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    Tuesday, June 8, 2021

    Anyone else do the bare minimum at work? Ask Programming

    Anyone else do the bare minimum at work? Ask Programming

    Anyone else do the bare minimum at work?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    Me: 26 Years old, Male, Full Stack Software Engineer Consultant (mostly dotnet core stuff)

    I used to be really passionate about Software Engineering in college and when I was fresh out. But as the work years have gone by I have slowly been losing interesting in programming all together. I do the absolute bare minimum at work just to get by. I probably work 10 hours a week tbh. I make a comfy salary so why would I care about busting my ass for more? I feel like I have gotten way to comfortable with where I am at in life and I don't have the motivation to push myself beyond where I have gotten myself. Anyone else have this issue?

    submitted by /u/reeeeeecolla
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    How do you store data in a DataFrame in a "3D" kind of way?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 12:34 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm working on storing stock screener data and am trying to figure out the best way to do it.

    No.,Ticker,Performance (Week),Performance (Month),Performance (Quarter),Performance (Half Year),Performance (Year),Performance (YTD),Volatility, (Week),Volatility (Month),Analyst Recom,Average Volume,Relative Volume,Price,Change,Volume 1,BIIB,47.99%,45.47%,46.61%,62.17%,32.10%,61.66%,15.52%,5.63%,2.80,1116.42,16.03,395.85,38.34%,17894100 2,CLOV,56.02%,44.84%,62.18%,16.29%,,-28.92%,15.54%,10.20%,2.50,22919.64,5.24,11.92,32.44%,120196144 3,VCNX,26.05%,34.53%,4.53%,43.54%,-17.58%,44.93%,12.98%,8.31%,1.00,458.78,23.52,3.00,30.43%,10788728 4,ATOS,86.65%,154.66%,182.16%,298.01%,78.87%,532.63%,21.60%,13.84%,2.00,11565.29,5.41,6.01,30.09%,62595049 5,PRTA,27.63%,57.35%,80.55%,238.45%,246.33%,209.99%,11.08%,8.25%,1.70,370.36,4.39,37.23,29.95%,1627702 

    For example if my data is like this where columns are what's being measured and rows are the stocks, I want to be able to add a 'z' axis which would be time, say every 5 minutes or something. I can't seem to wrap my head around how dataframes work anyone point me in the right direction?

    submitted by /u/dog098707
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    Database of game info similar to TMDB. What would you recommend?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 02:16 AM PDT

    I am in the process of planning an app for my own personal use which will function almost identically to My Anime List.

    I am currently looking for a database from which I can pull data on games such as the games popularity, reviews, average score, etc.

    I have come across IGDB and RAWG, but I haven't had the time to to any deep research into them.

    Has anyone on this sub made use of any similar databases and what would you recommend?

    I am fresh out of college with a degree in Software development and I have been unable to find a graduate position as a developer. I am currently working in IT support. During my down time I would like to be working at something to prevent any loss in what little skill I gained in college.

    I appreciate any help that can be given.

    submitted by /u/MINER69_R
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    Languages that are easy to handwrite

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 08:07 PM PDT

    So what is everyone's favorite language for writing when they don't have a computer nearby / brainstorm using pen and paper? I really like Lisps for this, but I have also seen people talk about APL due to its compact notation. What are everyone's favorites?

    submitted by /u/Waltzing_coffee
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    What are the hells of programming?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 04:45 AM PDT

    Here are some of my least favorites; dependency hell, tutorial hell, callback hell, and project management hell.

    submitted by /u/shittychinesehacker
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    is my skillset desirable for a job in tech/programming?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 09:43 AM PDT

    Hello, i always thought of myself as a developer, but after interacting with the community for a while i realized i dont really have the skills i should have.

    i have been working as "the tech\systems person" along with another person on a non tech company. my job is mostly installation, maintenance and administration of the web server and database server and SQL development for our website (it mostly calls stored procedures for its backend). most of what i do i learn when i need to do it, most recently ive been managing an oracle database and learned a lot about it and plSQL development.

    i also have some knowledge in C,C#,php and have some light exposure to java. though im not proficient in any of those languages.

    i want to emphasize that im not an expert DBA, when i have a problem i investigate the solution and try to implement what i found, but i have no expert knowledege of the inner workings of a database, or a web server.

    im wondering what should i learn to find a job in a tech company, is what i do enough, should i learn more about database administration? or is it more realistic to take java or c# courses and find a job as a developer?

    sorry for the long post and any grammatic mistakes, english isnt my native language.

    thanks! :)

    submitted by /u/noelaits
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    Need help with electronic chess set.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 07:09 PM PDT

    I didn't know where else to ask for help on this so if there's somewhere better lmk. Also keep in mind I have 0 knowledge in this subject.

