• Breaking News

    Monday, March 22, 2021

    California Bans ‘Dark Patterns’ That Trick Users Into Giving Away Their Personal Data - Strengthening The State’s Landmark Digital Privacy Legislation web developers

    California Bans ‘Dark Patterns’ That Trick Users Into Giving Away Their Personal Data - Strengthening The State’s Landmark Digital Privacy Legislation web developers

    California Bans ‘Dark Patterns’ That Trick Users Into Giving Away Their Personal Data - Strengthening The State’s Landmark Digital Privacy Legislation

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 06:46 AM PDT

    Developing an e-commerce following the law.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 02:47 PM PDT

    IMAGINARY SITUATION: I'm self-employed and I developed an e-commerce which uses WordPress with its extension WooCommece. The e-commerce just sells a few tech products such as USB wires — in my view, that business isn't going to grow too much. And it just sells products in Spain.

    I become a bit obsessive in regards to the law. About the law in regards to data protection and privacy, I know that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Spanish Data Protection Agency (= Agencia Española de Protección de Datos. It's an agency) exist, but I don't really know how I could apply them. For example 1: I could store customers' data in some way which could be against the law. For explample 2: I could forget something important into the Cookies policy. So, I don't know whether there is some guideline or tool which could help me to cope with those problems.

    I'm going to join to a MOOC course: Understanding the GDPR too.

    I know people who have e-commerces and they don't worry too much about that — in my view, it's important because an e-commerce which doesn't follow the GDPR could be heavily fined.

    If you did a busniness like this one in your country, what would you do in terms of the law on your e-commerce? I don't really know whether I should follow other rules too.

    submitted by /u/LearnerGuyM
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    Fluid Typography with CSS Clamp() is My New Favorite Thing

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 11:07 AM PDT

    TIL you can use "color-scheme" to specify the UI theme in Chrome

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 08:02 AM PDT

    Best PNG Optimizer Other Than TinyPNG?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 08:20 AM PDT

    I'm looking to see if you guys know of any great options for PNG optimization.

    I often need to optimize large amounts of PNGs and JPGs on the fly, as small as I can get them without losing too much image quality.

    Up to this point I've been using the TinyPNG Photoshop plugin and website to optimize PNGs, and it's fantastic, but the plugin is super buggy and crashes frequently. I was also using their node.js library but it requires a license so I'm limited to how many I can optimize at a time. I'm wondering if there are better alternatives.

    I'm looking for options that are simple to use and free, but I might be willing to spend more effort and money if the results are worth it. So far I haven't been able to find anything better than TinyPNG.

    Let me know what you guys use.. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/cmaxim
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    "The Instagram for Articles", a place to share your favorite topics in category collections

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 01:21 PM PDT

    I'm stuck with webdesign, please help

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 04:38 AM PDT

    Hey! I don't know where to start this from...

    I'm a 40yo graphic designer for a printing business since 2004 and I've got experience in doing works and layouts for anything printed from personal cards, to posters... brochures... books.. etc. Now the printing industry is getting worse, corona hit, and my boss put me part-time. So, with some time available, now I'm trying to reinvent myself as a front-end web devoloper.

    I'm not starting completely from scratch. In the early ages of the internet (late 90's) as a kid I liked to build HTML websites, and later I learnt some of PHP and ASP... but then I abandoned the field just when CSS were being implemented. I also know a bit of C++ and python. So I'm not new to several programming concepts.

    Anyway, hoping to be able to catch up to webdesign starting at least with some basis, in the last months I've followed the Odinproject HTML&CSS course, I've followed tutorials about UI/UX fundamentals then decided to try and build a couple of static websites for friends. However, this is where I'm failing miserably.

    Firstly, coming from the printed paper industry, I find the dynamic space of webpages incredibly disorienting. In printed works you always deal with certain dimensions and then everything else follows. In designing webpages I don't know whether my landing page (speaking of desktop) is getting too long, too wide, too narrow... I'm trying to think what kind of look&feel I want to transmit to viewers but can't really wrap my mind around that. I guess as a consequence of this, I just seem to be unable to build anything that looks good. I have an understanding of fundamentals of layouts but I don't seem able to put them in practice. I don't really understand if it's the sizing that is wrong, the spacing, the kind of font... it just doesn't click. The best I can do is a nice hero section but other than that everything falls apart.

