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    Tuesday, May 11, 2021

    Which license should I use ? Ask Programming

    Which license should I use ? Ask Programming

    Which license should I use ?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 08:36 PM PDT

    I'm starting a new project and I'm hosting my code on GitHub.
    I want the code to be free and open source but limited to personal use, except for me.
    I'm also using a library I made licensed under the GNU GPL 3 license in this project.
    Which license should I use if I want to protect my work ?

    submitted by /u/Sufficient_Outcome_8
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    Tips for my portfolio

    Posted: 11 May 2021 03:59 PM PDT

    Hi there! I'm a self taught and I'd like to build a portfolio, but I don't know what project could be cool for an entry level job. I mostly work with ruby on rails, node js, js, html, css and bootstrap I'm now teaching myself react. I'm looking for a fullstack or frontend role. Does anyone have any tips for me?

    submitted by /u/CalligrapherStreet46
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    Heroku doesn't like fs.rmSync and promises module is nonexistant.

    Posted: 11 May 2021 04:37 PM PDT

    How am I to delete files on a heroku instance? I am getting this error when using fs:

    UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: fs.promises.rm is not a function

    I am not sure why Heroku doesn't like it when I try to delete files but apparently fs isn't a part of node.js on a dyno?

    submitted by /u/bwz3r
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    Phylogenetic Tree Program?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Hi, first time posting here, so apologies if I make any mistakes.

    I am a biologist and nature photographer, and I'm interested in creating a simple program that would essentially allow me to organize my photos visually. I would want it to be a simple, black and white phylogenetic tree that I could add species to. I have used other programs to do this before, specifically Mindnode, but given it is not made for thousands of large file size photos, it often crashes/won't load/etc. I'm assuming that what must be done here is have the photo only display as a small thumbnail (or just as words) until you scroll/zoom in or click on it to see the main photo file. As for other details, I'd want to be able to have text available so I can put the various taxa info or personal notes with it.

    So now my questions:

    -What program would be good to start with something like this? I have very minor coding experience (think a class on Java, experience with Matlab, CSS/HTML, etc.), but I can typically get a book/YouTube/contact a friend to learn a new language if needed. My biggest problem is knowing where to start since this is not in my usual domain of programing.

    -Is there an open source program similar that I could made edits to that would get me close to what I'm looking for? Or a different way to approach this/something I'm missing that would be better, like would it be easier to buy a domain and use some sort of pre-existing website-builder, etc.?

    -If I wanted to hire someone to help me make this, what should I expect the price range and timeline for a project like this to be (I honestly have no idea)? It would only be for personal use for myself and possibly one friend. Depending what the answer is, it may be easier to just do that, especially given my friend would be able to split costs with me. I would want to use this long-term, so I wouldn't mind hiring someone to get close to what I'd want.

    All help/info is appreciated!!!

    submitted by /u/GoodnightMoose
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    How do you include programming in a technical report?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 08:35 PM PDT

    We've just finished a project for a class where we made a miniature hydropower plant. It was built from the ground up so we've done the mathematics, modeling, building and the programming of microcontrollers ourselves. All of this is to be included in a technical report. My question is; how do you include the programming part in the technical report, where the programming is not the main topic? Do you go through the program line-by-line, or perhaps explain just the main functions, or do you maybe just say "It works, here's the GitHub repo ;)"? Any tips are greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/roslaunch_node
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    OAuth ClientId and Secret for browser SPA ?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 11:30 AM PDT

    My REST API server provides data to the frontend via the REST APIs. It also supplies data to other clients that do not want to use our frontend, and instead want to call our APIs directly. Both the frontend and the other clients are calling the same APIs.

    We allow the generation of new clientId/secret pairs so that new clients can come and call the APIs. The idea with the clientId is that we can see which clients are calling which APIs and to monitor for specific clients being abusive by calling way too many APIs, etc. We may eventually limit each client to X number of API calls per day or something.

    Our web frontend is not much different from other API calling clients. It just calls APIs and displays the data in the browser. So the frontend fetches an API access token just like the other API callers would. (username and password is gathered from the user via the UI).

