• Breaking News

    Monday, June 14, 2021

    Coding bootcamps and 4-year colleges have nearly identical percentage of alumni employed at Big Five (Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Google and Amazon) web developers

    Coding bootcamps and 4-year colleges have nearly identical percentage of alumni employed at Big Five (Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Google and Amazon) web developers

    Coding bootcamps and 4-year colleges have nearly identical percentage of alumni employed at Big Five (Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Google and Amazon)

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    Almost there!

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 09:43 AM PDT

    Service Reliability Math That Every Engineer Should Know

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 12:59 PM PDT

    What website features did you take for granted before you got into web development?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 01:51 PM PDT

    For me, I never stopped to think that the ability to close a menu by clicking outside of the menu is a feature that has to be written. Before I got into web development, it was just some magic I took for granted.

    submitted by /u/Ze_Chooch
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    Beginner wonders about the limits of a single person in webdev

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 08:35 AM PDT

    I'm a middle-age guy considering trying to change careers and get into webdev. Over they years I've dabbled in Wordpress/Drupal/RubyOnRails, but I paid for and took Wes Bos' Advanced React course in order to see the exciting cutting edge of web development. I wanted something original and tailored to my interest for my portfolio, so I used what I learned to try to build an app that allows users to upload an item with photograph, description, and geo-location to a database. The end goal is to allow users to rate those items and display them on a map. I explored a few different tech stacks. I explored very intro-level GIS. At present I'm using Next.js, Apollo, Tailwinds, Mapbox, Keystone-Next, Postgres. I deployed it on Vercel + Digital Ocean. The whole thing is getting complex enough that I'm starting to wonder about testing.

    I've worked on the project for several months, and my current product is pretty underwhelming. Every aspect from the the front to the back is fragile, clunky, and half-baked. Even if/when I 'finish' it, the end product will be a security and maintenance nightmare. The experience is making me question the wisdom of my course.

    I'm wondering how realistic it is for one person to build and maintain a project past a certain level of complexity. Looking at the trouble Wes seems to be having getting all of the deliverables for the Advanced React course in one place at one time makes me think this is an issue at various levels of expertise. (His project is a DIY shopping site. No shade, but the course was delivered late and we're still waiting on the deployment and testing components, delivery date unknown).

    All of the components of this system seem so complex and fragile. While I'm proud of what I built and what I learned along the way, and while I admire what Wes built for his course, neither his project nor mine seem to be at a level of polish you could hand to a serious customer. In addition to all of the choosing and managing of constantly changing components along with their integration, you still have to manage maintenance, security, and performance once you have finished!

    This might be the wrong forum to have this discussion, but how realistic do you think it is to build and maintain an application like this as a single person? As an already-old beginner, should I focus on building simpler brochure sites (which honestly seems to be what a lot of JAMStack caters to)? Is the goal with a project like this to demonstrate knowledge that can get you hired onto a team of people that share the job of creating and maintaining a project like this? Is the root of the issue the JavaScript development environment? I would be more open to the idea that I'm just a dumb noob that thinks this is harder than it is, but every couple of months I see a dev on 'dev Twitter' flame out with a "Why I'm quitting front-end" post.

    A virtual penny for your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/soyboymeatsworld
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    Google reCAPTCHA targeted by patent trolls

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 08:48 AM PDT

    What is the importance of data structures and algorithms in web development?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 01:29 PM PDT

    Is it needed to become a good web developer?

    submitted by /u/1000thdisciple
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    Web app to generate CSS Grid layout visually

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 04:51 AM PDT

    Filling out a JSON API request with little to no documentation?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 03:23 PM PDT

    Hi Everyone,

    Sorry if this is not the best place to post a question, I wasn't sure what other subreddit I could go to. I have a project at work where I need to make an API call to an application a developer from my company wrote. This is basically my first time doing anything where I'm making a web request to an application. In a nutshell, I have established some basic json requests that I'm sending to the API via postman using an example the dev gave me. My issue - there's absolutely NO documentation on what needs to go into the API request, such as what elements are required and a description of what those elements are for.


    There's some basic information I know how to fill out that are specific to my industry (claims), it's the elements that are specific to the application that I'm having an issue with; e.g. elementSystemID, etc. The dev who wrote this is always busy, and I can never find a window where I can have him sit down and walk me through it. I was given a swagger link, which seems to give a profile of the request and response, but there's no definitions or examples in here. I DO have access to their Kibana dashboard, though, which lets me see some of the incoming requests.


