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    Thursday, June 17, 2021

    CSS position shorthand I learned today web developers

    CSS position shorthand I learned today web developers

    CSS position shorthand I learned today

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 02:50 AM PDT

    HBO MAX testing its email module on its existing user.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 07:22 PM PDT

    HBO MAX testing its email module on its existing user.


    I initially checked if it's a phishing link. But it wasn't. Found this funny. If you ever find yourself in a position to test your newly written email module, try out testmail.app (not a sponsored link).

    submitted by /u/isthisneeded_
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    At my last company, we got slammed by ADA lawsuits and didn't have any accessibility expertise. Today I'm trying to share the ideas we had to add a11y into our dev workflow. Hopefully it helps someone else too!

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 01:16 PM PDT

    Anybody here work part time only? What kind of hourly/year salary can you get?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 03:08 PM PDT

    Right now i'm employed full time at 130k
    The money is great, but if I could, I would gladly work for 90k at part time, maybe 25 hours per week. Freelancing is really not an attractive option. So wondering if anybody here has successfully worked part time only but still at a high rate.

    submitted by /u/IAmRules
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    Is it normal to feel like you can't see the woods for the trees when learning html, css and js?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 12:55 PM PDT

    I'm doing a boot camp on udemy and watching videos and things because I don't have time or money for a proper course. Whilst I understand what I'm learning, when it comes to practicing by making my own site, there's so much not covered by the courses. They teach the very flat basics.

    But all my elements and css are all over the place on my practice site. The words don't do what I want, boxes don't behave like I think they will, scrolling can get stuck for what seems like one reason, but's really another reason.

    Like today I tried to use grid for the first time and I set an item inside to 50% width, which means it should take half the width of it's parent. In the html, the parent is a div, but the item wasn't 50% of it's size. Instead there seemed to be a pseudo element created by grid deciding how to distribute the space. But I don't know if that's true and I don't know if there is definitely a parent I can't see anywhere. And if there is, where the heck is it?

    It makes me feel like I'm too stupid for webdev. Is that normal?

    submitted by /u/The_Queef_of_England
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    Internship put me on front-end, no experience with it.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    Java,C++,C,Python the most and that was what I listed on my resume. I practically have zero experience with front-end tools as I haven't taken any classes in my university that went over them yet. However, I'm expected to work on a front-end project during my 10 week internship using mainly Javascript. Am I screwed? I was wondering what I should do to get familiar with the syntax. I thought about going through an online bootcamp course like Colt Steele's but that seems to take way too long and a big time sink for someone with my experience. It seems likes a lot of online webdev courses are geared towards people with no programming experience? What should I do so I don't crash and burn at this internship?

    Edit: I just found this


    Would this be a good source for someone with my back ground?

    submitted by /u/RandsLC
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    PHP has been removed in macOS Monterey

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 02:31 PM PDT

    Checking for add blockers

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 04:54 PM PDT

    Dear web developers,

    Please STOP checking for AD blocking software on your sites. I am not going to subscribe because you blocked the page or stop my AD blocker. I am going to use LYNX to hit your site and read that article anyway. As a result, I am NOT going to view anything else on your site other than what I came there to see which leads to revenue loss for you. If you did not make this decision, please explain the above to your marketing manager.

    submitted by /u/rand3289
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    Looking for coding buddy/buddies

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    Hey! I'm an aspiring full stack developer who makes projects for fun, personal development. I think of some projects and start it, but it gets too big and tedious coding frontend and backend all on my own, and ends up abandoning the project.

    Well, this time I want to break this habit. If anyone feels the same way, or similar, or just looking for someone of the same level to code with, contact me and maybe we get your and my ideas rollin'.

    Currently, working on an online chess project in real-time with Mongodb, Node, Express, Vue.js and Socket.io

    submitted by /u/cybercoder_naj
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    Why is Node so popular?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 09:21 AM PDT

    So basically, I am going through cs50 web dev course, which involves Django and Javascript development. As I am googling around and reading things about web development, EVERYONE seems to suggest node to people. I Really enjoy django and I think I will start doing full stack projects with it, but can anyone honestly tell me why node is so popular and how it compares to other backend languages/frameworks?

    submitted by /u/DigBick2199
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    What is new in Tailwind CSS version 2.2?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 10:09 AM PDT

    Can not reach the Main Page of my MediaWiki that's behind a reverse proxy server (Caddy). I can only see the Apache2 Default Page.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 05:32 PM PDT

    I don't know if this is the right subreddit to ask this question. If not, please tell me so that I know about it.

    The situation is as follows:

    I have a MediaWiki installed on a Debian server. The Wiki is installed on Apache2

    For information, the changes I made in the LocalSettings.php file is as follows:

    $wgScriptPath = "/mediawiki"; $wgServer = "";

    In the internal network, when I type in the local IP address of the MediaWiki server ( I get to the default page of Apache where it says that it works.

    But when I type /mediawiki behind it, ( I get to the main page of the Wiki.

    I have put this server behind a reverse proxy (Caddy) so that it's accessible from the outside world.

