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    Bootstrap 5 Released web developers

    Bootstrap 5 Released web developers

    Bootstrap 5 Released

    Posted: 05 May 2021 01:03 PM PDT

    As a solo full-stack developer, what's your workflow like?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 03:20 AM PDT

    I have been tasked with working on a full-stack web app, and I just want to know how other people work / start such big projects?

    Our UI/UX designer gave me a .sketch file of the final product, and I already have Sketch installed, so I can extract and get all of the information I need regarding the UI design.

    For the frontend I am going to use Angular. For the backend I am going to use DRF to build up an API. I also have gathered all of the information I need regarding our client and how they want their app to work / what they like to store. The only thing that is left is to start actually working, but I don't know where and how to start.

    • Should I begin by creating a basic .html file and trying to implement each and every component in the design?
    • Should I fire up and Angular project, create my components and start styling and doing everything right away from there?
    • Should I do the backend first?
    • How would I organize my time? A full day working on the frontend and another on the backend? Or wait till' one is finished then move on to the other?
    • How should I organize all of my files and directories for such projects? Frontend in a folder and backend in another?

    How would you work with such projects? Any tips / ideas you would like to share?

    submitted by /u/iEmerald
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    I realized one thing and it is crucial for my future career as a developer

    Posted: 05 May 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    I graduated about 8 months ago, after 4 months of internship, I landed to my first F/T job as a frontend (vue.js) developer. I do the classic run like most of us, check tickets, go and fix them, add new features or sometimes bigger projects like adding a new page with a brand-new UI/UX Design. It seems okay to me so far then I realize that I am the guy who fixes or does stuff as co-workers, QA guys, managers report. Right after I read the ticket, I go and do my best to fix bugs or do the task. In our last project, I got some tickets that I couldn't understand very well and for me, the logic that I needed to change wasn't right but I did it anyway( and I start to understand something about my working process). I like my manager, he is a kind guy, we talked a little about why "I jump directly to fix bugs or do the tasks". As a developer, we are responsible how the app interacts with the user, if there is something that does not make sense to you, or you think it is not the right way, you HAVE TO speak up, you cannot go and do what you asked to do every time. If later, someone sees that there is something wrong, you had to change back and you wasted your hours... Especially implementing new tasks and features, I was just coding what I asked for. Now I am understanding that I need to think about the ticket, is it a necessary feature or the bug is a real bug or it should be the working process of our app etc.
    Sorry, it was a long post... What I wanna say is, not only go and do the tasks but share your ideas, thoughts about the ticket and if you are not clear with that, ask and try to understand and after if you think it is the right thing to do... then do it.
    Good week everyone

    submitted by /u/djangocuAli
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    How you deal with anxiety of solving your job tasks and possible judgement?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 10:59 AM PDT

    Hey, guys! I've been a software engineer for about 5 years. I love being a developer, I love coding it's one of the greatest pleasures I have in life! To put my creativity in use, to learn new things and to help other people are my passion.

    Besides all that bright side, I'm such an anxious person and the last year I'm dealing with anxiety in my work in such a bad way. I feel really anxious about the work I have to do, if I'm going to be able so solve it, if the people I work with are judging me for my possible lack of knowledge or because I'm not as fast as someone else, for my gender (I'm a woman in tech), for my code and then I freeze. Sometimes I take days to solve a simple task because I get too anxious to go through the entire problem solving action... then I see that the problem was not that bad and I could solve it easily if I was less anxious about the process and outcome.

    I'm trying to figure out a way not to feel like that, to trust the process and to trust myself! But it's been really hard lately...

    Have some of you guys been through that before? How you dealt with that?

    I'm trying to figure out how to come out of that because I'm feeling really stuck in my carreer since last year because of that feeling and the thing I love the most has been the thing that's causing me the most part of my anxiety.

    Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/brainiac__
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    Visual Studio Code April 2021

    Posted: 05 May 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    What generator do I use to create images like this? I cant seem to find the correct words to use in a google search

    Posted: 05 May 2021 05:42 AM PDT

    I want to create a template that users can change on the front-end

    Posted: 05 May 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    So, I want to create a landing page, that the admin user can change on the front-end. So for example they could change the the primary color, color of the buttons etc. I see these mostly on theme forest. But I wanted to know how I could make this available to the admin user, and not the normal users, without creating a backend? Is this even possible? I thought about creating another page for admin and naming it really weird. But then that changes wouldn't stick for the front-end user.

    submitted by /u/artFlix
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    How does QA fit into your organization?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    I am working on defining the role of a QA person in our organization.

