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    Friday, March 12, 2021

    I feel like programming is a stressing field. Is it ? learn programming

    I feel like programming is a stressing field. Is it ? learn programming

    I feel like programming is a stressing field. Is it ?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 02:41 PM PST

    Hi everyone,

    I feel like programming is a very stressing field. Always trying to learn new technologies, debugging 24/7, finishing work with an error you couldn't resolve and it's stuck in your head for the whole evening, deadlines...

    I love creating things. But I feel like I'm under a certain pressure 80% of my time. It's like I'm trying to fix errors more than I'm creating innovative stuff.

    Do I rush things too fast ? Is it the same for everyone ? How do you organize your work/learning ?

    It's exhausting sometimes...

    submitted by /u/NotRealTurbine
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    As a self-taught I feel terrible about it

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 10:08 AM PST

    So, I sat down to learn more about Redux. People told me to use the official tutorial and Google up whatever new/unknown term I find, and take it slow because it's hard.

    For background, I know basic frontend stuff and JavaScript (went through Kyle Simpson's YDKJS and parts of eloquentJS, also parts of The Odin Project and build some super basic apps, think todo lists levels of complexity). So I picked up a Udemy course to learn React and 12 chapters in it introduces Redux and I'm at a loss. Flashback ends.

    Now I'm going through the Redux docs. I reach the prerequisites. Okay, I'm familiar with almost everything except of fetch because I used axios. Sidetracking to check out fetch. Time passes. Switch back to Redux docs. Reaching 4 more links called "why use Redux?" etc. One of them is a blog post. Oh boy, here we go. Blog post is accompanied by a podcast and it's recommended to read and listen simultaneously. Guy starts throwing other terms like "dependency injection" etc. I pause the podcast to Google that one up. Nice. Heading back to the podcast. Talks about caching results from the server, Apollo client, GraphQL and other stuff. I finish the FIRST post, off to the second. I give up. Decide to go back to the Redux docs. More unknown terms. More googling. Finally some basic code. Decide to make the demo hoping things will build from there.

    At this point I no longer feel like a human. I feel like a caveman. It's like when the first human saw a rock and tried to bite it to see if it's edible. Is this really how learning from docs normally feels like? Do people who went through an actual formal guided education felt like that or am I a puppet pretending that one day my fairy godmother will turn me into a real boy if only I follow my conscience hard enough?

    And all that from only learning frontend. And to think that learning and focusing in the backend is my endgame, but having some frontend knowledge could get my foot in the door. It's not like I hate frontend.

    submitted by /u/Fair_Cause_1166
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    [C++] Reading from a text file until a certain line, then repeating the process.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 01:40 PM PST

    Hello, I know this is a beginner level question, but I couldn't find a solution online.

    My problem is that I am creating a sort of hospital booking system where I have to read the patients/doctors info from a text file. The file is formatted so that the first line contains the name, second age, third Id, fourth appointment hour, and fifth is the minute, Pictured here , and store each line into a variable.

    What I am confused about is how can I stop at the fifth line after I stored the minutes, and then start storing the name of the second patient into the same variable that I used in the first patient (using a loop).

    This is this segment of the code

    Edit: I am essentially attempting to do this but by taking the input from txt, not the user.

    submitted by /u/ys1012002
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    Why do most programming courses try to teach Programming/Software engineering with Web Dev?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 01:50 PM PST

    Like CS50, most courses start with the basics of programming, then switch to Web, same for most sites, they give an introduction to variables, functions, etc, then they switch to Web, is there any particular reason for this?

    I don't like web dev at all, I find it boring, are there any curriculum which teach programming/software development without doing it with web?

    Thank you so much!

    submitted by /u/the_traditional_one
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    Does it all just click one day? Or is it all repetition?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 10:10 PM PST

    I'd like to learn coding, specifically java and c++

    I've been watching tons of youtube videos on it and while I'm learning a bit, I feel like I watch something and it enters and then quickly exits my brain.