    The question is how to handle the clientId and secret for the frontend. I understand that the secret cannot be kept secure on the frontend so it might as well be omitted. But now I don't see the point of having a clientId for the frontend either. If anyone can see the frontend clientId and use that instead of their assigned clientId/secret, then how am I supposed to track which client is really which, and prevent certain clients from abusing the APIs? Couldn't people just start using the clientId/secret from our frontend once their own clientId his their limit for the day?

    submitted by /u/Acceptable-Platypus2
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    Confused with Competitive Programming and want to learn more about it ��

    Posted: 11 May 2021 09:40 PM PDT

    Just trying to help a community of people with my industry experience on competitive programming. Started a new tutorial series where I will guide you guys about the all programming difficulties with practical solutions. Give your feedback I will definitely work on it. checkout my work and give your valuable feedback

    submitted by /u/codewrestling
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    Searching for HDMI display

    Posted: 11 May 2021 09:28 PM PDT

    I want to do a minimal magic mirror and for that, I'm searching for a tiny hdmi display (without touch support) which I can use for my project.
    Do you have any suggestions on where I can find it (Amazon… link?).
    If you've ever built a magic mirror before, what are your tips ?

    submitted by /u/Sufficient_Outcome_8
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    Anyone here actually making decent side income from programming?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 05:28 PM PDT

    If so, how?

    I have a new job as an analytics director at a small firm, and have literally so much free time it's not even funny.

    I have no individual contributor responsibilities and most just attend meetings and weigh in on opinions. Coming from MBB consulting where I'm used to 70-89 hour weeks, this job is the definition of easy mode.

    I'm thinking of putting some of those individual contributor talents to work to increase my income on nights and weekends, but I'm curious if others are doing this successfully, and if so, how you're finding work?

    My skill set is mostly python, R, SQL, NoSQL, powerBi and tableau, although I was a fairly decent react developer once upon a moon.

    submitted by /u/ImJustWatching_O_O
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    Any good Node.JS/Express book to recommend?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 09:01 PM PDT

    I want to learn (and go deep) into the Node.JS and Express world. Anyone has any good book to recommend to learn these technologies?

    submitted by /u/Darthcolo
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    How is google able to recognise songs without processing on a server?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 04:47 PM PDT

    Pretty much the title. My pixel 4a claims to recognise songs without sending it to google. How can they pull this off?

    submitted by /u/punjabiprogrammer
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    do you work with translators? How does that work?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 11:54 AM PDT

    I'm a translator for a fintech company. I was recently tasked with translating some of their apps. I was given:

    • A link to one of the apps in the playstore.

    • Access to a platform where I can request changes to the apps.

    And that's it.

    This feels insane. There has to be a better way to do this. Do any of you have any experience with this?

    submitted by /u/mateogg
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    I learned JS, but I don't know how to make it work with HTML & CSS

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:04 AM PDT

    Okay, so I think i learned JS enough to do my first project. However, I have 2 problems: 1) I don't know how to make JS work with HTML and CSS 2) I don't know which project to do. Can somebody help me?

    submitted by /u/Ok_Abroad9642
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    Got some questions about p2p file sharing on python

    Posted: 11 May 2021 04:21 PM PDT

    Hello im a college student whit a project which is to design a basic p2p file sharing program on python ive found some codes on github and stackoverflow but thoose are way too complicated for me i need something more basic which resources would you recommend me also our teacher didnt teach us how to use python and since im on my first year i only choose c++ where can i find a good resource or someone to help me on a basic peer 2 peer file sharing program

    submitted by /u/iPixiv
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    Book recommendations/other resources for discrete math?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 04:06 PM PDT

    I've been programming for a few months now. Would like some book recommendations on discrete math so I could improve my problem solving skills which are vital for programming

    submitted by /u/Distinct_Break2478
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    To those familiar with the Java Immutables Annotations Framework...

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:12 PM PDT

    Is it possible to have the generated Immutable file have the exact same name as the base file?

    I can use style(typeImmutable = '*'), but this will give me the error:

    Generated source file name colission. Attempted to override already generated file

    Is what I want to do even possible?

    submitted by /u/new_test_cs_question
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    How to give 3rd Parties access to your API Securely?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 07:08 AM PDT

    I have an API that I want other people to be able to use by signing up for developer account and getting a pair of Client Id and API key. I am unable to find much details on how exactly this mechanism would work. The keys will have a specific scope assigned to them like READ or WRITE over a certain resource.

    Based on what I have googled, mostly i have come across articles on JWT for User authentication, which is not really what I want. I want to authorize access over my api based on the client id and access key. Maybe I have been looking into the wrong place till now? Can anyone guide me or point me in the right direction?

    submitted by /u/FlipItPizZa12
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    Automated Work Related Task

    Posted: 11 May 2021 11:52 AM PDT

    I have a task at work that requires me to delete thousands of old cases. The process is simple, I have a screen that requires me to simply click on each case, click delete, and then delete again. Some have a text box that asks for a reason for deleting which would simply be "Old". It's 2 clicks Delete -> Delete/Cancel (and some require a text input of "Old"). It's all done online on chrome.