    I recently purchased an electronic chess set from the early 2000s that comes with a magnetic sensory chess board. The set also came with a pocket chess computer that you can plug in and play against the computer.

    Here's where my question comes in. The board and computer are connected via a 20 pin connection. I want to know if it would be possible to plug the chess board into my own pc so I can record my games so I can go back and analyze them later.

    submitted by /u/eisenbergw
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    Arduino language converter to c

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 03:18 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, Is there any software that converts uno programs to c ?, yes both follow the same principle of algorithms, just that it differs the assignment and instruction. Thanks

    submitted by /u/bil7200
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    How to really format text like this 'u e 7 0 ' back to 'ue70' using javascript?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 06:47 PM PDT

    u e 7 0

    I don't wanna replace all %20, because some real %20(space) is what I want.

    submitted by /u/hwpcspr112
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    403+1 ! Error

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 06:19 PM PDT

    Hi After uploading my project on githhub - a simple html site - only the main page works, But the 'sub pages' don't , 2 of 'them' show 404! When i open and 2 dosen't even open. so , what is the proplem !? I hope you help me. THANKS.The page

    submitted by /u/MF771
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    Can Anyone Help Me?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    I have no knowledge of coding but I found a random word after a the word "password".

    Is it possible to know a password from a random word?

    also here is an example


    submitted by /u/ProfessionalNo1763
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    What kinds of things should a senior engineer be doing?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 09:27 AM PDT

    Good afternoon everyone! I'm starting a new job July 1 for a company that creates and maintains a few web apps for a client base. I'm very excited about this, because even though I've been coding and developing stuff on my own and for other employers for many years, I've never actually worked with a team of developers.

    However, it looks like they are bringing me in to fill the senior role. The 3 developers they have are doing alright with their tasks, but it seems like they are largely left to fend for themselves as it relates to code issues and development. They have never had code reviews, paired programming, or any other things that I think a senior engineer would do to work with them. I'm not necessarily sure that I have all that it takes to qualify as a senior, but I do think my knowledge and experience with coding probably makes me best suited for the role out of the options.

    As I've never been on a team, I'm not sure I fully understand all that a senior does, and I really want to help this team and the folks on it. I've heard things like pair programming and code reviews are great, but have never had to do them or go about them myself. I am not looking to lord my title over anyone or be anything other than collegiate, but I would like to help these other developers get better at their craft, enriching their career and work at the same time. I'm hoping there are some folks out there that can give me some tips or insight into the kind of things I can try to do to fill a role I've never done for a team that doesn't appear to have ever had this. I appreciate any feedback and guidance you can offer!

    submitted by /u/SquishyDough
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    Small Project Help

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 03:17 PM PDT

    I am a high schooler with a bit of programming experience and had an idea for a small project that involves creating a website/app. I am looking for someone who is good at python and could guide me through the process since I am running into many problems from the beginning. I will mostly be using python and a bit of HTML. Thank you

    submitted by /u/Jiggle4
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    Entity framework

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 03:08 PM PDT

    This might seem like an obvious question but here goes. Entity framework is a tool to connect models to databases. Fine. When you add it to your project you take a nugget package and add it, then when you want to connect your model to the dB, you Open a command line run a prompt and then it creates the context file which you then use to pull/push data. When i first used this tool I was amazed at how easy it was and wondered how I could author a similar mechanism to develop a similar tool for other purposes as yet not existing. Is the command line just calling an exe, stored in the project directory, with Switches to generate the content that gets used to join the 2 parts together. Pretty certain that's how it works but wanted to ask someone more in the know than me. Have a great idea for a similar tool and was curious as to how it's leveraged.

    submitted by /u/starcrafter84
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    What is the application like microsoft word for program code ?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, Is there any software to write the programs and then print them correctly without going through Microsoft Word ? Thanks

    submitted by /u/bil7200
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    How to go about sustaining a large project?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 10:40 AM PDT

    I am currently moving to a new project in my company. I have been a software engineer for about 2 years now. I have always worked on greenfield projects, building from scratch. It's been really fun.