    Can anyone code? Or does it take a certain kind of person? Do you either get it or you don't?

    submitted by /u/yeet420696969
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    Roadmap of finding a nice remote job without CS degree?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 09:11 PM PST

    After working at an office, I just realized I want to work remotely and get paid well for it. After some arduous searching, I feel my best bet is to become a Software Developer as they have the biggest job market, and I feel it's something I'm interested in but never put the effort to get good at.

    My goal is to earn 90k a year working remotely 40 hours a week.

    My current stats:-21 years old, making $16 an hour 9-5 at a Customer Service call center.

    -Bachelor of Arts degree, I used to take CS but I shifted out of it. I was just into partying and finding dates during college though, didn't take college seriously. But I changed a lot since then. I feel I could really learn coding if I give it a better shot.

    -Currently know some basic Python, C, and Java but I'm probably rusty.

    Where do I go from here? I have time to study on the weekend and after work everyday, currently just preparing myself mentally and reading "Pragmatic Thinking and Learning"

    Does anyone have a roadmap of how they found their dream remote job?

    Especially for those without a CS degree. Thanks.

    edit: from SoCal btw

    submitted by /u/MoneyUsaMan
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    Got a promotion into "data analysis", have no idea what to learn to make my job easier

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 11:06 AM PST

    I hope this is the right sub to ask this.

    I got a promotion at my job, previously I was doing really rote data entry type stuff. Now I'll be doing more analysis of the data. Basically I'm expected to find the data, analyze and work with it, and be able to generate nice looking reports for coworkers and clients.

    So an example of a project I'd do (I'm totally making this up and fudging the details, but it's similar enough) is like analyzing the stock price of 500 companies and seeing if twitter mentions go up as the stock price goes down or goes up, and see which movement generates in more twitter mentions. Again, I'm just making this up it's just the first example that comes to mind of stuff that's similar to what I might need to do.

    So I'd have to find the data somewhere, import it where I can analyze it, and then also be able to create those pretty looking line graphs and stuff and write reports. The above example is about as complex as a project would get.

    My work is kind of a think tank like environment, so it's a lot of research, investigating different hypothesis, etc. So it won't be super complex, but I will have a ton of different projects to look at.

    I don't come from a tech background of any sort, I got hired here more for my specific domain knowledge. Work is being very flexible and patient in terms of giving me time (And some money if necessary) to take online courses or learn on my own time.

    I'm wondering what kind of tools would help me do my job. Learning Python? R? Or just get really good at Excel?

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/SelfImprover_reddit
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    for the life of me cant understand nested lists, please help i want to understand

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 05:46 PM PST

    why do i get attribute errors trying to insert into a nested list?? here is the code

    so that would be nest 1 position 2? but apparently not because its not working so where am i wrong???

    list1 = [10, 20, [300, 400, [5000, 6000], 500], 30, 40] list1[1].insert(2, 7000) print(list1) i am trying to add 7000 to here: [10, 20, [300, 400, 7000 [5000, 6000], 500], 30, 40] 
    submitted by /u/sirreginaldpoopypot
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    dear lord please point me in the right direction

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 07:18 PM PST

    This is only the 2nd exercises in a beginner python lesson but it is already combining for loops and functions which i am not ready for.

    def sumNum(num): previousNum = 0 for i in range(num): sum = previousNum + i print("Current Number", i, "Previous Number ", previousNum," Sum: ", sum) previousNum = i print("Printing current and previous number sum in a given range(10)") sumNum(10) 

    is there a much easier way to do this with maybe just a for loop and print() alone???? where can i find exercises that are actually for beginners or am i just not smart enough for this? There is no way in hell i would of got this answer. i really want to learn python, or atleast i think i do, but like wtf how do i get to the point i could ever figure out how to write my own code? is this the only one static way to do this??? or can this same goal be achieved written in another way??? I thought in programming you could achieve the same result in different ways, but after many different tutorials and constantly failing to get my own code working. i am not so sure anymore. Programming is definitely the hardest thing i have ever tried to learn and i cant afford a tutor or real classes so whats the best place to find good exercises?

    submitted by /u/sirreginaldpoopypot
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    Monte Carlo Simulation

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 04:24 PM PST

    I am looking for a bit of help building a model to simulate, I essentially want to prove that the socially optimum point for two petrol stations to be is at distances 0.25 and 0.75 along a 1 mile road.

