• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 10, 2021

    [N] Attention Is Not All You Need: Google & EPFL Study Reveals Huge Inductive Biases in Self-Attention Architectures Computer Science

    [N] Attention Is Not All You Need: Google & EPFL Study Reveals Huge Inductive Biases in Self-Attention Architectures Computer Science

    [N] Attention Is Not All You Need: Google & EPFL Study Reveals Huge Inductive Biases in Self-Attention Architectures

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 06:45 PM PST

    A research team from Google and EPFL proposes a novel approach that sheds light on the operation and inductive biases of self-attention networks, and finds that pure attention decays in rank doubly exponentially with respect to depth.

    Here is a quick read: Google & EPFL Study Reveals Huge Inductive Biases in Self-Attention Architectures

    The paper Attention is Not All You Need: Pure Attention Loses Rank Doubly Exponentially with Depth is on arXiv.

    submitted by /u/Yuqing7
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    FIFO Cache Hit / Miss

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 03:52 AM PST

    Hello everyone

    I've a pretty straightforward and (I think) an easy question?

    Does a cache hit (FIFO) create a new entry? I know that a cache miss deletes the oldest entry, but I'm unsure what happens on a hit.

    Trying to simplify: Let's say 2 is the oldest entry, but it gets a cache hit. Later on, it gets a cache miss on the same set. Is 2 now the oldest entry, therefore gets deleted?

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/ImParadox
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    Unsolved secret message enigma

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:39 AM PST

    i created new find study buddy sub Reddit

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 09:50 PM PST

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