    However, my new project is much older and much, much larger than what I have previously worked on. How have you gone about entering into a mew and rather large project, and begin to solve issues or build new features when it seems too big to really grasp?

    submitted by /u/Imaginary_Trainer654
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    Do any of you people use multiple IDEs for different languages, and what do you think of the idea?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 08:22 AM PDT

    tester gave me wrong answer.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 02:14 PM PDT

    I have been trying to solve a problem, but it feels like i did everything okay . But i got the wrong answer, but idk about the bug.

    the link in below,


    my code:


    submitted by /u/rahli-dati
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    Where can I ask for help/rent a coder? JavaScript + jQuery 2.2.2 ? (not sure..)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 02:10 AM PDT

    Howdy great peeps,

    There is a singleplayer game called "Sheltered" which is one of my most favorite games of all time to which I keep coming back to, and someone had made a script that un-encrypted save files, allowing you to edit the saved game and then put it back into the script and it would re-encrypt it - allowing the game to make use of the changed save file (otherwise it would state it was corrupted). But it no longer seems to work with the latest game version, except the "global" save file (which only contains minor, unimportant, details).

    My vision is quite horrid (medical issue) and scripting is hugely confusing to me (I've done a few attempts, but my brain seemingly just can't wrap around it), whereabouts would I ask help from a scripter/coder or where can I rent one? I have no idea how much effort it would even be to make the script working again.

    On a side note, it's a purely singleplayer game so there is no "advantage" to editing saves, it's quite the opposite for me - I make it much harder than the base game allows (as to not get bored quickly).

    Any help would be greatly appreciated! I know this game can seem rather trivial, but it does means a lot to me (and I simply have no fun with the game anymore, without me being able to edit the save).

    The script (at least, I presume it is a script):
    https://jsfiddle.net/jzex3twz/ - Duplicate?

    The save files in question (it works with the global save, but not with the larger _01/main save):

    The original script creator's post:

    In case anyone is interested as to what the game is:

    submitted by /u/SearchForGooshGoosh
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    I'm starting to feel slow and low skilled, but I am 13 years in the field only

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 01:34 PM PDT


    I work as a programmer since 12 years. I've been through any kind of horrible stuff any IT people can go.

    I work mainly in .NET and all the derivations. Because I'm reasonably flexible, in every company I got my hands on a wide array of technologies (js and various frameworks, java, vb, php, virtual machines, docker.... and the list could continue). In my first job experience I've also been kinda of a sysadmin (mostly on windows) and computer jolly/help desk for a big company.

    So I got my hands dirty with assistance with any device (android, linux, apple both mobile and PC, windows, blackberry) both hardware and software. Been the "computer guy" which fixes everything in those companies, from the dummy employee whose computer "doesn't turn on" because he had the plug unplugged, to having some network printers print too slow on certain apple computers only, because the Cisco firewall applies some particular restrictions on the packets coming from those machines and from those ethernet ports, to recabling network cabinets and so on.

    I've gone through software horror, with porting of prehistoric legacy applications, understaffed projects, unrealistic deadlines, programming weekends due to said deadlines, decompiling undocumented unknown dlls from previous software manifacturers to fix bugs, working on 4-5 project at same time and alone and I could go on...

    You got the drill.

    Now I'm over 30yo.I start to feel that my mental plasticity is going low, my will to learn stuff is lowering and the things to learn are just overwhelming.

    The thought was always kinda present, but I felt I could keep up.

    Now with the last project, it's getting unbearable.

    We got a porting from an super old asp.net classic application (aspx, asmx, you know) which consist of 3 big web portals, plus another one which does authentication, plus various side projects that acts as utility dlls for common tasks for the project.

    Even though I clarified that I don't want PM project because my communication skills suck, my organization sucks, and I'm good only with already started projects under PM and NOT AS A PM, they put me as PM for that project. I've decided everything about the structure.

