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    Sunday, April 11, 2021

    What is "enterprise" Java code and how it different from normal Java code? Ask Programming

    What is "enterprise" Java code and how it different from normal Java code? Ask Programming

    What is "enterprise" Java code and how it different from normal Java code?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 11:10 AM PDT

    In the article I was reading there was a mention of "enterprise" Java code.

    What is meant by that and what are the differences to normal Java code?

    submitted by /u/Kaori_iu
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    Does auto layout/flex exist in vue.js?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 05:19 PM PDT

    I'm a UX designer intern working with a team of devs using Vue.js. The intricacies of branding are new to us and they're having trouble with spacing for modals and components.

    Having used Webflow, I've been able to recreate my components using flex layouts, grow if possible, stretch, max width, min width, etc. However, I think webflow is HTML and CSS. The modal needs to be responsive in certain ways, which is why I'm using flex.

    Wondering if these same properties exist in Vue.js. I'd like to demo my findings to ours devs working on front end if they do.

    See this webflow UI for the types of styling properties i'm looking for: https://imgur.com/3Y03ewP

    submitted by /u/MariahFuckingCarey
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    Need help figuring out how to mass rename the mp3 file within it's folder to the folder's name using python.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 10:48 PM PDT

    For example I want to rename the file called audio.mp3 to the folder name the audio.mp3 exists in which is "Song Title 1". I have about 2000 of these folders and can't do them manually. I could provide more examples upon request but I tried doing this myself but was so lost reading microsoft documentation or yt videos with file processing as most of them are out of date. The few you find that are up to date aren't really clear, help would be greatly appreaciated!

    submitted by /u/EternalHarmony
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    Border-bottom Gradient for a Light? CSS

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 09:52 PM PDT


    So I am trying to make a gradient for my border-bottom which kind of fades away like a light going a long distance. The code bellow, the black color from the lamp is supposed to be white, but I can't change the background from white so I made it black.

    Here is my link to view it:


    I am trying to make the "Black" coming directly from the light white -> grey -> black (fading effect).

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Mistikin
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    Scheduling Multiple Runnables in Sequence

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 09:17 PM PDT

    I am working on an Android app in Java. It is a game that is basically a trivia game focused on seniors. The GameActivity runs 10 rounds per game. I am currently doing this with a handler and runnable but the problem is getting the post game logic to work after it completes. I tried creating a second runnable but they just run simultaneously. Looking for some advice on how to resolve this issue. I need to be able to write the game to our MongoDB(through realm) after the game completes. Currently it is only done when exiting the activity.

    I would like the post game logic found in postGameRunnable to run after my mainGameRunnable completes. I'm sure my structure is a mess. I have been working on this specific problem for 20 hours this weekend and it is driving me insane. Thanks in advance for all the help. I have tried ExecutorServices as well but ended up with the same problem.