    To give a bit of context, we are an engineering team of 10, and currently QA is handled by the engineering team themselves. This is the current process:

    Planning & Release

    It starts with PM creating a story and defining acceptance criteria, e.g.

    "📗Turn on/off the "Work With Me" button"

    GIVEN: I'm a registered user WHEN: I open the "Edit Profile" modal THEN: I see a toggle control for the "Work With Me" button AND: it's turned on by default AND: I can turn it off AND: the "Work With Me" button won't be displayed on my profile

    Engineers breakdown these stories into technical deliverables, e.g.

    1. Add showGeneralInquiryCta field to UserProfile
    2. Modify ProfileInfoEditorForm to include the Work With Me switch/checkbox.

    Work gets done, e2e integration tests are added at a discretion of the engineers working on the individual tasks, PRs are raised.

    PR will include link to the original task and a description of QA steps for that development task, e.g.

    Open your profile settings editor, toggle the "work with me switch" save form. And make sure the changes persist. Then log in as another user and browse to your main profile page and ensure that the "Work with me" CTA button doesn't appear about the project cards.

    Every PR needs is reviewed by at least 1 other engineer, which involves going through all the QA steps and either approving the task or giving feedback.

    We don't have staging environment, however, each PR has a preview branch that can be accessed by the person reviewing the PR.

    Once PR is merged, it is release to production behind a feature flag.

    Once all development tasks are completed, PM goes through the original acceptance tests, marks the story as complete, lifts the feature flag, and documents the release in our internal changelog.


    When bugs are discovered, they are reported by the team to a Slack channel using Slack workflow (message template), e.g.

    New Bug Report 🐞 Urgency: Must have Summary: GIFs are not animating on thumbnail/inside editor Expected Behavior: GIFs would animate on both thumbnail and within editors. Current Behavior: X tried uploading GIFs as thumbnails [..] Possible Solutions: let me know if you need the original files from Ana Steps to Reproduce: 1. [..] Loom URL: https://www.loom.com/share/[..] Submitted by: @[..]

    Bug reports are reviewed by whoever (among engineers) is available & a ticket is created if bug is confirmed.


    The above processes works great, however, we have identified the following issues:

    • It a takes a lot of time for PM to write acceptance criteria.
    • Stories are not marked as done for a long time after all dev tasks are completed.
    • Reviewing bug reports consumes a lot of engineering team's time.
    • Documenting bug reports consumes a lot of engineering team's time.

    Proposed QA role

    This is how I QA person helping us:

    • Writing functional / acceptance tasks.
    • Validating e2e tests.
    • Updating e2e to cover edge cases.
    • Validating acceptance tests when all tasks are completed.
    • Validating bug reports.
    • Documenting valid bugs.
    • Following up with stakeholders once bugs are resolved.


    The main consideration is ensuring that bringing on a QA person does not decrease our velocity, e.g. QA person would increase our velocity by ensuring thoughtful functional / acceptance criteria is in place before tasks are handed over to engineers. However, we there should be no friction between engineers and QA while features are being developed. As we are using feature flags, this shouldn't be a problem though.

    As I am evaluating bringing a dedicated QA onboard, I would like to know how does a QA person fit into your organization and if I am thinking about their responsibilities correctly.

    submitted by /u/gajus0
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    Implementing web-based admin interfaces on networking devices (routers, switches, APs, etc)

    Posted: 05 May 2021 03:04 PM PDT

    Hi all – If you've got a device with a web-based admin UI, like a router, that means there must be a web server running on the device, right? I assume that's how the interface would have to be served to the user's browser.

    How are people typically Implementing this in terms of the web server instance? Have you done it? A lot of these devices use Linux as their OS. So are they literally running Apache or nginx on the device? These are very resource constrained devices, so I was surprised when I thought they must be running web servers. Are there stripped down, minimal web servers people use? I'm thinking here of how with devices like smart TVs the industry seems to use special browsers tailored to the limited resources. Are there web server counterparts to this? Or is there just a tight config for nginx or Apache?

    I've also noticed that some of these admin UIs are surprisingly slow given that they're on the same LAN, so I wonder if it's because the servers are running on embedded devices.


    submitted by /u/Solar111
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    Gdpr cookies - static site AND app or just one?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    I have a Gatsby SSG site at example.com and NextJS app at app.example.com

    Gatsby is just a landing page, faqs, blogs etc with a button that takes you to the Next app.

