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    Thank you to this subreddit and its FAQ learn programming

    Thank you to this subreddit and its FAQ learn programming

    Thank you to this subreddit and its FAQ

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 09:37 PM PST

    This may or may not be allowed to post but I wanted to try and post here anyhow because of how much this subreddit has helped me. I am new new to all things computer science/programming and am only just on the beginning stages of my journey in learning. Basically a 28 year old female going through a life change. When I started looking up how to teach myself programming (I picked python as my beginner language) I was beyond lost. Finding this subreddit not only helped me get on my way but I cannot stress this enough...tons of my questions were answered just by the FAQ. It has pointed me in all the best directions and everyone's comments and questions as well. I'm feeling grateful and thought I'd share. I understand if this is not the place for this post but thank you anyways. Like I said, I'm super new to these subjects, always interested but never believed I could. Thanks again and happy learning!

    tl;dr gratitude for the FAQ

    submitted by /u/thenamesloca
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    Python text book for absolute beginners

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 07:25 AM PST

    Hello in my university i now have started a python course. What do you think guys is the best textbook to learn python?

    submitted by /u/Fox0069
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    Teaching Yourself Web Development

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 12:06 AM PST

    Learning web development is tough. If you're trying to teach yourself, it is even tougher. The internet is filled with plenty of tutorials but they are so unorganized that making sense of all the complexity is nearly impossible. With the complicated terminology and large variety of technologies out there, beginners often have a hard time knowing where to start and what to learn. Below I have put together a brief overview of the different components of web development along with a few of the common technologies used to build these components.

    The Building Blocks of a Website

    When you think about it, a website is just a way to view and interact with a remote collection of information. For example, Facebook stores information about your posts and photos on their servers and then provides a user interface allowing you to interact with them. All websites work in a similar manner.

    When you connect to a website, information is sent from that server to your computer and then displayed with a pretty interface. The development of this user interface is called front-end development. The front end of a website is what the user sees and interacts with. But all this information that the front end displays needs to be organized and controlled by something. This is where back-end development comes in. The back end of a website is the brains behind the whole operation. Together, the front end and back end create a functional website.

    What is a front end made of?

    Typically there are three different languages used to create an attractive front end.

    1. HTML: This language is used to define the layout of a website (what goes where).
    2. CSS: Used to style your page. This is how you turn an ugly site into a sexy site.
    3. Javascript: This programming language makes your website smarter and more reactive to the users' actions.

    Coding a front end with HTML, CSS, and Javascript can be a lot of work. To help accelerate the process, developers often use a Javascript framework to make life easier. Right now, the most popular javascript frameworks are React, Vue, and Angular. Using one of these you can quickly create large, beautiful and scalable user interfaces.

    What is a back end made of?

    Developers have a bit more flexibility when choosing which language to use for coding a back end. The most popular choices are, javascript, python, and php, but there are many other options as well. There are also many nice tools for backend development. A few of the popular ones are, Django, Node, and Laravel.

    Now what?

    Now it is time to choose the tech stack you would like to learn. A tech stack is a combination of all the different languages and tools used to build a website. Tech stacks vary based on what technologies are in them. Below is an outline of the major tech stack components you will need to learn.

    1. HTML, CSS, Javascript - before you do anything else you need to become familiar with these
    2. A front-end framework - Vue, React, Angular, etc.
    3. A back-end tool - Node, Django, Laravel, etc.

    Once you have narrowed in on which technologies you would like to learn, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. The internet is filled with resources for learning each of these tools. If you're not sure where to look, Udemy is a great start. They offer tons of fantastic online courses for very affordable prices. Keep at it and don't give up. Web development is hard but if you put in the time and work, you will come out feeling like you have a super power. Good luck and have fun.

    submitted by /u/Davdarobis
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    Group for female's / working mom's who are interested in learning to code. Why? Make more money, get more flexible work & upskill together. All you need is a passion to learn. The group provides flexible, guided, remote learning, and peers to get through it with.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 05:31 PM PST

    Here's a link to add your interest and with more information: https://forms.gle/ss7Fpks8ot6XaBgR9

    I'm posting the same message below.


    Coding has changed my life...for the way better.

    More women and Mom's should be incentivized and have an easy way to begin coding.