    The Caddyfile config is as follows:

    mydomain.com:443 { reverse_proxy }

    But when I type in the domain, I can only see the Apache Default page. I also can not get to the MediaWiki if I put /mediawiki behind the URL.

    Does anyone know how I can make it so that whenever I go to my domain, that it automatically goes to the main page of the MediaWiki, (which in the local network would be as stated earlier). Or does anyone know where I should look? Any help is appreciated.

    Thank you so much in advance!

    submitted by /u/ey38
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    What is the best way to achieve this layout for my web app?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 08:54 PM PDT


    Whenever I have created a site before it has felt like it's all being held together by tape and could fall apart at any minute. I want to make this app the right way and I'm looking for some advice on how to do that.

    Is there a "best" or recommended way to create the layout in the picture using next.js? The top bar will be on every page, same with the side bar and the only thing that will change about the side bar is that when you click on a page title an indicator saying which page you're on will update to the page you selected.

    How would you recommend creating this site? I would like to create a solid foundation for the top and side bars with the side bar having the functionality of switching the main page. I will be making this mobile compatible too so if you have any tips for that I would appreciate it.

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/lifelifebalance
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    Is it possible to go full remote and obtain employer-provided autonomy in WebDev?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 08:51 PM PDT

    I'm a novice. Looking to get my hands busy and dig my head into material. For years, if that's what it takes. I like this kind of work, I like our industry. I do not mind that. What I want in return is some autonomy down the line. Freedom to work mobile, to be able to travel and see the country, whilst still maintaining my job, as long as I maintain internet connection. Is this feasible? Is this a pipe dream?

    submitted by /u/EscoCzar
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    Help! Can't get Gunicorn to serve flask app on Nginx/Centos.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 08:22 PM PDT

    Help! Can't get Gunicorn to serve flask app on Nginx/Centos.

    I've created a custom service to run Gunicorn, a simple hello world app to get this running, and have a functioning server block to proxy (though I'm not worried about that at this point). The service is reporting as active (running) and everything seems to be working fine. But the server is not responding to ipaddress:port. When I run Gunicorn outside of the venv it runs fine. I've already allowed the port in selinux, and have other proxies and services running successfully (node/PM2) in other server blocks. Theres no errors to report, it just will not serve the app. This is my first time using Gunicorn so I'm likely missing something stupid but with the time I've spent on this today I could have rewritten the whole backend in Node and been done with it lol.

    The app:


    The service:


    The server block:


    Service status:


    submitted by /u/rynmgdlno
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    The first things ever happened in the digital world.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 01:39 AM PDT

    The first things ever happened in the digital world.

    📧 The first email, 1971.

    It was sent by Ray Tomlinson to himself in 1971.

    "The test messages were entirely forgettable. . . . Most likely the first message was QWERTYIOP or something similar," he said.

    💸 The first Internet transaction, 1973

    A group of Stanford students using ARPANET (the precursor to the Internet that we know now) facilitated the sale of an undetermined amount of weed to some other students across the country at MIT.

    🕸 The first domain. March 15, 1985.

    The first domain name ever registered was symbolics.com on March 15, 1985.

    The first domain

    🎆 The first GIF, 1987

    The GIF was created by a team of developers at CompuServe, who considered it to be the best and most versatile image file format around at the time.

    The first GIF,


    🌐 The first website, August 6, 1991.

    It was dedicated to information about the World Wide Web and went live on August 6, 1991.http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html

    🏞 The first picture uploaded on the web, 18 July 1992.

    The first picture ever uploaded on the web was posted by Tim Berners-Lee (inventor of the World Wide Web) on behalf of a comedy band called Les Horrible Cernettes.

    The first picture uploaded on the web

    💬 The first AOL Instant Message, Jan. 6, 1993.

    It was sent by Ted Leonsis to his wife.

    It read, "Don't be scared ... it is me. Love you and miss you."

    His wife replied, "Wow ... this is so cool!"

    Leonsis later became AOL's Vice Chairman.

    🔍 The first search engine, 1994.

    A full four years before Google even launched, WebCrawler was the first search engine to provide full-text search.

    🌆 The first banner ad. October 1994.

    Joe McCambley ran the first banner ad ever online.

    It went live in October 1994 on HotWired.com and it promoted 7 art museums, sponsored by AT&T.

    The first banner ad


    🎧 The first digitally downloadable song, 1994

    Geffen Records made a big marketing play by offering the Aerosmith track "Head First" as the first song to ever be offered exclusively via download.

    💰 The first item sold on eBay, 1995.

    It was a broken laser pointer for $14.83. The man who bought it told founder Pierre Omidyar he collected broken laser pointers.

    📕 The first book purchased on Amazon, 1995.

    It was Douglas Hofstadter's Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought.

    📝 The first surviving recorded edit on Wikipedia, 2001.

    The first surviving recorded edit on the ubiquitous crowd-sourced encyclopedia was the decidedly uncontroversial "This is the new WikiPedia!" on January 15, the day it officially launched.