    I tried to get inspiration from dribbble and adapt ideas to my contents, but this process is extremely time consuming and at the end I don't end up with anything satisfying. I spend lots of hours trying to accomplish basic stuff, then I find that unsatisfying, end up reconsidering everything I did, or ask myself whether I should reorganize all my CSS classes and start from scratch, but that would cost me a lot of more time, and I always get the feeling I accomplished nothing useful and wasted precious hours.

    The non-WYSIWYG approach to build web graphic interfaces is not helping. I understand why it works like this, but to me it feels like having to manually code my PDFs to obtain a printed page and that's very frustrating. I've tried tools like Figma for mockups, and in a certain way those help, but then I reach a point where instead of saving time I'm just spending more time learning how to use another tool and adding another layer of complexity.

    I'm aware this is a kind of rant, but I'm realizing I'm stuck losing a lot of time and don't know what to do.

    I just feel like I am not able to design websites, that I am missing a lot of knowledge about UI/UX design and also about CSS best practices. Is there maybe any book or solid online course you would recommend given my situation?

    Thanks in advance and sorry for my english, obviously not my first language.

    submitted by /u/sblanzio
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    Prism Compiler: Server Components for Rust with no double data

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 02:15 PM PDT

    Check basic accessibility issues on Angular with Jasmine Axe

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    Am I being ripped off?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 12:24 PM PDT

    I was attempting to make my ecommerce store myself on Squarespace and I'm not well versed in making websites, plus making the product pages felt tedious and time consuming. So I hired someone to make the site for me because maybe a professional can do a better job. I'm paying this guy $3000 for the project. He wants me to send him all the content and pictures for the product pages, which is fine but every time he shows me a draft of the site, I'm extremely disappointed and not excited. He made me choose from a few templates for the site and now he's just building things off this ugly template that I basically need to direct him to change damn near everything about. It's not what I want at all, I thought paying someone for this project would allow me to tell them what I wanted and they would craft me something to my liking. I could be bugging, I don't know much about how this works but I didn't know he would just make it from a template. Is that normal? Am I not spending enough for a unique website? I totally understand if I'm not. The templates are all hideous, I've paid him $1500 so far and I just feel like he can't understand my vision and nothing he shows me is nice, at all. The draft looks like absolute garbage, the only nice thing on it is the logo he made for me, which was so difficult to get right because he didn't get the vibes I was going for at all, even after showing him multiple pictures and fonts and album covers, etc all showing the vibe I was going for.

    I wrote some notes for him for what I'd like to change about the layout and I started getting kind of angry while writing because I realized I hate everything about this template layout and it's just not cute at all. I basically need him to delete almost everything about it, which leaves me with whatever I was already doing with Squarespace. Now I'm wondering if I should continue working with him. Am I just dumb and don't know anything about how this works? Or am I sensing something real that's off? If this is how it's supposed to go then I'll just keep directing him but I've invested my last into making this website. If I need him to do draft after draft after draft because his shit sucks so bad every time, I won't be able to afford if he charges me for more drafts and I'll have paid 3k for this ugly garbage that I could've just done on Squarespace.

    submitted by /u/Capital-Seaweed-8217
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    Negotiation Rant

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 12:13 PM PDT

    Mods, please feel free to delete this if this doesn't belong here.

    There's a client I've had for over five years now, and during that time, I have not changed the price of our month-to-month contract. That hasn't really posed a problem because there isn't much to do under the terms of the contract, and I do supplementary billing for anything outside the bounds of the contract.

    But, a lot has changed with this client recently, and I've been trying to get a new contract in place to account for that. I didn't think it would be a problem as he actually brought it up first, but he's begun employing delay tactics on me that are really starting to piss me off. After I sent him the first proposal, we set a time to discuss it. But on the phone call, he played dumb and acted like he didn't even know what it was about. So, I sent it to him a second time, which was met with silence for over a week. Finally he said that we should discuss it the next day. I gave him a time, which was again met with silence until 30 minutes after that time passed, and he said that today was bad.

    That's now happened for a fourth time today. Normally, he's very easy to get a hold of, so I'm fairly confident he's engaging in nothing more than amateurish delaying tactics to try to end up with a better deal. Originally, I was willing to negotiate over the cost, but not anymore. I'm so annoyed at this point that I'm considering calling the entire contract off. I've tried nailing down exact times, and that hasn't worked. So now I've informed him that I'm not doing anything more than what's required under our current contract until we discuss the proposal.