    Learning to code means that job opportunities start to open up to you that can be more remote, and more flexible.

    It will take 2-6 months to learn (and get started with python and basic website building), part-time. But together, I GUARANTEE, we can do it.

    I am putting together this survey since I have two moms/women I am helping learn to code right now. I'm hoping to get a group or two together. I am a female software engineer, and will provide direction and all of the resources you need to succeed. Everybody can motivate each other and learn at their own pace.

    I'm trying to figure out how often the group would want to meet and find more women who are interested. Please fill out the interest form below, and I will reach out. Please feel free to share with your friends. Thanks!

    The group itself will be free until you get a new job / complete your learning. "Programming bootcamps" exist, but are very demanding financially and from a time perspective. It can be a headache to know how to get started, so let's get you moving faster, together.

    submitted by /u/travel_lover12
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    Looking for programmers to share their experience and help motivate youth

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 09:40 PM PST

    Hello Redditors,

    Code Youth is a non profit helping give disadvantaged youth the opportunity to learn and work in programming. We offer a free bootcamp style course to those that might not have had the opportunity otherwise.

    We're looking for self taught or bootcamp trained programmers to come and speak to the participants, and share their experience with learning programming and entering the industry. The goal is to show that it may not be easy, but it is possible to gain fulfilling employment in technology sector.

    Whether you're doing a startup, freelance contracts, or permanent employment, we would love to hear from you! Please reach out and help us demonstrate to our participants what is possible once you get past the initial learning hurdle.



    submitted by /u/codeyouth
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    I am scared of failing 'User security' issues when it comes to building an app

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 10:49 PM PST

    I am feeling hesitant about building an app that includes user authentication. I have always wanted to build an app that manages user subscriptions and stuff(I will soon start the project). I am trying to learn how to make it as secure as possible I can. However, since there aren't programmers around me to review if there's a severe mistake/leak, I am scared of leakage of user data if someone tries to hack it. Is there a good way to check if my website is secure? (I heard of QAs but I am probably sure that I cannot afford QA since I am a poor college student) If that's the case(leakage), will I be held responsible for everything and possibly go to jail? I want to know what I should know when it comes to building a secure app. Thank you! Please feel free to comment I will look into every comment!

    submitted by /u/poream3387
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    What's the best way to create a Pokémon-like battle system?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 06:12 PM PST

    I've been working on and off the past couple of moths trying to recreate the Pokémon battle system using Python. I've gotten lost multiple times and restarted the project about 3 times since I didn't like how it was turning out. I need some advice and guidance on how to deal with this. My main issue comes down to the moves. The Pokémon I have them pretty dominated, just a normal class with all the stats and needed data.

    But the moves, damn moves! They are so hard to implement. My strategy has been to create a spreadsheet with all the data about a move (description, damage, accuracy, PP, etc.). Until there every is good but now it gets more complicated. There are three main types of move: physical, special, and status. Physical and special are basically the same, the only difference is how damage is calculated (except for some moves that have special functions). Status on the other hand, causes some kind of status on the foe (or user, depending on the move), such as lowering defense, paralyzing the foe or poisoning it. What I did there was I create an array that holds all of the current status effects a Pokémon has and made a method in the Pokémon class that does the desired effect depending on the status effects in the array. I think this is the best way to implement this, correct me if I'm wrong.

    Now to where I'm having the biggest problem, charging moves and multi-turn moves. In Pokémon there are moves like Fly or Dig that take 2 or more turns to work. I have no idea how to implement this. On my main loop I have a counter that keeps track of the amount of turns the battle has been going on for. I can't figure out how to make a multi-turn move work with this method. For example, it's turn 5 and my Pokémon uses Fly, that turn the Pokémon should become invulnerable (since it's high in the air) and the next turn attack (turn 6). I know how it works in theory but haven't been able to actually pull it off.

