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    Friday, March 12, 2021

    What is music for coding exactly? Ask Programming

    What is music for coding exactly? Ask Programming

    What is music for coding exactly?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 03:30 PM PST

    I've seen quite a few resources that offer music to listen to while you code. What properties does it have that makes it good for programming exactly? An example.

    submitted by /u/Confident-Butterfly1
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    Would using a micro-frontend benefit us?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 10:05 AM PST

    The app I work on has a large monolithic UI that uses jquery and a server side template engine that makes creating dynamic web pages a nightmare. This UI lives in a large mono-repo and deploying new versions is slow and cumbersome.

    I work on a microservice that this UI requests data from. Deployments are easy and we can do them as much as we want. I've just started reading about micro-frontends and I'm thinking of creating a React frontend in the microservice that can be then somehow sent to the main monolithic UI.

    Would this help us do you think?

    submitted by /u/Zyzz123
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    Looking for critique of my battleship project

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 08:10 PM PST

    I recently made a battleship clone I called 'pirateship' using React and Tailwind and I was hoping to get some feedback on how I did. Specifically on how the code looks. Is there ways I could have been more efficient? What are some general things I could improve on? Is my code just a mess? Would this project in its current state be something I can put on my portfolio? Any thoughts are appreciated!

    Hosted here: https://yummy275.github.io/pirate-battleship/

    Github code: https://github.com/Yummy275/pirate-battleship

    Thank you for looking and again any advice is welcomed!

    submitted by /u/Yummy275
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    Newbie asking for help with Automating a regular button press on a website

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 01:46 PM PST

    So i use a couple of different websites which give you bonus if you click a button on the website

    1 button is every 6 hours its reactivates, another button is every 24 hours

    So i am looking to automate this process of having a script or program go to the website every 6 and 24 hours and press the button , without me needing to do anything

    I'm ok leaving the website open in the back ground

    I'm a newbie for all this so a simple program that can easily set things up without me needing to do any programming or script would be best

    Using windows 10 with chrome but also have access to all the main popular browsers if one of them would be better

    submitted by /u/YourStreamingSuccess
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    How can we program, say, a robot to understand how a food tastes and what kinda sensors are used?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 04:44 PM PST

    What I'm trying to ask is just like human beings, how can we make a robot feel the taste of a food or anything. I know using the word "feel" for a robot is weird. But I'm just trying to get my point across.

    I'm don't have experience in programming. I'm just a beginner still learning A* path finding algorithm lol. It's just I got curious about it.

    submitted by /u/nine9ten10
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    Is there a way to automatically request the Desktop Website just using the URL?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 01:43 PM PST

    So I want to automatically extract pictures from reddit with my phone on IOS using the Shortcuts App, but reddit does not show you a subreddit on mobile unless you are logged in. I wondered if there is a way to automatically request the Desktop Website just using the URL? (maybe a litte add on at the end?)

    submitted by /u/D1moner
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    How do I generate all of the possible combinations with a variable amount of slices in Golang?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 09:08 AM PST

    I could always use x amount of the nested loops, for an x amount of slices, but is there an unfixed way to do it? In python we can use the "product()" function.

    So if I have 3 arrays A = [1 5 3 6] B = [7 5 3] C = [9 12 6 1 12]

    I'd like to be able to print out all (4 times 3 times 5 = 60) combinations. [1,7,9] , [1,7,12] ... [6,3,12]

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/GiggleGlass
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    How do I do incremental numbers in shell scripting?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 05:10 AM PST

    My goal is simply to convert .png to .jpg

    for %%A IN (*.png) DO ffmpeg -i "%%A" "%%A.jpg"

    This works, but I'm wondering if there's a way to get the filenames to be 01.jpg, 02.jpg, etc

    Currently the output is *.png.jpg

    submitted by /u/mvhamm
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    College student seeking interviews for project

