractive. if i do get a summer job i feel deep down they would be disspointed, and i also do really want to develop my own solo developing career. I am just stuck in this constant cycle of not knowing what to do, and in turn I just waste time doing none of the stuff i want. i am not sure if depression or anxiety is the asnwer to how I have been feeling lately, but it feels as if for the past few months my life is falling on top of me and I dont know what to do.

    i am constantly stressed, worried, anxious the worst is gonna happen. not sure if i should do A because B and C might happen. i also am fighting a smoking habit that i just cant break. i just feel so god damn helpless.

    would appreciate to hear anyones opinion, advice or anything. just feeling like theres no point anymore, and that i should just give up, go to minimum wage job, save up, work, go home, smoke, and repeat until im old and grey.

    submitted by /u/i0wntheworld
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    Countries API

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 07:10 PM PDT

    Say if I have a list of countries given and I want to display them on any map how would I do this without hardcoding it. As the countries given can be random each time

    submitted by /u/legend67521
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    Suggestions for OOP exercises in C++

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 04:44 AM PDT

    I have an exam coming up in OOP. I am pretty decent at it but I need to be much faster at solving any given problem because of time issues in the exams. I suppose the best way to do it is through practice. So, I am basically asking for suggestions where I can find exercises preferably with solutions in C++. Any book, website or video material will do just fine.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/ColonialGovernor
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    [Python] [Numpy/SciPy] Getting nonsensical parameters when trying to fit data to a curve

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 08:53 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm trying to fit some data to a somewhat complicated function using SciPy's curve_fit. Here's a minimal example where I'm getting the same issue.

    import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import curve_fit xdata = [16.530468600170202, 16.86156794563677, 17.19266729110334, 17.523766636569913, 17.854865982036483, 18.18596532750305, 18.51706467296962, 18.848164018436194, 19.179263363902763, 19.510362709369332] ydata = [394, 1121, 1173, 1196, 1140, 1196, 1158, 1160, 1046, 416] #function i'm trying to fit the data to def gauss(x, sig, n, c, x_o): return c*np.exp(-(x-x_o)**n/(2*sig**n)) popt = curve_fit(gauss, xdata, ydata,[1.1,5,1000,17]) #attempt at printing out parameters print(popt) 

    When I execute the code, I get the following warnings/result:

    ExCurveFit:9: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in power return c*np.exp(-(x-x_o)**n/(2*sig**n)) C:\Users\dsneh\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.8_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python38\site-packages\scipy\optimize\minpack.py:828:

    OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated warnings.warn('Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated',

    (array([nan, nan, nan, nan]), array([[inf, inf, inf, inf], [inf, inf, inf, inf], [inf, inf, inf, inf], [inf, inf, inf, inf]]))

    The first warning I've read somewhere to just ignore. The next warning looks more concerning, and I don't know why I'm not getting better parameters for the curve fit at the end. I've tried adding guesses for the parameters, but it didn't fix the problem (for reference, I tried [2,3,1000,17] as my guesses). Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/LaughRiot68
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    Coexistance of Runtime environments on server

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 08:25 PM PDT

    I was used to wamp/xamp for php. Then came Python/ Django, node js. My question is if pythin/django and node js environments are equivalent to what php and xamp for server side processing, and if all php, python/django and nodejs can co-exist on same server and run at the same time.

    submitted by /u/vpaturkar
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    Why is JavaScript such a bugy train wreck?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 11:57 PM PDT

    I'm trying to pretend to be optomistic. WTF is going on with ECMA to make it such a turd? It's like ok cool yeah it's cool funny and cute sometimes to use javascript to be a dick. But for earnest things, stable and readable code. It's just a giant dick in the ass. My question is why? Is it because at it's core it's a scripting language written over 10 days(Fun fact it was less then that). Or is it because it doesn't have a cores standard something to refer to? It's fun to dick around with small puzzles on edabite and codinngame, after that i's fucking awful. But why? what specific part of it makes it suck a god damn nightmare?

    submitted by /u/bugsebe
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    Is there a programming path that is more likely to help an immigrant (US) find visa-worthy work in northwestern europe?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 08:03 PM PDT

    I would like to move from the US to Europe, most preferably Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, or about anywhere in northwestern Europe.

    Is there a programming path that will help me reach this goal? A language I should focus on? A focus that is more sought after? For example i know a ton of audio production software is made in Germany and often programmed in c++.

    I would prefer to work on something creative or something socially beneficial but I'll do what I have to to get to Europe. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Barrytheuncool
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