    Are there any best practices on how to make API request when there's little to no documentation? Or is it one long game of trial and error?


    submitted by /u/lozyk
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    Question about static vs dynamic sites and SPA sites on static site hosts

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 01:04 PM PDT

    netlify free version can be used to host static websites.

    As I understand, a static website is the frontend without a backend. Although you can still have a backend if you build it as a rest API which you communicate with via AJAX, but the backend would not be hosted on netlify. Also I think netlify has backend features built in (serverless).

    So according to the above description, a SPA site is a static site.

    How would netlify know if it's a static or dynamic site?

    Because to run a SPA site, you can to run a js app, right? I don't think you can just upload the files and that's it? You have to turn it on by running the react/vue/angular app. So you need a server which you can connect to with ssh and enter the commands in the terminal.

    The same thing goes for a dynamic site which comes with the backend, such as a django app.

    So, it becomes about netlify not wanting you to load or change any html from the server side (backend)? But how does it check that? And SPA and static sites can have a backend as I explained earlier, they just don't come bundled with the frontend like in the case of Django.

    Hopefully someone can help me to finally understand this whole concept about static and dynamic and SPA sites hosted on static web hosts such as netlify (one of many popular static web hosts).

    submitted by /u/thebestprogrammer
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    Best iOS app for practicing programming offline?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 10:08 AM PDT

    Going off the grid camping for a week and feel it's the best time to practice some programming without being distracted by the internet and Reddit. Anyone know of any paid or non-paid iOS apps to help you practice programming? This might be a long shot because I feel like absolutely nothing works without the internet these days but hoping someone has a lead. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/fentanyloverdose
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    million.js <1kb virtual DOM

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 02:23 AM PDT

    million.js <1kb virtual DOM

    Current Virtual DOM implementations are inadequate—Ranging from overcomplicated to abandoned, most are unusable without sacrificing raw performance and size. Million aims to fix this, providing a library-agnostic Virtual DOM to serve as the core for Javascript libraries.


    MillionJS Logo

    submitted by /u/_ftonato
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    Do you know any youtuber who makes cool videos about programming (not tutorials)

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 03:51 PM PDT

    I can only find videos about "How to create a sever using JS", "Why I left my job at Google", "Facebook interviews", "Why you shouldn't use JSON"... And they are boring AF.

    What I would love to see is videos about developers making stupid and funny project just for fun, or maybe video vlogs about a funny bug or something interesting. Not just tutorials of "How to make a todo project and get a job in Microsoft".

    Do you know any channel?

    submitted by /u/unnombreguay
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    IndexedDB is completely broken in latest Safari

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 03:42 PM PDT

    What are your best/favorite newsletter for web development in 2021?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 04:14 AM PDT

    I want to subscribe to a whole bunch now to get serious and to be up to date. I would like to have 1 for frameworks, 1-2 for html, css and javascript and 2-3 for frameworks (react, vue, angular) and everything else everybody needs to know about (caching? db stuff? third party library recommendations? etc)

    submitted by /u/Kaimura
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    For developers in Atlassian Community

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 02:46 PM PDT

    Weekly podcast about Atlassian News & Updates 👉🏻Listen in Youtube


    Useful to: keep up to date with new launched features, recent app acquisitions, important events, venture process, free courses and everything in between.

    Hosted every Monday by Jexo co-founders Biro Florin and Nikki Závadská. Listen in Youtube

    submitted by /u/Jenn-vl
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    Is this testing method secure enough for development? (SSH temporary connection)

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 02:42 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm interested in learning best practices and pros/cons of developing locally and exposing ports. Not my code so I'm interested if this is a secure enough approach, as it's quicker than setting up a development server, and will allow for easier development on my end. The requirement is for an endpoint that needs to receive a request from another service and return data.
    Here are the basics.

    1. Develop locally with Flask
    2. On the before request function I return an error if the forwarded IP isn't in a list.
    3. When I need to test I activate an SSH connection
      1. This connects the flask dev port to my VPS
      2. On my VPS Nginx maps one specific endpoint on localhost (on a port now connected to flask on my local machine) to a public URL
    4. I provide this URL which would be IPADDRESS/testing to the service I'm using to test the endpoint.