    And my final issue, multi-turn moves. This kind of moves, as it's name implies work for multiple turns. For example Bide, this move, once selected, will work for 2-3 turns. During this period the user will not be able to use any other move and will only use Bide. I don't know how to bypass the call of the "Attack" function if this type of move is activated. I'm wondering if, considering the vast amount of moves there are and all it's different functionalities, it's better to create a function for each individual move or just have a main function that does everything. Take in consideration there are almost 900 moves in the main series and I'd like to implement as many as possible but writing 900 different functions seems like too much. Please help, I'm asking here as a last resource.

    submitted by /u/Maypher
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    having some problems with htdp and solutions

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 12:46 AM PST

    I am trying to learn starting with htdp, but the exercises they have in the book are pretty difficult without a teachers guidance to ask him questions.

    A lot of them are not even covered on how to made them with the info they give you until that point nor they explain how to even start.

    I tried to look if there was some teachers book or guide with solutions but I couldn't find anything.

    Do anyone know any extension for the main online book with the solutions explained on how they ended with them or where I could take a look when I am stuck for hours so I can continue to advance instead of ended frustrated?

    for example:

    excercise 8: "Mixin up with booleans",


    They ask you to create an expression with tall or wide, but they don't tell you that you need to use strings nor is covered on the book until that point.

    Any idea?

    submitted by /u/DrKersh
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    Increasing ability to focus for more than 2 hours?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 06:36 PM PST

    Currently I'm using the pomodoro technique. I can usually stay focused for about 2 hours with pomodoro before I start getting brain fog and restless. At that point I'm no longer focusing on learning the concepts but instead desperately trying to pass the exercises by guessing.

    What are other ways to increase my focus time from 2 hours to more?

    submitted by /u/Mountain-Bid-4962
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    Teach someone programming to learn

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 06:42 PM PST

    If you know the basics you can get a friend or a little sibling or somebody that might be interested and start teaching them programming.

    You dont need to be a pro to teach them the basics.

    This is good for 2 reasons

    A) it reinforces your knowledge

    B) it forces you to advance your own skills so when your students starts catching up you have to learn what's next so you can show it to them

    Again you dont need to be a pro, the point is for both of you to learn

    submitted by /u/Matrix10011
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    Helping others to learn C, and programming in general [maybe a mini-rant]

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 02:51 PM PST

    I've been occasionally dropping in on Discord and helping people with C code. On the whole it has been rewarding, but the same things come up again and again, and it's not usually with peoples code. The most likely also come up for other languages.

    1. Don't post screens grabs

    You can't put a screen shot through a compiler, or edit it in a text editor, or read it on a cell phone.

    Post a code block, or use a service like pastebin, or attach a file.

    Please make sure your code is well formatted and consistently indented, so it looks nice to read.

    This also applies to compiler error messages - a screen grab of red-on-black text is nowhere as helpful as just copying and pasting the text into the chat.

    2. Turn on your compiler warnings

    The use of Compiler warnings would remove at least 50% of the trivial chatter on C coding forums, and remove an equal amount of frustration for novice programmers. Compiler warnings are the compiler trying to help you out, not tell you off.

    If you don't know how to turn them on then stop reading this and find out how to turn them on - the 5 minutes spent doing this will have the biggest payback of anything you do on your coding journey.

    Turn them on, and turn them up all the way - for gcc I use "-Wall -pedantic"

    3. Where possible, post all your function's code

    Don't just post the code that seems to be the problem. I can't copy two lines into a local file and compile it. I just have to make assumptions and take wild guesses.

    Take this example - why does the loop never end?

    for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { total += i; } 

    Maybe 'i' is declared as "char"? I waste a lot of time trying to find issues like this.

    4. Comment the intent of your code.

    You know your code is bad. I know your code is bad. If you add comments for what you were hoping the code will do, then it is far easier to spot when the code doesn't express what you wanted it to.

    This is especially important when dealing with algorithms and advanced data structures, because the intent isn't always self-obvious.

    5. Your code may multiple problems

    You have a problem that you want to fix right now, but other problems may need to be fixed too.

    If somebody posts code and says "what is wrong with this code?", the first thing I see is bad design patterns. Please don't get frustrated if I point these out and ask you to fix these. It might be using for() loops that start at 1 or you never checking the return value when you call malloc(). My brain is wired that way. I see bad code first.

    Sometimes these things need to be fixed first for me to be sure that the computer's internal state is as it should be, allowing me to focus your original problem.

    6. Some answers are too long and involved to explain.

    For example, why when calculating the factorial of 34 is the answer 0?

