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    Saturday, May 8, 2021

    Suppose that P = NP, and that I have a constructive proof Computer Science

    Suppose that P = NP, and that I have a constructive proof Computer Science

    Suppose that P = NP, and that I have a constructive proof

    Posted: 07 May 2021 11:27 PM PDT

    What to do now? Say for example that I even managed to apply it to the 3SAT problem, so that it could essentially be solved in O(n), aka in polynomial time, what is the next step?

    I understand that logically it would be to write a paper and publish it, but here comes several of my problems, where they mainly start off this that I to some extent just don't want it completely out there, just for anyone and everyone to be able to see the proof, since if I understand correctly, this may turn this discovery from a helpful one to a hurtful one.

    I am sure you of all people on Reddit would know both sides of the coin, and that we wouldn't be able to reap the benefits of this discovery without unfortunate malicious side products, which is why I am not completely certain that just posting it online would be the best move.

    Nevertheless, when I thought about it a bit more I discovered that, don't all discoveries have that same property? That they could all be maliciously exploited? Sure they may not all have the same magnitude, but they still do have it, and what was the result? We still published them, and I believe that its because the benefits out weigh the negatives, and that we only think about it with P vs NP, because the negatives are actually well known, more prone to usage, related to all of us, and will affect almost everyone.

    I guess one could say that its simply a major trolley problem, where our issue lies in that both tracks have so many people we can't even see which has more so that we could even take that into consideration. Its not like the numbers make it easier, but if we were to go with the same logic as that, we choose the most beneficial route in saving the most number of people it would help then. You could also say that we shouldn't publish at all, i.e. stop the train, but wouldn't that just delay the train? The train is inevitable if it is the case that P=NP, its just a matter of time before someone could prove it, in result sooner or later we will face the same issue once again.

    So kind of like a TLDR summary, if it was that I have a constructive proof that P=NP, applied to the 3SAT problem, how could I publish it in a way that we could benefit the most from it and decrease the number of ways it could maliciously be used?

    submitted by /u/ks2622
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