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    Sunday, June 20, 2021

    Coded a replica for a pro UI design I found on Pinterest, in vanilla JS and CSS. [Repo in comment] web developers

    Coded a replica for a pro UI design I found on Pinterest, in vanilla JS and CSS. [Repo in comment] web developers

    Coded a replica for a pro UI design I found on Pinterest, in vanilla JS and CSS. [Repo in comment]

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 01:05 AM PDT

    Not something useful or cool, but I’m proud of this. A couple years ago I’d have never imagined I’d make something I’m happy with.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    MSDOS BIOS POST Simulator with HTML/CSS/JS

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 04:26 AM PDT

    Tried Godot's HTML export for 3D graphics ? I brought in a building I have modeled in Blender and export it to HTML 5 using Godot's rendering engine and WOW ! 3D on the web is not just low poly retro town, Godot's offers a complete IDE and interactivity for 3D on the web, be sure to give it a try :D

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 12:21 PM PDT

    UI Snippets — A collection of CSS effects

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    UI Snippets — A collection of CSS effects


    Created a site with CSS snippets for people who are looking for inspiration when it comes to animations, let me know what you think about it! Will add many more effects in the near future ✌️


    submitted by /u/kempedIII
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    Bespoke CSS or Tailwind/Bootstrap?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 03:14 PM PDT

    When I started learning web development fulltime 6 months ago, I never bothered with tailwind or bootstrap. I had the mindset that it was best to learn how to do it from scratch so I could build anything a future client might ask.

    When I first started, my "web development world" was bascially building static brochure websites. I thought my target market was going to be small local businesses. However, I reached a point where I learned enough javascript that the world of web development started to fully open up. At this point my concept of what web development is completely changed. I started learning how to work with API's, move/manipulate data, build API's, work with databases etc. Then that was it... I was off to the races building full stack applications. My clients haven't been small local businesses that want brochure sites. My clients are decent sized businesses that are looking for a software solution for a problem, or they're looking to streamline processes in their workflow.

    Now I fucking hate writing CSS. It's now just this time consuming and inconvient part of my work flow that I need to get out of the way ASAP. I just want to crack on with building out the logic of my app.

    I never liked bootstrap and the generic bootstrap look. When I've looked at Tailwind CSS, my inital impression has been that it's just as much hassle as writing my own bespoke CSS from scatch. To me it seems like it just replaced writing css with using a riddle of classes and isn't going to save me any time. It seems to essentially be inline styling with extra hassle like being a complete fucker to maintain. I can't just create one class that I can easily update in one place to update many components. I would have to go through and update every single component indivdually.

    What are your thoughts, stick to writing css from scratch or are there better solutions out there??

    submitted by /u/anon2983
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    Seed-simul, an art project where you can plant seeds in a 3D virtual environment

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 03:08 AM PDT

    What is the best way to send confirmation/verification email from backend (Express)?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 01:16 PM PDT

    I am working on a project where as a starter I need to make a landing page where interested people can book their username before we officially open up the site. To reduce spam, I am planning to have them verify their email ID.

    I have already purchased a domain. But I'm confused how to set it up so that the users receive email from address like noreply@mydomain.com.

    I previously used sendgrid for some personal project but it didn't work as good as I thought it would (They would block my account for unknown reasons). Can you tell me what tool do you use for sending emails to confirm accounts or reset password?

    submitted by /u/Katsuga50
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    Does it make sense to get a 4 year degree in Comp. Sci, only to end up in WebDev?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 07:56 PM PDT

    I'm 27 and I've known I wanted to work in the Computer Science field since I was 16. Yet, I have never actually worked within Comp Sci, in any capacity. Over the years, I've dabbled in WebDev (HTML + CSS only), taking College Network Engineering courses, taken COP2000 Intro to Programming, etc. I like WebDev, I like that I can learn @ my pace and can leverage, as a hobby almost, alongside work. In the hopes that it gives way to a career.

    That said, I would like to get my 4 year degree. I'm looking @ getting transferring into a In-State Comp. Sci program. The program emphasizes a strong mathematical foundation in years 1-2, while really ramping up the courses one cares about in years 3-4. Courses include Programming Fundamentals, Computer Networking Fundamentals, Data Structures & Algorithms, Operating Systems, and Discrete Structures among other things. Upon typing all those courses out, it seems like this program is geared more so towards Programming and Comp Sci in general. They're maybe Web Dev Courses that count towards elective credits, but no Web Dev courses in Core Curriculum.

    If I ultimately want to be in Web Development, would I be wasting my time obtaining a degree in the process? As a layman, it seems as though the Degree could only help,

    submitted by /u/EscoCzar
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    Best way to learn css grid?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 03:43 PM PDT

    I am trying to build my first website, and i have aspirations of becoming a developer. I have spent about a week on my homepage and keep deleting my project because I cannot build it how I have it planned…. One of my biggest problems is the layout. I have attempted to use grids after watching like 10 videos but it just is not turning out. I have browsed through tons of professional portfolios so I have set high expectations for myself.