    #include <stdio.h> unsigned factorial(int i) { if(i == 1) return 1; return i*factorial(i-1); } int main(void) { printf("%u\\n", factorial(34)); return 0; } 

    Your question is valid and is actually quite interesting, but answering it isn't making good use of my time. I can't answer all questions.

    7. Don't make me do all the work

    Sometimes I ask a question like "What do you think is happening here?" or "What do you want this to do?" and the reply is a quick "idk". It is your program, you should know. These are prompts for you to do your share of the thinking and learning.

    Nothing makes me happier than when people solve their own problems after a bit of prompting. At least make a guess and type a sentence.

    8. I make typos and bugs too

    So I might get a ']' and a '}' mixed up, or use 'i' where I should use 'j'. Bugs and typo happen even to experienced programmers. I am not perfect. And don't be that person who points out a coding error hours after a original posters problem has been solved.

    9. Don't forget to say thanks

    Even if the problem hasn't been fixed to your satisfaction, at least say thanks to people for taking the time. A 'thank you" gif is much more appreciated than just a "thx", or even worse just dropping out and going quiet.

    You usually get the reward of a working program... think about what I get in return for offering my time and experience.

    10. Most of the time I have to do other stuff

    Helping on chats is something I do to fill spare time. I might be on the bus to work, or eating my lunch. Remember that to me you are an unknown random person on the internet asking for help with their project, please don't expect that if I help you once I am always going to help you again. I have a family, I have a job, I have my own projects and hobbies.

    If you have another issue or question, don't @ me, post it in the public channel.

    submitted by /u/OnYaBikeMike
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    Going back to school after a 3 year break, need a refresher

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 04:59 PM PST

    Cross-posting this from /r/cscareerquestions because no one replied. Hey /r/learnprogramming, I will be going back to school to finish my bachelor's in cs, and to be quite frank I don't remember much of what I learned in undergrad. I will likely have 3-4 semesters left, is there some quite of site or post you could refer me to which will refresh my memory of what concepts and ideas I should know about at this point? Thank you.

    EDIT: Or perhaps a website/post detailing what a fresh grad should know

    EDIT#2: Would this or this suffice?

    submitted by /u/iAmNotJulianMartin
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    When you REALLY hate if statements (Is this efficient??)

    Posted: 05 Mar 2021 01:06 AM PST

    using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace meth { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { double[] opInput = new double[3]; try { Console.WriteLine("Number 1:"); opInput[0]=Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Number 2:"); opInput[1]=Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Operator(0 > +, 1 > -, 2 > /, 3 > X)"); opInput[2]=Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); List<Func<double[], double>> mathActs = new List<Func<double[], double>> { vl => vl[0] + vl[1], vl => vl[0] - vl[1], vl => vl[0] / vl[1], vl => vl[0] * vl[1], }; Console.WriteLine($"New number {mathActs[Convert.ToInt32(opInput[2])](opInput)}"); } catch { Console.WriteLine("NaN"); } Console.ReadLine(); } } } 
    submitted by /u/DereDe--
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    Is Shopify an example of Role Access Base Control?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 09:18 PM PST

    I'm trying to understand RBAC and different types.

    Is Shopify still RBAC? yes there terminology for subtypes, for example like Mailchimp "writer" "editor" are not customizable while in Shopify there are granular permissions:



    I'm trying to learn more about this

    submitted by /u/userexperienceguy
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    In computer science class and am stumped

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 08:55 PM PST

    Hey so I'm taking a computer science class right now in my high school and am writing a program that will read a text file with hourly rates and spit out their wages and total pay, the problem is this isn't working as intended. For some reason I do not quite understand my program is only reading the last name in the list. The program is due tomorrow and if you guys could help me that would be amazing, sincerely a sophomore who is confused in python.

