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    Monday, June 7, 2021

    Animate.css | A cross-browser library of CSS animations. web developers

    Animate.css | A cross-browser library of CSS animations. web developers

    Animate.css | A cross-browser library of CSS animations.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 05:27 AM PDT

    Animista - A place where you can play with a collection of ready to use CSS animations, tweak them and download only those you will actually use

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    I made a fun JavaScript quiz that will test your knowledge on somewhat obscure JS syntax. You'll be shown 25 expressions and will have to guess the output. Please give it a try and let me know what you think :)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 08:52 AM PDT

    What would be the best way to store credit cards?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    I am building an app that will integrate an API in which it takes in credit card & address information and purchases something on an external website using that information. I simply pass in the credit card & address information in my request.

    So first I need to collect the credit card information from the user and store it for future use. A quick search on past Reddit threads show people suggesting NOT to store credit card information in my database and instead use a 3rd party like Stripe.

    The issue is, I don't need Stripe to facilitate the purchase / transaction. The API I am using does that. Is it possible to use Stripe to just store credit card information and then access the information when needed to use in my app without requiring Stripe to process the credit card?

    submitted by /u/NowVSFutureBalance
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    Fastest way to process 93,000,000 rows daily

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 04:05 AM PDT

    I currently have 93,000,000 new rows daily to loop through. Thought of two solutions but feels like there could be a better way around this.

    Context: Wallet system and after a given time in a day, each user that transfer more than X amount they will be eligible to receive a reward on their account. These new rows are purely transactional, meaning to say they record where it came from or who it's going to and how much.

    LAMP stack. The most used columns are all indexed.

    Problem: Too many rows to loop through, every time i need to wait for more than 1 hour before it's done.

    Potential solutions:

    1. Break down the new rows by odd and even and run two loops on them ( 2x the speed )
    2. Partition the table and add the data into separate rows ( can run as many loops as the tables i have, lesser data to work through)

    Edited to provide more clarity :)

    submitted by /u/benjibennn
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    Searched everywhere I could think of. Help please. Self taught. Project is 100% Reactjs

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 02:26 PM PDT

    When pull requests aren’t noticed

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 07:40 AM PDT

    I contribute to open source here and there, but something I've noticed is that pull requests sometimes linger for ages, while at other times they don't get noticed at all. They're meaningful contributions that solve issues/open tickets.

    How do you handle your pull requests? Do you set and forget them or do you contact the team? Tell me about your experiences.

    submitted by /u/HelleFL
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    Did Apple just make the web experience much worse with iOS 15’s new Safari?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 03:33 PM PDT

    With this new Safari update where the tabs/url bar is moved to the bottom, Apple just ruined the experience for a ton of web ecommerce sites, including most Food ordering platforms.

    Most of the buttons «Add to cart», «To checkout», «Pay now» are usually located at the bottom of the screen. Now that part is «reserved» for the new tab/url bar. So now, we have to place these buttons higher up.

    You might argue, why not just put it at the top, well these call to action buttons should be in reach of the hand comfortably.

    I can't wait to see how the big tech giants will solve this issue in the upcomming weeks / months.

    I feel like Apple is just making it harder every year for web apps to function properly to force users to use their beloved App Store. We are in 2021 and Safari still doesn't support web push on iDevices and no proper PWA support

    Anyone else frustrated, having the same issues and worried about how this will affect the user experience for their users?

    submitted by /u/Networkbytes
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    Full Stack developers' sentiment on the state of DevOps?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 08:49 AM PDT

    I'm a former C#/.NET developer now working exclusively Node/React/Vue space. Also a big fan of MySQL. Finally, mostly self-taught and little experience working on proper teams so I don't know if my perception is skewed.

    After launching an app (MySQL, Express, Vue, Node, Firebase/Firestore) a number of different ways across a number of different services - I feel VERY fortunate that I eventually got it working. I spent months toying around with DigitalOcean, GCP, AWS, and Docker only to finally land on a service that hosts and containerizes the app for you as long as you provide some shell scripts.

    It was a terrible experience. I definitely pride myself on being moderately competent in a number of different programming languages and frameworks, but I have never really had a "good" deployment experience.