    The way I an setting up the grid is like this: grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr 1fr grid-template-columns 1fr 1fr 1fr grid-template area; "box-1 box-1" "box-2 box-2" and so on…

    I am having a huge issue with getting everything aligned… Like i said if you know any good resources don't hesitate to let me know.

    submitted by /u/Cave-Skier1994
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    How does Covid and global recession affect your coding?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 03:09 PM PDT

    I am thinking mobile devices in particular. Do you assume people are going to be buying better phones in future or do you assume they will economise and buy cheaper ones without the big ram offerings?

    Do you still load heavy javascript frameworks into your website or does our post Covid future give you pause?

    submitted by /u/kiwiheretic
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    Can anyone tell me what this is called and how I can do it myself?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm not a web dev, but I do have a decent amount of self-taught experience. However, apparently not enough to figure out how this is done or how I can do it myself.

    I've noticed something that is very trendy and popular recently on a lot of sites, where they will animate PNGs as you scroll a page. For example, https://magicspoon.com/products/variety-pack-cereal-case (the spoon rotates as you scroll down)

    Would anyone mind telling me what this effect is called? And maybe how I could accomplish it myself and with what tools?

    Any help or direction is greatly appreciated! Thank you.

    submitted by /u/wifi-money
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    Location Header for permanent redirect on external url.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 01:52 PM PDT


    I am building a small url shortener.

    A user will hit an endpoint with an id then I want to redirect them to the url of the actual website that id represents in my database.

    Currently, the client ( a web browser) will visit a url that looks like this: mywebapp.com/<id>

    and will be 'redirected' to mywebapp.com/www.google.com

    I want to replace the entire url, not just everything after the base url? How can I redirect the user to an external url instead of one baseurl+externalurl (like in the example)

    My location header currently looks like Location: www.google.com

    and has a status code of 301.

    Can anyone help me find a resource for forwarding urls outside of current domain? Or share any feedback on my current ideas here.


    submitted by /u/ShamWowIsASham
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    Hubspot CMS experience ?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 01:29 PM PDT

    Does anyone had experience with hubspot CMS? Can You recommend it ? A new customer is working with it currently. He does not know of he wants to keep it or migrate to something else like WordPress. I would like to hear some opinions about that from you guys who had to work with it already. How was it?

    Is hubspot CMS developer and designer friendly ? Is it as powerful as popular WordPress page builders ?

    submitted by /u/xdmarv
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    How do you run a legal website anonymously nowadays ?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 09:21 AM PDT


    I'm looking to create a legal website but in an anonymous way, from the domain down to the server. How do you do this today, especially in regard to GDPR (I'm in EU) ?

    It would be a free and non-profit website...

    It was so easy back in the early days... but now ?


    submitted by /u/Whathepoo
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    What would you suggest for my last project of the summer?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 12:47 PM PDT

    My goals:

    I want to be a full-stack web developer but I'm also considering switching/bridging into cybersecurity or software dev depending on how I find work (I'm doing web dev co-op this upcoming year).

    What I'm currently working on:

    I'm currently working on two projects and I have space for one more during the last month of the summer (August). So I have about a month to work on it but I can finish it up in September if I have to.

    The first project was my responsive portfolio site (using HTML, CSS, JS, and PHP all from scratch). The second is a tax site for a client (using wordpress with login functionality and connecting wordpress with powerapps to auto-fill tax forms, which is actually more complex than I planned). I'm finishing up the first project and hosting it but currently focusing on the second one. I think I'll by done both by the end of July.

    What I'm considering for the project:

    I'm considering a MERN stack project and building a very simple social media web app or a MERN stack simple mobile e-commerce application. I have more experience with LAMP stack than MERN stack (none, in fact) but I also feel like I have more time to explore LAMP stack with my web dev diploma.

    What would you suggest in these circumstances for reaching my goals and improving as a full-stack web developer?

    submitted by /u/Ianteepeedood
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    Is it common for interviewers to ask theoretical webdev related questions?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    Do interviewers actually ask questions like "how is virtual dom different from the real dom", "what are the types of web services", "what is the difference between REST and SOAP" and so on. I feel like I have a good amount of practical knowledge, Ive built several projects(a social app(next js, express and mysql), a chat app(mern + socket.io) and a personal custom wallpaper generator(next js express and mysql)). I thought that it would suffice for at least a junior full stack dev position but having looked through some of the job requirements I found myself lost and not being able to answer any pf these questions, is it important to know to get a job?

    submitted by /u/nikita_lafinskiy
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    Does anyone know how to incorporate powerapps with wordpress?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 11:57 AM PDT

    A client wants me to incorporate the two together and I have no clue how to even approach it. The only possible plugin I see is a paid plugin called "powerapps for wordpress" but I'm not even sure if it does what it claims to do because it's very vague in its description and lacks tutorials.

    submitted by /u/Ianteepeedood
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    Quote Collector - My 1st SPA, PWA project, serverless with Vue & Firebase. Any feedback is much appreciated. More info in the first comment.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 08:39 PM PDT

    100k dlls salary outside the US possible ?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    Lately I've been seeing those remote job boards or the ocasional Twitter job post talking about 100k salaries for remote positions.

    I'm curious if that's really possible for remote positions outside the US (for example in Latin America) ?

    I know remote jobs have a good salary but personally I don't know anyone on that range.

    submitted by /u/andrscyv
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    Automate boring installations with Chocolatey

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 09:33 AM PDT

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