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 08:52 AM PST

    Are you a DevSecOps developer or involved in pushing system/app updates for your company? I have a short (15-30 minutes) interview I'd like to conduct for research on a project I'm doing in one of my management courses. Please reach out to me with a suitable video conferencing tool and times of availability if you can help! Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/reklesswill
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    How to debug CPP using ubuntu when there's input in Ubuntu?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 05:13 AM PST


    the program is not being run

    #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int deposit, withdrawn; float rate; int count=0; cout<<"input deposit, rate, and withdrawn"<<endl; cin>>deposit>>rate>>withdrawn; if((deposit-withdrawn)*(1+rate) > deposit){ cout<<"boundary conditions"<<endl; return 0; } while(withdrawn<deposit){ count++; deposit=(deposit-withdrawn)*(1+rate); } cout<<count<<endl; } 
    submitted by /u/JacksonSteel
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    Am I being weird for thinking that 'test' is a bad name for a development branch?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 03:58 AM PST

    A senior dev at the company I work in decided that the development branches (as in the 'develop' in this diagram) are to be called test as they are being passed to the CI to run unit testing on them. Am I silly in thinking that this is... a bad name for a development branch? Like, when I see test I immediately think of something temporary, created only for, well, testing. And definitely not something holding the definitive state of the development and from which things are being merged into the master for releases.

    The senior has the ultimate say in the project they lead, so I don't care if that's the name they go for. But I'm trying to figure out if I'm being silly for wanting my own project to be run differently, while they pressure me to keep things consistent over the whole company.

    Context: Small startup setting. I lead my own project (with a couple devs involved). There is a senior dev who leads a separate project but also has input into other things (because of their experience). Their input should be one of advice and guidance but often ends up feeling more like "my way is the only right way to do this" and discussing alternatives is most often an uphill battle. They recently said in a meeting with our boss that they way I've setup CI doesn't match how they set it up for their project and is bad. They then went ahead and started changing it, instructing one of the devs working between the two projects to join him in the efforts. I'm not going to go into the details about what's different between the two CIs because this is a question specifically about naming of things.

    submitted by /u/Sanuuu
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    How to store sales data for analytics in database

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 03:35 AM PST

    Hey, does anybody have an experience with storing a matrix or store summarized sales data in a database? I have a common case.

    Shop x Products x Payment methods 

    I would like to keep this data in some easy to analyse form. Currently, all transactions are stored in MySQL 8. I'm thinking about summarizing this data by date. So far I have 3 possible options

    - use some magic database to store this 😄

    - use MySQL


    • date (like 2021-01-20)
    • sales data for each payment type (~12 columns)
    • store_id


    • date (like 2021-01-20)
    • sales data for each payment type (~12 columns)
    • product_id

    - try to use Mongo to store it somehow better

    submitted by /u/kubelke
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    Is flutter like GTK & QT? Please explain

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 03:12 AM PST

    I recently got interested in Flutter (& Dart) because of their high adoption rate (according to some website). Also being interested in Linux for quite a while, I found the concept of GTK & QT similar to that of flutter.

    submitted by /u/Triankh
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    not getting sequence of execution of code correct

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 01:54 AM PST

    following is the code that i am trying to get working:

    const mysqlx = require('@mysql/xdevapi');

    let match = 0;

    let session;

    let userID;

    let pass;

    let config = {

    user: 'root',

    password: '*******',

    host: 'localhost',

    port: '33060'


    console.log(verifier("mirinaru", 27));

    async function verifier(name, password) {

    userID = name;

    pass = password;

    const mypromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {


    .then(function(s) {

    session = s;

    console.log("session get");

    return session.getSchema("testbed");


    .then(function() {

    session.sql("USE testbed;").execute(),

    session.sql("SELECT * FROM student WHERE name = \"" + userID + "\";").execute(function(result) {

    console.log("point 1");






    await mypromise.then((messg) => {

    console.log("Inside messg");

    if (pass == messg[1]) {

    return 1;

    } else {

    return -1;




    And problem that is happening is that the verifier() is returning pending in console:

    Promise { <pending> }

    session get

    point 1

    Inside messg

    So can someone tell me where i have to make the changes?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/MiSiMa49
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    How to download files from a webpage with python ?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 04:00 AM PST

    Hello fellow programmers,

    lately I have been thinking if there is a way to download multiple files from a particular website with python. How can I automate the task of download content from a website ?

    - Please Help Me Guys !

    submitted by /u/mayanksdp11
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