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    Wednesday, May 5, 2021

    If you need random numbers in shaders or procedural generation, white noise is your friend! I made a tutorial about it in Unity - link in the comments!

    If you need random numbers in shaders or procedural generation, white noise is your friend! I made a tutorial about it in Unity - link in the comments!

    If you need random numbers in shaders or procedural generation, white noise is your friend! I made a tutorial about it in Unity - link in the comments!

    Posted: 05 May 2021 09:15 AM PDT

    How 'hands' made in games?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 08:29 AM PDT

    Sorry for the dumb question, but I can't wrap my head around a lot of 3D engine stuff.

    Example: I have a FPS controller with a pair of hands attached to the camera. What do I have to to do to make the hands grab items, open doors, close a drawer, interact with the world in general?

    Do I have to create the animation in something like Blender? What about distances to objects or walls?

    What is the pipeline between creating animations in 3D tool and bringing them to life in either Unreal or Unity?

    Would be very thankful if someone experienced could give me some hints or tips or recommend my noob ass some good tutorials or courses on this.

    submitted by /u/pxlhstl
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    Dan Lowe (Sr. Staff Tech Animator at Sony Santa Monica) Analyses The Animation Systems of RDR2

    Posted: 05 May 2021 11:09 AM PDT

    Water in 2D games: I am looking for good topdown 2D water surface examples

    Posted: 05 May 2021 04:37 AM PDT

    Hello Gamedevs.

    I hope you can help me :). I am looking for good topdown 2D water surface examples for our upcoming game (suprise -> its a Hand drawn 2D top down game :D). A good game example would be "Graveyard Keepers".

    I know this question has been asked many times, but either it was a platformer (side view) or the example page was removed/404 o.O.

    thank you for your help

    submitted by /u/DragonSoldier2k
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    How do I spread the work so our programmer isn’t doing everything

    Posted: 05 May 2021 10:53 AM PDT

    I help consult a team of college novice game developers. We only have one programmer and a variety of story and art people. The one thing I constantly see is our programmer puts in the most hours and spends the most time coding the games we make, how do I spread out the work more and help lessen his strain? Is the solution as simple as getting more programmers

    submitted by /u/BabyPandaJr
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    I want to ramble about Scope again.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 07:53 PM PDT

    I'm a few years into my first project and I wish I could go back in time and force myself to not indulge in making so much content. To not make so many levels, to not make 50 upgrades, to not make 20 enemy types, to not make a tutorial area that I've revised 50 times as the game changes and evolves.

    Three. Make three of any given thing: 3 enemies, 3 powerups, 3 abilities. Flesh out more once your pipeline is PERFECT. Go out of your way to make all the things you plan on tweaking easily found in one place.

    If your game is good, you can make a fun slice of gameplay around this small amount of content. Remember that Mario brothers only had a few enemies like goomba's and turtles, and it's levels more or less repeat the same basic jump puzzle over and over. Complex, advanced AI and gameplay systems are more trouble than their worth. Fun things are simple but artfully executed. Empower the player, not the enemy. You can throw away countless months to make advanced AI that only makes your game less fun.

    Once you're done making a few core components, polish the ever living shit out of these things, make your pipeline perfect, put all the variables in just the right place, organize things perfectly, set a tone for all future content.

    They say the last 10% of the content is 90% of the work. Too many of us never reach the polish phase, dont' understand what it take to call something "done". When something works perfectly and is self contained but works artfully with everything else in the game without causing trouble elsewhere then it is done, until then it's not. You might THINK something is done, but if it's not implemented properly, if it's not well made and isolated, you will be working on it again and again as it breaks things or works in some bizarre way that you have to look over it for long periods of time to improve its functionality. Stop trying to be clever and make wonky things, write code in a way that makes as much immediate sense as possible so your future self can improve on all things at all times. Code that is logical, and readable at a glance is expandable, and allows for long term improvement. Quality games are made from a strong foundation and they are chiseled from marble over very long periods of time.

    Fun games have fun components. A hastily thrown together white box level should be immensely fun if your movement controls are tight, if your combat is well made. "Fun" should ooze from your game before you start building out tons of levels, and the core systems should not require a lot of overhead to create.

    It takes a lot of work and experience to figure out how to properly polish and finish things without things being messy and scattered, so much so that you'll likely be burned out by the time things are properly fitting together and you've figured this damned gamedev thing out.

    If you create a large scope while things are fresh and fun to work on, you will be setting yourself up for a fall you will have a bajillion things thrown all over thrown in a craze of creative self gratification, created for the thrill of gamedev, NOT because your game needs it. You need to ration content out so the journey is enjoyable over a long period of time so you have the fuel to cross the finish line and to craft this content with hard earned wisdom and knowledge of what makes your game tick.