    Has anyone else dealt with anything like this? If so, what happened?

    submitted by /u/sumpdiddlyump_
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    Best scalable web app tech stack to start out with

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 06:24 AM PDT

    So, we're a bunch of junior developers doing our first product (and creating a company around that, hopefully). Since we're juniors, we have many options for the end-to-end solutions - would have to learn a lot in any case.

    What would be the best full tech stack to create a web app MVP with minimal effort? It should still be scalable and something that could easily be grown into a real thing (not talking wordpress here :D). Usually, when there's a lot of "help" from the framework, performance suffers, but that's something we're currently willing to take.

    I was thinking of Node and React, but perhaps there are better options available?

    Any other recommendations?

    submitted by /u/__ER__
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    When unsubsribing someone from a mailing list, what is the best practice?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 12:31 PM PDT

    I manage an email list for a movie theatre company with several locations. The mailing lists are stored in a database.

    Up to now I have always just deleted the person's record from the database when they unsubscribed. However, I'm wondering if rather than deleting them I should just have an 'active' column which I set to false, or if I should move them to a new table for deleted subscribers.

    The reason this came up is because I periodically merge email addresses from a web ordering system with the mailing list. The last time I did this I realized I may be re-adding people who had previously unsubscribed. Therefore I feel like I need to maintain some record of someone unsubsribing.

    submitted by /u/movieguy95453
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    Reusing code within a monorepo.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 09:35 AM PDT

    So I have a big juicy monorepo structured like so:

    root/ ├── dashboard/ │ ├── package.json/ │ ├── server/ │ └── client/ ├── application1/ │ ├── package.json/ │ ├── server/ │ └── client/ ├── application2/ │ ├── package.json/ │ ├── server/ │ └── client/ └── application3/ ├── package.json/ ├── server/ └── client/ 

    Each of the application servers connect to the same MongoDB instance, and they all use models (from this package) to define the structure of data within the database. Each application has some unique collections in the db, but there are also some collections utilised by the all applications, such as a `user` collection.

    Right now I have copied the files of re-used models to each of the servers for each application. However, this is not optimal as I have to change 4 different files each time i want to update a model.

    I am looking for a solution to this issue. I have read about symlinks but this is not an option here as this system is being developed on both Unix and Windows systems.

    Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you in advance.

    Edit: I am also limited to using node v8 and npm as my package manager.

    submitted by /u/gapark
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    A common challenge I hear from young developers is with planning their algorithms. Introduction to "Psuedocode" to level up and conquer.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    I know this sounds super simple, but this topic is often overlooked or completely missing from many Web Dev lesson plans out there and I think it is a vital topic to learn and utilize daily. Especially so for inexperienced developers - but the secret is that even experienced devs use the technique daily. Myself included.

    The topic is "pseudocode" - or a plain language representation of the solution. The technique/process allows you to not worry about syntax or optimization or debugging or anything else that gets in the way of writing code, and simply get your thoughts and plans into the code editor. Then, once you have thought out and planned your solution with plain language, you replace it with actual code.

    Doing so separates out planning and implementation, allowing you to focus on each as a separate part of the process. It turns a really complicated task into reasonably bite sizes ones and serves as self documentation though the process so that you have to juggle less in your brain at one time. You just delete the psuedocode as you convert it to your actual code.

    Here are some sources on the topic to learn more. I am not affiliated with any of these links but they offer a decent overview as a whole.

    What is it and how to use it? : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwGA4Lm8zuE

    How to write pseudocode: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-write-a-pseudo-code/

    Examples of pseudocode: https://www.unf.edu/~broggio/cop2221/2221pseu.htm

    Planning with pseudocode (short video): https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming/programming/good-practices/pt/planning-with-pseudo-code

    Happy programming!

    submitted by /u/LeeLooTheWoofus
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    Introduction to sentiment analysis and why using an API is useful for such a use case

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 06:48 AM PDT

    Hey, I just finished writing a quick article about sentiment analysis and why it's interesting to use a dedicated API for that:


    Sentiment analysis is an interesting NLP feature that has made great progress lately thanks to frameworks like HuggingFace transformers. It's definitely possible to use it in production with a good accuracy.

