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    Sunday, May 2, 2021

    I made a tiny react library to created frosted glass effect of icons web developers

    I made a tiny react library to created frosted glass effect of icons web developers

    I made a tiny react library to created frosted glass effect of icons

    Posted: 02 May 2021 06:29 AM PDT

    I made a tiny react library to created frosted glass effect of icons

    I made a library to create a frosted glass effect of icons, it is achieved by duplicating the icon and blurring it to create this effect.

    Github: https://github.com/JP1016/react-icon-blur


    submitted by /u/ijp1016
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    My first big project (approx half complete, but thought I'd share after a productive weekend) - I'm learning Django and creating a booking system to stretch my skills

    Posted: 02 May 2021 11:56 AM PDT

    Form with Live Background (#100DaysOfCode) / CodePen Link in Comments

    Posted: 02 May 2021 03:40 AM PDT

    GitHub Profile README Generator

    Posted: 02 May 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    Starting my first Internship tomorrow. Any advice?

    Posted: 02 May 2021 03:13 PM PDT

    Hey folks:)

    I'll be starting my very first internship in CS. I'm going in as a Frontend Dev. I was wondering if you had any advice?

    Here's a bit of my background:

    I almost finished a Mechanical Engineering Degree. During my studies I did 2 internships in ME. When I got out, I started programming and got interested in CS. So I started a CS degree. I just finished my first year.

    Info on the company:

    It's a start up. About 5-6 employees with 2 interns this summer. They said I'll be working on an app and a website that goes along with the app.

    I'm looking forward to it. I'm excited and really interested in learning. Do you have any recommendations or advice?

    submitted by /u/code_matter
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    Control the led matrix in my room with esp8266 and Django back end

    Posted: 02 May 2021 03:27 PM PDT

    How to find who built an existing website?

    Posted: 02 May 2021 01:52 PM PDT

    I want to find the company or team that built [this website](reachvolunteering.org.uk), I have looked at the page source and there's no tags etc and nothing shows on the website.

    Is there any way to find this information out?


    Edit: link didn't work? reachvolunteering.org.uk

    submitted by /u/OrleansOscar
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    How to handle "filter by location" for international website?

    Posted: 02 May 2021 03:22 PM PDT

    I'm building a website that lets you buy/sell things, think of it like Craigslist. It's geared toward finding local listings but users should be able to find listings from anywhere if they're willing to ship the item. This website needs to serve international users, so I can't use the distance from zip code strategy e.g. "25 miles from 90210" to filter it down. I thought I'd instead I'd do Country -> State/Region -> City selector, eg. United States -> California -> Bonita, like this https://imgur.com/cRuKYPv. Then I'd show all listings that match the City, followed by State matches, followed by all listings in the country. The problem with this approach is some countries have over 100 regions, and some regions have over 1000 cities. This makes the dropdown approach very clunky.

    I could try to limit the cities to only high population cities to narrow it down, but this could make it bad for users that don't have major cities near them. Plus it makes implementation much more complicated. What is the best way to handle this?

    submitted by /u/ionballer100
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    pdfMake - Cannot read property 'length' of undefined at DocPreprocessor.preprocessTable

    Posted: 02 May 2021 02:40 PM PDT

    I'm having trouble figuring out what length it's trying to read.

    I'm trying to assemble a pdfMake table in a loop, but the image datapoint requires an async function to generate a dataURL and I suspect I'm into a situation of broken Promises?

    Here's the whole loop that builds the tableBody array.

    // loop through all the pdfItmes and create a "row" this.pdfItems.forEach((item, i) => { let inventoryNo = item.fields["Inventory No."]; let currenyValue = Vue.filter("currency")(item.fields.Value); let itemValue = this.isValueHidden; let location = item.fields["Current Location"]; let subLocation = item.fields.SubLocation; let dimensions = item.fields.Dimensions; let title = item.fields.Title; let description = item.fields.Description; let imageUrl = this.getImageUrl(item); this.getBase64FromUrl(imageUrl).then((res) => { // setting the row let dataRow = [ { stack: [ { ul: [ `Inventory No:\n${inventoryNo}`, itemValue, `Location:\n${location}\n(${subLocation})`, `Dimensions\n${dimensions}`, ], }, ], }, [`${title}\n\n${description}`], { image: res, // dataURL from async function width: 100, opacity: 1.0, }, ]; tableBody.push(dataRow); }); // when we reach the length we set the docDefinition with the assembled tableBody if (this.pdfItems.length - 1 === i) { let docDefinition = { content: [ { style: "itmes", table: { widths: [100, "*", 100], body: tableBody, // array of rows, created in loop }, }, ], styles: { header: { fontSize: 16, bold: true, margin: [0, 0, 0, 10], }, subheader: { fontSize: 16, bold: true, margin: [0, 10, 0, 5], }, items: { margin: [0, 5, 0, 15], }, }, defaultStyle: { // alignment: 'justify' }, }; pdfMake.createPdf(docDefinition).download("PDF"); } }); 
    submitted by /u/kirkbross
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    Weekly Notes 013 - Learning Python, Becoming Better at Algorithms & Data structures

    Posted: 02 May 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    How to defer local inline JavaScript from being executed until the HTML is loaded?