    public class GameActivity extends AppCompatActivity { int questionCount = 0; int playerScore = 0; private final boolean gameFinished = false; long _ID = UUID.randomUUID().getMostSignificantBits(); //declaring all of the layout objects Button answerOneBtn, answerTwoBtn, answerThreeBtn, answerFourBtn; TextView questionTextView, playerScoreText; // Player playerTwo; //declaring current game, handler for rounds, and player one and two Handler gameHandler = new Handler(); Handler postGameHandler = new Handler(); Handler mainGameHandler = new Handler(); Realm realm; Game currentGame; LoadQuestions loadQuestions; private Users current; private loginPreferences session; private String username; Runnable gameRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { playGame(); answerOneBtn.setClickable(true); answerTwoBtn.setClickable(true); answerThreeBtn.setClickable(true); answerFourBtn.setClickable(true); } }; Runnable postGameRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { System.out.println("Gets here"); } }; Runnable mainGameRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) { gameHandler.postDelayed(gameRunnable, 5000 * i); } } }; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_game); //load realm loadRealm(); //INSTANTIATE OBJECTS FOR USE gameHandler = new Handler(); loadQuestions = new LoadQuestions(); loadQuestions.questionList.AnswersJumbled(); //INSTANTIATE BUTTONS AND TEXT VIEWS answerOneBtn = findViewById(R.id.AnswerOneButton); answerTwoBtn = findViewById(R.id.AnswerTwoButton); answerThreeBtn = findViewById(R.id.AnswerThreeButton); answerFourBtn = findViewById(R.id.AnswerFourButton); questionTextView = findViewById(R.id.questionText); playerScoreText = findViewById(R.id.playerScore); answerOneBtn.setOnClickListener(v -> { loadQuestions.playerOneSelection = answerOneBtn.getText().toString(); playerScore += loadQuestions.checkPlayerAnswer(loadQuestions.playerOneSelection); answerOneBtn.setClickable(false); answerTwoBtn.setClickable(false); answerThreeBtn.setClickable(false); answerFourBtn.setClickable(false); }); answerTwoBtn.setOnClickListener(v -> { loadQuestions.playerOneSelection = answerTwoBtn.getText().toString(); playerScore += loadQuestions.checkPlayerAnswer(loadQuestions.playerOneSelection); answerOneBtn.setClickable(false); answerTwoBtn.setClickable(false); answerThreeBtn.setClickable(false); answerFourBtn.setClickable(false); }); answerThreeBtn.setOnClickListener(v -> { loadQuestions.playerOneSelection = answerThreeBtn.getText().toString(); playerScore += loadQuestions.checkPlayerAnswer(loadQuestions.playerOneSelection); answerOneBtn.setClickable(false); answerTwoBtn.setClickable(false); answerThreeBtn.setClickable(false); answerFourBtn.setClickable(false); }); answerFourBtn.setOnClickListener(v -> { loadQuestions.playerOneSelection = answerFourBtn.getText().toString(); playerScore += loadQuestions.checkPlayerAnswer(loadQuestions.playerOneSelection); answerOneBtn.setClickable(false); answerTwoBtn.setClickable(false); answerThreeBtn.setClickable(false); answerFourBtn.setClickable(false); }); } @Override protected void onStart() { super.onStart(); mainGameHandler.postDelayed(mainGameRunnable, 0); gameHandler.postDelayed(postGameRunnable, 0); } private void loadRealm() { //open a realm and find logged in user session = new loginPreferences(getApplicationContext()); username = session.getusername(); if (realm == null) { realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance(); } current = realm.where(Users.class).equalTo("_id", username).findFirst(); //check for game or create game if (realm.where(Game.class).equalTo("playerCount", 1).findFirst() != null) { currentGame = realm.where(Game.class).equalTo("playerCount", 1).findFirst(); currentGame.setPlayerCount(2); } else{ currentGame = new Game(username, _ID, 1); } } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); currentGame.setGameCompleted(true); realm.executeTransaction(transactionRealm -> transactionRealm.insert(currentGame)); if (realm != null) { realm.close(); } gameHandler.removeCallbacks(gameRunnable); postGameHandler.removeCallbacks(postGameRunnable); } public void playGame() { answerOneBtn = findViewById(R.id.AnswerOneButton); answerTwoBtn = findViewById(R.id.AnswerTwoButton); answerThreeBtn = findViewById(R.id.AnswerThreeButton); answerFourBtn = findViewById(R.id.AnswerFourButton); questionTextView = findViewById(R.id.questionText); playerScoreText.setText(username + " " + playerScore); currentGame.setPlayerOneScore(playerScore); loadQuestions.loadQuestion(questionCount); questionTextView.setText(loadQuestions.currentQuestion); answerOneBtn.setText(loadQuestions.firstAnswer); answerTwoBtn.setText(loadQuestions.secondAnswer); answerThreeBtn.setText(loadQuestions.thirdAnswer); answerFourBtn.setText(loadQuestions.fourthAnswer); questionCount++; } } 
    submitted by /u/Kiotzu
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    Anyone know the best way to create a random string generator for C++?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 06:25 PM PDT

    Looking for a starting point to build a web-based scripted novel

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 12:35 PM PDT


    I'm a writer working on a story that I want to present in a non traditional way.