    To do this, I am thinking of using Monte Carlo to place two points on the line (the petrol stations) and then have 100 random points on the line and it calculates the minimum average distance, I then want to move the two initial points and do this process again, hopefully thousands of times and this should produce the minimum distance for both points is at around 0.25 and 0.75. Would anyone know how to start this and which direction to take as I think it is a complex one? Thanks, Jamie

    submitted by /u/JamieNorth
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    Get into programming

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 11:57 PM PST

    Hi everyone,

    So, I don't know where to start with this topic but to get your opinion on my situation I'll tell you a little bit about how my life is going right now.. I'm a (22 )collage student / computer science, currently working at a small sized company as an sys admin, in my free time I'm learning to code. What my concern is that my collage doesn't have a lot of subjects based on programming, rather they focus on marketing and economic part of IT.

    Working full time and going to collage, it's hard sometimes to organise myself how to and when to code, it a bit stressful because I know I need to have my degree, because today it's impossible in my country to get a job without it. But having this job is great because I've learned a lot about business part and how to solve a problem in a go, but not having a mentor and going to collage that doesn't tech me the stuff I need is just demotivating... Any guidance is accepted. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/similarArteye
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    Custom Form Tools

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 11:47 PM PST

    I work with Visual Basic and Visual C# pretty often. I was wondering if there was a way to create a custom designed tool to use on the form. By tool I mean things like the Combo Box HScrollBar etc. I want to make my programs more unique and appealing rather than looking like every basic program made.

    submitted by /u/Just_a_Sad_Coder
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    I need to get some values of photos

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 11:43 PM PST

    First of: I'm not super familiar with python, I can make a hello world, but that's pretty much it.

    Now: I have ~900 pictures in a folder. they all have random names. I need to get every photo in black and white, then output values between 0 and 1, to represent where they are on that scale. I also need the pictures to be "resized" to half of the resolution, and then outputed the same way, in files with names such as

    "highresimage-1.txt, lowresimage-1.txt" etc, is there any good tutorial showing how to get this done? can I do it (without loosing my mind) in c++? will it be easier to use python?

    submitted by /u/Th3DarkMoon
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    Where to find right people?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 03:44 PM PST

    I need help with finding people similiar to me. I feel like I am alone coding and learning new stuff. Everything around me seems toxic. I am 16 and I find it really hard to find people interested in coding and socialise with them. I am kind of self taught. I will go for CS degree eventually since I havent finished high school yet and than I will probbably meet people with same interests but now its like lonely road. Its fun road definetly but I just feel like it would be much more fulfilling if there were some comunities to talk about stuff related to coding.

    submitted by /u/Lucijan_
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    Is a Computer Science degree likely to help me become a [good] Software Engineer?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 01:28 PM PST


    This is related to this subreddit, but I'm not 100% sure if it fits within the rules - apologies if not.

    It's not mentioned in the title, but the implication is becoming a better engineer as compared to the self-taught route, assuming both are possibilities.

    I've wanted to get into software engineering for a while now, and find myself faced with a dilemma as to whether or not to go and do a degree.

    I have a job - which I actually like - but I can head off to university this year, if I want, as I've been offered a place at a decent university for a degree in Computer Science (I'm in the UK by the way), it's just a case of accepting it.

    On a technical level, my job mostly involves writing scripts in high-level languages to speed up certain processes; it's enjoyable enough, but quite limited in scope so far. I worry that there's not a ton of room for progression (specifically in terms of project scope/complexity), and I fear that I might get 'stuck'. It is a very stable job though.