    Posted: 02 May 2021 01:55 PM PDT

    I want to prevent the inline JavaScript in the following code from being executed until the HTML has been loaded

    <div id=Lines class="q-Lines alert alert-warning"> {{Line-2}} {{Line-1}} <span class="cloze">{{Line01}}</span> {{Line02}} {{Line03}} </div> <script> var strL = document.getElementById("Lines").innerText; var getLength = strL.match(/(?<=\().+?(?=\))/g); var z = getLength.length; var x = 0; function test() { for (var i = 0; i < z; i++) { var y = x++; var str = document.getElementById("Lines").innerText; var getString = str.match(/(?<=\().+?(?=\))/g); var reverseString = getString[y].split("").reverse().join(""); return reverseString; } } var str = document.getElementById("Lines").innerHTML; var res = str.replace(/(?<=\().+?(?=\))/g, function(x) { return test(x); }); var ress = res.replace(/(\(|\))/g, ""); document.getElementById("Lines").innerHTML = ress; </script> 

    I think that normal browsers do load the HTML before executing the script. However, in this case, it seems that the client (which is AnkiDroid) is not.

    I have tried https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/met_win_settimeout.asp as was suggested but I think it didn't work.

    Any help appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Icy_Instance
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    Google Maps API multiple markers in same location

    Posted: 02 May 2021 12:21 PM PDT

    If multiple places have the same location, ie Mexico City, the markers show over top of each other and only one is visible.

    I need all markers visible, either through clusters or offset.

    submitted by /u/yellow36
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    Change z-index of transitioning element

    Posted: 02 May 2021 01:44 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I have different balls on a cardboard like game. The movement is animated using transition. The goal would be to always lift the element that is moving right now. So while the transition is active I want the z-index to be lets say 1000 and when the transition is not active z-index is 100.

    I have thought about applying transition-delay of some sort. But cant wrap my head around it.

    Any ideas?


    submitted by /u/panwauu
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    [Showoff Saturday] I made my own “Gallery App” for Reddit. I wanted to scroll through my favorite subreddits in full screen (supports images, Gifs, videos). React + Redux

    Posted: 02 May 2021 01:16 AM PDT

    What's the ideal approach to making a responsive site?

    Posted: 02 May 2021 06:27 AM PDT

    My site's looking pretty good on desktop but after testing it on different mobile sizes, it looks horrible and completely messes up the page.

    Would the solution just be a bunch of media queries to patch up the issue, or is there some better fundamental way to prevent the issue from the start?

    For example, I have a carousel slider that fills up a large part of the screen. I don't see how I could code it in a way that naturally allows other devices to figure out how to resize it. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Ianteepeedood
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    What's the easiest way to generate the Instagram access token in order to use the graph API?

    Posted: 02 May 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    I'm struggling to find a simple solution. Everywhere I looked so far tells me to create an app. Is there an easier solution?

    submitted by /u/CaioNintendo
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    How did you get around Same Origin?

    Posted: 02 May 2021 09:11 AM PDT

    Hi, so I'm working on a project and am trying to find the best way to fetch HTML from a 3rd party website without having to go through my server.

    I understand that this is not possible directly due to the same origin policy, and this Stack Overflow post outlines a few methods to get around it.

    I know whateverorigin.org allows you to bypass this by querying through their server but the service is going to be discontinued on June 1st 2021 as of the writing of this post. I think this is by far the simplest method, the only change is that you query through their URL, no need to modify headers or server configurations.

    What are the best free vs best paid ways of going about doing this? I was wondering if forking the whatever origin codebase and running that on some free server would be ideal (though I'm not sure what service offers a free server you can run your own stack on) What experience have any of you had with regards to circumventing this that worked well?

    submitted by /u/Ader453
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    Questions about the flow of setting up custom email domain as well as sending and receiving emails with the custom domain email address

    Posted: 02 May 2021 03:54 PM PDT

    Hi guys, got some questions regarding the flow of setting up custom email domain and sending and receiving emails with that custom domain email address.