    Once you have too much "stuff" there will be a burden setting in that you need to maintain all the proper values for health, damage, duration, etc. You will stop yourself from fixing things because it will break too many semi passable things in your game. Your project will bloat, it will take forever to find the right asset to modify, to locate the right textures and materials as you have an every increasing folder structure full of random junk.

    Your project will kill your enthusiasm with a thousand cuts for every little thing you've ever thrown in with the wrong naming convention, for a feature that was scrapped but has small residual bits of its carcass still drawing the life from its core. The eviscerated bodies of abandoned content will haunt you as your brain refuses to grant you motivation to work further on the project, to let you increase the body count of broken dreams. You will tangle your mind from making sweeping, impactful changes for fear of breaking everything.

    Skip the title screen, skip the options menu. Finish those when your game is actually fun and done. Create one level, level 2. Skip the beginning area, work on the level that has "normal gameplay, without worrying about slowly introducing your game to players. Once you have mastered level creation and things are flowing, create the introductory levels, create the "hard" levels. First make the CORE play perfect, make your pipeline for creating content perfect. If you build everything up at once, you will have to fix everything at once. If you keep things small and tight, you will have much greater luck going the distance.

    Most importantly, prove to yourself you have the wherewithal to push things to perfection, do not spend months or years making a grand expansive game sub par. Sub par content is worthless, only the best content is competitive. You need to learn to make competitive, perfect, and fun content that plays well with itself and doesn't break, that invites you to come back and build on it time and again. You do not develop this core experience by jumping ship time and again when he going gets tough, or by half finishing thousands of things because you allowed your scope to get out of control.

    A project is only a total failure if nothing reaches the point of perfection. Having too many things to play with along your journey to perfection will kill your development as a developer. Laser focus, make something robust and perfectly organized with perfect functionality that you envisioned in your head at the start. If you can do this once, you can do it again. Games are the collection of many perfect things, developed with the discipline to cultivate the perfect pipelines.

    submitted by /u/IllTemperedTuna
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    Finding code architectures

    Posted: 05 May 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    Hello, sorry for the bad grammar. So, I implemented the mission system in my game for daily missions, season missions, and all. But then I started to feel anxious about my code and unsure whether my code was optimized. Next, I have to implement an inventory system for guns and clothes and all. I was wondering are there any preset architectures I could find before implementing these systems? So that I could adjust my logic according to it.

    submitted by /u/carDKor
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    Advice for a beginner?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 07:13 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! Im new to this sub (and to game development) and was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. I'm 18 years old and am currently in community college, after which I would like to go to a university for game development and possibly graduate school as well. My dream is to work at a AAA studio, especially Naughty Dog, but I know I am a long way from there. I still don't know exactly what I want to do in the game dev career, but the field in general is very exciting and interesting to me and I'm taking a chance by pursuing it! I am interested in character design, costuming, character shading, video editing (for mocap), quality assurance testing, etc. Basically a bit of everything other than programming haha. I was thinking mostly about the QA route because I have heard you can branch into other areas from there. My problem is that I don't want to end up going in to university with no idea how or what to do. Does anyone know of any resources (other than taking my prerequisites) that will help me figure out what part of game dev I like, and how to practice?

    Thank you all so much for your help!

    submitted by /u/audreyeze1
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    Making a snowy rocks PBR material in Substance Designer - Tutorial (timelapsed)

    Posted: 05 May 2021 03:11 AM PDT

    Can I use AWS for my server?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 10:42 AM PDT

    I was wondering if I can program my own server and then just use some hosting site like AWS to use that server on. I want to be able to customize the max amount of players.

    submitted by /u/Spoongen
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    SDL2 TTF tutorial.

    Posted: 05 May 2021 05:28 AM PDT

    Recommended tools to create website to showcase my videogame also which service to use to host the website ?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 04:12 AM PDT

    I am developing my indie video game and am seriously considering creating my own website to showcase the game.

    The problem is I've been out of the web development scene since 1998 where I worked for an investment bank doing minor web development work for 4 months (coded C++ apps/ MS Excel VBA for the majority of the time there though).

    So I had some experience with HTML / ASP / Javascript / IIS etc but not that much. I've been coding in C++ / C# mostly since then.

    So right now I am pushed for time and budget but need to produce a professional looking website that can play video.

    I know there are non-coding and coding website development tools out there but I would prefer a primarily non-coding web development tool which has the option to go down the coding root if the need arises.

    I just don't know anything about the good web. dev tool options out there and have googled for opinions but not found that much besides people who seem to do 'Top 5' type promo videos with little to no explanation as to why they are highly rated by them. So any advice would be much appreciated regarding which web dev. tool to take on and use; I am not a big fan of the subscription business model so would not use Adobe but I am very impressed with Affinity tools which serve as alternatives to Adboe Photoshop, Illustrator etc.

    Also I would like to know of the best web hosting options out there, I've heard of Wix for example but I'm not too sure about using them, with 'free' offers like that there is usually a catch.