    How hard would it be to create something that automates this?

    submitted by /u/lolwowza
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    Help with my Raspbian situation

    Posted: 11 May 2021 11:23 AM PDT


    I am currently trying to get music to play music automatically off of a floppy disk with VLC media player on a Raspberry Pi 4. I would like this to be headless, as in I just have to pop in a floppy disk and it will start playing music.

    I have a shell script set up that checks the mount directory of the floppy drive (/mnt/usb), and executes commands based on if there are any files in the folder or not. If there are files present, the script starts up VLC in the /mnt/usb directory, and plays the songs. I have the mount command in the ~/.bashrc file, along with the script I wrote to check the folder contents.

    Current issues I am having are:

    1. If the Pi starts up with no floppy disk in the drive, it tries to mount anyway, and when it finds nothing the first time, the mount command never runs again. Thus no files are ever found. I need some sort of automatic mounting software for floppy disks, so that the Pi doesn't have to have a floppy disk in the drive when it boots.
    2. Once the songs are finished playing in VLC, and you remove the floppy disk, it just sits there. I need it to exit out of VLC when the floppy disk is removed from the drive, and go back to checking the /mnt/usb directory for files to play. The best way I have found to do this is to use xdotool to simulate the pressing of the Escape key whenever the floppy is removed (/mnt/usb folder is empty again) but I can't figure out how to get it to work, because whenever VLC is open, the loop I have to set up to check the /mnt/usb directory is paused due to VLC still being open.
      I also have tried to use GNU Parallel to run 2 scripts simultaneously, one that checks /mnt/usb and starts VLC, and one that runs in the background that checks /mnt/usb for files, and if there's no files, simulate the escape key being pressed to exit out of VLC. I am unsure as to why, but GNU Parallel doesn't seem to execute them correctly, or I just don't know how to use GNU Parallel.

    The Script that checks for files in the mount point:

    #CHECKS FOR FILES in /mnt/usb
    while :
    path=$(ls -A '/mnt/usb')
    if [[ ! -z "$path" ]]; then
    echo "Directory is NOT empty!"
    nvlc /mnt/usb
    >Program stops checking here until VLC is closed with "Esc" key<
    echo "Directory is empty!"
    xdotool key "Escape" <---- This should close VLC, but it does not work in the else area of the if
    >Tried putting a task kill based on PID here but the PID changes every time VLC is started<
    sleep 1

    submitted by /u/dako44
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    Create a program that automatically searches for ex. Gas Stations when you zoom or move around on google maps

    Posted: 11 May 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    How can I create a program that automatically searches for ex. Gas Stations when you zoom or move around on Google Maps? Is it possible?

    submitted by /u/Murmlan
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    Basic GitHub question

    Posted: 11 May 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    If I have a private GitHub repository, is the codebase completely hidden from the public? I want to upload sensitive code that only I can read and I was wondering if a private repository is secure enough.

    submitted by /u/compRedditUser
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    What are the benefits and detriments of shared libraries?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 08:24 AM PDT

    I've seen a lot of discussion as to whether shared libraries are actually good or not. From a security standpoint, it's a lot better than statically linked objects, but from a development standpoint, they can lead to DLL Hell. I know Linus recently gave his opinion on this, but this was on a Fedora specific issue. I'd like to know people's thoughts on this, and different solutions. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Macro_Nerd
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    Help please?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 10:08 AM PDT

    Hey i was wondering how could facebook or other sites generate the html and css of new pages. Like when you create new profile page on Facebook how could facebook generate my page. Does they use php or anything else. (sorry for my grammar mistakes)

    submitted by /u/ahmedouarghi
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    Can't wrap my head around error caused in Assembly

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:21 AM PDT

    This code runs fine

    global _start


    mov eax, 1

    mov ebx, 1

    add ebx, eax

    int 0x80

    but not this (when I replace add ebx, eax with add eax, ebx.)

    global _start


    mov eax, 1

    mov ebx, 1

    add eax, ebx

    int 0x80

    It throws segmentation fault.

    I am running this on ubuntu 20.4 with nasm.

    nasm -f elf32 first.asm -o first.o

    ld -m elf_i386 first.o -o first


    Does this have something to do with registers? Or something else?


    submitted by /u/DangerousWish2266
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