    So from my perspective, nothing is online, except a generic endpoint called testing, which is only online during testing. And anything that connects to it gets a 404, but as it's mapped to one specific endpoint, they couldn't even fuzz out the layout of the API. If my server got hacked, they could fuzz out the layout of the API, but it would still only be 404 messages, as I'm allowing IPs locally via flask. And then the codebase stays offline.

    Is this ok? It seems like a cool way to do it. But it's not my code so I want to be sure. I asked the admin on the project too, but as I wait for a response I thought it would good to get some insight into whether or not this is stupid. It's nice from a testing perspective for ease of use, because I can keep everything offline until I want to test, and then just ssh -N testing to start the connection.

    submitted by /u/doom-goat
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    Are these books on the bundle any good or are they perhaps out of date?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    Detect overlapping periods with Moment

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 02:32 PM PDT

    I've recently come across an interesting situation, when start & end date are nullable - and null to be considered as infinity.

    Thus, if StartDate is null - it is infinity in the past.

    And if EndDate is null - it is infinity in the future.

    Here is my solution:

    let intersects = (!aStartDate && !bStartDate) || (!aEndDate && !bEndDate) || ( ((aStartDate && bStartDate && aStartDate.isSameOrAfter(bStartDate)) || !bStartDate) && ((aStartDate && bEndDate && aStartDate.isSameOrBefore(bEndDate)) || !bEndDate) ) || ( ((aEndDate && bStartDate && aEndDate.isSameOrAfter(bStartDate)) || !bStartDate) && ((aEndDate && bEndDate && aEndDate.isSameOrBefore(bEndDate)) || !bEndDate) ) || ( ((bStartDate && aStartDate && bStartDate.isSameOrAfter(aStartDate)) || !aStartDate) && ((bStartDate && aEndDate && bStartDate.isSameOrBefore(aEndDate)) || !aEndDate) ) || ( ((bEndDate && aStartDate && bEndDate.isSameOrAfter(aStartDate)) || !aStartDate) && ((bEndDate && aEndDate && bEndDate.isSameOrBefore(aEndDate)) || !aEndDate) ); 
    submitted by /u/alexherman_rdt
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    How we made our (front-end) pre-commit check 7x faster

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 10:43 AM PDT

    Is it just me or did Google Domains update their UI, and they forgot to add a place where you can add in a new domain forward?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 02:18 PM PDT

    Is it just me or did Google Domains update their UI, and they forgot to add a place where you can add in a new domain forward?

    I hope I am just losing my mind, but I just signed in to Google Domains to create a new subdomain forward and I cannot find ANY option to create a new domain forward, I can only delete one, I can't even edit one.

    Is anyone else experiencing this??


    submitted by /u/new_michael
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    What are some good subscription services for frontend or full stack web?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    I'm looking for something that isn't focused on beginner resources. I would also like one with good support community, knowledgable mentors who have experience and responsive, and good materials

    Here are some that I have heard are good:

    • App Academy Open - $39 per month
    • Zero to Mastery - $39 per month
    • Frontend Mentors - $39 monthly
    • Udacity - $1796 for 4 month course
    submitted by /u/president_of_dsa
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    I'm working on a web app for a popular AAA game series, have some questions

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 10:12 AM PDT

    For now, I have just plain text, but I want to incorporate images & icons from the game just to spice up the UI a bit and make it more appealing. Is that ok to do? Obviously I won't take any credit for the assets. Do I need to mention anything specifically in a piece of text somewhere? Or just stick to plain text like I already have? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/CanadianWhisk3y
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    Handwriting-Generator: I built a site that allows you to mimic handwriting from an example image, annotate documents, and generate awesome, exportable animations!

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 10:22 PM PDT

    I don't know if I like web development! Does it get better as I learn?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 01:39 PM PDT

    Luckily I'm probably not going to be a web developer for a career, but I have to take a class on it for my degree and I hate it so much! I don't like how specific you have to be for everything, and how I'll try to add something in just for the fun of it and everything goes wrong because of that thing! I don't know if it is the book we are reading, Murach's HTML5 and CSS3 4th Edition, or what, but I spent no joke 5 hours yesterday converting our website from a fixed layout to a responsive one.

    I've been thinking of starting something like the Odin Project to try and learn some more on my own time so I won't hate it so much, but I don't know if I'll even have the motivation to do that! I really want to learn web development, because I do have some ideas for some websites. Can someone give me some advice pls!

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/tamytamster
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