    The narrator of the story is an astronaut / filmmaker who gets the opportunity to be on the crew of a scientific expedition. His role on the team is to document and film the entirety of the mission. Ultimately, things go horribly wrong. Everything that the narrator documented, which is what the reader reads, ends up playing a crucial role in how the crew figures out how to make it home.

    So the novel is mainly the journal of the filmmaker, as well as other members of the crew. Interlaced with the writing, I want to include "real" footage of the story that I will get commissioned by a vfx artist.

    So here are a few things that I want the novel to be able to do:

    1. I want it to be free to read on a website I create. So anyone can just go to the website, hit chapter 1, and they are reading in like 5 seconds.

    2. I want the reader to swipe to turn pages, rather than scroll. Like an Ebook. Eventually I think it would be great to implement a sci-fi looking page turning animation.

    3. A few times every chapter, the reader will swipe to the next page and be met with a video. At first they will be simple. A 30 second shot of a planet, ship, or space station. Because the person narrating the story to you also filmed it, he wants to show you tons of shit.

    4. I want to include music during some of the video scenes.

    5. I want people to be able to choose if they want to read measurements in metric or imperial.

    6. Lastly, for now, I want to include a comment section at the end of each chapter. Once you finish a chapter, you can go to the next one, or hit up the comment section and see people discussing what you just read.

    So, hopefully I made enough sense there. Like I said in the title, I'm looking for a starting point to learning how to create this. I haven't got any experience, but I'm someone who has taught myself multiple skills from free resources online.

    Should I be looking into html for this? A game engine?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Michael_For_you
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    Is every element of the set of frequent k-sets constructed exclusively from singletons contained in the element of the set of frequent (k-1)-sets?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    Suppose we have a set (S0) which has a set of frequent singletons (S1), for a support >= s. It is known that in order to calculate the set of frequent 2-sets (S2) we need to use S1, make all the possible pairs out of it and check if the number of appearances of every pair inside S0 is >= s. After discarding the pairs that have a support <s , we have successfully created the set of frequent 2-sets. But how about the calculation of the set of frequent 3-sets (S3)? Is every element of S3 (i.e. every frequent 3-set) exclusively made out of singletons that construct the elements of S2 (i.e. every frequent 2-set)?

    submitted by /u/giokrist
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    CSGO Gambling like sites

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 03:06 PM PDT


    I want to get back into programming and was just wondering if anyone's had experience with CSGO like sites, for example, CSGOEmpire.com.
    If yes, what programming languages would be enough: Can I just learn Django framework and use it for backend, HTML and CSS and JavaScript for frontend?

    Would that be enough to build something of that type?

    P.S. Sorry if this is a wrong subreddit to ask such question.

    submitted by /u/Dense_Method7445
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    Proper name for a temporary variable: is it 'temp' or is it 'tmp'?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    measuring website performance

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 07:01 AM PDT

    Is there any way of measuring website's performance (based on time) without buying a domain, uploading it on a hosting server and using online tools? I need to analise the data form the tests and I need a free solution for academic purposes

    submitted by /u/igneusflos
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    comfortable chair 12+ hours, low seat height, and rock feature? Any suggestions?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 01:40 PM PDT

    Hey all, I'm thinking to replace my current Alera Elusion, I liked it originally but now it feels very stiff to me moving my keyboard to above my waist, doesn't rock and no matter how much I adjust it for 10 hours a day of work, my lower back always hurts. My new desk is a bit shorter so I would ideally like to go a bit lower in the seat than just 17" from the ground.

    I'm 6,0 and 220 lbs.