    Using firebase or amplify for a full stack isn't too bad (BaaS-type setup) but as soon as you want to avoid vendor lock-in or develop for a raw Linux server deployment, it's a huge mess of CORS, Permissions, Containers, Environment Variables - all of which is difficult to debug. I've taken a few different courses now on things like Docker, NGINX, EC2, SPA Deployments, but it feels like this stuff will never come naturally to me. It all feels so needlessly complicated.

    I would really love to know what other full stack developers do about this. Do you just get really comfortable with 1 deployment method like EC2 + Docker or do you concede your ability to use SQL efficiently and go with Firebase? OR... are the finer aspects of DevOps usually reserved for DevOps engineers when you're working with a team?

    The only good DevOps experience I've had was with Zeet.co and they're a bit on the pricier side, not a place I can depoy every little side-project to.

    submitted by /u/716green
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    How hard would it be to build a cloud-based accounting software like Quickbooks Online? (non-coder asking, serious question)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    I'm the Controller (oversee the finances) of a small non-profit, but I work part time. I use Quickbooks online and think it's terrible, even for simple functionality. I think I could make a better accounting software.

    But… obviously… a cloud based accounting system cannot be either easy to code or cheap to run. Hence why I am here.

    Before I spend time to write a business plan and explore the steps needed to actually start this business, I need to know whether the idea is even feasible. Is it even worth pursuing..

    If anyone here has used QBO, or Wave, or Freshbooks, or anything, could you perhaps give me a bit of insight into what it might take to build a basic, MVP of a platform like that? Obviously it takes work, but is it doable? And what might it cost to get something like that running on AWS? Even super basic generalizations is fine, I'm just looking for info to put me on the right track.

    I know this post may seem silly. I'm just looking to get a bit of a better idea.

    submitted by /u/questioningmoney
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    I have no idea where to start, but I want to build a responsive website

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    So I saw this video by Maisyleigh of her building a website from scratch and fell in love. I loved everything about that video, and I keep starting how to code and I just keep falling out of it because every time I think I learn one thing, I realize I don't know anything at all. It's extremely frustrating and I would like to learn how to build a website to showcase my future business and have it have a lot of cool tricks inside of the website.

    submitted by /u/wegongetdisbread
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    Help verifying a website redirect?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 12:25 PM PDT

    New here, I'm sorry if this type of post is not allowed, please remove if not, but I think I am following rule 6 guidelines. If there is a more appropriate sub to post this in, please let me know.

    The nonprofit I am working with has a new website - glassribbon.org. It replaced and old website that was at glassribbon.com. The old .com site *should* forward to the new .org site. Multiple people on multiple devices, however have inconsistent results despite forwarding seeming to be set up correctly. Sometimes the old site loads. Sometimes nothing loads. Sometimes it goes to .com but won't load because of a "this site is not secure" error. Somtimes it forwards to .org with no problem. I have had all of these happen to me on the same device at different times. I am trying to verify whether it something weird and cache related (it is possible all the people bringing up the issue had visited the old site before) and I don't have to worry about it, or if it is something that needs to be fixed somehow. This has been going on for weeks now, so not a temporary propagation error.

    Is it possible for a few people to enter the glassribbon.com url and let me know what happens for you? Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/filmhamster
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    Web site redirect to different server(regions)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 04:01 PM PDT

    Hello All,

    I'm learning not sure if this is best way to ask this but I will try.

    Do ya know if its a possibility to have a user's request go to different hosting servers? For example if my website mysite.com/US gets directed to a server in US region and mysite.com/CH gets directed to a server in china region?

    submitted by /u/jayrizz
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    Should I quit my job? (First job)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    Is it possible to convert a SCORM file to HTML5?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 11:28 AM PDT

    Hi. I've got a SCORM zip that uses the old Adobe Flash, so I was wondering if there's any fast and effective way of converting the content to HTML5.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Wufi
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    The NO code LOW code shift

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 06:01 AM PDT

    Hi. I am currently on the fence with regards to whether or not I should start learning development. With the shift towards a "no code" and "low code" world, is it still worthwhile to invest the time it would take to just learn even one language? I think this is quoted from Gartner:

    "According to 2020 Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Low-Code Application Platforms, Gartner predicted "By 2024, low-code application development will be responsible for more than 65 percent of application development activity" and "75% of large enterprises will be using at least 4 low-code development tools for both IT application development and citizen development initiatives by 2024″

    If the above is to be believed which I think is fairly warranted with the rise of Shopify and all these website builders, where will software developers stand when their 10000hrs of education and 10 years experience can be emulated by simply building an app through a block diagram solution that has built-in functions.