    🔉 The first sentence uttered on Skype, 2003.

    It was in Estonian in April 2003 by a member of the development team. It was 'Tere, kas sa kuuled mind?' or "Hello, can you hear me?" in English.

    👨 The first Facebook profile, 2004.

    Mark Zuckerberg was the first person on Facebook with ID number 4 (the first three Facebook accounts were used for testing)

    📹 The first video on YouTube, 2005.

    The first video on YouTube


    💬 The first tweet, 2006.

    The first tweet

    😍 The first post on Reddit. 2006


    The first post on Reddit

    📸 The first Instagram post, July 16, 2010.

    It was a photo of South Beach Harbor at Pier 38, posted by Mike Krieger at 5:26 PM on July 16, 2010.

    The first Instagram post


    submitted by /u/VictorPonamariov
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    VSCode extension Prettier is forcing a line break after method parameters

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 07:48 PM PDT

    I've run into an issue I can't quite resolve with the VSCode extension Prettier. It's making a line break for my method callbacks.

    Expected Output:

    app.get('/campgrounds', catchAsync(async (req, res) => { const campgrounds = await Campground.find({}); res.render('campgrounds/index', { campgrounds }); }) ); 

    Prettier reformat:

    app.get( '/campgrounds', catchAsync(async (req, res) => { const campgrounds = await Campground.find({}); res.render('campgrounds/index', { campgrounds }); }) ); 

    I've changed the 'Prettier Width' setting from lower to higher and it doesn't have any effect, the only thing that will keep it from formatting like this is to use//prettier ignore. I've also done a clean install of VScode, reset my Prettier settings, and reinstalled the extension. Does anyone know how to resolve this issue? Or have recommendations for other formatting extensions.

    submitted by /u/Pocchari_Kevin
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    How might I use custom CSS for Arbitrary Websites?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 07:33 PM PDT

    For a website I don't control, how might I apply custom styles to it, specifically, in a way that I can share a link to a site using custom styles?

    I can edit css locally but I'd like to share links to a site with corrective css that I authored.

    Because of the broadness of my search terms I couldn't find a utility but it seems like that could be an existing service offered somewhere.

    In a vague sense similar to how url shorteners link to whatever site you want, I'm hoping there's a way to click a link and it loads a web page and then applies custom css (in a platform independent way that doesn't require user action besides clicking the link)

    I hope this makes sense. I have a Google Docs document that is published into html form but the css deviates from the native Google Docs experience and I want to fix that

    submitted by /u/Felix-The-Ghost
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    Changing the port on my web press website

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 07:03 PM PDT

    Hey there! Sorry I'm not super fluent in this kind of stuff so I might be a little slow. But, I want to run a word press website on my server, I've already setup downloading and everything. I have Apache 2, Mariadb, and php. The problem is, I'm already running a web server on this one panel called pterodactyl, which basically runs on the same installations like apache 2. My panel however, already takes up the default http and https port, so how can I change those ports for Wordpress. Once again, I'm not very good at all this stuff, so I may have interpreted some of it wrong. I'm running my machine on the latest version of Ubuntu.

    submitted by /u/ParkieL
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    `text-decoration` is applied all descendant text elements. `text-decoration: none` can't remove decorations from children. This is how...

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 06:52 PM PDT

    What are your go-to methods of having a web page inside another page?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 06:22 PM PDT

    Iframe, etc… how do you have two pages in one?

    submitted by /u/justdan1423
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    How can I prevent a webpage from auto forwarding to another page?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 06:17 PM PDT

    I use a particular website to watch sports games, and after an arbitrary amount of time its like a piece of code runs forwarding the browser to a different, static page, cutting off the stream. I have a decent amount of knowledge in the web dev world, and a cyber degree. Can anyone point me in the right direction to figuring out how to disable a certain line or element of a webpage that initiates the aforementioned forwarding?

    My apologies if this post doesn't satisfy the intent of this subreddit. If you'd kindly suggest another place in that case.

    submitted by /u/False-Blacksmith-180
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    Question about npm querystring array

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 06:14 PM PDT

    Ive read the doc but i cant wrap my head around how to use qs to parse some array conditions

    check the following. this is doing qs.parse(req.query).generate when a request is received
    querystring should create an array [a,b,c]
    querystring should create an array [b]
    querystring should create an array [a,b,c]
    this one is a bonus. querystring should create an array [a,b,c]

    any other value is invalid and needs to be handled

    submitted by /u/Bulbasaur2015
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    Creating a Web App using Firebase

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 05:23 PM PDT

    Inexperienced programmer here. I want to create a simple app that allows a few of my friends to log in and bet on sports games using play money. I plan on using firebase for the hosting/database/auth and found an JSON API to find game results and betting lines. Do I access the API through Python, and connect that to js to create my web app? If so, how on earth do I do that? Or do I do all of my back-end through javascript? The easier and simpler the better, the app should be pretty light weight. Any help or resources would be extremely helpful, for some reason I am having a hard time finding a straight-forward answer.

    submitted by /u/nv444
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