    This is the code

    values = open("employee_info.txt", "r")
    c = 1
    print ("Name \t\t Wage \t\tHours \t\tGross \t\t\tTaxes \t\t\tNet")
    while (c<=10):
    c = c +1
    temp = (values.readline())
    x = temp.index(", ")
    name = temp[:x]
    new = temp[x+2:]
    x = new.index(", ")
    wage = float(new[:x])
    hours = float(new[x+2: ])
    #lastname = (input("what is your last name?"))
    #hours = int(input("how many hours did you work"))
    #wage = int(input("what is your hourly wage"))
    #Calculate the gross pay
    #Make sure to calculate the overtime
    if (hours < 40):
    grosspay = 40 * wage + (hours - 40) * wage * 1.5
    grosspay = hours * wage
    taxes = grosspay * .22
    netpay = (grosspay - taxes)
    grosspay = round(grosspay, 2)
    taxes = round(taxes, 2)
    netpay = round(netpay, 2)
    print (name, "\t\t$%.2f" % wage, "\t\t %.1f" % hours, "\t\t$%.2f" % grosspay, "\t\t $%.2f" % taxes, "\t\t $%.2f" % netpay)
    print ("good bye")

    This is the text document

    Smith, 12, 50
    Jones, 12, 45
    Joseph, 15, 35
    Lucas, 12.5, 38
    Wood, 16, 50
    Ellis, 10, 43
    Kemp, 20, 40
    Orzech, 22.75, 47
    Dion, 7.50, 52
    Egan, 30, 45

    This is the output

    Name Wage Hours Gross Taxes Net

    Egan $30.00 45.0 $1350.00 $297.00 $1053.00

    good bye

    It should list all the names and wages too

    submitted by /u/J311yy
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    Motivation and discipline to code

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 06:00 PM PST

    Back in late 2019, I started a small project for my gcse and finished it in Feb 2020. I wrote it in python and it was really bad but I was proud. I was 15 at the time and when I finished it, I told myself I'd learn python more and make more projects. Well in March 2020, lockdown 1 started and lasted till July and since my gcses were cancelled, I had no lessons till Sept and so thought this would be the best time to learn to code. Well while it was the best time, I just ended up gaming constantly for nearly the whole time. I hated myself for it and still do.

    Fast forward to Sept 2020 and I'm in year 12 starting computer science alevel. I have to code a project which is 20% of my final grade and I decide to do a graphical calculator with a gui. Now I didn't make much progress but then another lockdown happened from Dec to now(March 21) and I thought to myself this would be the best time to learn more, learn how to use libraries like numpy and matplotlib and seaborn.

    In reality I wasted all the time gaming. I tried to stop but I couldn't and now I'm doing it again, everyday I wake up saying to myself I will do this or that I would learn that and then just end up gaming the whole day. I want to stop but I don't know how. I tried uninstalling all the games but I just reinstall them in a week, I tried switching over to linux(manjaro) but I can't convince myself to delete my windows partition yet. I want to reduce or stop my gaming but idk how any I really need help, I hope you guys could help.

    A little about the project: I haven't touched it since November 2020 but so far all I have is an idea of how to implement this. I'm planning on splitting up the calculator into modules with separate guis. When you load the program, there would be a parent module, the 'Basic' module and this would have basic methods like arithmetic and simple trigonometry etc. Then there would be sub modules like 'polynomial' module which would take in a certain polynomial and then either graph it or return its roots and turning points. The polynomial module could/would inherit methods from the basic module. I was originally planning to do it in python, in a Object Oriented way with decorators that could be extra feature with a click of a button like shift. This is what I originally thought up of but honestly idk if this is out of my scope and skill, I'm OK with OOP but I've never coded a gui before so idk if I have the skills for it. Just to clarify, I'm asking if the general outline I specified seems OK and what I could improve on since this is my first actual project. Also the project is due Jan 2022

    Sorry for the long read but I am just unsure of what to do. Should I delete my windows partition and stop gaming and only play certain games like ksp where I get bored quickly so I won't constantly play it or do I do something else. As for the project, how could I improve my general outline and how do I know that this is in my scope and skill level and possible in the time frame.

    I hope all you wonderful people are as safe as can be and I thank you for reading this

    submitted by /u/W1nd0ws98
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    [Question] programmatically speaking, how do scheduled-send emails work?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 11:54 PM PST

    Does the email server constantly refresh and send any emails once the time matches a certain value, do they set a timer from the moment of scheduling for the time delta between then and the scheduled date, or something else?

    submitted by /u/pitkeys
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    Android Themes and Styles: Recommended Tutorial Videos for Learning How to Create Custom Styles and Themes for Beginners

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 11:46 PM PST


    I'm interested in learning how to create themes and styles in Android Studio and have come across the following in my research:

    • Tools like Figma and Zeplin are there for creating how it would look, but ultimately, the developers will still have to code it somehow into the xml files of the Android project.
    • Zeplin makes it a little bit easier but ultimately, if you are working alone, you are better off doing things straight from your imagination to the application, i.e., in the themes and styles, and the layouts themselves.