    Sorry if I sound clueless and a little 'lazy' in not having done my research but time is very limited and I am at the stage where I cannot even afford to spend 4 hours looking up and weighing up the alternatives. Your advice is much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/dfernand
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    Advice for getting a child into game dev? (On their request)

    Posted: 05 May 2021 09:24 AM PDT

    So my nephew wants to start learning how to make games. As a web dev myself, I understand that he has a whole load of learning to get down. And also the mindset, critical thinking etc.

    I also understand, he's still young. 11 years old. So I don't want him to feel overwhelmed, but enough for him to feel like he's making progress to something.

    I was wondering if anyone has been in a similar position? It would be nice if there was a child friendly course that he could do online which would help him understand the basics with plenty of hand holding to start with.

    I've seen some tools to create games that don't require code etc, but I feel he'll get into this and later on realise he will need to learn code etc anyway. I'm not sure though (which I guess is why I'm asking!).

    Also any other general advice would be super helpful.

    Edit: Another thing, I get that he most likely won't start off actually making any games at all. Just learning concepts, syntax, logic, critical thinking etc

    submitted by /u/Ryoma123
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    Need help with marketing on Twitter

    Posted: 05 May 2021 06:55 AM PDT

    I started tweeting regularly on Twitter 3-4 days ago, so I'm not sure if this is something which takes time or whether I'm doing something wrong. Basically, the only people interacting with my posts and following me are other game devs, which is awesome(don't get me wrong), but its not my target audience, which is gamers.

    For context on tags, I normally use #indiegame, #gamedev, #rpg, #indiegame, #madewithunity #gaming. Please tell me what I can do to reach out to my target audience as well

    submitted by /u/WestEagleGames
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    New member

    Posted: 05 May 2021 04:57 AM PDT

    Hello there!

    I'm Minuk_matt_kang from South Korea!

    I'm interested in translation(English -> Korean, also studying chinese) and that's why I am here!

    I'm want to share and learn about indie games with you.

    Have a good day. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/minuk_matt_kang
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    Gamedev podcasts

    Posted: 05 May 2021 07:59 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I am looking for a Podcast to hear while going to work which is about 40mins. Do you guys have any recommendations ( mostly prefered indie Developers talking about experience or experts talking about game mechanics)? Right now I am listening to some of Tim Ruswick videos. I tried the Videos of GDC but I think they have a lot of visible explanation on video. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/HaxTrickz
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    Working no some mechanics and level design updated for Beyond the Oaks, What do you think so far?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 11:40 AM PDT


    Working no some mechanics and level design updated for Beyond the Oaks, What do you think so far?

    Scifi-Horror Action Adventure

    submitted by /u/Dragonflygamesstudio
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    Steam early access release date

    Posted: 05 May 2021 11:28 AM PDT

    I'm working on getting my Steam store page set up for my first game and I'm looking to release as early access. I can't find a clear description of how the release date works.

    My current understanding is that I select Early Access and then I choose the release date as the day that I want my game to be purchasable as Early Access in the store.

    Then later once when I'm ready to leave Early Access I turn it off in the store page editor and when I publish that change then I'm officially released.

    Is that correct?

    submitted by /u/aboogoost
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    How to prevent objects from duplicate when load

    Posted: 05 May 2021 07:43 AM PDT

    So i've been trying to make a save and load system, it saves a bunch of objects and their positions in the scene, and when it comes to load them the script will instantiate them again and change the position but if the object still in the scene there will be two of it. Does someone have a sugestion?

    Ps: The script need to instantiate again because that at the start of the scene not every object will be there. A solution i found was to destroy all of them before load but i dont know if is the best way.

    submitted by /u/tellarheaven
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    Can I use one server but have multiple scenes/worlds?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 11:25 AM PDT

    I was trying to figure out how I can use one server but have lots of worlds, just have everyone connect to one server but have multiple worlds, kinda hard to explain lol, I'm sorta new to networking.

    submitted by /u/Spoongen
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    What's the industry standard for cost of trailer production

    Posted: 05 May 2021 11:12 AM PDT

    Hi Everyone!

    Trying to think through budgets etc and looking the industry standard for game trailer production costs. What's your experience with that? What's the industry standard, what do you get and for what price?

    submitted by /u/phreezevipe
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    How and Where to Sell my Game - Mac Game Store

    Posted: 05 May 2021 11:12 AM PDT

    Need some puzzle ideas for a game...

    Posted: 05 May 2021 11:09 AM PDT


    I need different types of puzzles to check if they can be implemented in a recently started project. It is a game based on solving mini-puzzles to collect different objects and pass the level.

    If you have experience in such things, please recommend me some captivating puzzles of different difficulties (easy-normal-very hard).

    Ty all!! :D

    submitted by /u/VeggieRacc00n
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