    I'm looking for some suggestions for $500 or under, ideally:

    -Adjustable height 17" or less from floor to top of the seat (I like the SC Leap here but it seems very static)


    -Great for long periods of time / low back pain/neck pain

    -Rocks back on movements instead of constantly static

    -Adjustable arms up/down

    -Lasts a decent amount of time

    submitted by /u/manoadventure
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    Help with CSV in python

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 01:30 PM PDT

    I am learning how to write csv files. I have a program that creates a csv file "with open('hockey_file.csv', 'w') as hockey_file:" does this line actually create this csv or does it need to exist already

    after it is created and I write to it how can I open it to check if it created what I wanted?

    submitted by /u/shuacity
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    need help on my C language codes

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    I have switch statements that does not connect with my functions

    when I run them the switch statements prints out 0.000 on either of the cases

    here are my

    #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> float kilometer(float n) { float k; k=n*1.6093440; return k; } float kilogram(float n) { float kg; kg=n/2.205; return kg; } float rankin(float n) { float ra; ra=n-459.67; return ra; } int main() { int r; float n; printf("Enter value:"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("\n1 = Miles to Kilometers"); printf("\n2 = Pounds to Kilogram"); printf("\n3 = Farenheit to Rankin"); printf("\n"); printf("\nenter number of desired conversion: "); scanf("%d",&r); switch(r) { case 1: printf("in Kilometers: %.3f\n", kilometer(n)); break; case 2: printf("in Kilograms: %.3f\n", kilogram(n)); break; case 3: printf("in Degree Drankin: %.3f\n", rankin(n)); break; default: printf("Invalid Input\n"); break; } system("PAUSE"); return 0; } 
    submitted by /u/Zepherousla
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    How to get started with APIs (as an IT manager, former sysadmin)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 11:11 AM PDT

    I'm an IT manager with 20 years in IT - I want to learn more about using APIs. I don't have a programming background, but am very familiar with powershell and some python. I want to start to be able to use APIs more.

    I understand the basics of how REST works at a conceptual level...

    For example, we have a web-based HR system with a strong API toolset (bamboo HR). I want to be able to pull user data from there, and be able to push it into some of our other systems (we have an AD management tool which has REST capability as well). So for example, being able to see when a new employee starts, and pushing it into AD.

    We're on AWS.

    What's a good way to get started? What are some good tools/exercises that can help me build some basic API functions?

    submitted by /u/yeoldesysadmin
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    Just wondering what this SQL-injection (attempt) code was trying to do...?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 03:48 AM PDT

    Picked up this in a query param:


    which undoing the %s becomes


    What were they trying to achieve?

    submitted by /u/ISayISayISay
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    Experienced Coder Input Wanted! (Long read)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 08:24 AM PDT

    First post here! So if I'm way off kilter don't shoot me. Also apologies if this comes across as "look what I did!" or if this is the wrong place.

    BACKGROUND I work for a semi-small company in the timeshare telemarketing industry, 70-ish employees. Our technology team is only a year and a half old with 3 coders—my boss and I and a new guy who knew next to nothing when we brought him on the team and is still learning. My boss and I are almost entirely self-taught, we both started in manipulating spreadsheets, and I'd previously done most of a Udacity nanodegree in Intro to Programming.

    I joined the team 6 months ago from managing one of our departments. I spent a week learning JavaScript basics, a week learning Typescript basics, and two weeks learning Angular before trying to make something useful, and it's grown from there. So far I've made a dialer UI for two of our teams, a custom email blasting app, a short-link hash, and several other things. We've made some cool stuff but we don't work super well trying to code directly together, and I know we're probably less than orthodox. He does more object polymorphism, and I prefer passing around config objects in static functions.

    My post here (and later posts hopefully) is to see where we stand in relation to "conventional" or "standard" practices. Outside of resources we can look up, there isn't really a good perspective on how our work corresponds with programmers at large.

    CURRENT PROJECT A couple of months ago there was a sense of frustration at all of our projects being super tailored to a specific use. We want modularity, we want plug and play, we want reusable code. At one point the other two wanted to abstract the code so much as to put button definitions into a Firestore to determine what they would do (I hope that's as outlandish as I thought it was).