    Do I need the GDPR cookie consent for the Gatsby site AND Next or just one of them (and if so which one)

    Thanks all!

    submitted by /u/thirstycamelT
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    The source code from my password puzzle game - useful for learning RegEx.

    Posted: 05 May 2021 09:51 AM PDT

    The source code from my password puzzle game - useful for learning RegEx.

    Live site | GitHub | Original Post

    So quite a few people in the original thread asked for the source code to this game. I'm fairly new to and slow at gitHub but I've got round to uploading it to there and here's the most relevant part anyway, I've commented to help teach a little. It should be useful for beginners to learn but I think Unicode RegEx is quite an obscure topic so even the more experienced might get something out of it.

    function checkpass(t){ //t password input as a string // we'll use t = '👨🏾‍🍳pÂs👩🏿‍🦳' as our example string //complex unicode characters are made up of the basic elements and modifiers //for example: Â has the base A and the ◌̂ that modifies it. const au =t.split(''); //this basic split function. splits the string into an array of unicode characters and modifiers //example output: ["\ud83d","\udc68","\ud83c","\udffe","‍","\ud83c","\udf73","p","A","̂","s","\ud83d","\udc69","\ud83c","\udfff","‍","\ud83e","\uddb3"] //5 characters turn into 18 const a = [...t]; //this es6 version does slightly better but still can't manage complex emojis //["👨","🏾","‍","🍳","p","A","̂","s","👩","🏿","‍","🦳" ] length 12 // black chef becomes: man, black skin, frying pan const abest= Lsplit(t, ''); //this 3rd party library is the best I could find but still struggles to split some emojis //[ "👨🏾‍🍳", "p", "Â", "s", "👩🏿‍", "🦳" ] length 6 console.log(t,a,au,abest); const ar = abest.reverse(); let lowcount=0; //lower case let letcount=0; //all letters //regular expressions or regex are a way to search through text // /A/ matches a capital A. [a-z] matches all lower case letters a.forEach(e=>{ if(e.match(/[a-z]/)){ lowcount++;}}); a.forEach(e=>{ if(e.match(/[a-zA-Z]/)){ letcount++;}}); ana.logEvent('sign in clicked'); //google analytics if(a.length<6){return 'Your password must be at least 6 characters long'} if(a.length>255){return 'Your password cannot be longer than 255 characters'} if(t.match(/\s/u)){return 'Your password cannot contain spaces'} // in reg ex some letters have special functions when escaped with a backslash. \s means white space if(lowcount <1){return 'Your password must contain a lower case letter'} if(!t.match(/\d/u)){return 'Your password must contain a number'} //notice ! for if no number matches if(!t.match(/[A-Z]/u)){return 'Your password must contain a capital letter'} ana.logEvent('symbol reached'); //google analytics if(!t.match(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/u)){return 'Your password must contain a symbol'} // here ^ acts like the regex not ! symbol if(t.match(/I/u)){return 'Your password cannot contain a capital I'} if(t.match(/A/u)){return 'Your password cannot contain a capital A'} if(a.length<10){return 'Your password must be at least 10 characters long'} if(t.match(/(.)\1/u)){return 'Your password cannot contain two identical characters in a row'} //the dot . means a match for any character //brackets () means a group // an escaped number \1 refers to that group. //so this expression says any letter can be the first character and then if the following character is the same match it if(ar.length>43){return 'Your password cannot be longer than 43 characters'} if(top1000.find(e=>t.includes(e)) !==undefined){return 'Your password cannot contain a common password'} if(letcount <8 ){return 'Your password must contain at least 8 letters'} if(!t.match(/[\u0370-\u03FF]/u)){return 'Your password must contain a greek letter'} //unicode has a series of character blocks. The range here is all the greek letters //notice the /u, this means match unicode characters ana.logEvent('greek letter completed'); //google analytics if(!t.match(/[🌍-🛌🏿]/u)){return 'Your password must contain an emoji'} //this doesn't actually include all emojis because they are spaced out throughout unicode ana.logEvent('emoji completed'); if(!t.match(/8675309/u)){return 'Your password needs Jenny\'s number'} ana.logEvent('jenny completed'); if(au.includes('\uddb1')){return 'Your emojis cannot have curly hair'} if(au.includes('\uddb0')){return 'Your emojis cannot have ginger hair'} if(au.includes('\uddb3')){return 'Your emojis cannot have white hair'} //The au variable is the array of word split completely into unicode characters and modifiers //this means the hair colour modifier is split from the single emoji character and can be checked if(au.join('') !== ar.join('') ){return 'Your password must be a palindrome'} //because this relies on exact splitting our example won't actually work //[ "👨🏾‍🍳", "p", "Â", "s", "👩🏿‍", "🦳" ] // reversed: ["👩🏿‍", "🦳", "s", "Â", "p", "👨🏾‍🍳"] ana.logEvent('palindrome completed'); let numOr0 = n => isNaN(n) ? 0 : parseInt(n); if(t.match(/[A-Z](?=(.{0,2}[A-Z]))/u)){return 'Capital letters cannot be anywhere near eachother'} // ?= means after the matched letter // {0,2} means you can have between 0 and 2 of the letter before. Here it's a dot, so it could be any letter. //followed by [A-Z] any capital letter. So it matches any capital letters with 2 or less of characters between them. //there is also a match before regex you shouldn't use because it breaks your code on iphones //a simpler way of doing this might be /[A-Z].{0,2}[A-Z]/ ana.logEvent('capital space completed'); if(a.reduce((d, b) => numOr0(d) + numOr0(b),0) !==100){return 'All the digits in your password must add to 100'} ana.logEvent('sum100 complete'); if(!t.match(/42/u)){return 'Your password must contain the meaning of life'} if(lowcount !==1 ){return 'Your password cannot contain more than one lower case letter'} if(!au.includes('\udfff')|| !au.includes('\udffe')||!au.includes('\udffd')||!au.includes('\udffc')||!au.includes('\udffb')) {return 'Your emojis aren\'t diverse enough'} //this works the same way as hair colour but checks for one of each skin colour. ana.logEvent('diverse complete'); if(!t.match(/𰻝/u)){return 'Your password must contain shaanxi noodles'} //some unicode characters are so rare they don't seem to render anytngi other than a blank box //on any devices, but that sqaure still holds the correct unicode. ana.logEvent('WIN'); return 'checking password' } 