    So now, i have a react app with an express backend where i can access '/generate-voucher' route where it will generate a qrcode / unique id and display it on the page. In that page below the generated qrcode / unique id, there is an input form where user can put their email address and submit the form so that the user can get the qrcode sent to their email

    what i'm trying to achieve:

    1. I want that input form to send the email from my custom domain (e.g. [info@customdomain.com](mailto:info@customdomain.com))

    My questions are:

    1. Am i correct to assume that i have to setup 3 things here ? 1 custom domain email with services such as zoho mail / google workspace. 2 email delivery service such as sendgrid / amazon SES. 3 nodemailer as some sort of middleware containing the input form data and email delivery service helper
    2. What is the best workflow to achieve this ?
    3. What are the cheapest services to use to set this up ? Im asking this since i dont think i will send many emails at least for the next couple of months
    submitted by /u/yomamen
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    I built a simple open source tool called Arachnid for detecting common issues on websites, and thought that other web developers might find it useful.

    Posted: 02 May 2021 12:00 PM PDT

    The other day I was trying to find a system that would allow me to automatically detect common website issues, like broken or mistyped links, incorrect permissions, and basic accessibility problems like missing alt text. Surprisingly enough, I couldn't find any free and open source tools to do this, so I created my own. I call it Arachnid, and its a web crawler at its core, but with the ability to detect and log the common errors I explained above. From using it on my website, I'm really happy with how much easier it made finding 404 links and missing alt text to make my website more accessible.

    I thought that other web developers might find something like this useful, so I thought I would share it here. It's written entirely in Python, and can be downloaded at https://v0lttech.com/arachnid.php. It's completely free to use, open source, and absolutely advertisement free. I welcome any feedback, and encourage you to let me know if you discover any bugs!

    submitted by /u/v0lttech
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    Web components in 2021: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    Posted: 02 May 2021 09:47 AM PDT

    Tasks to help get ready and start job hunting

    Posted: 02 May 2021 02:51 AM PDT

    Hey all hope everypne is doing good! I'd like to say I know the basics of HTLM, CSS, JS and PHP. I currently follow different Youtube tutorials and create random stuff such as Dani Krossings php videos where he create a login system. Is there other ways I get tasks that can help me improve and gain enough knowledge to start job hunting? I've signed up on Github but I don't really use, should I start contributing on there?

    submitted by /u/Blackbeard4674
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    Fastest way to build simple responsive web app with authentication for someone coming from Python + plain HTML/JS?

    Posted: 02 May 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    What's the best way to build a prototype web app with the minimum amount of code?

    Things I want:

    • responsive
    • works without friction in desktop and mobile browsers
    • built in authentication (signup/login/verify email)

    I have built web apps in the past using Python as backend and plain HTML, CSS and JS for the front end. But the process for logging in, signing up, verifying email takes up a lot of dev work.

    I looked into Firebase. That seems interesting, though I'd have to learn React (and it seems I don't really need many features, such as the Firebase database). I do like that it seems very easy to distinguish between a user that's logged in vs logged out.

    The apps I want to build will basically be frontends for APIs. Say, a chatbot. Or a text summarizer. Or an image converter. So just one main function, which should work differently for logged-in users vs. visitors. And with the ability to tie usage to a credit balance in the user's account (i.e. each image conversion costs 1 credit, and you can buy credits using Stripe).

    For the APIs, I use Python with FastAPI. It seems like it would make things easier if there was something like Firebase written in Python. So I'd just have one code base. But I'm not aware of anything like that. And I'm willing to put in the time to learn a new framework if it's a better fit. I'm just not sure which that would be, and am having trouble to make that decision being new to all of them.

    Any recommendations what I should learn for this use case?

    submitted by /u/leoplusx
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    Error tracking for EU users

    Posted: 02 May 2021 12:27 AM PDT


    since the invalidation of Privacy Shield last autumn, we have been in the process of migrating all services that stores or accesses personal information from outside the EU. This is mostly going well, but we are a little stumped on what to do about sentry.io. It is a great service, but our lawyer really doesn't want to sign their DPA. I am not a lawyer, so I'll have to trust him on that one.
    I have been searching around for a EU based service that achieves the same as sentry, most important is client side error tracking, but haven't found anything. I don't really want to waste time having to maintain an on-premise installation. Do you know of any service that fulfills this need in the European market and most importantly stores our data in the EU?

    submitted by /u/JohannesAnd
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    I made a platform to buy influencers stocks and sell when they increase in value

    Posted: 02 May 2021 01:35 PM PDT

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