    We did however, agree upon a Framework app that I've been plucking away at between other issues and distractions. The idea is that any linear start-to-finish process can have an app created by copy/pasting the code, hooking up a new Firebase project, and then setting everything up in an admin portal. From the admin portal you can select:

    -access. We can select encrypted link (homemade encryption!) so guests can click from an email to access the app. Or username/password for partner offices making new accounts or internal agents accessing a specific reservation. I did not have a great experience in my one pass with Firebase Authentication, so we're using a custom cloud function back end to validate.

    -data/action type. The admin can choose between accessing an account or date leg. At the end, they can choose between creating/modifying/doing nothing. This will need to be set up properly of course, but it will happen outside of a coding environment.

    -questions/actions/details. Each page of the form is customized from the app with specific account-specific variables insertable at any point. It's not unlike putting together a Google Form. In theory, if any problem requires a new kind of question, we just add it to the list of available question types. I kinda-sorta figured out dynamic component creation in Angular, so the 5 types of questions can be re-used and presented in any order.

    -reporting. I'm working on this part now. Each response will update to the database to give us insight on successes, fails, abandoned responses, as well as details on which questions users are failing or abandoning. I'm going to add a breakdown for which options are chosen for any multiple-choice question, and I think I'll leave it at that unless a need arises. The admin will be able to choose which of those details are sent automatically via email, who they go to, and how often.

    The idea is that new apps for guests confirming their own trips (a quick QA), guests booking their own trips (a little more involved), partners taking payment and creating new accounts (instead of the current fragmented process), and eventually internal agents creating trips within another app on the horizon...are all run from the exact same code. The only differences will be the Firebase credentials and the admin's configuration details. Any linear process the owner or a department manager can dream up, we will be able to deliver within hours with baked-in reporting and basic diagnostics.

    QUESTIONS It seems like...a lot. I haven't seen other places doing quite this level of abstraction, and that concerns me. It seems like the convention is actually more specialized use, but the code blocks or modules etc. themselves are more modular. It feels a little wild-west in that, if I can get through the never-ending chain of "hey can you do this" distractions, I can do/build this just about however I want with relatively little red tape. Which is cool. But also terrifying, because it (again) doesn't seem to match up with the dynamics I can infer from other users' posts.

    So really I guess a question is...where does my team / this work fit into the norm? Is the scale too ambitious to stick, are we missing key point somewhere, and how conventional/unconventional are our methods? Really just any feedback you have would be great. I feel like we're on an island and I want to reach the outside world.

    One specific question is, how the F do programmers code in tandem? I know front/back is a typical split, but it seems I'm always needing to tinker with both ends. We tried once for me to develop the front and my boss develop the back, and it cost us weeks and a lot of frustration and the project ultimately didn't get used after deployment. How do teams work? How do you get/keep everyone on the same page? Are there conventions, how do you handle outliers who insist on doing it their own way, and what happens when a boss-type pulls the team against normal conventions?

    submitted by /u/stillventures17
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    I need some help understanding how Huffman codes work in the Deflate Compressed Data Format Specification

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 04:24 AM PDT

    In case it's important, I'm looking at this while trying to decode PNG images. I'm doing this for interests sake. I'm referring to https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1951.txt

    I'm at the point where I have a block of compressed data. I can pull out the `BFINAL` and `BTYPE` from the first 3 bits. I'm handling the case of no compression already. I'm ignoring the case with fixed Huffman codes because that's not possible under the PNG standard.

    I have a million questions, I'm finding this hard to conceptualise.

    I believe that immediately after the `BTYPE` I can find the `HLIT`, `HDIST`, and `HCLEN`; is this correct?

    Knowing the `HCLEN` then allows me to pull out that many 3-bit numbers. Now, this is where I think I'm beginning to get confused. Each of these numbers is a code length that refers to one of `{16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15}`. Is that correct? Meaning, that if `HCLEN` was 5, then I would only have 3-bit numbers, code-lengths, for `16, 17, 18, 0, 8`?