    And for those of you interested in some analytics. Here's how people did.


    submitted by /u/JacobTurnr
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    Algorithms are killing me! What's the best way to school up myself in that area?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    Been using React for almost a year now, have a couple of larger projects so far. Feeling comfortable with it. So I went to leetcode today for the first time, and was getting destroyed by the easy problems. It's pretty clear that if I want to have ANY success in job interviews I'll need some algorithms / data structures knowledge or else I'll be a sitting duck in those interviews.

    What's the best way to get better with this? Coming from a non-CS background so obviously I've never formally studied any of this stuff yet. Any course/Book recommendations appreciated!

    submitted by /u/not_a_gumby
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    How to allow people to customize their page with their own HTML/CSS?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 06:29 AM PDT

    I'm relatively new to webDev, but I've always wanted to build a website that allows users to customize their own page design (the same way tumblr would allow you to upload your own HTML, or landing page builders allow you to customize the shape of your page).

    I've searched up about this a bit, but I'm not sure whether I'm not asking the right question, or if it's not easily available to find, since the only answers I could find were usually people already implementing this and asking about security questions (relating to JS and injection attacks). My question is more along the lines of where do I start, what should I read/learn to be able to do this.

    Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Tomatorumrum
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    What would you call a gallery where the images have multiple link spots that open a modal box? Pop-up modal gallery?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    I'm trying to google and getting nowhere. I am going to create a js gallery, which is easy enough, but each image will have little link spots on different spots that when clicked will open a modal box. I'm trying to find other people who have done this, or things similar, and I feel like I'm missing a technical name for what I'm trying to make here. Here is an example image if it helps:


    submitted by /u/StJeanMark
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    As a backend developer working on APIs, what is your workflow for building internal admin tools?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    If you are an API developer, how do you build internal tools around your APIs? What languages do you use to build these tools? Do you use any frameworks to help you achieve this?

    Any info about your workflow would be greatly appreciated.


    I'm considering building an open source framework that would make it easy to build internal tools in different backend languages without having to learn any javascript/css/frontend frameworks.

    I'm trying to figure out if it is worth investing the next few weeks building it.

    submitted by /u/ItsTheWeeBabySeamus
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    Need help with creating dynamic routes from JSON file

    Posted: 05 May 2021 04:18 PM PDT

    I need to create a simple web app for my final project for a class in college.

    I'm using just html/css/JS / node/ express if needed (it really only needs front end JavaScript but are allowed to do extra / backend stuff if we want) and I wanted to build a simple crud app. Not allowed to use react or anything but we can use general purpose libraries, just not larger frameworks like react and angular.