    Pattern, technologies and so on. We ported it to the latest .NET (NET 5, with ASP NET MVC) stuff because the customer requested the most modern technology available.

    Well, I feel overwhelmed. I got stormed by lot of technical difficulties and decisions.

    I find that often I forget about the basilar features of the technology I use, I often ramble on google to find the best solution to some problems the project poses, and do a lot of "syntax sugar" stuff to shorten code, but forget about most basic stuff of the framework.

    I am working A LOT of extra hours and weekends because of those difficulties and bad decisions.

    I can't take good decisions for speeding up a project.

    I see some programmers that I work with have everything clear in their mind. Even if they don't remember exactly how to do it, they know "that particular feature" exists in the framework and that it's present as a feature. So they just google it up and implement the solution.

    I don't. I forget that even exists, and end up building up convoluted or not KISS solutions which work, but I could have leveraged some framework stuff that already does that.

    The amount of knowledge I have is enormous (I'm not being overbearing or arrogant, it's just a lot of stuff and there's lot of people around who are for sure a lot more efficient and lectured), and I can't handle it anymore.

    I had lot of stuff working, lot of projects done, even really hard ones, but it's starting to feel hard.

    I start to need a base project already done and then copy/paste from there and if it's needed, put up some magic code to solve problems, but I need a track to follow.

    What is happening? Is it normal?

    Should I read a book about a technology I use, follow it and do a big personal project with it to revive knowledge and willpower?

    Many says that once programmer it's experienced enough, usually turns into PM. But I suck at that. Really. So that is not an option. I hate every bit of it.

    submitted by /u/CampKillYourself1
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    Over-reading from infile

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I am writing a program to average the values of a movie through time pixel-by-pixel.

    I have read various documentation that seems like an answer to my question, but I cannot get anything to work. I am reading an image that is in the form of an ascii file and the first element of each row is an index for that row. As expected, waiting until !infile.eof() is true results in overreading by one, and I have tried using peek() and checking for the end of file character at different points in the loop, but I am either stuck in an infinite loop or the last value of the file before EOF char is read 512x512 times.

    Any tips on breaking after I read the last line of the file?

     // time average the 3D array to get 2D bg array // X, Y = 512, image is 512x512 pixels while (!infile.eof()) { // have also tried while (infile.peek() != EOF) for (int j = 0; j < X; j++) { infile >> tmp; // this is the row index for (int k = 0; k < Y; k++) { infile >> tmp; // outfile << tmp << std::endl; // this print statement showed that I am reading too far bg_arr[j][k] += tmp; } } // checking that infile.peek() != EOF here will break, but will still // have 512^2 values that are the last character that is not EOF } 
    submitted by /u/CorgiClouds
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    Do you know any good recourses for learning GTK (and glib, gobject, gio)?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 01:03 PM PDT

    I really want to get into GTK GUI development with C, but after trying to follow along with the official documentation I found that I need to learn gobject, glib and gio to really understand GTK.

    But after trying to follow along with the official documentation for glib I realized it's all a bit to complicated for me, and I'm really struggling to follow along with it (f*ck you ADHD). I then found a different tutorial that seems to be a bit more handholding and easier to follow along with, but my issue with that is that it doesn't cover glib and gobject, instead it just requires me to copy the code without understanding whenever any gobject related topics appear. I then found a book that fits my needs perfectly, but that is incomplete and as the book itself states it is far from finished, and from what I understand the creator gave up on it in 2019.

    So if you know of any good resources for learning GTK that

    1. Actually cover glib, gobject and gio
    2. Are moderately easy to follow

      I would really appreciate if you gave me a link.

    It's also a nice bonus if it would be up-to-date (as in covering GTK 4 instead of 3)

    submitted by /u/TonnyGameDev
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    Wondering if xcode can replace vscode for my day-to-day software engineer work.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 12:43 PM PDT

    Possible to find out the rick roll post that rick rolled the most people?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 05:17 AM PDT

    I feel it could be easy to narrow down the biggest day of rick rolling based on surges of traffic on some kind of view count data table. But the question here is it possible to map out all posted rick roll links on the web and compare the time posted with the biggest gain in viewers on the video data to determine who had the highest body count of rick rolls off one link.

    submitted by /u/N4P4LM_
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