    There is apparently potential to do some training with my employer, so I'll be having a chat with them in the coming days about what options we have - if there's degree-level training then great; but I'm not sure there will be.

    There are a lot of 'meta' pros/cons to each (e.g. relocation (big plus for me! :)), finances, etc.) which are all fairly balanced in the end imo, so I'm trying to drill down into the ones that will really affect my career in the long term.

    Specifically, I wondered if not having a degree is likely to make me (notably) worse at designing and building software? And would that be a barrier to breaking into SwE?

    I feel that, right now, I am an okay-ish programmer (I've taught myself a fair bit, and can generally 'help myself' as needed through reading documentation and such), but I really don't have any theoretical background or knowledge that would help me to make better decisions at a higher level.

    When I read through the modules of the uni's CS course, I feel like there's a lot in there that I (obviously) don't know, and I don't know that I'd be able to effectively self-teach them, either - things like analytical techniques, a deeper understanding of DS&A, foundations of AI, underlying mathematical concepts, systems analysis/design, etc.

    These are all things that I believe I'd enjoy learning about, but more importantly I also reckon they'd be pretty handy in actually helping me be a more effective developer. My rationale is that even the less-directly-relevant items could help me develop my logical thinking and problem solving abilities. That's all aside of the fact that I think having a degree is probably a necessity to stand out at the moment.

    Tl;dr: Will doing a degree make me a better software engineer than staying in a sort-of-related job?

    Thanks! :)

    submitted by /u/1b7_
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    New subbredit for Spanish-speaking programmers, r/programacion_LATAM

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 10:07 AM PST

    Hello world, I recently created a sub dedicated solely to post resources and ask questions about programming. The purpose it to make computer science resources more accessible to Latinos, and create a space where we can ask questions and build a community. It is mainly Spanish-speaker oriented, but many resources are available in multiple languages, so don't hesitate to join!


    submitted by /u/Albakiin
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    Batch or VBScript?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 11:01 PM PST

    Which coding language is better?

    Batch Or VBScript

    submitted by /u/LunaDeveloper
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    Creating a Fourier series from a figure on python.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 10:49 PM PST

    Hello, I want to make a figure (let's take the batman symbol for example) using a Fourier series (sum of sines and cosines) using python. However everywhere I look, they use Fourier transforms to do some image processing. I just want to input an image with simple lines (like the batman logo), and receive its Fourier series.

    In the case of batman it's easy to find one on the internet, however for the custom figures, it isn't. So does anyone know a module that does that? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/sapnu-pu-as
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    Am I dumb or does it take time?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 10:45 PM PST

    So I would say I'm relatively new into coding. It all started last year where I needed to fix my high school grades and I decided to take a course on programming (where C# was the main language) and I liked it, once I got my programs working in the debugging.

    But now I have decided to try to learn front end development and I have bought a subscription on Front End Masters, and so far I've gone through some basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The guy teaching told us to make a calculator using all three elements but I don't know if I'm too stupid or if this task is hard for beginners? Like I don't even understand how I'm gonna work with JavaScript to make everything work... I know I'm supposed to declare functions that will make my buttons do stuff, but I just don't feel confident and I feel so damn lost... I don't know if it's just me being dumb or that I need to learn more about JavaScript...

    I really find programming cool and I really want to learn and become a developer in the future, but my confidence right now is super low...