    Are those two thoughts somewhat correct?

    Do you have any recommendation for well-structured video tutorials on how to create themes and styles, starting from what exactly they are, down to how they interact and should be used with the views you have already created in the layout folder?

    Thank you all!

    submitted by /u/dg_713
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    Working as a developer but don't know how to code. Help.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 09:30 PM PST

    Hi all, to give a bit of a background I was a designer in Mechanical Eng but I learned TIBCO on the side as I heard this was a drag and drop tool (It is a Low code integration tool) I got into a tech company based on that as a developer, but now I realize I need Java/Javascript. Please advice on how to start. Will JS be easier if I learn Java first? If so I will learn Java and then move to Javascript. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/bogatyrbabayaga
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    Recommended youtube videos/series to learn data structures and algorithms?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 11:27 PM PST

    Looking for some recommendations

    submitted by /u/iAmNotJulianMartin
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    Any stories of IT Help Desk looking to transition into a SDE role? Looking for inspiration

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 09:03 PM PST

    Hey guys. Been in the "IT Help Desk desk" role for about 2 years now. I've tried moving up - Got my Network+ cert and have been trying to land a Jr Network Engineer related role but no one will take me since I don't have experience.

    So I thought about programming in Java. I've been trying to self teach myself, and I even have a friend with 6+ years experience who's helping me along the way with the basics and such. My resources consist of Google, free videos online, some paid video courses, an app that gives me coding exercises every day, and a website that also gives me coding exercises every day as well. I'm trying my hardest to learn and retain it, but since I don't work In the field it's harder to retain.

    Anyway, has anyone here ever been in a similar boat? Just looking for some inspiration to keep me motivated. I'm a sucker for success stories. :)

    submitted by /u/NeverDeploy
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    How to edit string inside command exec in Find command (Linux)

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 04:52 PM PST


    I am wondering if there is an easy way to edit a string inside the command execution portion of a Find command?

    Find command would be something similar to this:

    find . -name "*irrelevant*" -exec bash -c "ffmpeg -i '{}' ... '{}'(filename but slightly edited) \;" 

    I have tried like a subshell, but that seems to take away the knowledge of the '{}', which would make sense. I thought maybe echoing to a sed but I'm not sure how I would put that on a line instead of more of a script.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/_void_boi
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    UCSanDiegoX ALGS200x

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 07:00 PM PST

    Has anyone completed the class UCSanDiegoX ALGS200x? I was wondering how hard it is.

    submitted by /u/Objective-Leek-527
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    Trying to help out a friend break into front end web development, I need help

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 10:32 PM PST

    Hi everyone, I have respect for the people in this subreddit teaching themselves into a programming career. I have a friend who I'm sure is in a position like many of you all. She has a decent portfolio and is now looking for jobs and roles to start her career.

    I am personally fortunate: I'm on the product side of things at a big company, mainly because of my college. I know how to code, but I would never claim to be a highly-skilled developer. Her situation is different: she has a degree in the arts and afterward is making the transition into web dev, and she's pretty damn good at it.

    She had an interview (and subsequent job offer) from a company, and they gave her was... insulting, at least in my opinion: contract work, no salary, no upfront pay, no benefits. Compensation is cash equity conditional on the company's revenue, and based on what I can read about, the company will not reach those revenue goals.

    My question to the group: are these offers normal when starting? Getting that first experience is so important, but when do you know that someone is scamming you? How long did you take odd work before you got your first salaried position? Where are the best junior dev career resources? What was your first gig as a developer?

    I want to help her and give her the best advice possible. She's come to me because of my tech career, but my career path has been different. If this group thinks she should take the offer for the experience, I will advise her. But to me, I think her time could be better served, looking for better roles/work.

    submitted by /u/AristotleWellington
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