    Basically, I am curious if one would still be employable on the mass market or will we all end up fighting over the few jobs that legacy app support would still offer until they decide to also switch to some new tech? I would also assume that the Devs for these SaaS providers like shopify are some of the best in the world and little old me would not stand a chance against them in an interview if such an opportunity did arise.

    Also what are you doing to keep yourself relevant, especially if you are not entrepreneurial minded?

    Thanks for any views on this and apologies if I dont reply in good time. Been having major electricity cuts lately.

    EDIT: Not sure if this will be of interest. Just checked Google Trends for the comparison of searches over the past 5 years for "Software Developer" and "Shopify".

    Nothing conclusive but an interesting outlook of what one might expect to happen if more people start to pick up on these quick fix solutions. 2020 saw an expected peak, the coming years will prove interesting.


    submitted by /u/daviddotd
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    How do you correctly handle modals?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 07:12 AM PDT

    My webdev stack is typically very simple. Laravel/PHP for the backend, with some sort of CSS framework on the frontend (I'm playing with Tailwinds at the moment). I don't develop professionally, only side/hobby projects here and there for people.

    My question is this: How do people handle modals typically? I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Usually what I do is copy in a bunch of modal markup, leave it at the bottom of the page, and then toggle it on-off with some Javascript/Jquery to add or remove an "is-active" class to show the modal.

    The problem is that it gets fairly tedious if I have 2-3 modals on a page, because I'll have to target "#modal1" and then add the "is-active" class. Then remove it, and add the "is-active" class to "#modal2".

    Surely people building production apps aren't doing it like this. Is there a better way to go about this?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/brycematheson
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    How to properly save data that change through the time

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    I want to make a webapp to track my fitness progress, but i don't really know how to keep track of some measures like the weight to represent my progress in a graph or something like that. Suposse I have a table that saves users, the only way I can imagine to keep track of this type of data is having a secondary table that ows the weight and the date. This approach should work but It seems to me like a newbie practice. Do you know a better way to implement this?

    submitted by /u/Cfres_
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    The right tag for the job: why you should use semantic HTML

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 07:07 AM PDT

    Requirements Specification Document for building Web Applications

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 07:05 AM PDT

    Hello guys,

    I'm currently working on a project for my university. I need to create a simple Blog CMS from the ground up. I have already decided the technologies I'm going to use and a bunch of other things.

    The problem is that I'm struggling with finding a good requirements document template. Even if it's not formally requested, I'd like to produce a readable document in order to make the development easier. Also I'd like to be as much as professional as possible, because I'd like to acquire the skill.

    Where can I find it? Do you think that I'm just wasting time? What's your process when you create a web application?

    submitted by /u/cm2_0
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    Tooltip issue with position absolute

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 02:31 PM PDT

    Tooltip issue with position absolute


    I have a problem with tooltip when using an absolute positition.

    Here is my code :

    .tooltip .tooltiptext { visibility: hidden; width: 250px; background-color: #f2f2f2; color: #444444; text-align: center; border-radius: 6px; padding: 10px; box-shadow: 0 6.4px 14.4px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 13%), 0 1.2px 3.6px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 11%); font-weight: 500; position: absolute; bottom: 100%; left: 50%; margin-left: -125px; z-index: 1; } 

    However, if the text is on the right side or left side of the screen, it just goes off screen or on mobile it is adding a vertical scrolling to the whole page.


    Do you know how I can make it not going across the page border, so if it's too large, just to move it on the right/left side?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Nic727
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    MotionMark 1.2

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 02:31 PM PDT

    Best practices for fonts

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 10:03 AM PDT

    Static link to newest Wordpress post

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    Is there a way to create a static link to the newest blog post on a Wordpress site? I often create Instagram posts highlighting the newest blog post on my website, and since links are banned in Instagram except on your bio page, I always say "clink link in bio to learn more." Then I have to make sure the bio link is updated. Is it possible to link to lets say "site.com/?post=latest" (for example) and it will redirect to my latest blog post? That way the link will always go to my newest article.

    submitted by /u/Produkt
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