    Hope you'll like it!

    submitted by /u/juliensalinas
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    is there a way to add node modules to a Cloudflare Worker?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 02:02 PM PDT

    as the title says, im trying to use node modules with a Cloudflare Worker. I have only played around with workers in the browser.

    submitted by /u/tom2kk
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    CMS Recommendation - Custom workout video subscription website

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 09:58 AM PDT

    We have a client that is looking to build a workout website where users buy a subscription and then they will be able to access video's in a training plan.

    Currently we are looking into some different wordpress plugins that would mange this which will probably do the trick.

    I personally really hate wordpress so I am wondering if anyone has an alternative cms or better option for subscription/paywall content.

    I have been looking at the new version of ghost but I think it might be too feature focused on being a blogging platform to work for our needs.

    Building a customized web app is out of the clients budget.

    Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/bloomt1990
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    Compat2021: Eliminating five top compatibility pain points on the web

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    Can you go to jail for making a website about health?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 05:01 PM PDT

    Yes I am a noob

    submitted by /u/Huge_Feeling_5074
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    Obtained image width and height from http fetch

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm using Lua 5.1 and using a http fetch to return the BODY and HEAD of an image page, not sure on the exact term, but such as this, https://i.imgur.com/um6ecS9.png

    Is there a way to obtain the image dimensions from either the body or head?


    submitted by /u/Xernol
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    I assumed HTML forms could send PUT requests, turns out they don't. Where do I go from here?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 04:47 PM PDT

    I'm currently building a website in C for fun, (I know im an idiot), but I've just run into a design issue. I wrote part of the backend to receive PUT requests for updating posts and comments and such, but as I said in the title, it turns out HTML forms only send either GET or POST (btw what the hell is up with that). So I could either change the endpoints that accept PUT requests so that they accept POST requests, or I could use fetch() in JS on the frontend to submit the form data as PUT requests. I just don't know which is preferable. Was I wrong to use PUT requests for updating existing posts and comments? Thanks

    submitted by /u/yopp_son
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    I'm just a cave man. Your SPA frameworks frighten and confuse me.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 04:38 PM PDT

    I can see how it would be possible to have a series of DIVs, and a router that maps the URL to a DIV and vice versa, but I cannot find a detailed explanation for fundamental design patterns like a menu where the options cause a full page to slide in and out (like the Twitter settings).

    I realize this is what frameworks are for, but I don't need help with session management or application architecure or bundling. I just want to manage all my app's settings in a single physical page where choosing an option causes a secondary page to slide in and out for that option to be managed.

    Should be a piece of cake, but i can't find anything that doesn't involve jquery or angular or react or that kind of stuff.

    Anybody know how to do this, in a nutshell?

    submitted by /u/GoldsteinEmmanuel
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    Wasn't sure of the best place for this... but pretty sure you guys can help.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 04:27 PM PDT

    So I only have some working knowledge of using free website builders and very limited coding skills.

    I recently created a new website for my business I started about 2 months ago, the site has only been live for a short time. I use a hosting site that offered Wordpress integration, all things good there.

    However, this site keeps being attacked by hackers trying to get in and I was emailed 3 times that a total of like 30 something IPs were locked out for attempting to get in. Luckily for me even I couldn't remember the asinine and insane password I created if you held a gun to my head. I went and changed it anyway and enabled 2-step verification which I should have done in the first place. They are all from Russia, Georgia, and China... of course... I can't understand why this is happening? It's only been live for like 8 days, only 2 people as of right now know the address, and there is no traffic. I understand only 2 of my people knowing doesn't mean anything... it's registered... It's my first self-hosted site, is this an issue they usually face? that is my first question.

    I guess the second is... I was looking up to see why, and trying to add code for advertisements or malware is the only reason that makes sense. What should I be looking for? That is if that is even answerable.

    I blocked the IPs not that it would really help, but Idk. Just wondering what the hell I should do, or if the crazy ass password, 2-step verification, and blocking the IPs are good enough.

    Edit: okay, just checked again. well over 100 attempts. also made it so that if they're locked out, they're locked out for a week.

    submitted by /u/WhatTheHellMAN8
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    How to change shape while keeping outline?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 03:33 PM PDT

    How to change shape while keeping outline?

    I have the following shape

    Change from this

    It is a square shape with an orange outline. I want it to change to a house shape like below

    To this

    I can do this by doing hiding the corners at the top however this will also hide the outline. I want to keep the outline. Is there a way I can do this?

    code: jsfiddle

    submitted by /u/zZurf
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