    Anyone else been in my shoes? Do you have any tips to become a successful developer? And how do I find a job etc? Thanks a lot

    submitted by /u/edzone96
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    I cannot seem to explain this error about sorting a list

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 10:33 PM PST

    So I know there are lots of sorting algorithms available, I haven't read any of them and wanted to do this on my own, I tried doing this but seem to have an error only when I run two of these together and not when I run them individually

    def asort(list): sorted = [] for i in range(0, amax(list)+1): if i in list: sorted.append(i) list.remove(i) return(sorted) def amax(list): maxi = list[0] for i in range(1,len(list)): if maxi<list[i]: maxi = list[i] return(maxi) l = [86, 20, 18, 22, 93, 25, 83, 29, 24, 94, 78, 28, 53, 100, 50, 37, 39, 30, 52, 13,73, 55, 63, 95, 48, 56, 90, 49, 74, 32, 8, 57, 43, 51, 68, 85, 7, 17, 79, 69, 99, 47, 71, 21, 98, 84, 33, 96, 19, 26, 11, 58, 46, 35, 60, 6, 34, 87, 80, 64, 3, 67, 36, 88, 42, 70, 82, 61, 54, 97, 14, 81, 89, 59, 45, 38, 27, 40, 62, 31, 9, 72, 5, 75, 2] print(asort(l)) print(amax(l)) 

    why is this? thanks

    submitted by /u/adone69
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    system.windows.forms.listviewitems cannot be converted to 'String' on VB.net

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 10:22 PM PST

    I've been trying to get this listviewitem into my variable but it just wont work.

    Dim variA As String = item

    ^^ code that's having the problem

    submitted by /u/Lespoatoes
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    Learning LC3 in class, having issues getting started

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 10:21 PM PST

    Hi all! I'm taking an introductory course in computer systems and I'm having some issues getting LC3/pennsim to work like the guide our professor has provided for us.

    So far I have the simulator installed and can open the os through <<file -> open .obj file>> and opening <<lc3os.obj>> but that's as far as it goes.

    The guide says to type "as lc3os.asm" before we do this, but if I do this either before or after I load the obj file then I get an error message saying it can't read that file either way.

    I originally thought "maybe the guide is old and opening the os through the obj file automatically assembles the language now," but I don't think that's the case because I can't assemble any asm file whether or not I do it before I load the obj file.

    I'm really new to all this kinda stuff so I'm not sure if my post makes any sense, so if anyone needs clarification I'll do my best to provide, but any help would be appreciated!!

    Edit: just realized the tutorial flair is for posting tutorials, not asking for tutorials/help, my bad

    submitted by /u/wient
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    How to set up a coding environment on my computer?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 01:31 PM PST

    I've been teaching myself coding with a focus on WebDev for over half a year now, and I think it's going pretty well. I've learned a lot of interesting stuff and made some cool (I think) websites and web apps. I started with JavaScript, HTML, PHP and SQL for a website I built that involved a database. I then moved on to React to make interesting interactive things. The issue I have is that I think I've been going about building the websites kind of backwards. I found a free web hosting service with built in database support for my website, and I've been building the React apps on GitHub, hosting them as GitHub Pages. I mostly build my projects by going to the hosting site or github, clicking on New File, and starting to type. I make changes to the code in their file editor, then refresh my website to see if my changes worked. Apparently this is not the "correct" way to go about building a website, but I'm struggling to find any kind of guides that explain the industry standard methods for beginners. I recently figured out how to connect Visual Studio Code to my GitHub, but I still have to commit every change to see the results. I basically want to be able to write code in an editor on my computer, have all the files stored on my hard drive, and be able to run them to see how it all works, and then when it's all finished, I can upload it to a hosting service so other people can play with it.

    I did find the create-react-app program from React, which I installed via NPM. It "works" but I'm struggling to figure out how to change the default app it sets up without breaking the whole thing. I'd appreciate any advice, or if anyone can point me to some guides for this kind of thing (targeted towards beginners, I know javascript and html pretty well, but I only just learned what NPM is and today was the first time I ever heard the words Localhost). I also have a much more specific technical question about working with React in create-react-app, which I can elaborate on if anyone is interested.

    submitted by /u/CryHavok01
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    Is there an Odin equivalent for Python?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 04:15 PM PST

    With all those courses and books, I am feeling really lost, would like to have a path that can take me from beginner to productive/job ready

    submitted by /u/Manchesterista
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