    Now; what is this set of numbers? I think I understand:

    If I have the code lengths for this set of numbers, I believe I have successfully then used the section in 3.2.2 to get the actual "code" for each of these numbers, or at least the ones that have a non-zero code length. Now section 3.2.7 then refers to these numbers as like some are literals, some are used to repeat previous code lengths...

    Does this mean, that now I have the codes for that pre-defined set of numbers, that literal and distance alphabet lengths need to be created by interpreting them as a sequence of these codes (in the above example, I would only have a sequence of codes representing `16, 17, 18, 0, 8`)? The number of these codes is the values of `HLIT` and `HDIST`.... how would I know how many bits to interpret for each code? Because the codes I've so far determined for the set of numbers are variable in length, some are 3 bits, some are 7 etc.

    Now, if so far, everything is correct... I would turn these into the actual codes for interpreting the literal / distance values by putting them through the same Huffman tree creation process I did before? Again, how would I know where the bits for a literal end and a distance begins etc?

    Lastly, what is 3.2.5 with these extra bits? Where does this come into play?

    submitted by /u/NeomerArcana
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    What is the difference between a framework and a GUI development framework?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    What is the difference between a framework and a GUI development framework or are they the same thing? Is Spring or Spring Boot a GUI framework? And also what is the best GUI framework to use for Java?

    submitted by /u/midnightbluesy
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    Suggestion Software to create Interactive website for kids

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    I am struggling on finding the right software that I can use in creating an educational website for kids, can anyone give me suggestions? Thank you in advance. :)

    submitted by /u/Commercial_Egg_7024
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    QuickSelect with unsorted LinkList

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 06:02 AM PDT

    I am trying to create QuickSelect for LinkList, it is not working. Can someone offer suggestions why?


    quickSelect(Node head, int k) int size = count(head) pivot = size / 2 //loop to get value of Node at pivot position //traverse list, create lower and higher lists //this is the following part I think I am doing wrong: if (pivot == k) { return pivotvalue } else if (pivot < k) { return quickSelect(higher.head, (k - pivot)) } else { return quickSelect(lower.head, k) } 
    submitted by /u/splitalist
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    i know what classes are from a logical standpoint, but don't really know how to use them,

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 01:28 AM PDT

    i am frustrated, i made a script in python, it is really bad password manager, and i need to use a class, but instead of using class (i don't know how to use them), i am using a global variable (i know it's bad).

    because i need to use variable "file_name" in a multiple functions. can somebody help me ? i am a beginner in programming so the code is really bad,

    the code: code

    submitted by /u/LocalBottle
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    Java - How to split LinkList into two

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 02:31 AM PDT

    I'm trying to split a LinkList into two. The 'low' is fine, but 'high' doesn't work. It seemingly duplicates the original list, which includes Nodes that should be in 'low' only. Can anyone explain why? I can't create new Nodes when setting highPointer.next = current etc.

    current = head; LinkList low = new LinkList(); LinkList high = new LinkList(); Node lowPointer = new Node(); Node highPointer = new Node(); low.head = lowPointer; high.head = highPointer; for (int i = 0; i < head.size(); i++) { if (current.data <= xData) { lowPointer.next = current; lowPointer = lowPointer.next; } else if (current.data > xData) { highPointer.next = current; highPointer = highPointer.next; } current = current.next; } 
    submitted by /u/splitalist
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    As a student how can I get programming time?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 01:53 AM PDT

    I am a university student and much of my learning to code is done during the holidays. When it's done during the semester it's maybe just the first few weeks before exams begin creeping in.

    I have realized I need much more time and need to learn faster. However I can't have the drive to learn coding when I know exams are around the corner.

    I know I am lagging a bit behind experienced coders my age but I need to get out of campus when I can build something to at least have something out there

    submitted by /u/FoggyDanto
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