    The project isn't too big and we aren't supposed to use a traditional database because it hasn't been covered yet for most people (taking databases next semester), so I was planning on using json server to just hold some sample data and allow CRUD functionality where the json file has products and you can click on a product on the website and it will bring you to the page for the product populated from the json info.

    Where I'm a little lost and having trouble googling the correct thing is I want to create a template pretty much with the products information based on the product ID.

    My idea is to get the ID of the product from the preview of the product so I can access the necessary data, and then would redirect me to http://mywebsite/ID and that ID page would be the same template for every product but obviously contain the data from that product (name, price, picture, etc.)

    I think express can be used for this with their built In router functionality? But and still confused on implementing it to a template page.

    I was also looking into using query strings? But not sure what's the best way to handle this for someone without much experience in this area, and doesn't need to be the best / industry accepted way to do things since it's mainly for a school project / learning experience

    If anyone can link to some useful resources / shed some guidance that would be much appreciated. I still have about 3 weeks to finish the project and feel comfortable with getting everything done except handling this routing

    submitted by /u/randomemes831
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    How is a page like this St. Augustine map created? It looks like something from Google Maps but somehow custom made.

    Posted: 05 May 2021 08:31 AM PDT

    Insertable streams for MediaStreamTrack

    Posted: 05 May 2021 03:46 PM PDT

    What's the most clever programming solution you've encountered?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 05:58 AM PDT

    I was looking for an easy way to check if a string contained a lowercase letter in JS, and I came across this on Stack Overflow. I was struck by its ingenuity. Similarly, I remember hearing someone describe a problem like: if a function takes in the value 4, return 7. If it takes in 7, return 4. Do so without using an if statement. And the brilliant solution was just return 11 - n. I'm curious, what are some ingenious solutions that you have seen that show a lot of out-of-the-box thinking?

    submitted by /u/vermouthdaddy
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    V8 release v9.1

    Posted: 05 May 2021 03:30 PM PDT

    Accidentally took site down!

    Posted: 05 May 2021 03:03 PM PDT

    I have run into a problem and hope that someone might be able to point me to a solution.

    Due to circumstance I have had to take over the development of a website. I have minimal knowledge at best. After talking with the guys that took care of the site before me, and doing the steps that they told me to (VPN Tunnel, gain access to our NAS and so forth), I finally had everything set up.

    The one guy told me to edit the master source file for the site in a program called WebPlus X7 (it seems to be an older program). Then using WinSCP to export the site. It seemed easy enough.

    Just to try out the program, I fired it up and navigated to the source data on the NAS, deleted a few older announcements and then, before I knew it, the site was down—even after saving the edits in the source file. The source file is still in the directory it was in before I goofed. But it isn't loading for some reason?

    When I try to export the file using WinSCP, there is a completely different file layout (none of the folders in the NAS are there), so I don't see the use of that.

    My goal is to just get the site back up and then talk to the guy tomorrow to get better filled in. I really appreciate any light that can be shed here. Feel free to send me a DM too if that would be easier for you.

    submitted by /u/sofatheologe
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    Gatsby with Netlify CMS on Vercel?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 03:01 PM PDT

    Does anybody know if this is possible?

    I deployed Gatsby to Vercel and I tried to login via GitHub but it failed. I want it here because my Next app is on a subdomain deployed on Vercel.

    submitted by /u/thirstycamelT
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    An easy way to solve CORS errors

    Posted: 05 May 2021 10:17 AM PDT


    I've created a reverse proxy in Go. It is super simple and better than lots of other proxies.

    It is incredibly easy to set up. https://github.com/michaljanocko/pancors

    PRs and issues are welcome!

    submitted by /u/Terrible_Constant
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    Interfacing with multiple databases

    Posted: 05 May 2021 04:01 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I am building an E-Commerce website that sells car accessories.

    The store owner wants it to be possible to filter products through the model and type of the client vehicle and for that I need to interface with a large database of many companies.

    The store cant make the database by themselves because it is just a lot of work and very inefficient.

    I know the AutoZone.com site did the same thing, but I can 't really figure out how

    I will thank you if you give me a lead on where to start.

    submitted by /u/Soshimy
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    Digitally signed forms

    Posted: 05 May 2021 04:55 AM PDT

    We have created multiple html forms for a website. Some of the forms require a signature. We are hoping to find an electronic solution vs the user having to print/sign/return the form.

    Is anyone familiar with a digital signature service that will allow us to use the user entered data on the html form to auto-populate the data into a PDF and then have a digital signature service send the filled out form to the user for their signature?

    If so any specifics or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/davidbarman
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